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About two months ago I sent one of my medium Sig P320 Compact grip modules over to Alex Pappadia at SG Armory to have him work it over with his Stage 1 grip package. This package included slightly reshaping and then stippling the frame to my specifications and a very nice undercut to the trigger guard to allow me to really mash it down into my hand the way that I prefer. All in all, I am extremely happy with the way this turned out. Alex did top-notch work. It feels great in the hand; far better than stock. There is definitely a difference between work done by a guy like Alex who knows what he's doing, and a neophyte with a wood burning tool. http://sgarmory.com/ https://www.facebook.com/thesgarmory/ https://www.instagram.com/sg_armory/3 points
Picked up this Smith and Wesson model 28-2 4" circa 1966 (but I'm telling myself it's '67 because that's what I need) last week. The Highway Patrolman:3 points
I don't see how that looks like a "gangsta". I dress nearly identical everyday with t-shirt, shorts and shoes. And dare I say the vast majority of the members here have also dressed in a t-shirt, shorts and shoes. How he is acting proves he is a thug but how he was dressed just proves he can get dressed in the morning. Just because someone sags their pants or dressed differently than you doesn't mean they are a thug, gangsta or miscreant. It is what is being worn by those they want to emulate or because everyone within their peer group is wearing the same. That is no different that any one of us wearing "tactical" clothing because it is what is in style within our group of peers or because someone we respect also wears the same. Everyone would flip their lid if wearing a holstered gun was suddenly treated the same as wearing sagging pants. I mean there are places in this country where the wearing of sagging pants means you are going to get randomly patted down or searced by LE. Imagine if LE started doing the same to ANYONE with a holstered gun, we all would be shouting from the rooftops about how our rights are being violated but it is perfectly fine to limit someone else's right as long they look or dress differently. And make no mistake, being able to wear what you want is a first amendment issue. The officer lied to dispatch when he said he thought they were involved in a robbery. The officer didn't even believe his own words and you can see this by how he nonchalantly walked up to the car. Perhaps this is the MO for that officer or the officers in that department, link a person to a suspected "violent" crime so that the actions of the officer are justified. If I were on the jury I would have NEVER voted to acquit him based solely on the fact he started the interaction with a lie.3 points
The short answer, and the main reason, is the weight to benefit analysis. A military Barret loaded out for use is almost 35lbs, and we found that it had the same or worse first round hit probability on a humanoid sized target at 1200m then a similarly loaded out MK13 (.300winmag) weighing 14.5lbs. This was using the relevant military available match ammo for each. While the two calibers would be an apples to oranges comparison in regards to hard target interdiction, the terminal effects achieved at that range and closer were effectively the same, and for a 20lbs weight saving (before even factoring in the spare ammunition carried). While 20 extra pounds might not seem like much carrying it from one's vehicle to the firing line at the range, it adds up a whole lot carrying one dismounted for miles over mountainous terrain. For a more apples to apples comparison, the MK15 (tac50 which the Canadian used) fully loaded out is almost 8lbs lighter than the Barret, and a hell of a lot more accurate with every type of ammo tested, to include API which is great for hardened targets. With the 750grn Hornady A-Max and some of the 750grn CNC turned projectiles (many of which won't cycle correctly in the magazine fed Barret) the MK15 is truely a tack driver......big fricken tacks.3 points
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This post is likely to make me have to move this to the Swamp. We'll see if people can separate their rhetoric from their tribe. A note upfront: This post is likely to be unpopular (and doesn't necessarily fully capture my personal views) but that's okay - I'm okay expanding the borders of our thought and conversations. So, I'll preface this post with two thoughts: Quoting Chekhov to start, "If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there." A person I respect a lot told me early in my career that "the evidence has to tell the story." Notice that's different than the evidence supporting your story - the evidence should tell the story clearly...by itself. Our evidence is starting to tell a pretty compelling story... I posted earlier in this thread about Sir Robert Peel publishing 9 rules for modern policing in 1829. At their core, they describe a group put forward by the citizens they serve that "polices by consent" rather than "polices be force." This is largely the reason that 90%+ of British police officers don't carry guns. Weapons or people with weapons are normally close by (the recent attacker at parliament was subdued quickly) but the average officer doesn't carry one as a part of their normal day-to-day duties. So here's some evidence to consider: In 2016, the British police fired 7 bullets (killing 5 people). Compare that to 1,092 killed in the United States during the same period. In the last 10 year, the British have had 3 officers killed with firearms. Two, Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone were murdered in cold blood by Dale Cregan who also employed a grenade. The third, Ian Dibell was killed off duty while pursuing an armed suspect. Three officers in 10 years. Two ambushed and one killed off-duty (where a gun may have helped.) What do we do with this? How does this evidence match up to the story we train on "that every stop is potentially your last?" For the sake of discussion, what if we took a time out? What if our officers had access to weapons, or access to highly trained officers with weapons, but didn't carry them in their interactions with the public(that they serve) on a daily basis? What if we took the weapons out of the revenue generation engines' hands? What if we de-escalated the "warrior officer" that uses "opposition force" language? Certainly some of you will say, "good luck finding officers to serve..." Maybe that's the case. But, I would be willing to bet within 10 years we have some cities in the US voluntarily disarm in the vast majority of their patrols and interactions. Additionally, I'd be willing to bet that not only do they have fewer police shootings, but you also have a lot better officer safety statistics. We've got a problem that is only going to escalate. These shootings are seeing more light - and I'd argue that it's a good thing. What got us here isn't going to get us where we need to go as a nation. Just a thought exercise...2 points
Well, as many of y'all may have seen, a verdict was handed down the other day in this case. I did my best to stay away from the politics of it last time, but I want to state for the record that I am extremely upset at the outcome of this trial. I believe it to be yet another reminder that we have a legal system instead of a justice system. Philando Castille did not receive any justice in this matter, posthumous or otherwise. That said, that's not the reason I am reviving this thread. I want to post Colion Noir's open letter on the subject. My hope is that as a name many of y'all are familiar with, and hopefully whose work and voice y'all value, his words may find some resonance where others may find resistance because of who they are2 points
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There is (or used to be a shop) left of town towards War Trace. Can't say I know much of the reputation of it but had several friends take cars there when I was in school there. Go to the gas station and hang a left, I think the driveway to it is less than a couple hundred yards down on the left.1 point
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Yup, exactly that. Punks come in all manner of dress, it's the actions that make them punks. Sorry, but Michael Brown caused this by attacking the officer, no more no less.1 point
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I only own two pretty guns and they're both 1911s. Everything else gets used pretty hard around here.1 point
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I know that stippling is so useful on a practical level. Better grip, especially in wet or muddy conditions, all equating a safer handling and more efficient shooting...but the aesthetic of it is something I've always been very cold on. I will admit that it's done better than most I've seen in your pics, David...so probably the person you had do the work is responsible for that difference. The 320 is a nice looking gun all around and that does help as well perhaps. Though I think the best features I see are those small rub spots on edges showing that this isn't just a range toy and you're doing some for real training with this gun.1 point
Probably my last AK acquirement for a while. These are both GP 10/63 Wasrs. Built with Military parts with the exception of the receiver. I consider these to be the best quality WASRs ever brought in. I got one of these at a shop I used to frequent in a neighboring state. It had a flare launcher and a slide fire stock and "tacticool" optics and rails. I made them an offer for the gun minus the flare launcher and slide fire stock.(You don't need one to bump fire an AK) One pic shows it as I saw it the first time. It is the one on the right in the dark hardwood stock. The other pickup was sort of accidental. I went to a local shop yesterday and they had a used WASR on the wall. I looked and lo and behold it was GP 10/63. I looked at the trunnion date and it was 1966- my birth year. So I brought it home. I put some SAR- forewood on it with palm swells. I just poly'd the stock so the sheen would sort of match the fore end. I've got two AK 74 style brakes coming Monday to finish them out. Very pleased with these two. They work like they are supposed to as well.1 point
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Thanks Leroy. Canoe-worthy? How fast is the current? I may put in up-stream, but I'm too dang old to paddle upstream very far or very strong, LOL! - K1 point
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The hypocrisy is strong here. This is from yesterday. National reciprocity legislation has been sitting in Congress since January 3, 2017, and we have heard of a growing roster of co-sponsors but little else. Then suddenly, following the June 14 attack in Alexandria, numerous Republican Congressional members were consumed with national reciprocity. But the problem is that many House members now focused on national reciprocity are consumed with special carry privileges for Congress; carry privileges the common man will never enjoy. For example, Breitbart News reported that Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) put forward post-Alexandria legislation that will give congressmen “the ability to attempt to qualify for a concealed carry permit – either through their home state or a training program created by the United States Capitol Police (USCP).” And for those who acquire a permit, the bill will: To be clear, Babin also supports the national reciprocity legislation introduced in Congress on January 3. But that reciprocity bill has not been passed and, even when it does, it will not give the common man the carry privileges Babin wants to secure for the ruling class. The chasm between the common man and the ruling class was well illustrated by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), during a June 21 interview on Breitbart News Daily. Like Babin, Brooks supports two separate approaches to national reciprocity, one for the common man and one for the ruling class. After assuring listeners that he supports reciprocity legislation for average Americans, Brooks said that people have “to recognize that congressmen are different from the regular citizens of the United States.” He described the difference: Missing from Brooks’ illustration is the fact that “regular citizens” face terror threats as well; such threats are not specific to the ruling class. For example, 49 “regular citizens” were killed in the June 12, 2016, Orlando terrorist attack and 14 “regular citizens” were killed in the December 2, 2015, San Bernardino terrorist attack. Ought not these attacks–and others than could be listed–justify calls to give “regular citizens” the same carry privileges being sought by Babin, Brooks, and the rest of the ruling class? http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/06/23/national-reciprocity-america-first-must-replace-congress-first/1 point
They did as well at the Fantasy of Trees, security thanked me when they saw me turn around (without a fuss) and then return for entry.1 point
Maybe the grandfather removed the axe head from the handles when not in use. Somewhere some guy thought, "what is this"when he found the bolt, then said "must be junk" and tossed it.1 point
I did. I brought up rights. The post of yours that I quoted, quoted a post of mine. That post and the link contained therein were almost entirely centered around the subject of 2A rights and whether or not we as a nation really believe they apply to everyone, and specifically black folks. I made the assumption you were addressing the contents of that post when you quoted it. As as far as your explanation of style origination, I've heard at least a dozen different explanations for the genesis of that particular portion of urban styling (which is actually fading in popularity pretty quickly). All are irrelevant as it doesn't really matter where it originated, what is pertinent is that it is/was a widely popular style throughout the population. The position you are putting forth is that anyone who dresses in the popular styles of black youth culture is assumed to be of a criminal element. You are actually making the exact case that I am here, and those who are at the forefront of the BLM movement are attempting to make to society at large. Black folks, and black men especially, are viewed as inherently dangerous and criminal by white society. Because of that fact, they are killed at a disproportionate rate by law enforcement. That fact cannot be allowed to stand. It must be changed. Thank you for your assistance, even if it was inadvertent as I suspect it was.1 point
Who said ANYTHING about their rights? News flash: damn near everyone assesses situations by visual means first and foremost. It's called situational awareness, and only idiots don't use it. But to answer your question, the wearing of excessively baggy clothes originated from criminal activity as in the clothes could be quickly shed after the crime was committed to alter those items that could identify you as the criminal. It's also handy in preventing printing. The wearing of specific colors identifies you as a particular gang member. Also, I think you should give up your attempt to be a telepathist. You're not very good at it.1 point
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You probably got the sciences in the order they should be taught - physics, chemistry, biology. I got them the other way around - biology, chemistry, physics. My physics teacher's name was "coach." For the love of me, I can't remember his actual name. Needless to say, freshman year calculus-based physics in engineering school was a steep learning curve.1 point
Pistol buffer kit, flash hider, charging handle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I thought it might be a good problem for someone so inclined to work out. I'm not that guy.1 point
Ohh.. a physics problem! Fun fact: Did you know there are only 11 people certified in the state of Tennessee to teach physics at the high school level? Maybe the Canadians are better at math? That's a hard take on the classic 'two trains leave the station at the same time' problem. That bullet is moving way faster than the speed of sound out of the barrel and likely gets enough of a head start that the sound doesn't catch up - but kudos to anyone who shows their work... Second fun fact: If you can solve that problem and pass the Praxis, you're a unicorn and can go to any school you want to teach in. And, you'll likely have no problem coming up with interesting problems for your final exam.1 point
They'd help their case by not dressing like thugs. I'm not saying that they all do, but a whole hell of a lot of them do. And I feel the same way about whites dressing like Gang'stas,1 point
I guess I live in too rural an area to see that kind of setup. Or maybe it is because i never go to Starbucks.1 point
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There are ways that these folks can arm themselves... As others have opined... We dont need "polititian elitism" in toting weapons wherever they want... If we are a "Nation of Laws" (...which, by the way, i think we can quibble about...), they need to get their carry permit just like the citizens in their home districts get theirs... No more, no less... Period... "Fair dealin" leroy1 point
In all seriousness, I have thought of it, but I have little fingers around. I also thought of things like these Tactical Walls items, but budget and spouse agreement are issues there. They make a ton of options including an "Issue Box" that Is a tissue box with a false bottom for a pistol.1 point
I can't wrap my head around that. How would too much oil make it difficult to rack the slide unless the slide is coated in the stuff and you simply can't grab on to it?1 point
Why only have 1?? Either way.. If you HAVE to only have 1, the Glock 19 hands down. That being said, my Glock 17 is the first gun I bought myself, I still own it, Ive put 10K+ downrange, and its currently on my bedside, and I trust my family's life to it. I shoot it better than all my other pistols including my 19... Many pistols come and go, my 17 will never leave1 point
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