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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Ohh.. a physics problem! Fun fact: Did you know there are only 11 people certified in the state of Tennessee to teach physics at the high school level? Maybe the Canadians are better at math? That's a hard take on the classic 'two trains leave the station at the same time' problem. That bullet is moving way faster than the speed of sound out of the barrel and likely gets enough of a head start that the sound doesn't catch up - but kudos to anyone who shows their work... Second fun fact: If you can solve that problem and pass the Praxis, you're a unicorn and can go to any school you want to teach in. And, you'll likely have no problem coming up with interesting problems for your final exam.
    6 points
  2. http://www.broken.press/froliberty/politics/this-is-me/ This is another excellent article from a woman who is a southern neighbor of ours (Mississippi). This case and the others like have been, and will always be about race until we as a society stop viewing Philandos and Tamirs as inherently more of a threat than Steve and Dave. I will admit that this case and its verdict have weighed particularly heavy on my heart. I spent a lot of years working retail in the predominantly black neighborhoods is Memphis I always encouraged the young men and women I worked with to get their permits and to carry in accordance with the law. Like many of us here I looked at the permit as a "good guy checkbox" and it may be, for me. Not necessarily for them. Instead of helping them better protect themselves and their families did I really just put them even more in the sights of police than they already were? The murder (I refuse to call it anything else, jury verdict be damned) of Philando Castile reminds me that I play under a different set of rules then they do. It isn't my fault, I have no guilt over that fact, but it is my responsibility to be cognizant of those facts. If we believe that the rights recognized by the 2A truly are for everyone, we must ensure that everyone gets to exercise them without fear that the agents of the state will murder them with impunity for doing so.
    5 points
  3. I've held for years that Starbuck's should have two lines - one for fruity drinks and one for people who just need a cup of coffee to get to work without killing someone...
    3 points
  4. "Sources say a member of Joint Task Force 2 killed an Islamic State insurgent with a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle while firing from a high-rise during an operation that took place within the last month in Iraq. It took under 10 seconds to hit the target." I wonder which would have got there first. The bullet or the faint echo of "sorry"
    3 points
  5. This post is likely to make me have to move this to the Swamp. We'll see if people can separate their rhetoric from their tribe. A note upfront: This post is likely to be unpopular (and doesn't necessarily fully capture my personal views) but that's okay - I'm okay expanding the borders of our thought and conversations. So, I'll preface this post with two thoughts: Quoting Chekhov to start, "If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there." A person I respect a lot told me early in my career that "the evidence has to tell the story." Notice that's different than the evidence supporting your story - the evidence should tell the story clearly...by itself. Our evidence is starting to tell a pretty compelling story... I posted earlier in this thread about Sir Robert Peel publishing 9 rules for modern policing in 1829. At their core, they describe a group put forward by the citizens they serve that "polices by consent" rather than "polices be force." This is largely the reason that 90%+ of British police officers don't carry guns. Weapons or people with weapons are normally close by (the recent attacker at parliament was subdued quickly) but the average officer doesn't carry one as a part of their normal day-to-day duties. So here's some evidence to consider: In 2016, the British police fired 7 bullets (killing 5 people). Compare that to 1,092 killed in the United States during the same period. In the last 10 year, the British have had 3 officers killed with firearms. Two, Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone were murdered in cold blood by Dale Cregan who also employed a grenade. The third, Ian Dibell was killed off duty while pursuing an armed suspect. Three officers in 10 years. Two ambushed and one killed off-duty (where a gun may have helped.) What do we do with this? How does this evidence match up to the story we train on "that every stop is potentially your last?" For the sake of discussion, what if we took a time out? What if our officers had access to weapons, or access to highly trained officers with weapons, but didn't carry them in their interactions with the public(that they serve) on a daily basis? What if we took the weapons out of the revenue generation engines' hands? What if we de-escalated the "warrior officer" that uses "opposition force" language? Certainly some of you will say, "good luck finding officers to serve..." Maybe that's the case. But, I would be willing to bet within 10 years we have some cities in the US voluntarily disarm in the vast majority of their patrols and interactions. Additionally, I'd be willing to bet that not only do they have fewer police shootings, but you also have a lot better officer safety statistics. We've got a problem that is only going to escalate. These shootings are seeing more light - and I'd argue that it's a good thing. What got us here isn't going to get us where we need to go as a nation. Just a thought exercise...
    2 points
  6. Are you sure? Standard .50 BMG is subsonic before it goes 2000 yards so that "Sorry" could have gotten there first, eh?
    2 points
  7. You can't fix stupid, and there's a whole lot of stupid there.
    2 points
  8. Even my Taco Bell now asks for a name. My answer everywhere...Joe... They never even wonder why that name is totally different than my credit card. lol Once in a blue moon, I swap it up with a name I know they will have no idea how to spell and then give them the most convoluted spelling while keeping a straight face. Kinda jerkish I know, but harmless fun. Gotta spice up the day somehow.
    2 points
  9. What the rider did was dumb, very dumb, but he didn't cause the crash. The driver of the car swerved their vehicle at the rider and that is what was the event that initiated the wreck.
    2 points
  10. Because they hit their target from over two miles away.
    2 points
  11. The entire case is about a black victim and a blue perp. That's the point I'm making. The officer's civilian race is unimportant, he was blue when he murdered Castile.
    2 points
  12. Korengal is now on Netflix. Watch Restrepo first, its the same platoon but more of a documentary of how the war was being fought. Korengal is very different, it has a focus on the personal experience of war. 173rdABN was a 19 year old Paratrooper humping a M249 up and down those mountains in the Korengal Valley. That might help you understand the name of his business..., DTV Tactical. DTV - - - DAMN THE VALLEY
    2 points
  13. We didn’t mess with the Military Police because we knew we wouldn’t be answering to them; we would be answering to our XO or Captain. That usually doesn’t end well.
    2 points
  14. At the Starbucks located inside of the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia, customer names cannot be called out or written on cups due to security concerns. How about they just go back to using Folgers and skip the nonsense. I mean do the Starbucks workers have to pass background clearance checks?
    1 point
  15. But then you woukd have to drink that crap they call black coffee
    1 point
  16. You probably got the sciences in the order they should be taught - physics, chemistry, biology. I got them the other way around - biology, chemistry, physics. My physics teacher's name was "coach." For the love of me, I can't remember his actual name. Needless to say, freshman year calculus-based physics in engineering school was a steep learning curve.
    1 point
  17. I would prefer my CIA agents drinking straight black coffee rather than those over-priced coffee-flavored beverages Starbucks peddles.
    1 point
  18. Yea ,I will have to say mine were all a lot newer but when I was a kid I sure bagged a bunch of game with the field grade Model 12. Many of the same type birds she is holding. Had a lot of Pheasants where I grew up along with Rabbits, Doves ,Squirrels, Ducks, Geese and in some places Quail but had to drive to where they were down in southern Illinois. I pretty much keep all kinds of meat in the freezer at the house during the hunting seasons and that Model 12 was a meat getter for sure..............JMHO
    1 point
  19. More specifically an 18 groove forearm 32"barrel. Probably a mid to late 1920's vintage model
    1 point
  20. So, rights are only rights if you approve of one's manner of dress or speech then, eh? Got it. By the way, could you break down what a "thug" looks like? Is it the clothes in the style popular in urban areas? Is it the hair? What exactly constitutes a "thug" or a "gang'sta"? I ask this because in the modern parlance, to the people who have it thrown in their direction, "thug" is a six letter word.
    1 point
  21. There are a lot of great posts in this thread from members I respect and often agree with. There are also a lot of assumptions being made. I don't see how this video is as damning people are saying. It doesn't show us anything from inside the vehicle. None of us know what happened, only what we THINK happened. Did the cop screw up? Probably. Should Philando have stuck his hands out the window to be safe? Probably. Do cops sometimes get away with things they shouldn't? Absolutely. Keep in mind they also get accused of things they didn't do. That's why I like body cams. Hell, I've been accused, and eventually fired over something I didn't do. It sucks. Sometimes the only ones that know the truth are the people involved. There are just too many unknowns including what the jury heard and saw. If there is an afterlife, this officer will have to settle his debts. Not that it's any consolation to the family of the victim.
    1 point
  22. My point was simply this. I've rode a lot of miles on large bikes like cruisers and a couple of Goldwings I've owned. A huge number of people out riding today would not have rode away like this guy did, upright on his MC. They would have ridden away in the back of an ambulance after crashing into the wall. I've seen people crash a cruiser like that trying to stop at a convenience store. I do agree it was 2 idiots.
    1 point
  23. that would be a Winchester Model 12
    1 point
  24. Odd, all I see is 2 complete idiots destroying a bystander's truck and sending him to the hospital in the process.
    1 point
  25. Dude's a good rider though....I'll give him that. In about 5 seconds we see an awesome recovery from hitting the wall, an E-stop (or close to it), evasion action around an object in the road, then another E-stop(or close to it) while performing evasive action around a bouncing truck. It ain't his first ride!
    1 point
  26. Nope. It is either do this or actually do what I am supposed to be doing. lol
    1 point
  27. Maybe it is a CIA only shop, so they check credentials.
    1 point
  28. I knew I should have kept my big mouth shut. LOL I guess if they do the job. I just thought something better must have been designed since then.
    1 point
  29. That's the first NRA Wall of Guns!
    1 point
  30. I'll just make note that when things need done in real life, the Barret is left on the range toy list. In seriousness...when I was in Afghanistan in 2002, my platoon did a lot of work with the Canadian battalion that was deployed with us, even being tasked under them for bits at a time. We were blown away by the skillset and capabilities of 3PPCLI as the unit was known. The recce platoon in particular, where a few of the guys on the top 5 list came from stood out as being packed with studs across the formation. To hear this record shot was made by a Canadian Soldier is no shock, but I'm still awed by the ability.
    1 point
  31. Naw, the Marine Corps was the same way in the 80's - at least where I was. Marines weren't white, black, or brown; they were all just shades of green.
    1 point
  32. My Dad said whes he was a kid an walking hoome on the side of the highway people would sometimes throw a bottle or can at him from cars....... unless he had been hunting and had a shotgun on his shoulder..... I would have noted the car info and probably made them make a run for it. At least scare the crap out of them
    1 point
  33. Everyone needs more than ONE M&P though.
    1 point
  34. And for the record, I'm not embarassed because I helped a charity while getting an awesome deal on what appear to be great glasses. I'm embarassed because I'll be wearing red white and blue glasses at the next match. ;-) Is anybody else on this here internet thing, or do only old guys with 1911s talk smack before a match?
    1 point
  35. I don't care what country he's from. That's one Hell of a shot! But, I'm really glad he's on our side.
    1 point
  36. These are some of my scores from my travels this week. I always pick up extras in case anyone would like to purchase.
    1 point
  37. This may be comparing apples to oranges, but I spent my time in the military and Gulf War as an MP. Like our civilian counterparts, many soldiers hated our guts. On a daily basis we interacted with guys who could thrash us in the blink of an eye. There are exceptions to every rule, but I believe that our civilian counterparts could stand to learn better interpersonal and communication skills, and require frequent refreshers on the escalation of force. As an MP, knowing that almost everyone that you interact with on a daily basis is as well or better trained to kill forces you to attempt to de-escalate every intervention. Daily I see videos where cops escalate a situation because someone bruises their ego. That being said, whether we like it or not, I feel that it's always best to be in total compliance with the officer even if you feel he is wrong. Fight your battle in the courtroom, not the roadside.
    1 point
  38. To the perp at least, bystanders could be a different story. Smh
    1 point
  39. The run and hide thing is not for everybody. Some can't run nor hide. I really think every sheriff should be like this guy. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/06/09/sheriff-be-armed-be-mentally-prepared-make-terrorists-defend-their-lives-for-a-change/
    1 point
  40. As an update... For as long as I can remember I have opted to run the Small sized palm-swell on the M&P 9mm and .40SW as they allowed me to more easily manipulate the mag release without breaking my grip. I have also found it challenging to refrain from pulling my shots to the left (not low-left, just left) unless I paid careful attention to where my finger went on the trigger. This past weekend I made an assessment and then made a change. The assessment being: Statistics show that the vast majority of shootings involving LEO or Civilians do not involve magazine changes. The M&P 9mm carries 17+1 rounds. It is more important for immediate proper trigger-finger placement than it is to keep my grip perfect during a mag change. The Medium size palm-swell perfectly positions my trigger-finger every time. After swapping to the larger Medium palm-swell, my shots were 100% where I wanted them, every single time, immediately from a draw. Additionally, I am able to get more purchase on the grip with my support hand, aiding in what is already an incredibly flat shooting 9mm. This may seem like a trivial thing or an obvious foregone conclusion, but consider also that I have been shooting for over 30 years now, have been carrying a handgun for over 15 years, have attended numerous classes, attend the range at least twice a month (frequently more) and have used the M&P platform since it was released in the mid 2000's. NONE of this is new or even a revelation to me, but it demonstrates how we can become so myopic in our own thinking that we might disregard an obvious solution to an elementary challenge with our equipment. Lesson Learned: Be brave enough to experiment on the range where your life doesn't depend on it. You might discover something surprisingly simple yet extremely effective.
    1 point
  41. Back on December 7th 1941 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor when the Japanese fleet turned and headed back to Japan the question was put to the Japanese Admiral Of we have an advantage so why are we not attacking the American Home Land. The Admiral turned and looked at the man asking the question and he replied , " Because we will be defeated because behind every blade of Grass is an American with a gun." That Japanese Admiral knew of the willingness of the American people to fight for the land they loved. He followed that stament up with another which was, "I fear that all we have done is awakened a Sleeping Giant and nothing more." I often wonder after looking at America and the politics of today just how many Americans still have that burning deep down feeling to fight for America as we once did. I wonder what would happen if an all out war between the Islamic Terrorists already in America broke out just how many of our young people would actually take up a (sword) weapon and actually fight for America. Many seem ready and willing to fight amongs ourselves over political issues and actually attack other Americans but would they be willing to fight for America? Have our children been to brain washed with Policitical Correctness to fight for America? I think these questions stand unanswered and probaly will till something big happens. Back On 9/11/2001 I did see a country come together and be united as 1 and I was proud. Shortly after the attack on the World Trade Centers The Muslims actually tried to build a Mosque on the site of the worse attack on American Soil but the American people stood up and it was defeated. Would the American people still do that today? Or has polictical Correctness made most of them back down? JMHO's
    1 point
  42. So true, all the whiskies taste the same to my wife...bad. But a big bottle of vodka, some Sprite Zero, and a lime, and she is good to go. (She does appreciate good craft beers, though)
    1 point
  43. I would suggest that the difference in taste you are experiencing in the Glencairn is most likely the concentration of aroma from out of the glass. I will only use a rocks glass anymore for mixed drinks or something I know I will have on the rocks, otherwise I'm exclusively using the Glencairn glass because I love the smells I find now almost as much as the taste.
    1 point
  44. I can’t really comment on the shooting you posted about because once again we only have one side of the story. However as I former cop I can respond on how to not to get killed on a traffic stop. Good points have already been made by others. I will tell the Officer I have a carry permit, and I am armed. I will ask how he wants to proceed. I will listen to him, follow his instructions and we will both go home alive. I fully understand that Tennessee law does not require you to inform a Police Officer you are armed. I also fully understand a Police Officer doesn’t need to have the gun pointed at him in a threatening manner before he shoots you to death. Him thinking you are going for it can get you killed. Video or not; you are dead. Communication as in most things is the key. Cops are killed every day in this country. Many are on so called “routine” traffic stops (there is no such thing) and “family fights”. Seeing your co-workers shot does something to you; I know that because I have through it. I have stood in the ER with two Officers and a perp shot and had crying nurses apologize to me because they had to try (and did) to save the scum bag that shot the Officers. It was a house the two Officers had been to any times. Only this time the guy opened fire. I decided that would never happen to me. Not on a domestic violence call and not on traffic stop. Pay attention, don’t do anything stupid, if you feel the need to display a gun for some reason or are going to reach in the area where a gun is; make sure the cop knows and agrees with what you are doing.
    1 point
  45. I'm hopeful that our country will come out the back end of this with stronger protections for individuals. While it's causing a lot of pain right now, it's also shining a bright light on problems in a lot of cases. I could probably say a lot about this, but I'll just say I'm sympathetic. You'll hear a lot of people push back, but as a general rule they're not black and dead because they had a broken taillight or were selling loose cigarettes.
    1 point
  46. So I've got 3 new ones I've tried. First up is the Ridgemont Reserve 1792. This one is another of the Sazerac owned companies and the nose and taste definitely have a big rye influence. Reminds me somewhat of the Jefferson Reserve.
    1 point
  47. I cracked open a bottle of W.L. Weller Special Reserve tonight. Great sippin' bourbon for under $30.
    1 point
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