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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2017 in all areas

  1. I haven't done one of these in a while so I've decided to show off some recent pieces.
    7 points
  2. Where any lawnmowers running when it happened? Whatever it is it looks like it's been on the ground a while and maybe was kicked up by a mower.
    6 points
  3. I received my last pre-41F tax stamp back yesterday afternoon. For those of you wondering, I received my tax stamp back 355 days after my can went pending.
    3 points
  4. Well.....just when I think I've got all the guns, ammo, scopes, slings, etc......I need.
    3 points
  5. This is my ODT Original Dog Tag Flipper, custom built for me by my friend Dave Curtiss, I love the little guy and when wearing 501 jeans or any jeans with a small watch pocket, this little guy has a home. I was fortunate enough to go to Blade show this year and while visiting Dave Curtiss at his booth, a gentleman Brian Lucas was handing Dave a bag of these Kydex things that he built. They are Kydex holsters that he built especially for the ODT flipper I just rode several miles on my Harley with the little guy clipped onto my front belt loop of my pants, it is secured in there so well I never worry about it I love this knife and carrying it this way frees up my pocket for one of its big brothers so I always have 2 knifes on me
    2 points
  6. I think it's from one of Kim Jung's rocket test......
    2 points
  7. Couple of issues with your scholarly research. First, both federalist papers 29 and 46 were written before the Bill of Rights was written. Federalist 29 being published on Jan 9th 1788, and 46 being published on Jan 29th of the same year. The Bill of Rights was published on Sept 25th, 1789, 18+ months later. Second, the Bill of Rights, which includes the 2nd Amendment, was written in direct response to concerns expressed by the Anti-Federalists, I'd encourage you to read Brutus No X written as a response by the Anti-Federalists to Federallist No 29. - http://www.constitution.org/afp/brutus10.htm Third, I'd also read Federalist No 84, in which Hamilton worries that future generations will do exactly what you're doing with the Bill of Rights, which is to say you see some power to regulate when no power exists at all. Fourth, I'd also look to the often forgotten 10th Amendment, which states: The 2nd Amendment is a right of 'the people' and therefore neither the States, nor the Federal government should be able to infringe upon the right in any way shape or form.
    2 points
  8. One of the area gun shops probably has a local number for the office. I would ask one them.
    2 points
  9. Why would they want to do that, if the Hearing Protection Act and Constitutional Carry were to become the law, what would they use to fund raise off of?
    2 points
  10. I have been working with Southern Grind creating a Bad Monkey with my logo on the handle,I have 2 Prototypes at home awaiting me, one will be a Desert Tan G10 handle with a drop point satin blade, The other knife is a modified Tanto satin blade with Olive Drab G10 scales these knives will come with my best mirror polished edge the price will be $250.00 Shipped Priority Mail for satin Drop point Blade, $260.00 Black Drop Point $260.00 Satin Modified Tanto and $265.00 Black Modifoed Tanto the addition cost are for the Black Blades and extra sharpening required for the Modified Tanto Olive Drab and Desert Tan are the two colors that the logo pops best on, they will be offered with any blade that can be ordered with the Bad Monkey, I will be selling these on my social media pages as well as here so if you would like one, let me know
    1 point
  11. So being the self sufficient (cheap) SOB I am, I have an older Ruger carbine rifle I picked up. I cast and reload for my Ruger SBH, however I load it on the lite side. The lite loads wont cycle the action and I have read that unjacked lead will foul the gas action on the rifle. So I swagged me some jacked bullets. Took some 40 S&W brass, annealed it so it is soft, stuffed in a 180 gr lead I cast for my pistols, mashed it into a 280 sizing die, put on a cannelure, and loaded up some hot rounds. They cycle the rifle great, no sign of over pressure and hit where I aim. Shot a few from my pistol at night, nice fire ball. LOL The bullets came out at 255 gr and just over .430, I did run them through a .430 size die.
    1 point
  12. Long story short, I've run into a small issue with one of my guns. I contacted the BATFE Technology Division in DC, and they instructed me to get with my local Branch to resolve the issue. My problem is, when I call the number provided for the local Brentwood branch, I get immediately redirected to DC again. I've emailed, and faxed them to no avail. My only other option is to just show up, but I don't want to do so without some kind of appointment. I obviously can't make said appointment if I can't get in touch with anyone. Have any of you ever had to contact the local branch for any reason? Any kind of info will help tremendously. Thanks guys
    1 point
  13. I like your logo also!! Great looking knives they are!!!!!!
    1 point
  14. I was reading through Matthew just last week, mentions something about not knowing when the master will return...
    1 point
  15. The Good Book says you are not guaranteed your next breath and I am thankful for every one of mine..............
    1 point
  16. Double shoulder holster. You know you want to.
    1 point
  17. It's been discussed here before, there's too many of these shops popping up that implement about the same level of security measures as other stores in strip malls that sell fidget spinners.
    1 point
  18. As mentioned you are GTG. Louisiana has long held your vehicle as an extension of your home (Napoleonic law influence), many years before they became a Shall Issue State or offered reciprocity. As someone who has hand a handgun stolen out of his vehicle (while at work there back in 1995) I would strongly recommend a secure lock box, and in your trunk, if possible. And of course secure it while away from prying eyes. There are miscreants that make a living stealing out of folks hotel rooms and vehicles and video surveillance is of little to no deterrent. It's a great City and there's lots of good folks. But it is a "city"... Have an enjoyable trip and sample some of the great eats while in N.O. edited: sorry, you did mention a truck...but the lock box recommendation still holds. I still have one in my truck because of working there... just shackle it down good. There'll be easier pickings for the skellls...
    1 point
  19. An earlier version of the Vespa perhaps? Inevitable hipster uprising?
    1 point
  20. Since they won the revolution, they were "militia". Had they lost, they would have been reflected upon much differently in the history books.
    1 point
  21. My great grandmother was a pretty hefty lady until she got to be, oh, probably in her late '80s. She lived to be 96 and would have lived longer except she had an accidental fall that lead to her death, not old age. Good for Mr. Overton for enjoying his cigar and his life!
    1 point
  22. I self-identify as an ammosexual.
    1 point
  23. I purchased another Colt 6920 to stash away for a rainy day. My fiancées nightstand gun is officially complete! I sourced the last piece of the puzzle locally, which is a S3F Solutions threaded barrel. LAV RTF2 Glock 17 x AAC Ti-RANT 9
    1 point
  24. The most common cause of this is that the Feds do not have a disposition listed. TBI should tell you that if that’s the case. They won’t give information out, but they might (depending on who you talk to) verify what you think is the problem. There are several lengthy threads on here about this; but I can’t find any now. Since it’s a carry permit and not a purchase I would first try to call Lisa Knight, Program Director for HCP. She has always been helpful. Program Director, Lisa Knight P.O. Box 23710 Nashville, TN 37202 (615) 251-8590
    1 point
  25. He sits on it, with it between his legs. Are you happy to see me or is that a M20 75 mm in your pants.
    1 point
  26. People with permits shouldn't have to worry about looking for signs or any other weapons charges. That is the whole point of buying the stupid permit in the first place isn't it or so I thought? It is kind of dumb when you pay 75 bucks for a class, a little over 100 for a permit, take the time for a class, and then turn around and you are legal at Kroger but illegal here or you have to look for a sign here. Many other states have it a lot cheaper with less restrictions than what we have here.
    1 point
  27. I'm wondering if the black stage coach character, maybe named Mary don't remember, on the Hell On Wheels series was sparked by this real real life person? Well, I just googled it and it was. That show was pretty good and though completely fiction, did base many of the characters and backstory on real life history.
    1 point
  28. Now that we have switched back I am getting to many notifications. Can we do something about that.
    1 point
  29. From what I read it was to make them "world legal " so the trigger can't be changed. There's a company that sells triggers and accessories for the Scorpion that actually makes a kit to drill through the weld. They make a really nice safety selector switch for it as well, if you shot it much you probably know about the safety that comes with it digging into your hand.
    1 point
  30. 10/22 Parts... Magpul stock Harris Bipod Shaw Barrel Kidd Trigger job Kit Sling with QD attachments.
    1 point
  31. Anyone not prohibited by state or federal law may possess any firearm in personal vehicle for about 3 years now, no permit required. It's in 39-17-1307, and is a exception to unlawful possession/carry, but not a defense to vehicle possession on posted or school property, that still requires a permit. - OS
    1 point
  32. Finally found a Yugo underfolder AK I liked. This one is pristine.
    1 point
  33. Just have your pets put your gun in their bag.
    1 point
  34. So basically, if you have a permit to carry which is already required by law, then you're good to go. Produce said permit if requested.
    1 point
  35. I voted 'no' because I plan to do the $200 lifetime the next time I renew so I certainly wouldn't want to have to screw around with 'renewing' every five years just to satisfy that requirement. Also, to be completely honest, I don't buy guns all that often and have reached a point where, with the possible exception of one or two 'wants', I am not likely to purchase too many more so, for me, ten bucks a pop when I am buying fewer than one firearm per year is a lot easier to deal with than having to renew my permit more often. Honestly, though, the real problem - at least as far as I understand it - is that Tennessee has an unnecessary 'extra step' which is just an excuse to charge the ten dollars. TICS isn't necessary and NICS checks would be free, at least to my understanding. TICS is just there as a money making scheme, nothing else.
    1 point
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