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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2017 in all areas

  1. On that Tuesday morning, I had just walked out the door of 1WTC to get a cup of coffee. There had been a holdup that morning in me being able to get up to the area I was working, so I walked outside for some reason instead of walking back down into the transit mall. I had just crossed Broadway when I saw a flash of light in a window and felt the air suddenly moving past me back towards the buildings. It couldn't have been more than a fraction of second before I heard and felt the shockwave and heat, but I distinctly remember it being long enough that 'explosion' went through my mind before I felt it. There was almost instantly a wave of people in the streets fleeing in panic - and it was hard to do anything but move along with them. One of the strange things about working in the World Trade Center was looking out a window down at the top of jumbo jets on final approach to LaGuardia. We all thought it was a terrible accident - until the second plane hit. I remember watching in absolute shock as the second plane hit - it was going so fast. I remember watching the top of 1WTC tumble end over end as it fell. I can see everything about the scene in my mind. To this day, I can see it when I close my eyes at night. And, if I think about it I can smell and taste it. The rest of the day was a blur - I worked the site from the early afternoon until around 0400EDT the next day. I'll never forget walking out of the site and out of lower Manhattan. As we reached Union Square, people were lining the streets with water and food. I was fortunate to get to spend the next 9 months on the rescue and recovery. It was a time of healing, as truthfully I should have been one of the people we never found - my office was on the 78th floor on the side of impact. Had I been at my desk, I would have been vaporized. That event certainly affected my professional trajectory for the next several years. Things like that change a person. Over the years, I've had to quit thinking about why I lived that day and 2977 others did not. It truthfully affected my faith - I've have a hard time with the word 'blessed' in the way that it's used in contemporary forms. But, I try to live each day with the memory that there were 2977 people who didn't get to come home that day. I try not to squander the fact that I'm still alive.
    5 points
  2. Like bum-#### Egypt.
    4 points
  3. I mentioned in a different thread but will jump in with the S&W Governor I bought here. Second picture is with my Ruger LCR 22 for scale. Jim...
    3 points
  4. Brigand cf hand guard Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  5. Picked up this first year production 1950 Colt Challenger today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    3 points
  6. Apparently I'm the only one who's got anything new since the end of January. And I thought I was slacking. Picked up a Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6x24 with two mounting rings (not a fan of the QD mounts). Got it through their MIL/LEO discount program that lets you complete an order form and email it straight to your rep. Been working on this 16" AR in bits and pieces over the few years I've had it. Next step, once I set some duckets aside, it a Geissele SD-E trigger.
    3 points
  7. I'm a city kid. Never been hunting in my life. Just not part of my upbringing. Consequently, my intro to guns was in the military and then the tactical/EBR era. Well, I've been thinking about getting a bolt action rifle for a minute and @robtattoo's for sale thread on that custom 280AI was the catalyst for me to get off my duff and get to it. (I came very close to getting it, but that weirdo caliber scared me off.) So after a little research I bought myself a Montana Rifle Company ASR in 308. It's got the absolute best trigger I have ever felt. It doesn't feel like it moves. It just breaks at 3#. It's nuts. The bolt design of the Model 1999 is a mixture of the Model 70 and the Mauser. She's a beautiful piece of work. I'm getting a killer discount on the optic from a friend of mine, but it's going to take a few weeks for that to come in. It's going to get a Nightforce NSX 3.5-15x50 MILR. My intent is to build a rifle that will forever be able to exceed my abilities. Here is the link to image gallery.
    2 points
  8. I picked up SIG P320 full size since this thread started. Just because I wanted to have example of the new Army heater. Absolutely nothing to dislike about it, I must say. I made it bedside gun with addition of Inforce weapon light, about which I also have nothing but good things to report: - OS
    2 points
  9. Don't let it bother you that your thoughts maybe incoherent about that day or many days following it. Everyone had different thoughts and feelings about what was going on back then. Your remembering what took place that night in the restaurant was point on. I have said many times that if the news medias were required to show the films of the planes hitting the towers every time they broadcasted the daily news it would remain a reminder of what America experienced that day and maybe all of the young people would feel differently today and appreciate what America stands for. For a brief period of time America was 1 nation under God and indivisable but like you said, "Sadly it didn't last." Politics got in the way.............JMHO
    2 points
  10. Per request...here is my 458 Socom - its a double stamp (NFA) 10.5" with a Bowers Versa50 Suppressor. Vortex Viper PST 1-4 x 24 scope. It literally brings home the bacon...and a ton more pork too :-). I have a 16" RR upper too but suppressed it is just too long for fast moving pigs (and any other things needing blown up...lol)
    2 points
  11. We were at the beach on vacation in Gulf Shores. My older son was two years old at the time. We took him back to the condo for a nap. He turned on the cartoon network. I know something was terribly wrong when Dan Rather was on that channel broadcasting. I remember going to a restaurant that night. People there were all watching the President's address on tv. A building full of people who would otherwise be strangers were cheering the President, crying, and hugging one another. I wish that feeling of unity could have lasted, but sadly it didn't. The next morning at about the time of the attack, a formation of jet fighters flew up the beach from Pensacola. That caused a very eerie sensation that I've never before or since felt. Don't expect this post to make sense. It's just some incoherent thoughts of what I remember of that time.
    2 points
  12. All these musicians we grew up with are starting to drop off. It does suck. Last year was bad, but I guess it was just the beginning. These guys are getting old. RIP Greg.
    2 points
  13. You make it sound like we can only have one.
    2 points
  14. At one time I collected Mosins by production year and Arsenal....I had an office/gunroom and I was like a hog in slop. Mosins, Mausers, SKSs, AKs, Oh My! I've narrowed my collection way way down as I am getting older....found these pics and thought I'd share them.
    1 point
  15. That was sooooo tempting. lol But I must stop somewhere, and I've spent my allowance into 2050 it seems.
    1 point
  16. Had a lot of fun! The staff and hosts were great and let me fly!
    1 point
  17. That's not the obelisk. It is a second memorial they built after rebuilding riverside park.
    1 point
  18. Call it the Slobber Knocker
    1 point
  19. I am completely satisfied with my choice(s) So much so, I haven't found replacements for them (yet)
    1 point
  20. I was able to get the 458 SOCOM equivalent of the holy grail, dimensional drawing of the chamber. Took some emails back and forth but I was finally able to get it with Tony's help. I will say it is not what I was expecting but with it I was able to come up with a nice subsonic bullet for the 458. We still need to do some testing but it should be a decently accurate subsonic bullet.
    1 point
  21. Uplula is something everyone should have.
    1 point
  22. Wow, that's a beautiful rifle! Congratulations
    1 point
  23. ACME Bullet Company is about to release an accurized 458 SOCOM bullet. It will weigh 575+ grains and uses certified 92-6-2 alloy. Should put a thumping on whatever you hit.
    1 point
  24. Well there is a complete upgrade to the forum software pending release soon, and the author of the Classifieds is focusing on getting his software updated to match that. I am hoping that once those two things happen, this will sort itself out. It is extremely odd that the following seems to be true: Regular forum emails are going out. I can see evidence of that in the SendGrid dashboard and am receiving them myself. The only thing not sending with any regularity are Classifieds notification emails, but for some reason "Pinned" advertisements do send. The Classifieds uses the email features of the forum software. So it should be working for all or none, but isn't.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Plus your beer doesn't cost $8.00.
    1 point
  27. I first saw the band in 71. Listening to the ABB always made me feel like I was in church. By the end of the set I felt redeemed. I need to take some time to mourn.
    1 point
  28. The ones I was not happy with eventually made me happy by trading for something better! :-)
    1 point
  29. Was just reading about his life. He lived hard and it wore on him. Saw the band in Philly before Dickey Betts left and they were awesome!!! Ive listened to the Allman Brothers Band almost daily for many many years and will continue to do so. Not much new music these days compares. RIP Gregg!
    1 point
  30. I remember scanning this thread a bit ago, so seeing this article made me want to post it for others to read and think about. I think it's quite well done, and goes into appropriate depth considering that Politico's audience isn't as attuned to gun issues as we are. "The NRA Would Like to Insure You Now" http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/05/27/the-nra-would-like-to-insure-you-now-215196 I can't escape the line of thought that Carry Guard is the NRA diversifying revenue streams for their own financial well being. Membership pushes and cash drives will be lackluster with President Trump and a Republican Congress in power. So, with that, I'd look at Carry Guard as I would any other insurance product...designed to collect money and pay out as little as possible if/when claims are submitted. YMMV.
    1 point
  31. I like my Bersa Thunder and my Model 85 a lot and my only want now is a Bersa Thunder Plus. I like the idea of have 15 rounds instead of 7 and I guess my Model 85 spoiled me on that idea. If I run up on a Thunder Plus at a price I can afford I will probably buy it..............JMHO
    1 point
  32. I'm a huge Glock fan but it's impossible to deny the PPQ has better ergonomics and a superior trigger. Both options are great. Pick the one you like better.
    1 point
  33. I guess that would not surprise me. Look at the advisors for the NRA, all special forces types. It always grinds at me a little that a lot of folks simply do not understand the differences between military, police, and civilian firearm uses and 'rules of engagement'. Same thing in the political arena. Waving training for LEO and military, especially in our state when knowing the TN law is a very important part of carrying a gun in this state. And before anyone yells it is about the money, my preference is that one should complete an online test about those laws, much like hunter safety. Does no one any good to survive the gunfight and have to spend 20 in the big house because you couldn't survive the legal fight.
    1 point
  34. Last firearm related thing I bought was more training.. And I loved it. Also a gun, same night wife was pissed haha...
    1 point
  35. Guns And Leather had this older used Glock 30 for $395. Night sights still bright and the original box. I saw it one day , talked myself out of it. Went back again and talked myself out of it. Then went AGAIN and bought it . It still had factory copper grease in the slide. Hardly any wear and it's guts looked brand new. To me it was awesome to get a big-bore Glock at $395 in this shape. Most people like the Glock 19 . For me it's the older original Glock 30 .
    1 point
  36. 231 days? This makes me sad... if it stays like this I won't see mine until Feb
    1 point
  37. In the month of September, I received a notification from the Capitol Armory that the Dead Air Wolverine PBS-1 suppressor was available for purchase. I immediately placed my order. They sent me an email last Thursday stating that my Form 3 to dealer transfer had been approved. They packaged my can the same day and sent it to my dealer via overnight shipping. Dead Air Wolverine PBS-1 Dead Air Wolverine PBS-1 x Romanian AES-10B Dead Air Wolverine PBS-1 x Romanian WASR-10
    1 point
  38. I purchased the Surefire Ryder 22-A suppressor in a moment of weakness. At the time of the purchase, I was waiting for my Dead Air Mask to arrive at my dealer. As you can see, my impatience got the best of me. I am happy that I did or else I would have never given this can a chance. It sits permanently on my Tactical Solutions X-Ring 10/22 rifle. The rifles weighs 4.3 LBS unloaded. Therefore, I wanted a lightweight can for the rifle. I am thoroughly pleased with the can thus far. I would have no issue if you were interested in joining me at the range one day to try the can yourself.
    1 point
  39. I bought a few more G43 goodies and finished off my second can of .22lr. If you're wondering how many fit in a can.... 5,800.
    1 point
  40. Upgrading the reloading setup. Pretty much this exact setup with a few additional goodies Basically the whole setup is being refreshed.
    1 point
  41. My SureFire Ryder 22-A suppressor was approved last Tuesday. I received my tax stamp six days later. Two down, four more to go!
    1 point
  42. I got a Canik TP9SF this week from AIM. I've been reading lots of good reviews on this gun, and for $350, I thought I'd give it a try. I'll probably just make it a permanent fixture in the bedroom, and start carrying my other full size pistol more.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Hogue grips for my 5906 https://www.cdnnsports.com/s-w-5900-series-rugger-grip-panels-s-w-logo.html?___SID=U
    1 point
  45. A beavertail grip safety and ambi safety for my Springfield 1911 Mil Spec then proceeded to modify it. Went from this beavertail To this... What a PITA that was getting it to fit properly.
    1 point
  46. Here's a pair you don't get to see everyday. The one on the left started off as a Henry H001, now I refer to it as the "Damascus Boy". It's had the large lever loop and fiber optic sight added, the marvel was cut to 16.25" and threaded, mag tube was all cut to work with the Huntertown Guardian suppressor, and cerakoted to match parkerizing with a Damascus pattern on the receiver. The one on the right is a Marlin 336 pre safety that's been cut down to 16.25" and threaded. It's had the irons removed, added a polymer stock set, large loop lever cerakoted in various "tactical" colors and it now wears a Leupold Mark AR. It's sporting a YHM Phantom direct thread can.
    1 point
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