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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2017 in all areas

  1. At one time I collected Mosins by production year and Arsenal....I had an office/gunroom and I was like a hog in slop. Mosins, Mausers, SKSs, AKs, Oh My! I've narrowed my collection way way down as I am getting older....found these pics and thought I'd share them.
    6 points
  2. I for one, really miss the politics section. It was usually the first forum I visited, followed by General Chat. I know this is a gun forum, but those are my two favorite forums. I think part of that is, because this is a gun forum, most of us are like-minded and share the same interests. I just like hanging out with a bunch of other guys that for the most part, think like I think, and like what I like. Sure, there were some posts that I didn't like, or agree with, but I have thick skin and realize people have differing opinions, and I can respect that, as long as others can respect my opinions too. I actually like the discourse, as it gives me a peek into the way other people might think, and gives me a different perspective on an issue. It probably won't change my belief, but at least I can get an insight as to why someone might think that way. One of the trends happening now all over America is, if someone doesn't like what you have to say, then they shut you down. In a way this feels a bit like that. That forum was a great place to vent. I am a conservative that lives in a world of liberals. My work is filled with them, my main hobby is filled with them, and my family is all liberal, so I generally just keep quiet around them all. For me, the forum was a good outlet. I really like the idea of a politics section not showing up in the new posts feed, but think making it a paid members only section will limit differing points of view.
    4 points
  3. Per request...here is my 458 Socom - its a double stamp (NFA) 10.5" with a Bowers Versa50 Suppressor. Vortex Viper PST 1-4 x 24 scope. It literally brings home the bacon...and a ton more pork too :-). I have a 16" RR upper too but suppressed it is just too long for fast moving pigs (and any other things needing blown up...lol)
    3 points
  4. Here's the official release on the official watch parties for the Stanley Cup games. http://www.nashville.gov/News-Media/News-Article/ID/6437/Stanley-Cup-Viewing-Parties-Announced-Games-3-and-4-at-Home-to-Take-Over-Lower-Broadway-with-Live-Music.aspx Short version: Watch parties for away games 1, 2, 5*, and 7* will be at Walk of Fame park. Watch parties for home games 3, 4, and 6* will be on Broadway with the big screen setup at 5th and Broadway facing the river. Pre-game live music entertainment will begin at 4pm and the puck drops at 7pm for all games. *If necessary, of course
    3 points
  5. On that Tuesday morning, I had just walked out the door of 1WTC to get a cup of coffee. There had been a holdup that morning in me being able to get up to the area I was working, so I walked outside for some reason instead of walking back down into the transit mall. I had just crossed Broadway when I saw a flash of light in a window and felt the air suddenly moving past me back towards the buildings. It couldn't have been more than a fraction of second before I heard and felt the shockwave and heat, but I distinctly remember it being long enough that 'explosion' went through my mind before I felt it. There was almost instantly a wave of people in the streets fleeing in panic - and it was hard to do anything but move along with them. One of the strange things about working in the World Trade Center was looking out a window down at the top of jumbo jets on final approach to LaGuardia. We all thought it was a terrible accident - until the second plane hit. I remember watching in absolute shock as the second plane hit - it was going so fast. I remember watching the top of 1WTC tumble end over end as it fell. I can see everything about the scene in my mind. To this day, I can see it when I close my eyes at night. And, if I think about it I can smell and taste it. The rest of the day was a blur - I worked the site from the early afternoon until around 0400EDT the next day. I'll never forget walking out of the site and out of lower Manhattan. As we reached Union Square, people were lining the streets with water and food. I was fortunate to get to spend the next 9 months on the rescue and recovery. It was a time of healing, as truthfully I should have been one of the people we never found - my office was on the 78th floor on the side of impact. Had I been at my desk, I would have been vaporized. That event certainly affected my professional trajectory for the next several years. Things like that change a person. Over the years, I've had to quit thinking about why I lived that day and 2977 others did not. It truthfully affected my faith - I've have a hard time with the word 'blessed' in the way that it's used in contemporary forms. But, I try to live each day with the memory that there were 2977 people who didn't get to come home that day. I try not to squander the fact that I'm still alive.
    3 points
  6. Oh damn. That may seriously be the best one you've had them make yet, Steve. Wow. Wow wow wow.
    3 points
  7. So it is no secret that my heathen was raised around guns. She has been shooting since she was four years old. She started with a single shot bolt action .22 rimfire rifle and has progressed to where she can and does shoot an AR at the range. As she turned 9 last year she was eligible for 4H Shooting Sports this season. We signed her up and her first practice was in April. At her very first practice her coach inquired as to her experience shooting. I explained that she had a handful of years under her and I hoped he didn't have to unteach too much of what I had taught her. To my mild surprise he stated that she was a pure natural and asked if she would be interested in shooting the first match of the season, less than two months away. The Heathen is right handed, but left eye dominant. I have raised her to shoot left handed rifle. I am also cross dominant and it has never hindered me to shoot off-hand to my dominant eye. The coaches embraced this and let her do her own thing. They are all very impressed with her. They call her a natural and have been teaching her on Target Air Rifle, Sport Air Rifle, Target .22 and Sport .22. She also shoots archery. With a recurve. Nearly alone in that discipline as nearly everyone else shoots compound (bare, hunting and target.) The coaches are awesome, and have gone as far as to special order her a left handed Target Air Rifle and a left handed Target .22. They have that much faith in her talent. And on to that talent. Saturday was a dreary rainy day in Kentucky. But it didn't stop her. It was her first competition with less than two months experience on a Target Air Rifle. She placed 3rd. We are beyond thrilled.
    2 points
  8. I see folks paying a LOT for food that has extremely long shelf life. Why? Do you REALLY want to buy this and store it away for half a century? Now don't get me wrong, I have eaten WWII C rations in 1967 in a disaster area, and DARNED glad to get them. But do you WANT to store food for that long? Here is what we do: When we hit a sale on canned goods, we buy extra. In the pantry, we scoot everything forward and store the new ones in the BACK. We constantly USE what is in the front. By buying extra every time you shop, you build up a stock of canned goods. By constantly rotating them, you do NOT NEED those special high-priced decades-long storage items. An additional benefit is you are eating the SAME food every day that you will be eating when the feces encounters the rotating ventilation device. There will be no shock to your system caused by switching from Green Giant canned corn to your MRE's. Pasta, rice, beans - all are stored in air-tight containers and ROTATED so they are constantly being used. The hard part is meat; make sure to stock tuna, chicken, salmon, SPAM, etc., and use it occasionally to keep the stock rotated. Talk to your Morman friends; part of their doctrine is to have a years supply of food on hand, and they can be a valuable resource of advice on how to properly do this.
    2 points
  9. I'm totally satisfied with every pistol I own. Whether it be the Ruger Mk II .22, my Colt Government Model, my Sigs, Smiths, Springfields and even the 2nd Gen Glock 22 that I thought I just had to have 30 plus years ago. Probably the only Glock I will ever own as I'm without a doubt not a fan of them. The one thing I would like to find are some of those magazine they use in the movies. You know, the ones that fit flush to the bottom of the magwell but they hold like 100 or more rounds, yeah those! Surely they exist but apparently just the bad characters and a few good ones have access to them.
    2 points
  10. I may have made a post similar to this in years past, but I think TGO will indulge me in reminiscing about some lost comrades... SSG Jeremy Brown- Killed in a vehicle rollover during his 2nd Iraq tour on 3 Jul 2005 (very somber 4th of July that year as we all got the news). Not too long after the 101st came home from OIF 1, he came down on PCS orders to 3rd ACR because they needed to fill the unit for their deployment. He was in the gunners hatch when the vehicle rolled over, and we found that he had put himself up there to give one of his Soldier's a break on a long convoy mission. SFC Clarance McSwain- Killed in an IED explosion while on a dismounted patrol 8 Jun 2006. "Sergeant Mac" was as generous in spirit a man as I've ever met. I was OPCON to the company he was a PSG in, and even though I was just an attached MI guy, he treated me and the guy I had with me as if we were in his platoon the whole time he had been in charge of it. I remember thinking how lucky I was to be with a guy so great and funny while stuck in a place so austere it's name was Patrol Base Swamp. CPL Jessica Ellis- Killed in an IED explosion while assigned as the medic for a route clearance team. Jess was the "kid sister" type you'll have in a unit with females, but she busted her ass in contributing to the effort. She was a great medic and you could see how dedicated she was each and every time she treated someone, as well as when she would be involved in training folks in our battalion run combat lifesaver classes. Her death was on Mother's Day in 2008, and I hate that her family has to associate it with her passing. Every year around this time, the thoughts of them are vivid in my mind. I'm thankful to have known them and thankful our country had such fine individuals willing to serve it.
    2 points
  11. You make it sound like we can only have one.
    2 points
  12. It will be the people looking for food that will kill you a lot quicker than that.
    2 points
  13. I'm with Garufa. Look around at most people.....If something that catastrophic happens lack of meds and medical care will kill more Americans than lack of food will. Then disease outbreaks and loss of sanitation will take a whole lot more.
    2 points
  14. If you find yourself in a position that you need food with that kind of shelf-life you won't be around long enough to eat it.
    2 points
  15. I'm a city kid. Never been hunting in my life. Just not part of my upbringing. Consequently, my intro to guns was in the military and then the tactical/EBR era. Well, I've been thinking about getting a bolt action rifle for a minute and @robtattoo's for sale thread on that custom 280AI was the catalyst for me to get off my duff and get to it. (I came very close to getting it, but that weirdo caliber scared me off.) So after a little research I bought myself a Montana Rifle Company ASR in 308. It's got the absolute best trigger I have ever felt. It doesn't feel like it moves. It just breaks at 3#. It's nuts. The bolt design of the Model 1999 is a mixture of the Model 70 and the Mauser. She's a beautiful piece of work. I'm getting a killer discount on the optic from a friend of mine, but it's going to take a few weeks for that to come in. It's going to get a Nightforce NSX 3.5-15x50 MILR. My intent is to build a rifle that will forever be able to exceed my abilities. Here is the link to image gallery.
    1 point
  16. And here's the VW mirror in the Mercedes. It not as big as it looks. It's only an inch wider than the old mirror.
    1 point
  17. The ones I was not happy with eventually made me happy by trading for something better! :-)
    1 point
  18. If that was at the World's Fair site I was there.
    1 point
  19. Wow! I hadn't heard this. I have a good friend I used to play music with in the funeral home now. This stuff makes one feel old!
    1 point
  20. All these musicians we grew up with are starting to drop off. It does suck. Last year was bad, but I guess it was just the beginning. These guys are getting old. RIP Greg.
    1 point
  21. I've been happy with every pistol I have. However there's always one more I need to acquire.
    1 point
  22. Not offended at all and thanks for the correction. I knew it was the week after Labor day and I thouhgt it was on Monday but I see now it was Tuesday. I may not have remembered the exact day of the week but many other things of that day are very vivid. Thanks again!
    1 point
  23. I'm certain they appreciate the calls. On birthdays, anniversaries, etc. - it's comforting to know that someone still remembers the person you lost. Life goes on - but it's sometimes great to get a reminder that the world was a genuinely better place with that person in it.
    1 point
  24. Oh. You're shooting supersonic. I was thinking 500 grain subsonics. I got a big sackful of those 325 FTX bullets, and have some loaded. My favorites are still the 300 grain Barnes TTSX.
    1 point
  25. It's amazing that even after all this time I still got goosebumps just thinking about that day. You guys will laugh but I was in the 7th grade at North Middle School in Lenoir City. Another teacher came into our room and whispered something in Mr. Thompson's ear. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on his face. We spent the rest of the day watching the events unfold. I can remember teachers crying and many of the kids left early after their parents came to get them. Apparently mine were not concerned with me I also remember my dad having to explain to me what the WTC was. I was mature enough at the time to understand it was very bad, but I had to fill in a lot of the blanks when I got older.
    1 point
  26. If someone gave me tickets I would be there even seats up there next to cell block 303. Terrorist be damned and the fact of the matter the riskiest part of going to a game would probably be driving there and back. However I really enjoy watching the games from the comfort of my recliner on my 60" inch TV. I can pause and rewind to my hearts content and no line to wait in if I need to visit the restroom.
    1 point
  27. And just took first in Recurve at the Shelby County Invitational. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. Honestly I'd be happy with some metal magazines for Glocks
    1 point
  29. You should see the reaction of the post office to several 3lb packages of bees showing up!!! They want you there pronto...
    1 point
  30. I do hope everyone will take a few minutes out of their busy schedules and spend a few minutes remembering what they weekend represents. Thanks Bersaguy
    1 point
  31. Thanks for posting this, buddy. I first saw the video just after it first appeared and have found it to be one of the most moving things I've ever seen. To be hones, I'll be tearing up before halfway thru it. So...thanks to all those who served. And a special blessing for those who didn't make it home. Thank You...one and all.
    1 point
  32. I loved the Parks and Rec shout out. Great video. Whatever happened with FPS Russia? It seems like after his business partner was murdered he went dark. I don't think they ever solved that crime.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. That was freaking awesome! The commentary styling of Mystery Science Theater and the banter had me rolling. Granted I wanted to comment about the piss poor fire fighting that was done, but as a 20 year Sailor, I think I am biased. Every freaking year back to fire fighting school.....
    1 point
  35. I didn't find a Mercedes with auto dimmer, but I found the VW Passat mirror will fit on the same mount... upside down. I think I'll remove the old mount and install a universal mirror mount and mirror. By the way, it was really fun to walk through the salvage yard. If you have some mechanical skills you can pull your own part and save a ton of money.
    1 point
  36. I understand the money thing. I lived on ramen for years in school and during my first job. So having those free would make a big difference. I was 1/2 joking about them being so bad. And as you said, hot sauce helps anything. The real issue is that people think they last forever, but I think they really only have a 5 year shelf life (from memory, correct me if I am wrong). So if you did not rotate these out like the other food, it would end up being worthless. I keep a couple buckets of the long shelf life camping pouches around because I can store them in the garage. They are relatively pest proof and do not require a stable temp. I picked them up at a great deal, so the cost was very manageable. I also bought a few of the Coast Guard Emergency rations. They are not terribly light, but pack a lot of calories in a pack smaller than a coffee brick. That way I can keep a couple in car in case I need to make my way home on foot or get stranded somewhere I cannot walk out of. On top of that though, I do buy extra cans of things like beans and soups in case things get bad. These can be opened and eaten without cooking. Also, all the family will eat them. I try to keep rice and dried beans because they will last for a LONG time if you keep pests out of them. I hope I never end up needing 40 years of food stored up, but I like to make sure that I have plenty of time to devise a plan before having to look for more. Realistically, if something happened that kept us from growing food in the long term, 40 years is not going to be enough time to wait it out. How you prepare is all based on what you are preparing for. Do you prepare for nuclear war, a fast moving pandemic, zombies, EMP attack, solar flares, or a comet crashing into Earth. There is no way you can plan for it all.
    1 point
  37. It has a nice classic sleek look. I like it!
    1 point
  38. I do hope the political section is brought back as I'm sure it will be for several reasons: 1) Healthy debate regarding how the country is run benefits everyone involved. That's not just on the national level but local as well. 2) I often find it very educational as things may be pointed out that I, or others may never have considered. 3) This is a forum localized to the state of Tennessee so we all share common interests and a greater sense of community than other national forums. 4) Old men are going to sit around and bitch about politics. It's a simple fact of life. I think the Internet Is the modern day corner barbershop. 5) Some of our members are news/political junkies. We all may be able to learn from what they find that we don't have the time for. Not sure what else there is to add that hasn't already been said or considered by management and everyone else involved. Finally, as this has happened before, it really should come as no surprise to us regulars that have been here for years. That's a testament to the comraderie this forum has developed. I think we overwhelmingly were against Obama, but lately there has been what resembles a Trump obsession if not outright worship that bewoe those who don't tow the line. We've gone from one extreme to another. That is just not right. I was raised to respect others opinions and live my life that way. I enjoy hearing and listening to other opinions as it can be enlightening and imho is necessary for any kind of civilized society....but will also reserve the right to retort when the rhetoric gets a little too deep. That's applies to being face to face with someone or tapping away on the internet. That's just who I am. Take it for what you all will, I've got a pretty thick skin. Seems like there are many that need to grow one and not get so bent out of shape when others have a different opinion.
    1 point
  39. And now we know why the USCCA was uninvited from the NRA convention.
    1 point
  40. Today was the State Match. Her first year. Six months? since we started this as trip as a competition shooter. She came in 5th Overall in individual for .22 Target in her age group of 9-11 with a score of 104. Her team took 1st. She also scored the highest of anyone on our team in Recurve Archery in her age bracket at 25, however it was not high enough to place. For a first year, and quite a packed crowd, I was very impressed. Only 5 kids in her age group scored over 100 in .22 Target, with the highest being 179, her teammate and good friend. We are VERY proud of all the kids from Shelby County. Her friend, the same mentioned above also came in first for Target Air Rifle. I do believe she will be getting fitted for her jacket. The Heathen's final discipline was BB, however that was an extremely competitive field with all the top shooters shooting well above 250. While we nearly broke 200, it was not enough to place in the top ten. Next year looks very promising for her, I have already made the deal that if she brings home two separate 1st Place trophies from any invitational, or a single 1st place from State, I will buy her a $200 set of rhinestone covered eyes and ears from a local shop. She is ecstatic. We will take her to a final end of year shoot at the practice fields where I will let her loose with her AR and some Tannerite to show off to her friends.
    1 point
  41. Hell, I moved down here to GTFOOD! I'm w/ you guys, I'm sticking it out here. Just purchased 17 acre's at the end of a windy country road ... just hope I can get it improved and the house built before the schumer really hits the oscillator! - K
    1 point
  42. We just got home from her second meet. She got to sight in her new .22 target rifle last weekend. It was hot and she was tired. She wanted to roll through the stances and not continue prone, so we got a semi solid zero on it and called it a day. This week was the Fleming County Invitational. Her first meet with her new left handed .22 Target and .22 Sport rifles. She took 3rd in .22 Target Individual and 1st in .22 Target Team. I will try and get pictures up when we get the trophies on Tuesday. I am BEYOND thrilled with her, and she could not be more excited. Her mother is concerned as the eventuality of logic states that she will go to a match and not place, but so far we are two out of two. The upside though is that we will definitely be attending the state invitational.
    1 point
  43. Proud doesn't even begin to describe it. She and I have always had fun shooting. Her mother accepts it, but doesn't participate much. We did the soccer thing for several years, but she didn't enjoy it. As soon as she was eligible for this she asked to join. The idea is to help her with her concentration, patience and attention. She is amazing when she has the rifle in her hands. There were several hundred kids at the competition Saturday. The coaches had stated several times that they expected her to place, but when I saw the sheer number of competitors, I wasn't as certain. She however was. She had a lot of fun. Some of the alumni of the county team have gone on to the UK Shooting Team, which is now the Heathen's goal.
    1 point
  44. A generous TGO Member unbeknownst to me gifted me with a Benefactor Membership. I have previously had benefactor memberships, but let my membership expire when things started getting tight. Whoever gifted this to me, I do not know why you did this, but I want you to know that I greatly appreciate it and that it was very kind of you to do so! In honor of this member's generosity, I would like to continue to pay it forward to other members of this forum. I am giving away a New In Box, Fisher Bullet Space Pen. This is a fantastic pen and excellent for Everyday Carry. When closed, it is only a few inches long and when open, it is nearly a full sized pen. It will write in any direction and on almost anything as well. A quick story regarding this pen. One of my good buddies this weekend had an accident on a Polairs where he managed to roll it over, break his arm and suffer an 11" complex laceration to his scalp. His skull was visible. After I got him to the hospital, I pulled out my own Fisher Bullet Space Pen and recorded his mother's telephone number on my arm. I was afraid that if I used my phone, it might get lost in cyberspace and since it was extremely important that I retain this number, I wrote it on my arm. It worked great! This pen is small enough that I actually keep it in my wallet. Rules: Everyone is welcome to participate but you must at least be a member at the time of this post. Post in this thread that you would like to be included in this giveaway. Benefactors and moderators will get two entries. I will draw a name via random number generator probably around Monday. When I draw the winner, I will PM you. Respond within 72 hours and include your address. If you don't respond, i will redraw a winner. Then enjoy your Space Pen! Regards, Slappy This is a picture of the actual pen I will be sending:
    1 point
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