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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2017 in all areas
I've now mowed with this new Bad Boy, and it's everything I hoped it would be. It's like mowing with a really fast, good riding bulldozer! It cut my mowing time from 3.5 to 2 hours. As long as it remains reliable, I'll be very happy with it. I wish I'd have bought one a long time ago. It also stays on a hill well, unlike the smaller ztr I have.4 points
It just seems to be the responsible thing to update your license with your current address.2 points
Middle Tennessee Shooters club will be hosting its monthly 3 gun match on Sunday May 7th. It will feature 5 challenging stages. Round count is approximately 100 rounds per gun and at least 2 slugs. No slings necessary. 200 yards for the longest rifle shots. You can register on practiscore or at the range on the day of. Registration at the range starts at 11:00 AM and closes at noon. Match fee is $25 for non members and $20 for members. New shooters please be there a little early for the safety briefing. I can be reached with any questions at sumocrp@aol.com1 point
I am curious. When is the last time you got out and did some shooting? Did you just go to the range for some target practice, were you shooting in a competition, or was it at a class? It seems like a lot of folks that I've spoken with lately are in a slump and haven't gotten out very recently to shoot. Granted, the weather this weekend hasn't been the best for it either but I got out yesterday anyway in the middle of probably the most torrential rain we've had recently and ran a few guns in it just to see how they (and I) would handle less than ideal conditions. No surprises, I and they did just fine. One thing that became very apparent to me in the middle of the downpour -- and I do mean that I shot out in the downpour, not under shelter -- was that the M&P M2.0 grip texture was a godsend and the Sig P320 grip texture left much to be desired. I am glad that I have a grip module out for stippling with a gentleman in Arizona and can't wait to see how it stacks up when it returns. That's really my only gripe about the P320. How about you? I am sure that some of the competitive shooters here and any local infantry grunts (current or former) have shot in the yuck and muck, but do any of the rest of you do this occasionally to test your gear, your abilities and yourself?1 point
These guys took money directly from my family and I hope they rot in jail for a long time. I know they have stolen in excess of 100k in merchandise just from 1 location. It cost my family hard earned bonuses because the shrink was so high at the store. They even threatened employees when they were confronted for shoplifting. There has been a case building against them for over a year now and I am glad they have been stopped. http://www.local8now.com/content/news/Knox-County-Sheriff-and-ATF-investigating-a-Pawn-Shop-off-Western-Avenue--420376643.html Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk1 point
I thought about Unaka myself. Went for a look around and took my handgun course there. My biggest negative is the hours of the range master. My old club, before the move to TN, put every new member through a safety check out for the part of the club they wanted to use. Handguns, rifle, shotgun, then you were considered your own range master and for any guest you bring. Hours were dusk to dawn unless there was a special event.1 point
This thread got me thinking, it's been way too long. So today after work I went to my mom's out in the country. Hadn't planned on going, so I just got my trunk gun out and ran a few hundred rounds thru it.1 point
Ronald 55 Unaka Rod and Gun Club is nice for 90 bucks a year.1 point
You need to remove Matt Damon from that list. http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/film/81760705/Jason-Bourne-star-Matt-Damon-on-gun-control-I-wish-that-could-happen-in-my-country1 point
They can get squirrely when going across a slope. My best advice is don't go slow, keep up the momentum and the down hill side will need slightly more speed than the uphill side. I'm in no way saying this is safe and that I recommend doing this just saying it can be done. There is a limit to how steep of a hillside this will work on. I think they say to avoid anything more than 10-15 degrees of slope. If the grass is the least bit wet be very careful or better yet don't even attempt it. Once you start spinning and sliding down hill it's near impossible to stop until you hit bottom. Sometime whats at the bottom of a slope will not have a pleasant ending when you do stop. In my case it was a creek and yes I ended up in it.1 point
While your statement is true, this one does sort of applies to all braces in so far as their interpretation of "use" and "makes" and "redesign". The shockwave, and most braces have their own ATF letter authorizing them as a brace, or at least as a non-stock. The original open letter never mentioned the Sig brace, although it described it so if it stood, I bet any brace fired from the shoulder would have fallen under that interpretation.1 point
My license shows my old address and my carry permit shows current address. Academy wouldn't take the driver's license even though my address is changed. My local shops said as long as what I put on the form and what the state has on record, you are fine.1 point
I correlate the new classifies section with no longer receiving the "wallet depleting" forum updates. Research on the site shows that there are actually two classifies sections on the site now. I also see these are independent "forum subscriptions". I was subscribed to the old forum - I'm now subscribed to the "new" forum linked by the header menu. I realize the content is the same, but the url's and subscriptions are different. I wonder if this is somehow related to what's going on with notifications. Link from header menu and below classifieds menu https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/classifieds/category/3-firearms-classifieds/ Link from main site content - not the header menu https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/forum/39-firearms-classifieds/1 point
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After first taking it from those who are already there. If a person doesn't own the property they better have their supplies loaded and on their way to the bug out location BEFORE anything happens if you plan on being there first. You MUST have your supplies already loaded, tank full of gas and able to take off within minutes if you have ANY hope of beating the mobs. And if you think you have found the perfect spot a bunch of other people are planning to go to the same spot. There are plenty of people who plan on bugging out and I wonder where. Most of them say they plan to head to the hills which is a huge problem because there are already people in those hills living there right now. And those people are going to defend their location or at least I know I will. And don't expect others to openly welcome a large group of people. I know I won't welcome anyone unless they bring a significant skill to the group and honestly I can't imagine what that skill might be that isn't already covered. Anyone who is not a member of my group will be turned away with overwhelming amount of force. I will say this to all of those planning on bugging out to the hills. I will defend what is mine, including land, from any squatters or looters. After all if you show up and try to take what isn't yours you are a thief. That includes wild game, plants or anything on my property even if I do not need it or not using it that stuff is still mine. I may have more than I need to survive but I will not share any of it with complete strangers. I have made preparations to ensure my survivability and I would be a fool to give any of it away to complete strangers. It takes a lot of land to support a person year around. An acre or two isn't going to cut it. It will likely take 10's of acres per person if they plan on foraging or hunting. And what makes the average person think they are going to make it out of a population center before the other 50% of the other people leaving the cities clog the roadways? What is going to happen is the highways are going to clog like Rita/ Katrina leaving them stranded and with the option of walking to the "hills" or walking back to the cities. And when you start walking you are going to be able to carry far less than what you left with or even left behind in your vehicle. Bugging in has some real advantages and if I lived in a city I would, without a doubt, stay put. First is you already have everything you are going to have without the need to transport it to a new location. You can call for help from those around you while in a remote location you cannot call for help. Another big advantage is you know the area. You also know who is friend and who is foe or at least have a good idea. Travelling exposes you to more dangers. It is also easier to defend a building or high rise than a tent in the woods. Those buildings are going to protect you from the elements and be easier to keep warm in and survive in for the average person especially those used to living in the city. Food, at least initially, will be easier to come by in the cities as well as potable water. There are literally a few weeks worth of potable water in your water heater and toilet bowls and that is if you don't ration. With rain gutters, collecting water is much easier too. And as disgusting as it might sound cities have tons of rodents that can be harvested for food. If any type of relief or supplies are handed out it is going to be in the population centers first. The average person is going to have a far easier time surviving in the city than in the "hills". But if you must bug out and have any hope of bugging out you must be packed and ready to go in a moments notice. Vehicles have to ALWAYS have the gas needed to make it to that location. When the SHTF gas will be gone within minutes so unless you are at the pumps pumping your gas as it takes place you will not get gas from a pump. You need to also realize that there are going to be a lot more people than just you heading to a bug out location. This is going to clog the roadways like we saw during Rita/Katrina. The only way you might get a head start is if you are in a position to get some notice, like LE, emergency services or the government. Otherwise it is going to be a race to get out and if you are not in the lead you will find yourself stuck in the rear with the pack. And once you are stuck you and your stuff become vulnerable to roaming bands of thugs set on taking your stuff for themselves. And honestly it would be easy pickings. As far as your bug out location you need to own the property you plan to go to. This can give you a little bit of a delay in the squatters that will show up. And once there the squatters are not going to readily leave even if you tell them you own the property. If your bug out location is "public lands" you are not going to be the first there, it will be like winning the lottery if you are. You are going to find yourself surrounded by thousands of others who have the same plan. So, if it is a good spot, you will probably have to fight your way in and once in you will have to constantly defend that location. Most people don't realize that best case scenario crops will be edible in 4 months. If it happened during the summer it would be close to a year before crops can begin to be harvested. So that means you are going to have to transport that much food because you are not going to be able to kill a years worth of food with everyone else trying to do the same thing. And as much as I hate to say it in order to survive people must loose their conscience. They must be willing to turn those less fortunate away unless they bring a substantial advantage to the group. People have this grand illusion that they are going to be able to find virgin land to live off of. Look around, how much public land do you see? And of that how much is going to be free for the taking, not much if any, by the time they make it?1 point
Considering they nixed constitutional carry I can't see them giving a damn about suppressors outside of "look at us, we're doing something for your supposed rights. "1 point
Thanks guys!! I had a rail I had bought for some other project and it took me longer to find my tap and die set than it did to tap out the hole! It works perfect!! I like how the scope sets on the tripod but I gotta be careful of the legs at night.1 point
I recently had to go to the Roane County Courthouse. I was going to the Register of Deeds office and the County Clerk, not setting foot in a courtroom. The guards at the door, manning the metal detector, asked where I was going. When I told them, they said to just come on through. I wasn't sure what the deal was going to be so I wasn't carrying but if I had been - as long as I wasn't going to a courtroom - I would have been good to go. Based on 300winmag's post, it sounds like this bill would make it illegal to carry there, at all. That is a step backward, not forward. Sounds like this bill has turned into good intentions paving the way to hell, to me. Leave it to our current 'oh, you gun owners have to elect us because we are sooooooooo pro gun' Republican controlled congress to turn a pro carry rights bill into an anti carry rights bill. Screw 'em, I'm sick of them all.1 point
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It's difficult to take someone serious when they capitalize random words.1 point
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