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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2017 in all areas

  1. Wow.....Only in Southside AL....You will not believe what just happened.. I walked into 7/11 to get a drink When I walked up I noticed these 2 officers watching some dude who was smoking while pumping gas.. I saw him & thought, "This guy didn't have much common sense & was he stupid ?!! With the cops right there too?!" But anyway, I went in and got my drink. As I was checking out, I heard someone screaming.. I looked outside and the dude's arm was on fire! He was swinging his arm and running around going crazy! I ran outside and the cops had put him on the ground and were putting the fire out with their coffees!! YES, THEIR COFFEES!...Then they put handcuffs on him and threw him in the police car.. I was thinking "He shouldn't have been smoking near the pump while getting gas!" But being the nosy person that I am, I asked the cops what they were arresting him for.. The cop looked me dead in my eyes and said ... "WAVING A FIREARM!"
    4 points
  2. Had to try my hand at a set of coins in my defender's grips I picked up. These are Buffalo Nickels that are engraved called Hobo Nickels. Really like the grips better than the rubber ones that came from the factory.
    2 points
  3. Hello, My name is Quentin and I live in Kingsport, TN. I have always hunted and fished growing up but never had a pistol/handgun until my daughter was born a little over a year ago. Got my carry permit when she was born and have carried every single day since. Once I shot my first pistol I purchased (a Glock 26) I have began training with several different pistols at the range and have purchased over 10 in the year ranging in makes and models and I thought bass fishing was addictive! After I finally calmed down and have began to learn trigger control I have been hooked. I found this place on Tri-Cities Guns Depots Web site and it looked great! Thanks for welcoming me and I look forward to reading and learning on this forum.
    2 points
  4. My LCP carried in a pocket holster looks like a smartphone. If anyone's ever noticed, I haven't been able to tell. I certainly haven't noticed any concerned looks or actions by law enforcement officers. I don't think people are very observant in general.
    2 points
  5. Punishment is much more effective IMO. Why am I filling out another 4473? To keep me from getting "a gun"? Already have a bunch. Guess it doesn't pay to discuss it. I'll keep calling my legislators when this stupid #### comes up.
    2 points
  6. I hit the bricks this morning at 4:00 headed to Mississippi and worked all day, and drove back to Jackson tonight to take care of my 90 year old Father"s meds, I just buried my Father-in-law last weekend, Navy man from WWII, and I expect my Father to join him in the next few weeks. I am a 63 year Senior Project Manager with a very sick wife who uses up his vacation to advocate for firearms issues. I do not get my gas paid for, nor any recompense for my efforts. I deal with these folks denying the People their Rights for the three months they are on our dole stealing our money and drinking our tax payer funded liquor, kissing there rears and trying to get my grandchildren as well situated as I can. Normally I am the only advocate for these issues in the house. I am too tired to be insulted, and I rightly do not care what you throw at me because I do all I humanly can and that is a lot more than most.
    2 points
  7. Gallatin Gun IDPA will start hosting indoor IDPA matches at Sumner Gun & Supply April 12. We will hold the indoor matches the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights. Set up starts a 5:00PM with first shots at 6:00PM. We should finish around 9:00PM. I will host these matches until Gallatin Gun Club has a new range built. In the mean time I will train SO's and anybody that wants to part of the Sumner Gun IDPA group to run it's own matches after I resume duties at the new outdoor range. This may take a while, so in the present we will have indoor matches. The first match will have 4 stages, around 70 rounds. Their is a learning curve here as I learn what I can do within the confines of an indoor range. I have limited the first match to 24 guns. I may allow more as we progress. I have opened a entry form on Practiscore; https://practiscore.com/gallatin-gun-idpa-indoor-match/register Match fee is $20. Discount is available to members of the Sumner Gun Range. Payment is to be may at the sales counter of the Gun Store. I have also bought tablets for scoring that will be posted onto Practiscore. Their is a learning cure here also. Robert
    1 point
  8. I don't need to know what's wrong with this to know something is wrong with this.
    1 point
  9. I agree that people aren't very observant. These days, when I can legally carry, it is mostly my 642 in a pocket holster. I have a couple of belt holsters (a FOBUS and a home-made, leather pancake holster) for it just because and for times when I still want to go small and light but when pocket carry might not be the best option but I rarely use them. On a couple of occasions I have used them and, as an experiment, went in to a couple of places with no cover garment. While open carrying the little revolver I have had conversations with people who I could tell were totally oblivious to the presence of the gun. I also think part of that comes with experience and familiarity with carrying. When I first started carrying I was constantly 'checking' whatever gun I had on me - whether a small gun in a pocket holster or a larger gun in a belt holster (I do not carry IWB so belt holster means OWB, generally with a season-appropriate cover garment.) If I was carrying OWB and wearing a t-shirt with, say, a thin shirt unbuttoned over it as a cover garment I would constantly catch myself holding my right arm to my side. Now, after having had my HCP for almost nine years - especially since I mostly pocket carry the aforementioned 642 - I don't even think about it most of the time when I am carrying. I am aware that it is there in much the same way that I am aware my keys, cell phone, etc. are on me but I don't dwell on it and think, at least, that I have overcome most of the 'dead giveaway' habits. That personal comfort and familiarity when carrying, along with the small size of the gun, itself probably translated into not drawing undue attention to the fact that I was carrying even when conducting that experiment of open carrying OWB. Of course, the 'chart' in the OP was apparently developed by the NYPD. With the extreme anti-gun and anti-carry climate there I would imagine that if one were carrying it would be difficult for all but the coolest of customers or the most hardened of criminals to remain nonchalant about the fact that they had a firearm concealed upon their person when having any sort of contact with an officer, even just passing him or her on the street.
    1 point
  10. Screw all that, why is there so much infringement on the 2nd when the 1st can be as, or more, dangerous than the 2nd? I don't support background checks, none period. Instead of hassling EVERY law abiding citizen when buying a gun, why not a list of those not allowed to buy guns such as the no-fly list? If they run your ID and you are not on a list, no background check and no fee. If you are on a list, by name, then a background check to make sure it is you that can't purchase one and not someone with your name. BTW, it should be by court order that your name appears on said list, not by some random organization and no adjudication. Hassle the criminals, make it a harsher sentence if they are caught using weapons for crimes, or in possession if not allowed to have one. At this point though, I do think it should be an option to have access to TICS, for those that want the extra security blanket when selling a gun in a personal transaction, but not made mandatory. And, instead of having us pay a fee to use TICS, it should be free because it is an infringement on our rights. If the state wants to infringe, then it should cost them to do so, not having us pay for that "privilege"
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Yeah if you let people call into TICS without a FFL and allow people with carry permits use those as substitutes, I would not have near the problem as I do with most background check bills. Most background check bills are modeled after California where everyone, including people with carry permits, must run everything through an FFL. California also has handgun and long gun registration. That is nothing more than universal gun registration in order to make some poor attempt at knowing who has guns and what they have.
    1 point
  13. 24lbs 10oz, 10.25" beard, 1 and 5/16" spurs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  14. I'd be interested.... The little Triumph Or the big Triumph Or maybe the classic old Suzuki
    1 point
  15. What law is enforced that keeps a criminal from illegally purchasing a gun, or stealing one and using it to commit a crime? Stewart proves that straw purchases (his offer to sell the weapon shows his intent and he should be prosecuted for that action, political grandstanding notwithstanding) can and do subvert the "background check" system. Who do we hold responsible when these laws fail to keep criminals from having and using guns, we pay an ungodly amount of our property to a government who advertises "To Protect and Serve" yet when some criminal who has been adjudicated dangerous and let out of incarceration to practice his skill set again injures the public, does the public have recourse? The government has qualified immunity when they fail in the fiduciary responsibility to their employers. Simple fix, allow anyone to access the TICS system, it is a phone call and driver's license number, give them a credit card number for the $10.00 problem solved. (We are paying the people who run it already, if the aim is to restrict the sale of firearms to criminals, I think this is a reasonable us of our employees) If a legislator wants to reduce sales of firearms to criminals, pass legislation to give all the ability to check, then drop the hammer on anyone who sells to a criminal if they can prove it.
    1 point
  16. OK... walking in the store, I already have 29 guns (actually more), and a license to carry them. What are you and your background check gonna stop?
    1 point
  17. I have the Dead Air Ghost, Silencerco Osprey 45, SWR Trident 9 and a Silencerco Omega 9k. The 9k and Ghost are my latest cans and so far I absolutely love my 9k. I use it mainly on 9mm carbines so the short length and larger OD looks great on it. I tried it briefly on a Glock 19 and the gun didn't cycle though. But I love it as a fixed barrel can on a Scorpion, Uzi pro and X95 SBR.
    1 point
  18. Hi, this is Ben Schade's wife. We have moved to Missouri to be closer to our son and family. Ben does have stage four prostate cancer, but he is doing well. He is not doing any gunsmithing. He enjoyed his time in Tennessee and loved his customers. He always tries to do good work. Right now, he is building me a house.
    1 point
  19. Most of these are decently irrelevant with a quality holster and belt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. While they do sound good to most people in principle, I agree that they do not work. Criminals do not go into a store and buy off the shelf. Other than that they can recruit "clean" buyers to do straw purchases and then move the guns out of state so that connecting them is harder. The "clean" buyer can report a theft if they want a record of them no longer having the gun. They could even buy a few and take care of them all on one "theft" On top of this, lots of guns recovered from crimes are stolen from legitimate owners. There is no way for background checks to stop either of these. On the other side, if a person goes in to buy a gun that is then used in a "crime of passion", that person passed the background check at the time because they had no outstanding issues. So that did not deter that issue. So while background checks for private sales might have a positive impact, the amount would be very small. Basically it would simply generate more income for the government via the charge for background checks with very little in return. I think the energy would be best used to stop the smuggling of weapons into the country by criminal networks. I can guarantee those weapons have a 500 times larger chance to be used in a violent crime than the gun sitting on the shelf at a LGS.
    1 point
  21. I know, let's require background checks on drivers of automobiles, big 'ol honking weapons (as shown recently by jihadist). Surely if one needs precluding from possessing and operations a firearm they shoul likewise be denied the chance to plow over others with magnum motors and wheels...
    1 point
  22. The big problem with most of these 'universal background' check bills is they are really just universal gun registration bills because all sales must go through an FFL, plus adding 30-40 dollars to cost of selling your own gun. I would have less of a problem with a background check if it was just a background check and did not involve running the gun through an FFL, say if you could just show someone you have a handgun carry permit or like NC does a purchase permit. Pro gun people need to ask the anti gun folks why the handgun carry permits and purchase permits are not sufficient for a background check and you'll see that the anti gun folks basically want a backdoor path to gun registration.
    1 point
  23. There's also no indication that people have heard the truth about background checks, because of the liberal echo chamber that YOU live in. The MTSU <Journalism> Department says it all to me.
    1 point
  24. Wasn't even a Committee but a Sub-Committee. 7% 0f the legislators (7 out of 99) killed these bills by voice vote so there would not be a written record of their vote. Wonder how any of their voters will ever know?
    1 point
  25. Eagle Eye shooting complex in Mt. Pleasant, TN will be having their 3 gun match, April 9th. registration begins at 9am. Shooting begins at 10am. entry fee is $30 cash Round count is 100 each, NO buck and NO slugs. Lunch Provided. This is also the beginning of a points race series, come out and rack up some points for the end of the year prize table. 4 classes recognized in Series (practical, open, factory, and PCC)
    1 point
  26. Governor doesn't want to have to veto's pro-gun bills, and he also doesn't want to sign them, because he wants to run for President one day?!?! To help him, he's enlisted the help of a RINO named Beth Harwell who is the speaker of the house. The governor will be gone in a little over 18 months, the key issue is fixing the long jam on gun bills, is to get rid of her in the 2018 election. Or elect a democrat governor, which the republicans will then send every possible gun bill to try and wound the democrats. Beth Harwell needs to go.
    1 point
  27. If you are going to mow 5-6 acres weekly, that mower won't last long. I tried a badboy zt model a few years ago and didn't like it. It was my first zero turn and it absolutely turned me off of zero turns. After talking to a lot of yard people and a whole lot more research, I went and looked at Hustler and Toro at dealers. I felt like I could get the same quality of mower with less money thru Toro. I got the 2000 series which is the first step into their commercial series and I love it. Whichever brand you go with, I suggest finding an actual dealer and going thru them. They will take better care of you when/if you have a warranty issue. Lowe's subs all there warranty work out and you can sometimes wait a couple of weeks to get it back.
    1 point
  28. Oil filter silencer vs bottle silencer..!! What is better..??
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Still recommend Sam Hoster at Custom Defense in Gallatin.
    1 point
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