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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Somewhere around 30 years of experience owning and shooting a lot of guns has taught me this: Everyone's preference for a firearm type, make and model is entirely subjective. Recommendations are good, but your own personal hands-on experience with recommendations is better. Recommending a firearm is like recommending a church to attend. Most folks think that theirs is the best ever. Most folks fail to realize that it might simply be the best ever for them. There's a reason why so many guns go up for sale on the used market. People get an idea in their head that a firearm will be the most amazing thing that they have ever spent money on, only to buy it, own it, use it, and realize that it really wasn't for them at all. The best advice I or anyone else can give you is to come up with lists of what you want and what you require from a gun (two different things), rank each list in priority, canvas the firearms market for guns that meet your wants and needs, and then go rent, beg or borrow as many of them as you can to do some shooting with. Then spend your money.
    4 points
  2. Seekins Precision built that rifle. Not sure on the specs but definitely cool looking. I'm sure they've sold a few in the past 24hrs for all the fanboys that still have money in their gun fund. I laughed because just like his crossbow, the rifle lacked sights/optic.
    3 points
  3. After a final session sighting it in (@25 yards) I'm now ready to learn how to shoot it properly. I got it as a sporterized NPM with a 3/44 Underwood barrel. The ordnance stamp on the barrel and stock show a trip to the armory, at least once. I'm curious why it has a Type 1 barrel band. With that late a barrel I would assume a bayonet lug. The original hanguard, though varnished, is stamped RMC, so I have a small piece of Rockola. With now over 300 successful round fired on the rebuild (and about the same before ironing out all the kinks) I'm pretty confident with it mechanically. I rebuilt the bolt, replaced the piston as well as the recoil and hammer springs. Left the trigger group alone. I may upgrade to a M2 mag catch Found parts and compared prices starting with Fulton Armory and Numrich. The big reveal is what did it cost? A few dollars here and there, I never really kept up... Gun $400 (actually less, it was a bundle deal) Modified-by-me-with-hacksaw optic mount $15 Burris FF 3 free (gift) Choate folding stock $100 Beautifully made aluminum front railed handguard, $130. Not displayed, but for display purposes only. It gets ridiculously hot after 50 rounds fired. Vented sheet metal front handguard $15 Mags and pouch $90 Bolt tool and piston wrench $50 Spare bolt parts and springs $30 1 / 2 point sling $30 Covert carry, Prince tennis racket case $40 I just did the math too. Love hours spent, priceless
    2 points
  4. Finally got my 640 in. Went ahead and put Pachmayrs on both the 640 and the 686PC. Now I just need to make a good holster for the 640 and go shoot. Somehow I feel a little more gooder now.
    2 points
  5. FTFY. Speaking for myself of course.
    2 points
  6. JoeCorrado - Ok I figured you had to have seen it before. No wonder companies want their products in hit shows. Some people will buy anything just to look like the people on the show. MP5_Rizzo - Yeah I had looked at imfbd already for the info. No idea how often they update either. I had seen the one from earlier seasons. I think there was way too much build up for this to end it in one episode. And what are the chances that both the Kingdom and Hilltop arrive within a minute of each other??? I really think they are riding the show's success too much and skimping on the details. That is usually the death of a popular long running show.
    2 points
  7. Also, this ole world runs 24/7, and not everyone works a 9 to 5. Many of us get off during the night time, and just because we are gassing up at 3 AM doesn't mean we are up to no good or making bad choices. While I agree with the first part of your post, I have to chime in for those of us who don't have a choice on when we have to navigate the night.
    2 points
  8. In all fairness, you can get caught out at odds times without violating the rule of dumb. We had an alarm go off at one of our businesses 3 weeks ago, and I got a call and had to drive down there at 2am to meet the police and let them in. False alarm, but I still had to go. I didn't need to stop for gas, but I could have. So there are rare times responsible adults have to be out late at night.
    2 points
  9. Not mine, but fixes the problem...
    2 points
  10. I have a variety of storage but I'll start with the way I use to do it before I moved. I had a large decommissioned upright freezer that worked great. Had shelves in the doors to keep the high turn over calibers, lots of shelves that I mostly just stacked the boxes on sorted by caliber. Key lock door that wouldn't keep anyone out long, but it looked like a freezer. Decided to leave it behind when we moved. I have 2 of the shallower Ammo Crates like you have, because they fit in a space under the bench. I also have 2 very large ammo cans don't know the calibers but they weigh about 100lbs each when loaded, I keep them on a roller platform under the bench. These 4 boxes are longer term storage and don't get open often now that they are filled. I keep around 1000 rounds each of most calibers I shoot in the gun safe (I bought a big safe). I also use a bunch of the plastic ammo cases that Harbor Freight puts on sale all the time for around $5/ea. I keep some in the safe one caliber each with labels but I discovered they fit perfect sideways in a filing cabinet drawer. I don't remember the total count with out going down stairs but I sort by type and caliber with labels on top, easy to pull out what you need. You need to use the heavy duty office type with full slides. I found a couple of 2 draw units that I use as bases for my gun bench for Under $50 each at a surplus furniture store. I have dry packs in the bigger boxes. A rod type dehumidifier in the safe and a regular dehumidifier in the room where everything is stored. I don't have dry packs in the boxes in the file drawers, figuring they are in airtight boxes and are the next in turn to be used. Not a perfect system but it works for me for now. Oh and I keep a small stash in the bedroom for all the calibers I keep in the upstairs safe.
    2 points
  11. S&W 439 and 3 mags. Growing up my Dad had a 39-1 and it was the first center fire pistol I remember having shot so when I saw this, nostalgia bit hard and now it sits in the safe next to my 52-2. As with most older used pieces it needed a good strip and clean so a few minutes online finding a good .PDF file about 25 minutes later it was back to good clean and ready for fun status.
    1 point
  12. Save the date: The 2018 3G4V Run N Gun, Presented by Rockcastle Shooting Center, will be on March 17th and 18th in 2018. We will tentatively offer a 5k on the 17th and a 10k on the 18th, but we have a lot of details yet to work out before we confirm that. You can sign up for either, or both - Registration will be about 90 days prior to match date again. Work won't really start on this for another 6 months or so, so don't ask TOO many questions yet. But start training...
    1 point
  13. He failed,... ......to yell "CONTACT" first then to do the combat hair flip looking left then right then left again..
    1 point
  14. All well and good I guess, but this case had nothing to do with firearms whatsoever. - OS
    1 point
  15. Nope... Everyday is a hand cannon with a touch hole. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. 9mm conversion barrel.
    1 point
  17. Yes indeed, The Husqvarna HVA action was one of the very finest actions ever made. When I was in gunsmithing school 79-81, There were 2 actions that were top of the line candidates for custom builds and that was the Sako's and the Husky HVA (not 98 Commercial). The HVA is a small ring Mauser action with 98 featured bolt design. It was the only small ring Commercial Mauser action offered in belted magnum chamberings. I built a couple custom rifles for folks on that action. I like it so much that I bought one many years ago and modified it to suit my thoughts of a perfect hunting rifle in a classic way. I put a Win M70 style safety on it and modified it for a detachable 4 round magazine that feeds from center in line. Needless to say, this unit is as slick as it gets working 30-06 in & out of the chamber. I put my signature 3 sided bolt handle flats on the bolt. One of these days I still need to reshape the comb over the grip to fit my hand better but hey, the shoe maker's kids hand no shoes either! These HVA's are sleepers on used racks.
    1 point
  18. Ha! Nice.... I always wondered why there aren't any coin/cash operated ammo dispensers at gun ranges. Insert $20 bill, pull the lever and retrieve your 50 round box so you can quickly continue your shooting session.
    1 point
  19. Ammo cans and 90% of those are in their own safe. I found a good quality but inexpensive used Cannon safe at the Safe House.
    1 point
  20. For everything not stored in the house I use surplus ammo cans with a desiccant pack inside. I recharge them (in the oven) every 5-6 months. Usually based on the desiccant color at that point they are usually still ok, but I've had a couple cans I had to replace because the desiccant was showing moisture much quicker than the rest. I've pretty much gone away from plastic cans with foam "gaskets" for anything other than transporting stuff to and from the range as they suck. I'm curious to hear if anyone has used the rust inhibiting bags to hold their ammo inside the cans? As far as storage, I made a shelf system out of plywood that holds 3 rows or 10 cans and lets you pull out any of them without disturbing the others, makes for easy access.
    1 point
  21. Correct. If I were teaching students I would add this: Having been a Police Officer, and I’m sure those that have been one will agree; people don’t always tell the truth. There are two sides that are not always the truth. I don’t know how it works in Tennessee, but where I was I had discretion on a misdemeanor. I did not have discretion on a felony. Threatening someone with a gun was a felony. If the person was believable and there were no other witnesses or video around you would probably be going with me to jail. If they weren’t believable I could have a Command Officer or a Detective come to the scene and make the call. The truth will not always set you free. Do everything you can to get out of the situation without displaying a gun. However…. That’s just my opinion based on dealing with the public. As I said before; you can do anything you are ready to take responsibility for. (Because you will)
    1 point
  22. That’s the question he asked. “Prove otherwise” works both ways; by showing them a gun, the other person could call the Police and claim he pulled it. This didn’t happen; it was a question, so we don’t know how it would end. Flashing a weapon or pulling a weapon is a possible response. Without a direct threat it’s a bad idea and could very easily land you in jail. But you have to do whatever you are ready to take responsibility for. As a former Police Officer I will repeat the comment above about calling 911. If I feel the need to “show” someone a gun in any way shape or form; I am calling 911 and I am staying there until Officers arrive. The first person to call is the “victim” the second person is the “suspect”. I can’t count the number of people that I have arrested that probably would not have been arrested had the Officer at the scene had both sides of the story. They are standing there looking at your license plate; they can give a description of you, your vehicle, your gun, and how and where you carry it. Knock, Knock Knock… answer the door it’s the Police.
    1 point
  23. Plenty for you to think about and have a plan. Tennessee has no laws against “brandishing”; they do have laws against assault. Would a reasonable person (that’s a juror or a Judge; not you) believe you are in immediate danger of death or great bodily harm? If so you are justified in either threatening them with your weapon; or shooting them. Someone giving you the evil eye or walking up on you without displaying a weapon at the pumps does not meet that level. Just because you have a gun doesn’t mean you will survive and it doesn’t mean everyone will fear you. Armed people, both good and bad are killed every day. Pulling your shirt or jacket back might scare off a bad guy. Or it might be an armed violent criminal that wants your vehicle and you just became a dead man walking because he now has the upper hand. If you pay at the pump, you have no reason to cross his path, get in your car, lock the doors and get the hell out of there. I’ll fight or take an azz whipping before I pull a gun on someone. But if someone threatens me with a weapon; I have no problem with using deadly force to save my life or the life of another. But at the end of the day whether you are an HCP holder, cop or citizen with a gun in your car, you have to be prepared to do whatever you need to so you can go home.
    1 point
  24. In Parks and Restaurants, she voted with the Democrat Governor to support his overrides on gun bills, she would do the same now, she is an anti-gun liberal who resided in a Democrat district. She is simply Naifeh in a dress...
    1 point
  25. Everyone on this board has gone sailing past that point and waved while going by. I do like the workbench and the guns in the drawers lol.
    1 point
  26. I like! But just to warn you LOL, by posting this and also saying you bought the tennis racket covert case, you probably put yourself on a watch list somewhere!
    1 point
  27. You would never know the difference.
    1 point
  28. Just going to go ahead a lock this for several reasons.
    1 point
  29. Nice job on the rifle. $400 is a heck of a price on an NPM. Did you have that when I bought that ammo from you?
    1 point
  30. Sweet looking rifle, congrats on finishing it. I would like more pics of the bench/work table ya got there.
    1 point
  31. Then wouldn't "bless his heart" be appropriate?
    1 point
  32. I got the lifetime at 66, because I am afraid they might not let me out of the nursing home one day to go and renew it.
    1 point
  33. At my age, every time I renew, I think it is probably a lifetime renewal.
    1 point
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