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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2017 in all areas

  1. The hail was pretty bad in Bellevue last night. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    5 points
  2. If my plan to de-escalate a situation is to flash, draw or use my gun, I might not ought to be carrying a gun. If I'm filling up my car at 3am, I may want to reconsider my overall lifestyle...Am I doing dumb things at dumb times in dumb places with dumb people?
    3 points
  3. Like there's always a clerk in sporting goods at Wally's, right? Hell, the reason they have so much ammo in the case at most stores is because half the people that want it can never get anyone to sell it to them. - OS
    3 points
  4. Saw this on arfcom pistol forum, thought I'd pass it along. These Phitz cases are usually MUCH more, but there's a "final sale" on their site, 10.99 - 19.99 for the most part, depending on color/pattern. https://phitz.com/collections/final-sale Now, I haven't got my hands on one yet (one guy on the forum has the mandolin one for a pistol and says it's great), but either the mandolin cases (page 2) or the baritone ukulele cases, slightly larger (page 3) look about perfect for AR pistols, I guess AK ones too, and noticed the 3/4 size acoustic guitar ones look same for AR rifles of most any length (page 1). Or other rifles too of course. Hand grip, backstrap on the mandolin/uke cases, backstraps on the 3/4 guitar ones, pockets on outside, etc. Inside dimensions listed for every model on site. Shipping not bad, 15 clams total for the two I ordered (baritone uke and guitar), whole tab for both 38 bucks. The two I ordered: baritone uke ($11.97) 3/4 guitar ($10.99): - OS
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I've requested some assistance on this from the author of the Classifieds system. Will let you know what happens.
    1 point
  7. Um....it's not for another 4 weeks...
    1 point
  8. I like Kubota tractors. With that said most Kubota dealers seem to sell Exmark that I've seen. If you are going to spend $8000 or more buy an Exmark. There is a reason they are the pros choice. Under the 8k mark I still like the Bad Boy for the strongest mower for the dollar. I used to own a Dixie and you were told correct. The new ones aren't as good as the old ones. And green is just a really expensive color of paint.
    1 point
  9. Went back today. In and out in 30 min. Hope I live long enough to get my money's worth.
    1 point
  10. Took a while to finish, but I think it's finally 'done'. 700-800 rds through it so far (probably, maybe more ), 6-inch groups at 200 yds w/ Wolf .223 factory rounds. 3" groups at 100 yds. Anderson Manuf. Lower w/ Houge grip, Anderson 5.56 upper w/ 24" Stainless Bull Barrel 1:8 twist. Nikon P-308 scope, Reflex site, and CAA Group Stock w/ cheek rest. Starting to become a fan of the AR. Want to get another upper in 300 blk. out so I can use that as an excuse to buy another lower! It truly is an illness. I should be able to get government compensation somehow, shouldn't I? - K
    1 point
  11. Try and notice what all the local lawn services use, the machines are good or they get good service when one breaks down. Lawnmowers are like guns, everyone likes what they have for the most part since it's such a high $$ purchase. I really debated about my Ferris ZTR as I didn't want to spend that kind of $$ on a mower first of all, but knew I wanted/needed a quality unit to justify the purchase, knowing it was going to be my "last" mower I purchased. Every brand can have a lemon. GL in your quest.
    1 point
  12. if you have a tractor already, why not just get a deck? You could fill in the little stuff with a push mower for a couple hundred $ 6 acres is a lot of grass to chop on a regular basis. You're looking at $1500+/- for a 6' deck compared to $5000+/- for a mower, and I can assure you that your tractor will still be running long after the mower has come and gone
    1 point
  13. We closed for the first week of bow and firearm season. It was great. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. I bought a Hustler Raptor Limited 52" last summer. No complaints thus far. I'm only mowing 1.34 ac. tho. If I was mowing as much as you, Greg, i think I'd opt for something upscale. Bought mine @ CIRRUS in Lebanon.
    1 point
  15. I'm thinking if these guys furnish a few pizzas and put those conveniently shaped hail stones to good use and chill some adult beverages we'll have several TGO members will show up and have that cleaned up in no time. Then again, they may really need a gofundme page by then!
    1 point
  16. The cubes, I mean hail must be real since there doesn't appear to be jack and coke residue!
    1 point
  17. I was in FFA as well. After winning state in public speaking I was awarded a 10/22. That was a big deal and the school I went to had a fit and almost closed down the chapter. Just to rub there noses in it my leader bought me 1k rounds for it because a watering system I designed finally got its patent. The principal tried to make me return both gifts but word got out the farmers (including my family) put him in place. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Dealers.... yeah. In my experience, the majority of them are marginally useful. It's pretty common to have to travel hundreds of miles get what you want. There are no dealer networks and they generally won't move bikes around or make any effort to find a specific bike for you like car dealers do. You've got to do all the work to find what you want and go get it. "Fly-and-ride"... The XT is a very simple bike and OEM parts are readily available online. Anyone with even modest wrenching skills can easily accomplish the typical maintenance tasks. A factory service manual and YouTube are all you need. If its a brand new bike, I wouldn't ride it back either. Droning down the highway is not a good way to break it in. It'll ride just fine diagonally across the bed. Put it on the side stand, 2 straps on the handlebars and 2 on the passenger pegs pulling down and forward. Stop after the first 10-15 minutes and retighten as necessary. Good to go.
    1 point
  19. Is that a plumbing clean out in the mulch bed or ammo cache. Hmmmm
    1 point
  20. I have a good truck. Just doesn't have a receiver hitch. I can haul pretty much anything I need. I always considered a trailer if push come to shove.
    1 point
  21. You can never go wrong with Woodford.
    1 point
  22. In 1972, as a member of the FFA (Future Farmers of America) and a Senior in Conway High School, in Conway Arkansas my brother was awarded the American Farmer Award. The banquet and awards ceremony was held in the school cafeteria. He was presented with a Model 94 Winchester 30-30 with a color case hardened receiver and saddle ring. I'm betting you won't see that today.
    1 point
  23. UPDATE apparently the lawyers in Germany took care of all the paperwork as my friend received a crate of personal items at customs. After signing a pile of papers he opened the crate and the mosin was included. I haven't seen it yet but he did say the front stock has been cut off. Cool to have a wwII rifle that you know the story.
    1 point
  24. I second the bad boy. I sold them for 5 years and rarely saw anything go wrong. Add the power plus from TSC and you can get 4 years of service plus a 30% rebate on consumable items such as oil, filters, belts, and blades. For $5999 you can get the commercial version but may have to order it if your local TSC doesn't carry it.
    1 point
  25. Heavier Frames, heavier decks, dual hydro motors which are heavier, and commercial grade engines. They are just better in every aspect. Go drive a John Deere residential and then drive a commercial. You will immediately know the difference.
    1 point
  26. This is a partial truth. 9mm is only better than everything else if you shoot it out of a Glock.
    1 point
  27. Theater or not the 'ban' was obviously a big, middle finger from the Obast**d administration to gun owners, hunters and all the other 'clingers' His Highness so despised as they went out the door. If the regulation had been needed and meaningful why wouldn't they had put it in place two, four or even eight years ago? Personally, I think that every time an Obama regulation gets cancelled or repealed an angel gets its wings.
    1 point
  28. Mine stays on the back of the console. It's mounted via a Blackhawk QD setup. This allows me to change the holster or if I park and leave my pistol I can remove the entire holster with the gun and pop it in the glovebox. View of the back of the console- View from the drivers seat- View of the QD setup with the pistol removed in holster-
    1 point
  29. A few ideas This is not permanent http://www.earthquakestore.com/holsters.php This one belts around the seat. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.gunauction.com/search/displayitem.cfm%3Fitemnum%3D4534030&ved=0ahUKEwi3n-ixl73SAhWBSyYKHdwkAWsQFggkMAI&usg=AFQjCNFLHco12dlwehtRk23UoeRF8yP5Qg&sig2=A-kr7UibyL7wkyL_jDwNfg These just clip into dash I think this one screws in. Most of these are more visible than in the console, but more accessible. And just for fun
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. You got friends here and you didn't piss me off. What pisses me off is most of the state talks about us like we are a war zone. But the metro area used to be the largest by land size. Don't know if it still is. That means that our population, smaller than Nashville, is spread over a larger area. There are a few small areas where all of these murders are taking place and they are almost always not random. There are some great places around here. But no-one wants to see that.
    1 point
  32. I'm not gonna dog out Memphis. It's a good town. Like all larger cities it has it's bad areas...just gotta remember the "Rule of Stupids". I used to make frequent trips up to Memphis from New Orleans (where I worked) to Tom Given's old Rangemaster range on South Mendenhall. If any of you have been there you know it's not the best area of town. But I never had any trouble there...of course I adhered to the "Rule" above. I would never venture into any of these areas unarmed and without alertness and generally have at least one friend along. There were areas back in NO that were definitely a No-Go...so, I just didn't go...unless I had to... fwiw, at least back in NO, if you were EMS or dressed in scrubs (always armed) you very rarely caught a negative look, even i n questionable areas. Even the thugs knew they may well need your services. Nothing 100%, but I worked 5 years in the "Parish", Lower 9th Ward/Chalmette, and had worked on quite a few of the lowlifes and bangers, saw them all too frequently our ER, so it's not like we were unacquainted... Point is, there's good places and bad places in every city. Just keep your head up and don't act a fool, don't be where you shouldn't be and do things you shouldn't do, just because you think you should be able to. There's good folks in Memphis and the BarBQue ain't half bad.
    1 point
  33. I'll say this about Google...Their customer service is top notch.  I had dealings with them a few months back and placed a phone call, I wasn't placed on hold, and I talked to a really friendly English speaking guy that got my problem solved quickly.  Last time I called Comcast I was put on hold for 17 minutes before I was connected to an Indian that I couldn't understand. 
    1 point
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