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Gunsmithing Services View Advert Hey guys, many of you know me here but I've had a lot of folks inquire about services or see something and not know that I offered that. My biz name is a little misleading I apologize for that. I'm a full service gunsmithing shop that does 99% labor type work. I moved my shop to Oliver Springs a little over a year ago. Things are running great so I wanted to throw this out there in case you need anything I can provide. First and foremost I will work on almost anything. I have been working on guns for 35 years now. Started off at my grandfather's pawn shop back in the early 80s. I moved to Oak Ridge in 2008 and opened Law Enforcement Sales early 2010 and have been steady smithing since. Since inception I have had a 07/02 manufacturing license for both title 1 and title 2 firearms. Began heavily on the LE side but my customer base has grown more than I could have ever imagined and I now do way more work for the general public. Little about me, I have been a commissioned law enforcement officer since 2001, worked 7 years as a SC State Constable working all over the state. I am currently serving as a Sergeant with the Anderson County Sheriff's Department which I joined in 2008 and have been an active Reserve Deputy with them since. I am also a VP at Wells Fargo bank working in their securities/loss area as a Software Engineer. I've compile a list of things I usually work on but again, the sky is the limit. I will 100% be upfront if there is a job I am not comfortable with. I have not done everything but I have found I tend to get the more difficult jobs around the area none of the other smiths want to deal with. I feel my prices are very competitive and I always charge what a job is worth not what my time invested is. Services Sales Affiliated with most the industries distributors. I don't do much retail because of TN's sales tax it's currently impossible to compete with the internet. I want you guys to get the best price you can but I do have those customers who want to buy from me and I don't mind helping search something down and getting it. I am a East TN SilencerCo SPEQ dealer. They offer great prices to LE, Military, First Responders (EMS, etc.). Call for special pricing. They offer a couple times per year this discount to Veterans too. Transfers Title 1 transfers - $20 INCLUDEDs TBI background. I WILL accept transfer in from private parties and it doesn't matter if I can get the item or even have the item in stock - no games! Title 2/NFA transfers - $35 - I'll happily help/review your paperwork. Been in NFA for 30 years. Barrel Work Shortening Threading - most done on CNC Lathe Crowning Pinning (compensators) - installing and removing Contouring Head spacing Install AR Extensions / replace broken alignment pins, etc. I do some chambering.. full barrel blanks (7.62/308/9mm/7.62x39,22, etc.) .. and existing re-chambering ...40 to 10mm, etc - will be offering additional calibers as they come. Receiver/Bolt Work Engraving - NFA, Images, etc. Extractor installs / Sako M16 extractors, etc. Bolt knob threading/installs - Badger, etc. Changing bolt face calibers (where feasible) Receiver / Bolt face truing Various repairs Parts Kit Builds/Repair HK Style - Can roll/weld flats, demil parts kits, build 922 compliant semi autos. AK Style - Can roll flats, weld rails, Rivet trunnions, trigger guards, stock trunnions, etc. (NoDak is so cheap it's probably moot now but can do it either way) RPDs PKMs - Designed a new semi trigger pack that utilizes 99% AR internals. Custom machine a new hammer and recoil assembly. My conversions do not use that ugly recoil rod that most do that has to protrude through the middle of the rear stock. Everything is internal. MACs UZIs VK59s List could go on and on .... ALL of the above can also be machined to post sample select fire status for LE agencies Refinishing Parkerizing Cerakote Duracoat At the moment I do not do cammo patterns. Sorry I have a couple of master refinishers I can refer you to for those services. Handguns RMR/Reddot milling -not just flat, proper radiused front WITH all 4 indexing posts (RMR) Slide serrations, windows, etc. Sight removal/install Dovetail milling Recoil/Hammer Stud replacement (revolvers) Cylinder Reaming/Honing Picatinny/Weaver rail drill/tapping, etc. General repair / parts replacement If I can't find a replacement part I can often machine something. I do a lot of fixing stuff.. machine guns, rifles, heir looms, etc... Custom Machining Above is just a sample of services I can do. I have 2 production class HAAS CNC machines, both a Lathe and a 4th Axis VMC. I also have a 54" Monarch lathe that I haven't ran out of room with and an old Bridgeport milling machine. Old 1940s vintage good stuff! I do odd work on non guns stuff too - Motorcycle parts, RV car parts, you name it. I co host a 3-4 machinegun shoots across the states and neighboring areas per year. If you'll follow my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LawEnforcementSalesTN/ or our hosting page https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=beltfed brothers we'll post our event information. It's a nice opportunity to get some real seat time behind a lot of the equipment we don't normally get to shoot. We have a M134 Minigun (4K rd/min), Several M60s, M240, couple of M249s, M16s, Mp5s, slew of other fun stuff. Don't be Knob Creek and watch come shoot for yourself!! I also post smithing jobs I'm working on as time permits. Feel free to IM or email me for any service questions. Thank you ALL for your continued support! Stay Safe! Michael Dresner Law Enforcement Sales Advertiser LawEnforcementSalesTN Date 03/09/2017 Price $1.00 Category Vendor Sale Postings Caliber Manufacturer Law Enforcement Sales Type of Item 4,5,7,8,9,101 point
I love the M1 Carbine in .30 Cal so much that I started looking for a handgun in the caliber to match. My search led me to both of these. An AMT/IAI Automag III and a Ruger New Model Blackhawk - both in the awesome .30 Caliber Carbine.1 point
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You know, I never have any luck catching anything while I'm fishing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I can't wrap my head around that. How would too much oil make it difficult to rack the slide unless the slide is coated in the stuff and you simply can't grab on to it?1 point
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Honestly, few places will let you try holsters on, and even if they do it' hard to get a appreciation for what will work best for your situation in 5 min standing in a store. That's why many of us have drawers full of old/less used/tried before holsters. I probably bought a dozen over the past decade for my p229 trying to comfortably carry it all the time. I eventually came to realize that as much as I love the way it shoots, and it's capacity it just didn't fit for my everyday carry in some situations. Hence the search for a smaller gun that landed me with the p238. For me it carry's great, shoots really well for it's size, and is sufficient for when I can't carry my preferred p229. Of my officemates that I know carry, one ended up with an LCP to fill the same role the other a p238 after shooting mine. There's no one right answer for everyone, hence the variety in the holster and handgun market place. My best advise is to post up a WTB in the classifieds with the gun you're looking for holsters for(or in the pay it forward thread), I bet there's at least one of us who has one for it in a drawer somewhere already that might just let it go to a potential good new home cheap. Holster drawer by Erik, on Flickr1 point
I didnt like it. Richard hatches a crazy plan to "sacrifice" himself so the kingdom will realize how bad the saviors are and finally fight them. Plan goes awry, Benji is killed instead, so Morgan kills Richard in a rage but uses the same back up plan Richard had hatched? Wtf!! And yes - always give your guns to the bad guys....such a tiresome plot device How much more interesting would it have been if instead The Kingdom showed up early at the meeting spot and placed some riflemen on the flanks and just blow the saviors away when they showed up. Then next batch of saviors shows up and same thing. Saviors are not good on the attack. Only when they can intimidate and control the turf.1 point
I have no idea on cost down here (I'm from Indiana) but don't skimp on the sub-base. If the ground below settles, so will the concrete. In my day job, I work for a construction materials testing company - so I've tested a lot of concrete. I'd suggest 4000psi instead of 3000 as listed above. Most slabs, driveways, sidewalks, etc are 4k. 3k is typical for foundations, however. If the barn is not going to be heated you will want air-entrained concrete as well. The air voids within the concrete will allow for freeze/thaw and you'll end up with a better product of the life of the slab. Concrete WILL crack, we just try and minimize how much, and direct it where.1 point
50 rounds total. 20 @ 9'; 20 @ 15', and 10 @ 21'. The silhouette was about 19"x9.5". The "2-point" area was around 10"x7". Anything outside of that area but still on the silhouette was 1 point. 70 points was passing.1 point
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8mm Nambu is as odd as I get1 point
I've always wanted a Blackhawk in .30 Carbine only for the fact I've heard they are obnoxiously loud.1 point
We can second guess motivations all afternoon long. I hate it when people second guess mine, so I guess I try to give others the same courtesy. But, it still stands that if we had other businesses with a storefront on practically every corner in America making an effort to hire veterans - for whatever the reason - we'd have a much smaller problem. I'm not waving their flag because I love the company or their coffee (even though that sausage sandwich is pretty good when you're on the road), but because their actions and communications back up their trying to do the right thing: https://www.starbucks.com/careers/veterans Call Operation Stand Down here in Nashville - they're also a great organization to get involved with. They'll tell you about pointing their vets to places like Starbucks as they work on things like housing, medical needs, etc. They've got schooling benefits, too which ought to let you defer using GI Bill education benefits.1 point
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Colt, Springfield, Rock Island, etal make offerings in 9mm below the $1k price point. Personally, I would look at the Springfield Range Officer.1 point
I knew him when I lived in Colorado, he is a royal douche. He used to be a trainer armorer for the Aurora police department. A cadet got killed in a class room under his direct tutelage and he showed no remorse1 point
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