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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2017 in all areas
To wrap this up - I finally got this straightened out and was able to buy my gun today. The backstory is this: My appeal was denied and the denial letter gave the reason as being convicted of a felony.. In the 1970's I was charged with a drug felony, sentenced as a 1st offender, completed probation released, and had no felony on my record. I've lived my entire life thinking that was buried and in the past. Here's the scary part: in 2014 the 1st Offender Discharge was removed from my record and I suddenly appeared to be a felon and that's why I failed the background check. How this happened no one is sure. Getting it back on my record required a judge to sign a new 1st offender discharge release and that took some doing and some time but I was able to get it done and that fixed the problem. It was really something digging all this back up from my teenage years - it was before the computer age and all of my files at the courthouse were in storage. All the players were dead or retired... During the process of sorting this out I was able to connect with a friendly TBI supervisor who gave me her phone number. As soon as the 1st Offender Discharge was added back to my criminal record I called her and she reversed the denial while we were on the phone and emailed the gun dealer clearing me to buy the gun. She assured me I'd pass background checks going forward. About an hour later the store called telling me I could come get my gun..7 points
3 points
When you're wrong, you're wrong... I bought my first M&P back when Smith and Wesson introduced them in 2005. It was my M&P 40 and I still have it. I was shopping for a Glock 23 when the S&W rep who was visiting Guns & Leather handed me one and asked if I had considered their new plastic-fantastic. I left with not only it but also an M&P 40 compact, and soon after added an M&P 9 compact, an M&P 9 full size, an M&P 9 Julie Goloski edition for my wife, an M&P 45 Mid-Size, and an M&P Shield 9mm. To say that I have had my share of M&Ps is maybe a slight understatement and I definitely wouldn't consider myself a Johnny Come Lately to the ownership circle given the timeline. For at least 6-8 years, my M&P 40 was my every day carry but it was eventually replaced with a Glock 19 for reasons that most of us have probably given at one point or another. "For the sake of change" is probably the most honest answer I can give anyone, but I had an assortment of other reasons waiting in the wings if I was pressed on it. Besides, the Glock 19 is arguably a very reliable and functional gun. But so is my M&P 40. Fast forward to late 2016 and the new M&P M2.0 was announced by Smith and Wesson. I admit it. I yawned. I scoffed. I publicly stated that I saw little about it that would motivate me to go back to an M&P 9mm after having had a relatively bad experience with the full-size M&P 9 that I had owned before. I was wrong. Last weekend I had the chance to shoot one. It felt better in the hand thanks to the aggressive stippling that S&W has applied to the frame and palm swells. The beaver tail was gone and suddenly it was even closer in length to my Glock 19 than the previous offerings and it felt better riding inside of my TT Gunleather inside the waistband holster without the frame protrusion digging into my chiseled, well-muscled midsection. The frame was less "flexy" at the front of the slide thanks to the change in design that extended the metal skeleton all the way forward. The front cocking serrations weren't all that big of a deal, but they weren't ridiculously ineffective either. They didn't sway me either way, but they did add a bit of flair to the expanse of boring metal forward of the ejection slot. But the trigger. Damn them, the trigger was better than I anticipated. It was smooth and clean right up to an abrupt wall, then it broke crisply and without grit. The reset was firm, tactile and audible, and the reset travel was maybe 3/16 of an inch from the terminus to reset, measured at the bottom tip of the trigger itself. The reset still isn't as forceful as a Glock 19 with OEM connector and trigger return spring, but it is right on par with the feel of a reset from a Sig P320. It honestly feels better than any Apex'd M&P that I have owned or fired. So what does a guy do when he's as wrong about a firearm as I was? Yep.2 points
When I had my Delta Elite at the Custom Shop a few years back, Brent called and asked me if it would be OK if they added the live-round cutout to my ejection port work. He had found that it really helped when doing the "unload and show clear" drill. I told him, "Sure..., just add it to the total." Brent replied, "No charge - - - Just figured it was something you would want since it would go well with all of the other mods you are doing to the gun." Not only was he great with Customer Service, Brent was a true ambassador for the Colt name.2 points
I must be slipping in my old age. It took me entirely to long to get that. Well done sir.2 points
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Yes, I heard that from Reece at the Gun Crew yesterday. Disappointing, but gives me a bit of time to recover. Did look lustfully at a Springer Operator in 9mm though. Very tempting pistol. For some strange reason, I've really become addicted to the 1911 in the past few years.2 points
Heck...I've been hanging around here for close to 8 years and I still feel like a newcomer. Way too many guys that outrank me in knowledge to worry about titles and points. I just try to enjoy this place and not say something to get booted. And believe me...at times I've had to erase my comments and start over.2 points
2 points
Thought I'd share what I learned during this skills evaluation class. I can shoot just accurately enough to qualify for the FBI and/or Federal Air Marshal. Many people could shoot just accurately enough to qualify, given my leisurely times in lieu of the official qualifying times. My triple retention cover garments did slow me down. I was triple layered; everyday untucked/unbuttoned cover shirt, (un) zippered hoodie, medium weight cotton twill field jacket. Normally, the hoodie is excluded and I am reasonably well practiced sweeping back 1 - 2 garments. Adding the extra layer caused me to partially sweep the shirt and not getting a smooth draw. Once the pistol was clear, I noticed an outward movement of my arms to clear the bulkiness of all three layers of clothing. Not smooth, not fast. Had never thought about it since I've never been timed when shooting bulked up. Gives me something to think about as I do occasionally wear triple retention cover garments when away from the castle. Would my times had been good enough with a single cover garment? No. I've got lots of room to improve. Shot my CZ SDP for the FBI drill. This was a replacement for my 75. I like CZs and thought it would be the perfect replacement for the 75. The SDP is a great pistol - CZ Custom put out a nice product, thousands of trouble free rounds, got a cool NSN, slightly smaller and lighter. Been my primary carry for the last 2 years. Then I shot my old stock 75B Omega for the Air Marshal. I carried this pistol for 2ish years in a N82 Tactical. Hadn't worked this pistol or even shot it in over 2 years. I fell back in love. I am seriously considering carrying it again. After a trip to Cajun Gun Works. Simply like it better. I did Mexican carry my extra mags for the drills. Probably not OSHA approved, but I forgot mag pouch. Test fired my M1 Carbine, it's finally alive. One more mod on the optics mount and I may try a short-range rifle class. Opted out of the shotgun drill. Good conversation had by all.2 points
I know Barrett and the other manufacturers have prices that are all orange juice to vodka. Who sells a dead on barrel that hits the spot with no BS. Just want a simple HEAVY barrel bolt action .50 tack driver.1 point
I think the 2.0 feels like a better built pistol. The old ones always felt "cheap" to me. The new one feels like a step up in class. I'm also crazy impressed with my 45 Shield. They've really stepped it up in quality. It will be a long path to convert me from Glocks, but they are moving in the right direction.1 point
I'm going Sunday. May try to trade/sell a handgun I no longer shoot.1 point
Maybe... I was thinking more of a H&R Handi rifle in 32 Fed, but since "freedom group" closed them down that wont happen. Oh well, can't have everything we want or life would get pretty dull.1 point
That sucks. I really hope he finds a gig with Springfield or something.1 point
I've been actively looking for a Ruger in 32, but haven't found a used one yet. New ones are way too high. Have been loading 32Longs with various boolits and found that mine really likes a 98gr wadcutter.1 point
32-20 is the only 32 I currently load for, but may someday pick up a set of dies for 32 Long and 32 ACP.1 point
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More importantly (IMO) he was the honcho of customer service. Now, that's got a lot of people really pissed as it sounds like he did a top-notch job.1 point
When I was a kid, I remember pretty much everyone knowing whether they were black or white, an without fail, they all knew their gender as well. I'm starting to believe the movie "Idiocracy" is more a documentary than entertainment.1 point
1 point
I reload for 32 mag, 32 long, 32 short, and 32 acp. Personally my favorite is 32 long. I can reload for it cheaper than I can buy 22lr, think it was about $0.03 per shot last time I did the math. It is accurate and fun to shoot. H&R 732. I carry the 32 acp as a backup or deep concealment. Kel-tec p32. The woman of the house has taken a shine to the 32 Mag revolver for defense. Nef Lady ultra. I would like to have a rifle in 327 Fed Mag but haven't found one yet. If I could find a rifle I might consider a revolver.1 point
Brent Turchi ran the custom shop and there are a lot of pissed off Colt fans right now. There are a couple of threads over at the colt forums on this subject.1 point
Brother you are so right! I'm much better at containing my "enthusiasm" than I once was, but still a very fallible human and that requires overwatch.1 point
Well the thing is, I was pretty sure I wouldn't be going back. While I liked my M&P 40, 45 and Shield just fine, for some reason none of our full-size M&P 9's ever really grew on me. I should probably add that the new M2.0 has a 1:10 twist rate which really helps the accuracy of the thing as well, and that was a problem I had with some ammo and the "Gen 1" 9mm. I was really, really surprised at how much I like the M2.01 point
I just looked at mine and where you have member title and birthday listed under basic info mine just has birthday. I checked it using a computer as well, thinking it might have been an iPad glitch, but it shows up the same way using both. I don't care that much, I thought it might be kinda funny to be a newcomer with 1000 posts, but at my current comment rate that might take me another 15 years.1 point
Yeah, I get that. I'll add it to the list of things to try and fix. I think MacGyver's theory is the most likely. This probably got jacked up during an upgrade.1 point
Nice job on the paint, especially for a first! That's quite a rifle, or should I say quite a barreled action with a bipod! I like the simplistic approach, can't wait for a range report.1 point
As a side note. If you don't want the weight and bulk of quad rails, but also don't want your rifle looking like industrial shelving, look into MLOK. Modular and can add rail sections or attachment points like Keymod but looks MUCH better.1 point
It was a no brainer. Obama stoked the anti-gun panic hard for eight years. Everybody that ever wanted a gun wound up with at least four. It's saturated.1 point
I don't think you'll regret buying the M & P. Fine firearm. Agree with you on shooting with irons, and I've used the Magpul BUIS on several AR's, I think they're on par with a lot of much more costly rear sights. I notice there are a lot of polymer (fancy word for plastic) sights on the market the past couple of years, considerably cheaper than the Magpul. You get what you pay for. There are tough durable plastics, the kind Magpul uses; and there are crap Happy Meal Toy type plastics. Agree on grip too. I've got a box full of A2 grips (the standard grip), cause I always replace them. I may be a little bit nuts about AR's. Think I've got about 20 right now... (Oops, did I say that in public? Don't tell my wife!)1 point
Nobody local to us in west TN I know of carries this kind of stuff, especially at a competitive price. This place has lots of options: http://www.jsesurplus.com/7-11pistoluppers.aspx1 point
Yep, I've been contacted by FSD and they will do transfer. However, I think buyer has a dealer he prefers using. It apparently ends well.1 point
May want to get on Karri's mailing list. Good prices and they have occasional sales for even better prices http://karrisguns.com/pistoluppers-2.aspx Currently sold out but the price is why....279 http://karrisguns.com/kg-venom-KM-5-56mm-7-5-pistol-upper-SR.aspx1 point
PSA, keep an eye for their daily deals. http://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-7-classic-freedom-5-56-kmod-pistol.html1 point
Thanks my friends. I've got to tell a story of when my wife was first introduced to guns. It was the same pistol. We were at a friends house out by the river. A safe place to plink. We gave her the pistol after giving her a safety check and how to shoot it. She is allergic to wasp and any other stings. As soon as we got her set up and she flipped the safety she took a long serious aim; then a bee tried to land on the barrel. She spun in a 360 and we all hit the dirt, dad included, I guess you just had to be there. This pistol means the world to me. Thanks for your support.1 point
Seen on their facebook page they are giving a free women's self-defense course 6-9pm because of the recent attacks that have happened in Davidson Co. @Royal Range USA continues to impress at every turn.1 point
Welcome! I moved my family here from Western NY almost 2 years ago. Was one of the smarter things I've done. We spent a lot of time researching which schools would be a good fit for our children too. So far we have been pleased, and are enjoying the community we live in. There have been some rough spots, but on the whole they weren't unexpected, and we're still happy with the overall experience. There are some good websites like schooldigger that will help you rank schools, and state standardized test scores proved useful. We originally planned on moving to another community around Knoxville, but couldn't understand the disparate curve in the test scores. We ended up meeting and talking to a young couple at dinner one night while checking the area out, and the wife happened to be a teacher in the district we were looking at.... proved very enlightening. In short, income distribution correlated well with test scores, and the school teachers were forced to spend a lot of time 'parenting' kids whose parents didn't. At the expense of the rest of the class. Be wary of rural poor area's. It's unfortunate, but true. I don't have much experience w/ the Nashville area but as with most large city's, the closer you are.... I have friends/family in Bell Buckle and Springhill, and both seem like nice communities. Murfesboro is quite a large city onto itself, but there are a lot of jobs there, too. Look at crime statistics and local newspapers, and take a few trips to visit prospective area's before pulling up the tent stakes and moving. We made 3-4 trips down here (800 miles each way, UGH!), and while it really was a pain in my back, it was time and money well spent. I'm glad we ended up where we are, and not in our first choice. Feel free to PM if you have any questions! - Kevin1 point
We have a lot of industry here etc. I was born and raised in Hendersonville and it has changed so much over the years. very busy and crowded compared to here. Feel like I have a good spot I can get to Nashville Chattanooga and Huntsville Ala in the same amount of time. Have great place to ride in the mountains and a really nice lake as well. Your right for what people want for rent you could buy a home just as cheap.1 point
The Irish Daughter . . . . The Irish daughter had not been to the house for over 5 years. Upon her return, her father cussed her; "Where have you been all this time, you ingrate! Why didn't you write us, not even a line to let us know how you were doing? Why didn't you call? You little tramp! Don't you know what you put your Mum through??!!" The girl, crying, replied, Sniff, sniff . . . "Dad . . . I became a prostitute . . ." "WHAT!!? Out of here, you shameless harlot! Sinner! You're a disgrace to this family - I don't ever want to see you again!" "OK, Dad - as you wish. I just came back to give Mom this luxury fur coat, title deeds to a ten bed-roomed mansion, plus a savings account certificate for £5 million. For my little brother, this gold Rolex, and for you Daddy the spanking new Mercedes limited edition convertible that's parked outside plus a lifetime membership to the Country Club . . . (takes a breath) . . . an invitation for you all to spend New Years' Eve on board my new yacht in the Riviera, and . . . ." Her father interrupted, "Now what was it you said you had become?" Girl, crying again, Sniff, sniff . . . "A prostitute Dad!." Sniff, sniff . . . . "Oh! Be Jesus! - you scared me half to death girl! I thought you said "a Protestant". Come here and give your old man a big hug!"1 point
1 point
Maybe no one would mess with a true Russian Makarov. They're not exactly falling off trees. Perhaps some Wolff springs or something if you must mess with it (keeping the originals for the next guy)?1 point
If you want nice smaller town come check out Tullahoma. My wife moved me here from a bigger city and I love it. I am in between Nashville and Chattanooga1 point
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No, it is not legal. You can bring it and meet him at an FFL and do the transaction there.1 point
I'm thinking about one myself. I've heard groundhog taste just like chicken.....and I love chicken!!1 point
I always shake my head when an iconic brand puts their name of a piece of crap.1 point
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