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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2017 in all areas

  1. I have been quiet for a while but only because I have been a bit depressed and busy as can be. My Dad passed on the 13th at home in bed, a surprise to all even at the age of 90. I am getting all things in order and taking care of my mom now. Fortunately she is only 4 houses up the road. I got a gift I loved and looked at in a drawer for around 50 years now. It is the first pistol I ever shot and man was it a handful at the age of I guess 8. Now it is mine but not by choice, I will hand it down to my son who loves guns just as much as me. Teach them well. I would like to share this wonderful pistol with all of you as well.
    6 points
  2. I'm not much of a handgun or shotgun guy, or even civilian rifle person. Nope. It's milsurps that float my boat, and for the modern stuff that doesn't ever get to the civilian market 'cause it's TOOOOO SCARRREEEEEYYYYY... Well, AR's to take the place of M-16's, and Polytech M-14S to take the place of the real thang. And so on.
    4 points
  3. What is interesting about these "Extra's" (and why they were called that) is they are actually a "long slide" 1911. They were probably the first 1911 style pistol that sported a barrel longer than the standard 1911 5.0" barrel. To date, I have been able to snag four of these old Llama's and a couple more interesting newer ones. I've actually got two of the EXTRA models. Here is the lineup as of today. Llama Model IV (a rare one) - 5.5" barrel - 1941 - 9mm LUGER (this one looks to have been re-chambered long ago, was manufactured as 9mm Largo) Llama Model V - 5.0" barrel - 1944 - 9mm Largo/.38 Super (certified rated for the higher pressure ammo) Llama Extra Model VII - 5.5" barrel - 1933 - 9mm Largo/.38 ACP Llama Extra Model VII - 5.5" barrel - 1936 - 9mm Largo/.38 ACP Llama Model IX-A - 5.0" barrel - 1977 - .45 ACP (this one sports a "white metal" finish - I think the bluing was polished off and some protective coating applied, but more research into it is needed) Llama Model XI-B - 4.25" commander barrel - 1981 - 9mm Luger (pristine condition) I just realized that I need to take more photos of this collection. I only have five of the six showing. The one that is missing is the youngest, the Model XI-B in 9mm Luger (1981). Llama Model IV (1941) Llama Model V (1944) Llama EXTRA Model VII (1933)
    3 points
  4. Very sorry to hear of your father's passing. Thank you for feeling at-home with us enough to share, and thank you again for sharing photos of that beautiful 1911. What a fantastic heirloom, packed with decades of memories and tradition. I hope that it brings you infinitely more enjoyment than any tinges of sorrow, and reminds you most of the good times together.
    2 points
  5. First time I ever saw a 357 mag four barrel derringer!!! thanks for sharing!
    2 points
  6. Here is my oldest Colt. A 1931 Bankers Special. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    2 points
  7. The Tennessee Turkey Hunter . . . . . . An 80 year old Tennessee man went to the doctor for a check up and the doctor was amazed at what good shape the guy was in. The doctor asked, "To what do you attribute your good health?" The old timer said, "I'm a turkey hunter, that's why I'm in such good shape. I'm up well before daylight and out chasing turkeys up and down the mountains." The doctor said, "Well, I'm sure that helps, but there has got to be more to it. How old was your dad when he died?" The old timer said, "Who said my dad's dead?" The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old and your dad's still alive? How old is he?" The old timer said, "He's 100 years old and in fact he hunted turkey with me this morning, and that's why he's still alive... he's a turkey hunter." The doctor said, "Well, that's great, but I'm sure there's more to it than that. How about your dad's dad? How old was he when he died?" The old timer said, "Who said my grandpa's dead?" The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old and your grandfather's still living! How old is he?" The old timer said, "He's 118 years old." The doctor was getting frustrated at this point and said, "I guess he went turkey hunting with you this morning too?" The old timer said, "No . . . Grandpa couldn't go this morning because he got married." The Doctor said in amazement, "Got married!! Why would a 118-year-old guy want to get married?" The old timer said, "Who said he wanted to?"
    2 points
  8. My dad made a ribbon and medal layout for him using an app (yes, theres an app for that) I'll upload it to photo bucket tonight or tomorrow and post it here if you like.
    2 points
  9. I love my Bersa Thunder 22. It's a bit finicky on ammo as are all .22's are but runs like a champ on what it does like. It's my po' man's James Bond gun.
    2 points
  10. Adding to the list - here is another unique OLD 1911 you just don't see every day. This is a Spanish Llama "EXTRA" (Model VII) made in 1933. It says 9mm/38 on the side of the slide, but it refers to 9mm Largo (9x23mm) and not 9mm Luger/Parabellum (9x19mm). The .38 refers to .38 ACP, not Super. These old Llama's are not the cheap stuff Stoeger imported from the 1950's to today. These are real, tried n true, war horses that are a find when they come up. Significantly under-appreciated series, if you are looking for one. I've been fortunate to capture a couple of these . . . non-import marked . . . .
    2 points
  11. I was looking through some pictures for something totally unrelated to this but when I saw this one it reminded me of this thread. It's my S&W 1905 Hand Ejector 1st change. Barrel is marked 32 WCF also know as 32-20 Winchester and .32 Colt Lightning.
    2 points
  12. Is it legal to sell deer antlers in TN? I'm going through 'stuff' in my garage and have like 40 years worth of deer antlers, both from deer I've killed and some sheds too. The bigger racks I've hung up, but have lots of dinky racks, fork horns that I need to do something with. I've seen them on eBay, but not sure of legality of selling on internet. Thought I'd make contact with a knifemaker maybe in Tn.
    1 point
  13. Pm returned Did this 20ga last week along with a Cerakote job on the receiver and barrel. Seemed to be the week for scope mounts. Had a couple of MkIIs thrown into the mix as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss my friend. Although it's been 24 years since I lost my dad, I still feel the loss, and cherish his memory.
    1 point
  15. The Irish Daughter . . . . The Irish daughter had not been to the house for over 5 years. Upon her return, her father cussed her; "Where have you been all this time, you ingrate! Why didn't you write us, not even a line to let us know how you were doing? Why didn't you call? You little tramp! Don't you know what you put your Mum through??!!" The girl, crying, replied, Sniff, sniff . . . "Dad . . . I became a prostitute . . ." "WHAT!!? Out of here, you shameless harlot! Sinner! You're a disgrace to this family - I don't ever want to see you again!" "OK, Dad - as you wish. I just came back to give Mom this luxury fur coat, title deeds to a ten bed-roomed mansion, plus a savings account certificate for £5 million. For my little brother, this gold Rolex, and for you Daddy the spanking new Mercedes limited edition convertible that's parked outside plus a lifetime membership to the Country Club . . . (takes a breath) . . . an invitation for you all to spend New Years' Eve on board my new yacht in the Riviera, and . . . ." Her father interrupted, "Now what was it you said you had become?" Girl, crying again, Sniff, sniff . . . "A prostitute Dad!." Sniff, sniff . . . . "Oh! Be Jesus! - you scared me half to death girl! I thought you said "a Protestant". Come here and give your old man a big hug!"
    1 point
  16. I lost my dad 30 years ago February the 7th. The pain and loss do subside with time but the memories last a lifetime. I still think of him often with a smile in my heart, especially when hunting or fishing and I thank him every time I'm able to fix something on my truck or car since he taught me how to do them all. I'm sorry for your loss.
    1 point
  17. Lost my dad in 2010. It never gets easier. There are things I wished I had done and thing I did that I wished I could take back. I did inherit 3 of his rifles, they are locked away in a safe to pass along to my children when I go. Sorry for your loss, it is a burden we all will have to bear I'm afraid.
    1 point
  18. I asked a friend if I could show his 1946 Remington 513T Matchmaster .22 with made in Japan vintage Tasco 6-18 by 40mm target scope. He sent me that picture and a Remington branded BB gun, likely made by Crosman, with a cheap Taiwanese Tasco telescope he put together for an April Fools day joke a few years ago. The 513T is a nice shooting setup and draws a lot of attention at the range.
    1 point
  19. Sorry for your loss. Always treasure the love, the smiles, good times and yes the Colt 45.
    1 point
  20. Holy thread resurrection, batman
    1 point
  21. Sorry for your loss but you've been blessed for him to have been in your life this long.
    1 point
  22. My condolences on the loss of your Dad. It's good to have some things to bring back pleasant memories.
    1 point
  23. I wish they chambered the CZ-82 in 9mm Luger. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24. Found these guys on Spotify, the singer sounds like Jim Morrison to me.
    1 point
  25. I doubt many buy these and then want to do much to them. For one, aftermarket support is a fraction of modern service pistols. Secondly, assuming it is an actual Makarov, it sort of destroys any historical interest by modifying it. I'd keep it as is, shoot it, and buy a Glock or equivalent if you to fiddle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. I still have a 357 maximum 10" contender. While the factory loads were rather anemic, 158 grain@1575 fps or so, handloads would produce 200 grain@ 2100 fps or so. Definatly get some attention.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I'm not suggesting that any sane DA would go to bat on any of those cases, but without a doubt the way the law is currently written, carrying a firearm would be a violation of the law. I've been complaining to my state Senator for 5 or 6 years about the need to fix this law, because of having a business in close proximity to a large private university. If we look at previous AG opinions on similar matters involving school activities at public parks, those opinions appear to be wide in scope and clearly would include a sports team spending the night in a hotel, or a restaurant where the school bus stopped for lunch on the way back from a field trip. One example used was a park was a no carry zone because students where allowed to eat lunch in the park on nice days, and during those times the park was considered 'in use' by the school. The law is very poorly written, just about any change would make it a marked improvement.
    1 point
  29. Yup, same scope I was going to recommend. Nikon makes a decent scope, I usually get the ones designed for centerfire just in case I want to swap out to another rifle, but in all these years its never happened so my next 10/22 will wear a rimfire scope like that one.
    1 point
  30. The property in question is a private club. We host the school tournaments. And that's what this was. You would not have been able to compete unless you were part of a high school trap team.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. If it was going to be a "bag" gun in the trunk I would seriously consider the Bersa (Bersaman's recommendation) or even more the Phoenix HP22 Deluxe range kit with the short and 5" barrels. THere are some youtube vids how to "fix" the Phoenix double safety and improve trigger pull.
    1 point
  33. I have 2 different friends with the HP22 in the kit with short and long barrels. Fun to shoot and accurate, for it's size, but the double safeties are a bit strange in how they interact. I had one on my want list but bought a Beretta Bobcat 21A in .22, that filled the void for a very small .22 semi for now.
    1 point
  34. I know you said your looking for a revolver but if you go the the Semi auto route and you know someone that owns a Phoenix HP22 you may want to shoot it some if they will let you borrow it. I have one for a pocket pistol and have been to the range with it many times and it never fails to please me more each time I shoot it. Not fancy, not a real brand name and costs about $149.00 new and the gun is more gun than many people think it is. It holds 10+1 in the tube and mine has never failed feed or fire with about any brand of ammo............Just might be an option to look at.............JMHO
    1 point
  35. People will spend their money on anything, I guess. If I am going to spray crap in my holster to "make my draw faster" I'm going to use Bacon Infused Olive Oil because it's better for the environment and if hunger strikes me while I'm in the middle of some serious Pew Pew action, I can eat my leather holster.
    1 point
  36. Interesting caliber. I just picked up a CZ-52 in 7.62 Tokarev a few months ago. I haven't been out to shoot it yet. The nice thing about the CZ is that this gun fits PERFECTLY in all my 1911 holsters, even the Blackhawk Serpa's. Just need to get a range trip scheduled . . . .
    1 point
  37. A group of country neighbors wanted to get together on a regular basis and socialize. As a result, about 10 couples formed a dinner club and agreed to meet for dinner at a different neighbors' house each month. Of course, the lady of the house was to prepare the meal. When it came time for Jimmy and Susie Brown to have the dinner at their house, like most women, Susie wanted to outdo all the others and prepare a meal that was the best that any of them had ever lapped a lip over. A few days before the big event, Susie got out her cookbook and decided to have mushroom smothered steak. When she went to the store to buy some mushrooms, she found the price for a small can was more than she wanted to pay. She then told her husband, "We aren't going to have mushrooms because they are too expensive." He said, "Why don't you go down in the pasture and pick some of those mushrooms? There are plenty of them right in the creek bed." She said, "No, I don't want to do that, because I have heard that wild mushrooms are poison." He then said, "I don't think so. I see the varmints eating them all the time and it never has affected them." After thinking about this, Susie decided to give this a try and got in the pickup and went down in the pasture and picked some. She brought the wild mushrooms back home and washed them, sliced and diced them to get them ready to go over her smothered steak. Then she went out on the back porch and got Ol' Spot's (the yard dog) bowl and gave him a double handful. She even put some bacon grease on them to make them tasty. Ol' Spot didn't slow down until he had eaten every bite. All morning long, Susie watched him and the wild mushrooms didn't seem to affect him, so she decided to use them. The meal was a great success, and Susie even hired a lady from town to come out and help her serve. She had on a white apron and a little cap on her head. It was first class. After everyone had finished, they all began to kick back and relax and socialize. The men were visiting and the women started to gossip a bit. About this time, the lady from town came in from the kitchen and whispered in Susie's ear. She said, "Mrs. Brown, Spot just died." With this news, Susie went into hysterics. After she finally calmed down, she called the doctor and told him what had happened. The doctor said, "It's bad, but I think we can take care of it. I will call for an ambulance and I will be there as quick as I can get there. We'll give everyone enemas and we will pump out everyone's stomach. Everything will be fine. Just keep them all there and keep them calm." It wasn't long until they could hear the wail of the siren as the ambulance was coming down the road. When they got there, the EMTs got out with their suitcases, syringes, and a stomach pump. The doctor arrived shortly thereafter. One by one, they took each person into the master bathroom, gave them an enema and pumped out their stomach. After the last one was finished, the doctor came out and said, "I think everything will be fine now, and he left." They were all looking pretty peaked sitting around the living room, and about this time, the town lady came in and said, "You know, that fellow that ran over Ol' Spot never even stopped!!
    1 point
  38. .45-70 pistol... cool. I've shot one of those 8" .460's and I thought it was noticeably nicer than a 4" .357.
    1 point
  39. There was an old country sheriff who always said, "It could have been worse." No matter what happened, the old sheriff always had the same answer: "It could have been worse." One day, two deputies in the Sheriff's Office answered an emergency call at a farmhouse. When they walked in, they found the nude bodies of a man and a woman in the bedroom. They had been shot to death. When they went to the living room, they found the body of a man with a gun at his side. "No doubt about it," one deputy said to the other. "This was a double murder and suicide. This guy came home and found his wife in bed with somebody else and shot them both. Then he shot himself." "You're right," the other deputy replied. "Double murder and suicide. But I'll bet you when the sheriff gets here he's going to say 'it could have been worse." "No way. How could it be worse? There are three people in the house, and all of them have been shot to death. It couldn't be worse. You're on." About that time, the old sheriff arrived at the scene. He walked into the bedroom and saw the two nude bodies. He then walked into the living room and saw the man on the floor with the gun by his side. "No doubt about it," the sheriff said, shaking his head. "It was a double murder and suicide. This guy came home and found his wife in bed with somebody else and shot them both. Then he shot himself." After hesitating for a moment, the old sheriff looked his deputies squarely in the eyes. "But, you know," he said, "it could have been worse." The deputy who had lost the bet jumped up and shouted, "Sheriff, how could it have been worse? There are three people in this farmhouse, and all three of them are dead. It couldn't have been worse?!?" "Yes it could," the sheriff retorted. "You see that guy there on the floor? If he had come home yesterday, that would be me in there in that bed!"
    1 point
  40. The Old Man and the Marine . . . . One sunny day in 2017, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the Marine standing guard and said, “I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton.” The Marine replied, “Sir, Mrs. Clinton is not President and doesn't reside here.” The old man said, “Okay,” and walked away. The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, “I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton”. The Marine again told the man, “Sir, as I said yesterday, Mrs. Clinton is not President and doesn't reside here.” The man thanked him and again walked away. The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same Marine, saying “I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton.” The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, “Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mrs. Clinton. I've told you already several times that Mrs. Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here. Don't you understand?” The old man answered, “Oh, I understand you fine. I just love hearing your answer!” The Marine snapped to attention, saluted and said, “Yes, Sir, see you again tomorrow."
    1 point
  41. Vaseline . . . . A man doing market research for the Vaseline Company knocked at the door and was greeted by a young woman with three small children running around at her feet. "I'm doing some research for Vaseline. Have you ever used the product?" She said, "Yes. My husband and I use it all the time." "If you don't mind my asking," he said, "what do you use it for?" "We use it for sex," she said. The researcher was a little taken aback. "Usually people lie to me and say they use it on a child's bicycle chain or to help with a gate hinge. But, in fact, I know that most people do use it for s*x. I admire you for your honesty. Since you've been so frank so far, can you tell me exactly HOW you use it for s*x?" The woman said, "I don't mind telling you at all. My husband and I put it on the bedroom doorknob and it keeps the kids out."
    1 point
  42. Attention all old men, your tool store is opening in Lebanon! You threw me with the headline...I thought you were getting a Viagra Kiosk.
    1 point
  43. I would not be able to make them with the intent to resell or maje them for sineone else. But if I made one and later decided to sell it that would be legal although I never would. It is perfectly legal for me to sell the silencers I have already registered to make and have made for myself. Being home made, both firearms and silencers, doesn't preclude them from being sold later on. Anyone legally able to possess the firearm can legally make that firearm for themselves. They can later sell it so long as the intent was not to resell when it was made. I know intent is hard to prove but if you are making and selling dozens a year the intent is pretty clear. The way I have interpreted everything I have read is it will be no different than me making a firearm for myself. I will be able to legally make them for myself and I will later be able to sell them but I cannot make them for someobe else or with the intent to sell them. And just so this is as clear as I can be, I will NEVER make any silencers or firearms for anyone else, ever, without being able to do so legally and right now it is not legal for me to do so. I will never engage in ANY activity that could result in my arrest. Today I was looking into becoming a manufacturer ahead of the HPA and there is no way I could justify the cost needed to be able to legally manufacture firearms and silencers. The cost for the licenses is cheap, $650, but the ITAR is what costs so much. Anyone manufacturing "weapons of war" or "articles of defense", even if you do not export, are supposed to pay the ITAR fee which is over $2,000 a year. Even firearms that will never be in the hands of our military can, and often do, fall under the ITAR. You don't have to pay the ITAR if you submit design specifications, including schematics, and they determine that it is not a defense article. You must do that for each individual item you intend to sell.
    1 point
  44. I wouldn't mind a set with 3 or 4 tines on each antler. I've been wanting to make my own antler lamp and convinced the wife I could make an antler wall sconce but I'm a couple antlers short and haven't seen a small 6 point to shoot yet this year.
    1 point
  45. I have tons of deer antlers. I have given many away here on TGO. They are used for buttons, knife handles, flint knapping and leather work. The bigger sets are good for deer hunters to "rattle antlers". The selling price is usually pretty good. All kinds of craft and primitive items can be made from them, let alone the fact that Koreans and Chinese say that antler tea is the best "Viagra" in the world when boiled and drank as tea. I've never tried it as I don't want to go to the ER if my junk don't go down after four hours. I'll take their word for it!   If someone needs some "buck horns" let me know, maybe we can work something out.   DaveS
    1 point
  46. They are legal to sell in TN as long as they are not velvet. (TN law 1660-01-17-.01) I have bought and sold a few myself.  I could use a few now if you wanna hook me up...
    1 point
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