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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2017 in all areas
6 points
Any of you guys shooting PCP airguns? I finally bit the bullet and jumped head first into PCP airgun's and really like the results so far. The good is quality ammo is cheap and available. The guns are very Quiet and powerful. The not so good so far is expensive set up.And hand pumping, but will be saving up for a bulk tank in the near future. Current setup is a .22 FX Streamline w/ATHLON ARGOS 8-34x56 FFP. P.S.may have Graycrait hooked also after a short plinking session today. And my first love a Air Arms S2002 points
MCTS will be hosting a USPSA match Feb. 11th and 12th at our range in Dickson. Weather looks great for this weekend. USPSA--using fault lines since 1984.2 points
Watch it through to the end. https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=037_14861003932 points
2 points
This bill will basically make 39-17-1359 no gun postings NOT apply at local and state government properties as long as you do not walk past through public entrances with armed guards and metal detectors. So you will be legal carrying at your local airport (of course not past TSA), city library, local and state government buildings, etc that in many cases are posted right now in Memphis and Nashville. Recreational facilities are of course still legal under the parks law and not changed by this bill. The bill does not legalize carrying at public schools or public colleges like HB 0363. This bill is not as good as HB 0363, but it is a big improvement over what we have now. The bill has been presented in both the house and state senate. It also has quite a few co sponsors, so I'm guessing this bill is the one that might have a change if it doesn't get killed with finance notes.1 point
“We respect honest debate and the freedom of expression. Many of us served to protect that very right. Some of our brothers and sisters died protecting it,” the members of the Starbucks Armed Forces Network wrote in its message. “But to those who would suggest Starbucks is not committed to hiring veterans, we are here to say: check your facts, Starbucks is already there." Starbucks has hired 8,800 U.S. veterans and military spouses already as part of its pledge, in 2013, to hire 10,000 total by 2018, the company said. http://www.seattletimes.com/business/retail/veterans-at-starbucks-respond-to-call-for-boycott-over-hiring-refugees/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EBB+2.3.17&utm_term=Editorial+-+Early+Bird+Brief It looks to me that more than a few "angry facebook veterans" used this as a controversy to further their own agendas, or maybe just sell some more of their own product.1 point
https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=be4_1486363147 For real? This expert level Voldemort stuff!1 point
Gallatin Gun Club will host most likely its last IDPA match this Saturday, February 11th. 5 stages, 108 rds. Stages 1-3 will be the IDPA classifier imbedded into the match. Normal match fees of $10 for club members and $20 for non- members. 2017 rules will be used.1 point
So was I late to the party and missed the discussion on this movie? I watched it awhile back, and recently got it for a Birthday present. To me it is one of the best action films in a long time. I loved the use of judo throughout the movie, as it's an art I've trained in for years and it rarely gets press. A lot of the throws and techniques were executed very well. I also liked that it showed multiple reloads instead of infinite bullets and seemed to put a more tactically minded methid of handling a pistol to good use. Anybody else impressed with the movie? Sent from the backwoods1 point
1 point
I was in no real hurry, but a sweet deal on a new RCBS kit came up on another site. Too good to pass up, so I'll have the rock chucker kit here in another day or two.1 point
The only things that stops me from jumping headfirst into this is that I like my wife and don't want to get divorced...1 point
https://practiscore.com/gallatin-gun-club-idpa-match-plus-classifier/register1 point
'Dog Wick' was great! I had not seen the movie John Wick and so decided to purchase the DVD at Wally World last Friday and watched it on Friday night. It was a great movie. I even got a chance to make a John Wick reference in a text to some friends, today. I was telling them about a dog food company that has recalled some of its products because a drug used for euthanasia has been found in it. I said that if I fed my dog food from some company and it killed her then I just might go all John Wick on their a**.1 point
1 point
There is no way for me to reply to this without sounding like Chester the Molester.1 point
Done above. BTW... Perceived brightness on high is close to the Thrunite. I prefer the push button, but that's about it. Looks like they're using the same LED1 point
1 point
1 point
This is one of my "what if" guns that I am nearly done with but it actually shoots fine as is right now. About a year or more ago I picked up this Iver model 67-S Viking 2.75" 38 S&W at a GS. It was cheap enough because it had a bad trigger recoil spring in it. My intension for it was to load snake shot loads for it for around the house. Then one day I saw that 3" I.J. Supershot barrel and frame parts for sale on Ebay. I thought what if I could put the older supershot 22 barrel set onto the 38 frame? I had to try it since there were a few pluses in the final franken gun. The old world Supershot sealed 8 top break guns were beautifully machined with tapered light weight barrels and an auto eject feature. But by 1947 Iver had to cheapen the guns to stay competitive with the H&R 999. Once the Supershot turned into the model 66, The barrel became a bulky casting and they ditched the auto eject feature for a finger ejection rod. The 66 did have some important improvements such as a fixed firing pin with transfer bar, a nice wide spur hammer and a much needed larger trigger & trigger guard. So basically, I love the old Supershot top end but the newer 66 had the far better lower frame. So I set about mating the 2 together. I ended up getting a nice 6" supershot barrel from Numrich but found the forcing cone was off center. So I made a cutter up to correct that and found I have to cut new cylinder notches in the Supershot cylinder since the frame lug of the 67 center fire frame didn't line up. But that was fine since I could now match each cylinder bore with barrel bore using a brass alignment pin I made up. Milling each of the 8 cylinder notches threw the frame lug hole assured me a more accurate gun in the end. The newer & nicer rear sight/frame latch fit perfectly on the old barrel frame and of course the center fire FP bushing was removed, welded shut and remachined for a spring loaded FP of my own design. The frame did need a bit of weld to get a tight lock up also. I intend to color case harden the frame once I make up a crucible for a kiln I have. That will toughen the lock up to where it should be. Below you see one of the weak areas of the IJ design. The trigger rebound spring is not a good one. I tried to install a new Numrich spring in the gun and flat out couldn't get it to work worth a s***. you see it inside the trigger guard here. So I revised the design with duel spring arms that are seated into holes drilled into the forward potion of the guard as pictured. The new springs have a longer arc of bend to them and with about a dozen careful thinnings, I have a nice reliable and lighter trigger pull over that stock joke of a spring they sent me. Also you can see I put the cylinder lock up lug spring mid body on the lug for a far more reliable and solid cylinder lock. All that remains to be done is build up the front sight with some weld to match the higher rear sight and kiln color the frame and bingo, I have that old world top break I always wanted yet with modern full cylinder safe carry AND auto eject. No one in their "sensible" mind would ever go about a job like this so don't ask what it would cost..... never said I was sane when it comes to old guns :?1 point
Improving on an existing design is a gratifying thing. Yesterday, I worked on a little Spanish pocket 25 that had ejection issues. With some milling on the ejection port, that puppy is now spiting spent shells out 12 feet away rather than 2 feet away.....some times.1 point
This.^ I usually do something similar on Tuesday nights, but I wait to get in the privacy of my own home. At least now that they dropped the charges from the last time I took a Tuesday night out on the town I don't have to go 'introduce myself' to my neighbors the next time I move.1 point
1 point
The organization- http://www.friendsofsycamoreshoals.org/ The State Park they support- http://tnstateparks.com/parks/about/sycamore-shoals1 point
Did you ever see an unhappy horse? Did you ever see bird that had the blues? One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses. Dale Carnegie1 point
If you have ever had to make payroll, you'll get it. If you have ever had to make out P&L statements, you'll get it. If you ever had the Gooberment stick their hands in everything your small business does, you'll get it. Higher wages should be based on merit (merit = hard work) not the over reaching hand of the Gooberment.1 point
PSA. Wait for the sales and buy a complete lower and upper separately. I did a pistol that way for about $375.1 point
1 point
Starbucks deserves props here. And, I say that as someone who has seen them hire individual veterans that I've known in transition, and ones I've been privilleged to meet through programs like Room In The Inn. There will always be mental health issues that will contribute to homelessness issues. But, if every big company had the commitment to hiring veterans that Starbucks has, we'd have a much smaller problem than we currently have. Your care for one group doesn't have to exclude another one.1 point
Maybe. What is says to me is that Starbucks is committed to helping those that they feel need it. There is no doubt that most refugees entering the US are going to need help. I'd much rather see a refugee working at Starbucks than sitting at home collecting a check from the taxpayers.1 point
1 point
Um, well, garsh, thx. Note that about half of what I note about them are the gray areas though, so don't take anything from me as legally authoritative in any way, eh? And if I were writing them, there'd be few if any of them there gray areas. - OS1 point
My PF9 started dropping the mag too. I called Keltec, and they sent me a new mag release and spring no charge. They also offered to fix it for me if I wanted, but I chose to do it myself. That fixed the problem.1 point
Nay! Looks like something we recovered after the downfall of Saddam. I'd say something like this:1 point
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1 point
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