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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2017 in all areas

  1. What you seem to be missing is the pressure of a completely cratered market on manufacturers and sellers. I consider PSA to be a known quantity as I am sure many others her do as well. There are many makes at that $700 price point that are not or are of a lesser quality than the PSA offering. There are many reasons for that gap between 400 and 700 that can be explained by reasons other than quality. It's wise to know who you are buying from.
    3 points
  2. https://rkshows.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/coupon.gif
    3 points
  3. Unless your in the market for a worn out Remington 700 in 30-06 at forty dollars more than a new one,stay home.
    3 points
  4. My truck gun is a PTAC rifle kit. I paid a little more than this. In terms of reliability, I would trust it as much as any of my other AR's, all worth a lot more. It's an AR. If it breaks, it's cheap and easy to fix.
    2 points
  5. I just tried to upload the pic from my phone but it said the file was too big. Let me see what I can do. I think what's neat about these plates is that so few of us will have them. Aside from the message of course.
    2 points
  6. I print those out and give them to folks in line at the show. Once they threatened to ban me from the show when they saw me doing it.
    2 points
  7. Commission GT or Sybo to make you one.
    2 points
  8. I've been wanting to build a AR pistol for a long time, and that day finally came I purchased a 80% lower and had a friend set the machine up, no drill jig was used , and it only cost me 1 drink to push the button on the machine. IMG_20170113_191000524_HDR_zps3dmi1kyy by Johnny Rotten, on Flickr Then I purchased a PSA pistol upper and LPK, I made a kind-of custom buffer tube foam cover, so here's my truck gun... 2017-07-13_05-25-09 by Johnny Rotten, on Flickr Shot 30 rounds this afternoon in the backyard and really liked it, my son's first comment was it's as loud as our Barrett 50. I need to get BUIS, angle grip and install my red dot..
    1 point
  9. Sorry if this a dupe but wanted to get this out there. It's a White House petition to repeal the NFA and this may be our best shot at it for years to come. Please sign. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/repeal-nfa Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. My follow up for my diverticulitis is still open ended. My colonoscopy is scheduled 6 weeks from now, depending on the results, I may be under the knife for surgery, removing about a foot of my sigmoid colon. My preference is no surgery, but prepared for the worst case. If it is God's plan, a little faith healing could be in my future, so prayers are definitely welcome and appreciated! May God bless and protect all of my TGO brothers and sisters!
    1 point
  11. First day on the job, thanks to "Steel Harp" for giving me the link to this forum. My questions will mainly be about the Sig mpx with collapsable stock and silencer attatchments. Already have read some good information. Will be looking forward to all of your tips on this and other subjects as well.
    1 point
  12. I made this from one of their cheap saw horses I bought on sale. I added some fake tennis balls that they sell for dogs 3 for a dollar most places and added a piece of plastic angle material I had around the shop. I drilled a hole in the balls with a spade bit and screwed the balls in place. Makes a light weight portable gun rack for my backyard range and comes in handy when I need to dig to the back of the gun safe.
    1 point
  13. I'll add my hat to the ring of folks saying the $400 PSA rifle is just as good in quality as a Ruger AR556 or S&W Sport II for $600+. The cheap ARs that I feel are lesser quality are the DPMS jobs with super cheap hardware and nekkid sides (no dust cover or forward assist)... and those are still around $500+! Mossberg, bless their hearts, keeps trying with some AR designs... the last one I held had a slim aluminum free float handguard which was cool... until I picked it up... the rail was STOOPID thick and added a TON of weight to the front of the gun. Just weird, and pointessly so. For dang near $800. Pass. Like others have said, If I didn't already have a bunch of 'em, I wouldn't hesitate to but that kit. For the price of a Saint (same gun, different handguard and buttstock, imho) a feller could have a PSA rifle for his car AND truck!
    1 point
  14. HPA introduced to the HoR on 9 January: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/367 Also introduced to the Senate as well: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/59 Fingers crossed, in the meantime I'm waiting for NFA branch.
    1 point
  15. You would just be paying for a name then, PSA has some decent quality ARs, I see no difference between them and the Spikes, S&W ARs I have. Its just that you are paying for an AR that is priced right. If I didn't have the number of ARs I have right now, I would be getting one of theirs..still might, I have another wildcat I'm looking at.
    1 point
  16. And that's just for the ammo in the mag!
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Check these out for holsters... Got em both... http://clarkforkleather.com/leather-chest-holster/.... https://www.hillpeoplegear.com/Products/tabid/762/CategoryID/1/ProductID/2/Default.aspx Both work like a charm... leroy
    1 point
  19. The actor Mike Connors has passed away at the age of 91. He had a pretty good run.
    1 point
  20. Thanks! I'll have to check this out and see if it'll do the trick. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. Plus you have to look out for conversions of No4's. I was fortunate to find mine by a guy that inherited it and wasn't into guns. Had some rust on the butt plate and light surface rust on the barrel. Those were my bargaining chips. I pulled it apart after purchase and was pleasantly surprised after being cleaned and gone over the rust with some 0000 steel wool and oil that it cleaned up nicely. Made me glad I passed on one at the Birmingham gunshow that had the bayonet and scabbard with it. He wanted $750 for both, which to me is way high. I paid half that for the one I bought with a box of surplus ammo on stripper clips. Can't complain. He had some Garand's as well, but they sold before I spoke with him. Didn't want to ask how much he wanted for them. Probably would've made me sick.
    1 point
  22. Check out the "undertaker" shoulder harness from HighNoonHolsters. I carry my Glock 20 + two full mags in that rig.
    1 point
  23. Low flying aircraft. His buddies are lucky they were able to walk away from that. All the nonsense aside, I'm jealous of him.
    1 point
  24. It occurred to me that I can, and already did, set up "Tags" so that a vendor's posts would be tagged as a Vendor item for sale. We'll probably go live with this feature this weekend!
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Attention all old men, your tool store is opening in Lebanon! You threw me with the headline...I thought you were getting a Viagra Kiosk.
    1 point
  27. I don't know why these two don't sit down over lunch one day and plan the gun show schedule for the whole year! It's like they want to make people choose which one they will support. I'd go to both if they were on weekends, 2 weeks apart.
    1 point
  28. While looking, I found mspy that lets you put it on non-jalbroken phones. Doesn't have as much control, but pretty close.
    1 point
  29. I'm hoping for more than just 1911's. Maybe we can get back all the firearms we gave to S. Korea. I'm still in need of an M1 carbine among other US military rifles in my collection. I just wish I had my Great Grandfather's 1911 from WW1. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in a fire about 10 years ago at my Uncle's farm while he was deployed. This administration will be our best bet and it's still early plus he has a lot on his plate as it is.
    1 point
  30. How about if she's not trustworthy, just take the phone and let her carry quarters around ...
    1 point
  31. When are we doing this again? Seems like it's been ages since we've met. @Dustbuster or @HighpowerI think organized the last 2? maybe I'm wrong? I did make it out to Everything Weapons awhile back but I've been so busy with work lately that i haven't been on TGO much. Wouldn't mind talking guns and politics with some fellow ugly bastards sometime soon. Anybody else?
    1 point
  32. Why not do something by Royal Range? Hell, maybe we could line something up with their shoot house (not sure how they run it though). But that would be awesome.
    1 point
  33. eFile Form 1 SBR Submitted: 10 June 2016 Approved: 23 Jan 2017 This was going to be my FHRC firearm......., now its....., MAGA!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  34. My wife and I are the only people in our home along with my best bud Brodie, a large for his breed Yorkshire Terror that hears everything. My handgun is laying on my bedside stand every night holster free and keeps my flashlight and two full extra mags company. I'm too old to fight and to slow to run.....and I have no intentions to do either.
    1 point
  35. Oh, I think there are probably a lot of people who want them and maybe have been on the fence about obtaining the tax stamp and so who would jump as soon as the legal restriction barriers were removed and take care of whatever modifications were needed for the firearms in the aftermarket or buy a combo even at a premium price. For me and probably many others, though, I am saying that although it might not seem 'worth it' as things stand if the price went down and the availability went up to the point that the fantasy I mentioned became reality (the factory threaded barrel and can combo for around $100 more) then it wouldn't be so much a matter of, "Is it worth it," as it would be a matter of, "Why the heck not?" It is kind of odd, to me, that some European countries where the official stance on firearms ownership might not be as 'tolerant' as the U.S. seem to require suppressors, at least in some instances, in order to prevent noise pollution or something similar while our country treats them like majorly dangerous devices. I mean, how many mafia hitmen (or women) do these folks really believe there are and, of those, how many of these hypothetical hitmen - who theoretically kill people for a living - do they believe worry about getting a tax stamp for their suppressors (if they use them) or have trouble sourcing them via non-standard 'suppliers'? Yet, again, we have a case where the only people who are restricted or penalized by a law are those who are law abiding.
    1 point
  36. I concur that that your shipment was likely repackaged because it got wet on a conveyor belt and then blew open. Like at least half of Memphis, I worked in the FedEx hub at one time. Damaged and reboxed packages were fairly common. It's all about getting the package to its destination and let the shipper and receiver determine if there is a problem with the contents. Claims can be handled from there.
    1 point
  37. I would think if they did repack it, like the USPS, they would tag it as a repack. I have gotten packages that had postal stickers basically saying "sorry we destroyed the box"
    1 point
  38. I don't think it left PSA like that. I'm not positive because you didn't post good pics of the box but I would be willing to bet that the original box was damaged, likely from water and one of its stops and it started coming out of the box. UPS or FedEx would have then repackaged everything that they had there and let it continue on to its destination. They can't refuse a package for you so they let you do it when you get it. Having worked at Fed for some time, thats what it looked like to me.
    1 point
  39. Just talked to PSA. After sitting on hold for 49 minutes they finally answered. The gentleman I spoke with was fantastic. He seemed genuinely irritated that they sent out wet ammo. He sent me a UPS label and RMA form so I could send it back and they will be replacing it. That is the kind of customer service I like. They apologized, said ship it back and we will make it right.
    1 point
  40. My dear one, No man can ever claim you from Me. I reserved a man for you who has My heart and loves Me more than he will love you. Soon you will know him, I have the perfect time. You are My princess, My daughter; let no prince claim you unless he asks from My hand. For I am your Father, the King of Kings, the Lord. You, My princess are worth loving and deserve a prince. My princess is very patient as I work to become the man I am supposed to be.
    1 point
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