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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Hey guys. It's been a busy January for me, but I have managed to get the new Classifieds system installed behind the scenes and am on the verge of unveiling it to the public. I wanted you guys to see it first to give me some feedback. Unfortunately there's no way to give you actual access to it without everyone else seeing classifieds items popping up in their newsfeed, so here are some screen shots to give you an idea of how it will work. To view these pictures larger, you can right click on them and open them in a new tab. Pic #1: This shows where the menu item for the Classifieds section would show up on screen. One thing to note about the menu bar at the top of the page is that it will consolidate the last few links to the right if your screen resolution is not sufficient to show them all. When it consolidates them, it rolls the remaining links up into a menu item called "More". Pic #2: This is the landing page of the Classifieds system. At the top of the page are blocks for What's New (which would show recently added items) and Expiring Soon (which would show ads that are near the end of their campaign length). Below that is the list of categories similar to what you'd see on the home page of the forum where it lists all of the sub-forums. Pic #3: This is what pops up when you start to create a new advertisement. It provides a list of the Categories and asks you which one you're going to place the ad into. Pic #4: This is a view of all of the options that you get to choose from when you are crafting your ad. In this example you can see that I was creating a fictional ad for an M&P M2.0 9mm handgun and was setting the price for it at $495. You can add (or omit) information about where the item is located, choosing whether or not to just list the city and state, or also include a street address. The street address info would be helpful for a Vendor who has a storefront, obviously. You can also indicate whether you want to Allow Offers on the price, and you can allow the software to Notify you when questions are made about the ad. The latter is like subscribing to a thread in the normal forums where you get a notification sent if someone responds. You can also add images directly to your ad, and an ad can have a maximum of 10 images. The ad also has questions about the item you are selling. Some of them are required (as indicated) and others are optional. Obviously if you're selling a backpack or a tree stand, you won't be listing the caliber. You also get an option of Packages Available when posting your ad. This is a new thing! You can either go with the standard ad that runs for 45 days at no additional charge beyond what you paid as a Benefactor, or you can "Feature" your ad for 10-days for a very small cost. Featured ads stay pinned to the top of the Classifieds section and are among the first things people see.
    5 points
  2. Well I finally got the email letting me know the plates are being shipped out. Some of us may be able to get out plates this week or next. Woot woot!!
    3 points
  3. If she's not especially trustworthy (which is the impression I get), take away the smart phone and get her a prepaid flip phone.
    2 points
  4. Tell him to take away the iphone and get her a jitterbug. It was it all, numbers 1-9, hashtags, a 0. She'll have a blast.
    2 points
  5. Welp, we made it back and actually had a great time. Was able to get tickets from Diane Black's office. The young lady there was terrific and so helpful. Was in the nosebleed area I guess, but the rest of the rabble was behind us. Crowd was very energized and only saw small pockets of protesters usually 6 or less. Lots of shouts at Schumer while he was speaking, boos, yelling at him to sit down, some said "get a hook" no rowdiness but lots of yelling at him and as Hillary was shown on the screen. Our section was not nearly full, all the others seemed to be as well as the general admission areas. Lots of rooftop observation. At least two helicopters constantly overhead. I was privileged to be wanded at every security checkpoint, but they were nice about it. Tried to go back on Saturday to take in some of the sights, but due to the pussy hats we couldn't see anything. Tons of people and barricades everywhere. Did spend some time at Arlington, but that was about it. Overall it was a great trip and I'm glad my family was able to go. It really was an exciting place to be.
    2 points
  6. February 5 2017 3 Gun Registration Link. https://practiscore.com/mtsc-3g-2-5-2017/register
    1 point
  7. Just joined from Old Hickory, TN. I am interested in a little bit of everything and I have a little of the same!
    1 point
  8. Yeah, I think a 7+" .44 would be a lot of gun for backyard plinking. Though I would definitely work up a light maybe .44special round for shooting targets. But my new direction. Really seems to fit both calibers better. A lighter/shorter .45 which is lighter shooting and I suspect easier handling for targets. And a longer heavier .44mag for hunting and 50+ yardages, and load compatibility with the .44 lever I'm planning on... And I will be reloading for both rounds, so I can adjust the loads to fit the situation.
    1 point
  9. There may be other states but I know Idaho has a maximum weight limit of 16 pounds (including sling, scope and any other attachments) on rifles for hunting big game. I believe this came about because hunters were making or attempting up to 1000 or more yard shots on Elk. Idaho fish and game determined this was an not a fair chase of big game and possibly too dangerous for other hunters. The 16 pound weight limit was their attempt to eliminate the 50 caliber rifles but this doesn't eliminate the real problem of stupid and unethical hunters.
    1 point
  10. As cool as hunting sounds with it, I couldn't do it, because anything short of an actual elephant and it would just destroy the animal.. nothing left to consume/use But, I bet if you popped a nice sized deer with it on a frontal shot, it would probably field dress it in the same spot it went down, which would save some time.
    1 point
  11. after doing some research i found this bad boy that works better than a wiha socket and fits glock front sight bolts perfectly( yes that lil ($&& pos) thing its thin walled but works great. plus the micro bolt wont drop too far in! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. You defiantly need to double up on HP, I usually shoot 40rds every time I take it out, first time out I shot with ear plugs only, suffered a week of listening in mono...
    1 point
  13. The accuracy of that gun was insane for being a large caliber. (It had obviously been sighted in previously). On the silhouette the organs had outlines, lungs were about 1" apart. First time ever shooting it, dead center mass and the rips of the paper didn't even touch the organ outline - that's putting a 1/2" bullet in a 1" hole @ 60 yards. Wanted to see how the concussion was as a spectator, and let some random guy shoot a round (he seemed to be interested in the gun), he keyholed my shot on the first round. I knew they were accurate, but for two separate people to pick up an unfamiliar gun and keyhole shots on their first round is unbelievable. LOL is about all you can say about this ridiculous thing.
    1 point
  14. Prairie dogs beware LOL
    1 point
  15. Usually 50 guys are a nuisance, shooting steel and welding cylinders at 330yrds no effort at all..
    1 point
  16. Well the good news is we don’t have miserable winters with -20 temps. The bad news is the summers are hotter. We don’t have much of that spring/fall good weather you get up there. Heating units are outside here. When I first saw that I told a friend I had never seen that. He asked where are they in Illinois? When you see a curve sign in Illinois you need to slow down. When you see a curve sign in Tennessee you need to be prepared for a turn. Tennessee can’t get a wreck off the interstate without it taking hours. So if you live around the interstate; know the escape routes. They can’t leave a name on a street for more than a couple of miles. So get use to it. They have sweet tea here. Carrying past a sign is probably the most talked about topic here that no one has ever been cited for. You aren’t in Chicago anymore, so unless you are haulin’ azz; stay out of that left lane. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  17. If I'm going to have a golden gun then it will break down into a pen, lighter, cigarette case and cuff link for super deep concealed carry.
    1 point
  18. That's pretty good odds coming from a programmer.
    1 point
  19. You need to use a validated survey instrument allowing for the collection of ordinal data so we can apply a Spearman's Ro to determine the correlation of variables to get reliable feedback. A simple suggestion requesting more feedback will not suffice for the benefactor room. Keep that pleb stuff in general chat
    1 point
  20. When are we doing this again? Seems like it's been ages since we've met. @Dustbuster or @HighpowerI think organized the last 2? maybe I'm wrong? I did make it out to Everything Weapons awhile back but I've been so busy with work lately that i haven't been on TGO much. Wouldn't mind talking guns and politics with some fellow ugly bastards sometime soon. Anybody else?
    1 point
  21. Check out this thread HERE.
    1 point
  22. I own a 43. I don't own a shield, but do own a lot of other pistols. Pistols are real personal things. I carry my 43 a lot, because it has the best features for carry. I would much rather shoot several of my other pistols. My Glock 19 is probably my favorite. Point is, I don't have my 43 because it fits my hand better. I have it because it fits my belt better. But, that's just me. I don't shoot pistols a lot, and have plenty to choose from when I do. Most folks are gonna practice with their carry gun more than me. Just pays to think about it before you drop the cash.
    1 point
  23. I use screentime for my kids and am happy with it so far.i can control what they see how much time they are on it and when they use the device.
    1 point
  24. As someone mentioned before, lots of people fed up with the stifling situations in their repressive states like California and Massachusetts move to states that are less restrictive like cities in the South. They move there for the lower taxes, more freedom and less restrictions , lower crime and better standard of living. But when Election Day rolls around they tend to still vote the same way their parents and grandparents always did back where they came from and pretty soon the new place starts looking just like the overtaxed gun banning crime infested $hithole they left behind..... They don't realize that the way WE vote is why our state is where they want to move to and the liberal politicians who claim to want to "take care of you" are who create the mess they moved away from.
    1 point
  25. It's different, I don't like change, why can't it be like it used to? Ok, got that out of my system. Looks great!
    1 point
  26. Pic #5: This last view shows you how the Classifieds posts show up inside of the new activity search. Not only do you see forum posts but you also see items that have been added to the Classifieds. Also, anything posted to the Classifieds system will automatically create a new thread in one of the existing Trading Post forums! This way people using Tapatalk will be sure to see the new items as well. So that's how the thing works. What do you all think? Good? Bad?
    1 point
  27. Must be Georgia. Although it is true that Georgia does not have a codified sign law like Tennessee, I have seen legal advice that you should not admit to ignoring such a sign because it could be argued that it would be equivalent to ignoring a trespassing notice. So "signs carry weight" is not codified in Georgia law, but there are ways the wrong LEO and DA could charge you as such. Doesn't actually happen a lot, but it is a possibility. Here is a good reference for Georgia: http://www.georgiapacking.org/law.php To add to TennDawg's list of prohibited places: any courthouse (even if it has no security screening); within 150 ft of a polling place with active voting; in a jail or prison; in a mental health facility; in a house of worship unless permission is given by the governing authority. In the case of churches, it means they are prohibited places unless they have "opted in" to allowing carrying, but you won't necessarily know that unless you ask, and the penalty for carrying in a prohibited church is $100 fine with no arrest, unlike the other prohibited places. You can carry on school property "when the license holder carries or picks up a student.." Notice it does not specify while in a vehicle. Also allows keeping the gun in a vehicle while in a school zone..
    1 point
  28. If I am going to have a golden gun, it will be an AK and nothing else.
    1 point
  29. Holy thread resurrection Batman...
    1 point
  30. Get the app. Legal Heat
    1 point
  31. I've looked it over and there is a pretty large hollow leading away to a wooded area. There's a good place to set up and place the call and attractor low in the hollow. No chance of hitting anything. There's an area where people deer hunt behind the shooting direction to boot and it's not being used now that the season is over. I'm going to give it a try the end of the week.
    1 point
  32. Just posting an update for those that may be in a similar situation. I have become more satisfied with this setup. I had to return my original router to 4Gcommunnity. It worked just so-so and over a few days it finally got to where it was changing IP numbers about every 20 seconds or so, pretty much making it unusable. 4GCommunity was exceptional to work with. I called tech service and they were backed up so I left my number. It took them a while to call back but they were very helpful. Apparently the 6100D is about 3 year old technology and Sprint has made upgrades that this particular router can't handle and there is no update. It's apparently a geographic issue and sometimes they work sometimes not depending on where you are. They agreed to take it back without issue. Just had to pay shipping, basically both ways. I noticed they no longer offer the 6100D on their website. He did recommend the premium package with the ZTE hotspot. It's the newest technology they offer and said it actually picks up better than the one I had with external antennas. So I ordered it and am really pleased. i get at least as good a reception as the other one and the best part is I'm getting an average of 7Mgb download and often it will run 12-16Mgps. Can't really complain about that for less than $25/mo and not data caps. Being a wireless setup, the speed will vary and sometimes down to 2mb or less. But it usually is slow for only a short time. I'm getting ready to give ATT the boot and their lousy 3mb service that never goes that fast.
    1 point
  33. Not identical, maybe fraternal?
    1 point
  34. Nix what I just said. I know why now. The test installation of the forum (on another server) was sending those out because... you guys haven't ever logged into it. I've turned it off.
    1 point
  35. The biggest thing I can think of is that unless they changed it; concealed means concealed in Florida. http://www.handgunlaw.us/
    1 point
  36. While the gun ownership questions have been answered sufficiently just know this: Tennessee, especially middle Tennessee, is nearly reaching carrying capacity of Northerners moving in for "freedom". To most of them that means freedom from paying exhorbitant taxes, not necessarily gun rights. They are changing to culture to suit "where they came from". If you choose to assimilate, and become an honorary Southerner, then welcome.
    1 point
  37. I certainly understand the humane part of it, I am an animal lover. but don't under estimate a 22. Ma y an animal and many a human met their demise with one. An accurate rifle and a cool temperament, it would be just fine. Of course I would prefer the .17 or 22mag. Perhaps it's a good reason to add something to the collection. Personally I don't like to use a high power round when there are homes and people near by. Not worth the risk for me.
    1 point
  38. Coyotes aren't an easy target. Nothing against you, but most people have too much confidence with such a small bullet, especially if used off hand. A 223 with a ballistic tip would give you much more room for error. I just don't like to see any animal suffer and there is a much greater chance with a 22.
    1 point
  39. Just remember, they think all gun owners are criminals
    1 point
  40. Must be good since I haven't seen any elephants lately!
    1 point
  41. Just like the infamous Ford and Chevy debate, just get the Toyota. Same comparison, just get the Stihl.
    1 point
  42. Well, I certainly like my P320's. I find it curious that one of the articles mentioned sticking with the 9mm but developing better ammo for it. How do you develop better ball ammunition?
    1 point
  43. LOL. Same here Randall! I unholster several times a day. Done safely, appropriate backstop etc. It's free drawstroke practice. I use my carry gun as my "nightstand" gun lying beside one of my Surefire's. I have my jeans on a chair at bedside with holster, spare mags, flashlight, BOK, cellphone, BUG etc. If, God forbid, there is a fire or other emergency and I need to unass the area quickly, then I'm ready. We have 2 small yappy and territorial dogs that sleep in our bedroom. Their hearing is better than mine!
    1 point
  44. OS I wondered that too. Looks like a Periodic Table got cut up and thrown around the forums. lol
    1 point
  45. My wife and I are the only people in our home along with my best bud Brodie, a large for his breed Yorkshire Terror that hears everything. My handgun is laying on my bedside stand every night holster free and keeps my flashlight and two full extra mags company. I'm too old to fight and to slow to run.....and I have no intentions to do either.
    1 point
  46. Yes a quick look and it would pass as a semi auto. It's unique for sure. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  47. I got a PSA AR10 that I set up as a heavy carbine. I had to change the bolt and get a heavier buffer spring to fix some of the feed issues and it's ran like a champ since then.
    1 point
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