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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2017 in all areas
6 points
That's right, a brand new Old Man Tool Store (Harbor Freight) is opening right here in Lebanon. Should have doors open by end of the month. Next door to TSC. And if you're wondering why it's called The Old Man Tool Store the next time you there just look around. All us cheap old Geezers will be there.3 points
Got a brew based on the GooGoo cluster waiting on me at home from the Mantra Brewery in Franklin.3 points
Don't worry. It's California so someone from some agency or another will be along shortly to shut him down for not having a business license, lack of employer-sponsored healthcare, OSHA violations, or operating an industrial business in a residential zone. If not, maybe a busy body from the Home Owners Association will do it for them.3 points
I'm listening anytime you'd like to share. If not, that's o.k. as well. My personal experience has been that it is better to formulate and execute a plan to put myself in the position I want to be in, rather than wasting my energy and time worrying about what someone else has.3 points
I am not much of a sweets guy. For those that have met me, I know that is hard to believe but it is true. Well today the office received a gift basket and in it was an original Goo Goo Cluster. A Nashville original since 1912. Man, I forgot how good these thing are. Not a fan of the supreme or peanut butter but the original is damn good.2 points
I live about a mile from one and go there a LOT!! At my age, lifetime warranties don't mean much. haha! PS...it's right beside a Krystal to boot!!2 points
Now were on the same page... You'd be surprised what a $500k piece of equipment and a talented individual can do .....again windmill parts2 points
My only pellet rifle (1000 fps max) , with built in suppressor is pretty much as loud any of my .22s shooting subsonic short of CB. Meaning, too loud to get away with it in Knoxville. Hell, even my Crosman pistol at 600 max is marginally same. - OS2 points
You need to hook up with TMCA. I try to go every year but it seems like all I do anymore is work and go to the doctor. Save up your money and something nice will show up.2 points
Old news probably, but I found this interesting, sure would be nice to get he Hearing Protection Act passed, I'm sure it's a big stretch and would take a lot to pass but if this guy has a direct line to the President then that is a good step for me at least. To me, suppressors are one of the biggest shining examples of government bs there is that directly affects us. https://silencerco.com/blog/2016/09/25/trump-jr-interview/1 point
1 point
I'm amazed at how linear & gentle the recoil on that STG76 is! It seems like it comes absolutely straight back.1 point
LOL...I loved that laconic "fun" you said after shooting that Mac...that's exactly how I reacted to shooting my first Thompson. Fantastic video, great video and you guys had some good fellowship going on.1 point
I do not have Java installed on any of my machines and these features work.1 point
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1 point
Actually 240 calories (about the same as a Kit Kat, Hershey Bar, M&M's) and 23g of sugar (about 1/2 can of coke) so really 1 (or 3) won't hurt1 point
I called Colt. They are producing about 100/month. It's going to take a little searching to find one. Given the supply/demand/quality, I have no doubt it will be worth as much or more than I pay for it as soon as I pick it up. I'm super excited about this1 point
When I go to my inbox and select multiple messages a trash can appears at the bottom center on the screen that say delete 3(or however many are selected) messages. Click on the trash can and all selected messages are deleted. I am using Safari.1 point
1 point
There's something simply magical about that rampant Colt emblem!Be glad the single action revolvers haven't quite reached the fever pitch of the Colt double action revolvers....yet. No kidding....these are the easiest to get your money back out of.1 point
I certainly would hope not. I do think that...I wish you hadn't brought that up, not that I pause for a moment. My first thought was no. We, as the most likely purchasers of said item, would not do such a thing. It would be illegal as before. Whether or not a firearm is/was suppressed; shooting rounds inside the city limits, Metropolitan Davidson County, or any area where firearms in general at not to be used, shot, or carried. But...and there's always that but. I'm sure some wannabe secret agent would somehow get a 22 firearm that's threaded and do exactly what you question. Then there is the possibility of it being used on one of those EBR's and really set off the other side. That's a lot to think about though. I really, really would like to think all would go well; but the pessimist in me thinks otherwise. How about some input from you other guys on bud's question.1 point
I'm not running anything, if they can't get the service to my house they sold me, then poof contract is gone and I'll go back to my old plan.1 point
Ok. I've been close to placing an order for a clone a couple of times. I think I've decided to go a different direction.... I want the real thing! If I'm going to spend $500-$700 on a clone, I might as well spent a little more and get a new Colt. I just don't know how long I'll have to wait. Appears they're all done through the custom shop?1 point
1 point
Maybe he can be an example for all the people sitting on their butts whining they need a government check because they cannot find any work. Ryan Hickman's recycling business has recycled over 200,000 cans and bottles and banked him approximately $10,000. And did we mention Hickman is just 7 years old? http://mentalfloss.com/article/90784/meet-7-year-old-boy-who-runs-his-own-recycling-business?utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_source=mf&utm_medium=01_13_17-article_1-90784 That kid is going to go far.1 point
Not to mention the fines for all that. I bet he will end up in the red after the government gets done with him. And when they get done with him they will convince him he is a victim and give him a government check. I imagine the parents will be questions for allowing their child to work at such a early age. The government will step in and make him work less in accordance with child labor laws. All you have to do is look at what the government consistently does to children's lemonade stands to see what is probably about to happen.1 point
1 point
You do realize that "window" is not open to allow crap in right? It has a clear PLASTIC window.1 point
Apologies. Taptalk/Samsung made this read like I was having a stroke while I wrote it.... Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk1 point
Just ran across this video (from September so not sure if it has been shared here or not). Thought it was appropriate after seeing the HPA pop up in the news today.1 point
I purchased my first firearm in 2012. I paid $2.3K out the door for a Knight's Armament (KAC) SR-15 Legacy rifle from the Outpost Armory. To this day, it is the most expensive firearm that I have ever purchased. That will change next month when I pull my dream rifle out of layaway. Which is a Knight's Armament (KAC) SR-25 EMC for nearly $5K out the door. I will be well in for over $8k by the time I purchase glass (Leupold MK 8 CQBSS), Knight's Armament 7.62 QDC suppressor, + several other attachments. I have lusted after this rifle for many years and I have let a few opportunities to pass me by. When I came across this rifle late last year, I told myself that I could not let this opportunity pass me by again. The rest as they say is history, my friends.1 point
I think the reason I asked this question is I am waiting now to see what will happen in the first 12 months of the new presidency. I've jumped through the hoops once for that initial 22 suppressor and I have to admit it was worth it. My issue is there are a number of other options I would like to try and the prohibitive cost of the suppressor coupled with the tax stamp really puts a wet blanket on things. Even waiting on the Form 1 for so long just seems too prolonged to maintain the excitement of development and discovery! I'm hoping for a situation where building, owning, shooting a suppressor will be totally sans tax stamp. I would love to design my own can or even source the materials from the firearms market that I think would develop; think AR-15 style parts availability. Just thinking out loud here . . .1 point
I remembered an incident from when I was a kid. A police officer left his cruiser running to step into a restaurant and grab some coffee. A teen kid took it on a joy ride that I think was about 2 hours. lol Man the sheriff was not happy.1 point
For pricing after things settle down all you have to do is look overseas. A budget silencer is under $50 and top of the line silencers are under $500. Can you imagine if China can import them? You will see 22 silencers for under $40. Take a look to see how low they will probably go. http://www.gunstar.co.uk/Moderators-for-sale/A/Accessories I am excited to hopefully be able to try some of the unique designs I have read about that people in other countries are coming up with. Silencers, for the most part, are the same as they were 100 years ago but I believe once a person can legally make them without registration we will see some pretty big advancements in the industry pretty quickly. They will become more disposable and when that happens the prices will start to really drop. Imagine a plastic 22 can that you could buy for $10. At that price who cares if it falls apart after 500 rounds. And if I were a betting person I bet a tube made out of plastic or polymer will be quieter than one made out of steel, titanium and maybe even aluminum. One can use less durable materials to keep costs down. And something else, the materials actually used to make the baffles have an impact on sound suppression. I can hear a difference when I add a cover to my 30 caliber can and that is because it uses a .035" tube. So without the cover you hear a "tink" from the gasses hitting the thin outer tube. So I imagine once we are able to build them for testing we will see some other materials that will make them even more quieter.1 point
Just another reason to have a house in the woods, with a long curvy driveway, and a fence with a gate, and 2 big dogs, and...1 point
Trump Jr. has his dad's ear when it comes to influencing firearms legislation that comes across his desk from Congress. He might also know some key folks in Congress to get this sort of bill passed. I'd say from a gun rights prospective we are fortunate that Trump as elected and that Congress is majority republican with a few pro gun Democrats mixed in. We have never in recent history had an openly pro 2nd amendment rights president. Little Bush was lukewarm at best to gun rights bills as president and so was Congress when he was president. We know about Bill Clinton and we know about Obama. I don't ever remember hearing a presidential candidate or actual president openly supporting gun rights like Trump did during his campaign and even suggesting that people should arm themselves for protection. Did Bush, Clinton, Obama, or the ones before them ever make such suggestions openly? Not that I can remember. This is a first that we should take advantage of for gun rights. If Trump Jr. only cared about his own gun rights, he probably could quietly get his dad to appoint him as a us marshal or white house policeman and be able to carry anywhere and use whatever toys the feds have.1 point
You should probably listen to what he says before making that assumption.1 point
What difference does it make how much money he has? He's a gun enthusiast who happens to be the President's son. What could be better?1 point
Been watching it. It's a good interview. Donald Jr. is a legit 2A supporter and shoots weekly competitions.1 point
I am surprised that this 18-20 year old military provision is even legal for giving permits to a select few while excluding the vast majority of 18-20 year olds because they are non military. If we are going to lose reciprocity with several states over giving permits to people under 21, we might as well just let all 18-20 year olds get a permit. That is much more fair. If the politicians are afraid of under 21 permits, then just don't issue them and let us keep the good reciprocity we had. I would think if some 19 year old non military wanted to push the issue of TN not giving him a permit but giving a military 19 year a permit, he might have a pretty strong case. It would be no different than TN saying that someone who is 19 in the military can buy alcohol (away from the bases at civilian liquor stores) and someone 19 and non military cannot buy alcohol.1 point
I have a lot of Stanley tools. I break tools no matter the brand. I have Kobalt, Stanley, Craftsman, Husky, etc. If they do what I need them to do when I need them to do it they are good in my eyes. More often than not the tools do what I need them to do. It is rare that they break, and if they do, I just buy the right tool for the job when I replace the broken one. I don't even hate Harbor Freight.1 point
Be sure to check out our new TGO Photo Gallery while you are visiting today! You can find it under the "Browse" and the "More" menu links at the top of the forum pages, or by heading straight to the gallery via this link: https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/gallery/1 point
How nice of the government to do the heavy lifting for me. They matched me with a plan and even emailed me a bill...all without my approval. I deleted it and blocked them as spam.1 point
I would buy suppressors, and pay decent money for them. My holdup is the tax stamp. I refuse to put up with the unreasonable restraints. Just one more thing that needs to go away.1 point
I believe it's legal to manufacture a weapon for your own use, so if they are treated as a long gun maybe it would also be legal to make your own. If it turns out this way we may also see a lot of "kits" on the market.(Similar to 80% lowers)1 point
I'm already where I plan to be when the chit hits the fan.....unless, of course, my wife happens to be "the fan". :eek:1 point
1 point
[URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_4462_zpsbdc85229.jpg.html][/URL] Here's an 1873 on a date with a J frame. :pleased:1 point
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