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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Just another reason to have a house in the woods, with a long curvy driveway, and a fence with a gate, and 2 big dogs, and...
    5 points
  2. I'm listening anytime you'd like to share. If not, that's o.k. as well. My personal experience has been that it is better to formulate and execute a plan to put myself in the position I want to be in, rather than wasting my energy and time worrying about what someone else has.
    5 points
  3. Because busybodies in government like to tell folks what they can and can't do with their own property and make it a source of revenue.
    5 points
  4. For pricing after things settle down all you have to do is look overseas. A budget silencer is under $50 and top of the line silencers are under $500. Can you imagine if China can import them? You will see 22 silencers for under $40. Take a look to see how low they will probably go. http://www.gunstar.co.uk/Moderators-for-sale/A/Accessories I am excited to hopefully be able to try some of the unique designs I have read about that people in other countries are coming up with. Silencers, for the most part, are the same as they were 100 years ago but I believe once a person can legally make them without registration we will see some pretty big advancements in the industry pretty quickly. They will become more disposable and when that happens the prices will start to really drop. Imagine a plastic 22 can that you could buy for $10. At that price who cares if it falls apart after 500 rounds. And if I were a betting person I bet a tube made out of plastic or polymer will be quieter than one made out of steel, titanium and maybe even aluminum. One can use less durable materials to keep costs down. And something else, the materials actually used to make the baffles have an impact on sound suppression. I can hear a difference when I add a cover to my 30 caliber can and that is because it uses a .035" tube. So without the cover you hear a "tink" from the gasses hitting the thin outer tube. So I imagine once we are able to build them for testing we will see some other materials that will make them even more quieter.
    4 points
  5. I think the best anti theft device is a manual transmission. I have had almost everyone get in my car and asked me where I learned to drive "that". I bet you could leave the keys in it running and a theif would not make it out of your driveway. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
    4 points
  6. Exactly! Nobody ever comes to my house to ticket me for a running vehicle.
    3 points
  7. Trump Jr. has his dad's ear when it comes to influencing firearms legislation that comes across his desk from Congress. He might also know some key folks in Congress to get this sort of bill passed. I'd say from a gun rights prospective we are fortunate that Trump as elected and that Congress is majority republican with a few pro gun Democrats mixed in. We have never in recent history had an openly pro 2nd amendment rights president. Little Bush was lukewarm at best to gun rights bills as president and so was Congress when he was president. We know about Bill Clinton and we know about Obama. I don't ever remember hearing a presidential candidate or actual president openly supporting gun rights like Trump did during his campaign and even suggesting that people should arm themselves for protection. Did Bush, Clinton, Obama, or the ones before them ever make such suggestions openly? Not that I can remember. This is a first that we should take advantage of for gun rights. If Trump Jr. only cared about his own gun rights, he probably could quietly get his dad to appoint him as a us marshal or white house policeman and be able to carry anywhere and use whatever toys the feds have.
    3 points
  8. Good interview and worth the time to watch imho...Thanks for posting this Sam.
    3 points
  9. I have a '56 Chevy Stepside that was my Papaw's that I am trying to get to restoring that still has the "3 on the tree" and a manual starter pedal in the floor. Plus an inline 6 under the hood. I bet most people under 30 couldn't even start the thing. If they did the lack of power brakes and steering would put them in the first ditch. Ah the days, my Granddad had an LTD. Thanks for making me remember that warm and fuzzy. In fact I think his last 3 cars were all LTDs. Brand and model loyal. lol
    3 points
  10. Now is the time to buy. Hoard more than you'll need in this lifetime because the next election might yield a majority anti-2A politicians who will get an AWB passed like Bill Clinton did.
    2 points
  11. You should probably listen to what he says before making that assumption.
    2 points
  12. What difference does it make how much money he has? He's a gun enthusiast who happens to be the President's son. What could be better?
    2 points
  13. Been watching it. It's a good interview. Donald Jr. is a legit 2A supporter and shoots weekly competitions.
    2 points
  14. I just checked Kentucky Gun Co website and they are listing an Anderson AM-15 optic ready for $429.99. That's one of the cheapest prices I've seen in a while. I'm hoping this is a portent of things to come.
    1 point
  15. Just ran across this video (from September so not sure if it has been shared here or not). Thought it was appropriate after seeing the HPA pop up in the news today.
    1 point
  16. Just curious, what's with the rash of these identically styled ones recently, some default way to make them with the new Gravatar thang or something? - OS
    1 point
  17. I have a few misc parts that never really become part of a new build. I have a few trigger guards too because I also install the oversized ones, lol. I also go with the large latch BCM CHs, so I have a few "standard" ones left over. I have a couple BC's with no bolts . I have a ton of standard grips 'cause I always put on a Magpul Moe+. Plastic handguards, springs, pins... I probably have more parts than I realize, lol.
    1 point
  18. So if prices are dropping, where is the best place for me to pick up stripped lowers? Not real picky on brand, as long as I have heard of it. I figure I could put a few back for later. I can't seem to find them locally. Every time I see an private sale ad for some, they are either way over MSRP, or the seller is like a ghost and never gets back to me. I figure I can pick other parts as cash presents itself. Thanks
    1 point
  19. That's all bunk. Read the actual statute. Unless it's a company leased vehicle, it's still "yours". Wording is, "in the permit holder's motor vehicle" ""Motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle as defined in § 55-1-103, which is in the lawful possession of the permit holder, but does not include any motor vehicle which is owned or leased by a governmental or business entity and that is provided by such entity to an employee for use during the course of employment if the entity has adopted a written policy prohibiting firearms or ammunition not required for employment within the entity's motor vehicles " And it covers any place your vehicle is legal to be parked, including school property. You can read the actual statutes at http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/tncode/ Weapons section is 39-17-1301 and forward. This one 39-17-1313 - OS
    1 point
  20. You're doing better than me with spare parts. It seems whenever I get a healthy supply of parts they all get together for a party and a new AR is born I do have a good supply of springs, pins, etc, but I need to add to it.
    1 point
  21. OS I wondered that too. Looks like a Periodic Table got cut up and thrown around the forums. lol
    1 point
  22. I may have a few more I'd like to build someday but am in better shape than the average AR owner now. But outside of that, after the post-Newtown drought of spare parts I decided I'd never get caught with my pants down again. I have divider trays full of spare parts of almost anything I could need for a long time. I don't dip into it either. If I plan to build something, I'll order all the parts I need for the build. Plus I'll add some spare parts to the order for the trays. They spares aren't just for what I may need someday but for friends as well. I plan to continue stocking it along with mags and probably spare barrels, bcg's, and stripped lowers. Yeah, those droughts left a bad taste in my mouth so I'm gonna enjoy these cheap days and plentiful supplies.
    1 point
  23. I have to say, that store owner had shot placement. That guy went down like a sack of bricks.
    1 point
  24. This is true. Buy what you want/need now (or soon). I'm pretty well set with black rifles. I will always continue to look for deals on mags and spare parts though. My interests lately are shifting back to old guns (single action revolvers, milsurps, classics, etc.). Too bad they're not as cheap as most AR's these days
    1 point
  25. Well, after about a total of 2.5 hours on the phone with them I am now $15 dollars higher than I was monthly. It seems they won't budge on the little boxes on each TV going from $3 to $5 rent a month. The only reason those ever came into existence was because Congress refused to allow them to charge for the number of televisions in each household so a year later they suddenly have the need for converters, which of course are rented and you need one for each additional TV. Tax increases, " maintaining the sky blue and water wet" fees, etc.
    1 point
  26. I can't speak to shows around Chattanooga, but milsurps are not all that common in shows in middle and west Tennessee either. Your best bet is to get a C&R if you don't already have one, start combing the internet. Much better selection, and they are shipped to your door.
    1 point
  27. Oh, I think there are probably a lot of people who want them and maybe have been on the fence about obtaining the tax stamp and so who would jump as soon as the legal restriction barriers were removed and take care of whatever modifications were needed for the firearms in the aftermarket or buy a combo even at a premium price. For me and probably many others, though, I am saying that although it might not seem 'worth it' as things stand if the price went down and the availability went up to the point that the fantasy I mentioned became reality (the factory threaded barrel and can combo for around $100 more) then it wouldn't be so much a matter of, "Is it worth it," as it would be a matter of, "Why the heck not?" It is kind of odd, to me, that some European countries where the official stance on firearms ownership might not be as 'tolerant' as the U.S. seem to require suppressors, at least in some instances, in order to prevent noise pollution or something similar while our country treats them like majorly dangerous devices. I mean, how many mafia hitmen (or women) do these folks really believe there are and, of those, how many of these hypothetical hitmen - who theoretically kill people for a living - do they believe worry about getting a tax stamp for their suppressors (if they use them) or have trouble sourcing them via non-standard 'suppliers'? Yet, again, we have a case where the only people who are restricted or penalized by a law are those who are law abiding.
    1 point
  28. In response to your suppressor comments, it's a very individual thing. I've always liked them. Some do. Some don't. I'm pretty sound sensitive, and have had ear and hearing problems all my life. Good hearing protectors help, and I rarely ever shoot without them. I got addicted years ago when I shot a suppressed 9 pistol. It was fantastic! I am like you with the aversion to the stamp and the cost, but I did purchase a Ruger 22/45 when they first came out. It was set up like you described, with a can with it. It wasn't as cheap as you mentioned, but I did go ahead and deal with it. And yes I hated the full 9 month wait I had with it. I won't say the whole deal and time and money involved wasn't a real pita at the time, but I have enjoyed the suppressor immensely. I have a couple 22 pistols and a 10/22 rifle and it really makes for a great time to use only foam plugs or nothing at all outside. If all comes to pass as we've been talking about, I'd love to have one for a larger caliber pistol. Why? I can't really give you a valid reason, except to say I like them and want another.
    1 point
  29. Yup. With a fully in control Republican Congress and a President-elect who ran on one of the most pro-gun platforms in modern history, there is zero excuse material to not see a lot of very good things come from Washington regarding gun rights. We'll see how much actually gets done before sometime around June or July of next year, which is when Congress will take a nice fat break to tend to their own re-election matters. If they don't have results to show, and the 2A orgs aren't supporting primary candidates, we'll know the deal.
    1 point
  30. All I can say is, if you buy a used gun through a confiscation sale, LEO auction or anywhere else, you better hang on to the bill of sale.
    1 point
  31. Homeowners carrier will NOT hire a lawyer for anything except to defend a civil suit against you that seeks damages from you arising out of "bodily injury", "property damage", or "personal and advertising injury". Got thrown in the pokey on a BS "reckless conduct with a firearm" charge ? Jailed arising out of what looked to you like a good shoot of a burglar, but the local Barney Fife disagrees ? UR on your own, bubba..............
    1 point
  32. I'm not sure. I think maybe a waterproof storage area. Fire starter, kindling, etc. I'm not positive. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. Well crap, I thought I was the only lucky one here. I was all ready to enter a new post in the most I would ever spend on a gun!
    1 point
  34. Just reported the same to TGO David, it's a SPAM message from a bot probably. Edit: If you reply they will probably agree to cut you in on the winnings, but first you have to send them your account number, you know, so they know you are serious.
    1 point
  35. TV blocks free use when there are several up addresses used by the login, with whatever data flow they can see. You do have to have a monitor attached to the computer that you're logged in to so the local processing used. Basically it's hit or miss, until you start adding several computers that could look like professional use Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. http://www.gunowners.org/alert01102017.htm
    1 point
  37. You should always shoot with both eyes open. Does not matter if it's a pistol, rifle, shotgun, bow or slingshot, both eyes open. If you are cross eye dominate there are two ways to work around it. The first of which most resist but is possible and seems to work best for younger newbies than old dogs is learn to shot with the weak hand. I have several stories of competitive shooters that I have worked with that swear they thought they would never learn to shoot as good with their weak hand to use their dominate eye and now are highly successful competitive shooters. The second option which most can easily adapt to and more than likely have actually kind of been doing anyway restrict the vision of the dominate eye. Most do this by closing the dominate eye however this is not recommended way of fixing this. The method that works best is to put some translucent tape on the shooting glasses covering the dominate eye so as to eliminate the eyes competing to acquire a sight picture. This works for static targets and moving targets but but handicaps trap and skeet shooters slightly only having one eye to find and lock on to the target. Of course there is a third option and that is do nothing and keep struggling with the cross eye dominance and you will occasionally hit the target.
    1 point
  38. Cranking an engine is about as hard on it as anything it goes through. Perhaps we could make stealing a car illegal.
    1 point
  39. First reciepient of TGO's 2017 Darwin Award Winners!
    1 point
  40. Guys... Go there. They've got great customer service and they have a solid selection. Just bought a Del-Ton rifle and they hooked me up. Got lots of ammo too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. Jab--I own several (read quite a few) handguns. Some costing a full 10x more than my Ruger K (meaning stainless in "Ruger") P95DC 9mm. I am not a 9mm guy, and certainly not a Ruger guy. BUT the first time I ever qualified I used the Ruger 95 DC. Because of this I have used it EVERY other time I have qualified since. I like the size (I am 6'6" with HUGE hands). I like the 17 round +1 capacity. I prefer the DA/SA DC action on all my handguns. It has never jammed, eats whatever I feed it, is more accurate than I am, and ALWAYS goes bang. I always jokingly say that I have a special name for glovebox/truck guns--I call them "Rugers" but that in fact diminishes what I really think about this pistol. It is simply a great weapon. It will not win you any awards down at the gun club, it is not fancy or cool, and no mall ninja would ever want one--but I LOVE mine and anytime anyone wants a starter pistol to get into the semi auto world on when anyone says what is a great weapon for the $$, I always tell them--for ME and for the $$, the Ruger 95 is the most bang for the buck of any of them.(--disclaimer it is not a competition weapon or a fine custom job. Just a reliable one that can be had for $200-250 at nearly every gun show ever. I would take one over 10 Taurus or Hi-points ANY day)
    1 point
  42. As an OTR truck driver that's a luxury I can't afford. Travel isn't a choice for me, it is how I provide for my family and reciprocity is a matter of vital concern for me.
    1 point
  43. The only handgun - or any gun, for that matter - of which I have more than one of the same (more or less) would be the Ruger P95. My first one - which was my first 9mm handgun - was a gift from a friend (actually my ex-wife's grandfather but he was also a good friend) who has since passed. For a while I carried a Kel Tec P11 but was never all that accurate with it. I eventually found that - as I absolutely cannot carry IWB and the P11 was too big for pocket carry - I could carry the P95 just as easily as the P11 and I shoot the P95 much better. The problem was that I didn't want to carry the P95 because of some sentimental value as I didn't want to risk losing it if I ever had to use it. Lo and behold, however, that when I decided to get rid of my P11 my favorite LGS had a used, slightly different model of P95 in the case. We traded even. So now I have two P95 pistols. One to carry and one to just hang on to until the zombie apocalypse requires me to dual wield them. They aren't exactly alike. The first one (on the right in the pic below) - the gift - is a decocker only model and does not have a light rail. The second one - the all black one on the left - is a decocker/safety model and has a light rail. I prefer the DC only but couldn't really get picky when I decided to get a second one. When I carry it I only used it as a decocker and do not carry with the safety engaged (they are DA/SA pistols.) I have never used the light rail but it doesn't get in the way so I guess it is nice to have just in case.
    1 point
  44. If one's good, two's gotta be better!
    1 point
  45. I feel I've done more than my fair share of removing guns and ammo from the streets.
    1 point
  46. I remember when we had "Personnel Departments". Then corporate minds began to consider the employees as simply "resources" much like another box of legal pads or paper clips, thus the "person and personal considerations" was removed and Voila! we now have "Human Resource" departments. To me that is very telling as to the mindset of management in regard to employee concerns and well being.
    1 point
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