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  1. Here tis. I was trying to upload a couple more pictures of it, including the holster I made, but it won't let me upload. Keeps saying I'm only allowed to upload 10kb.
    3 points
  2. I must say, lest anyone think me ungrateful or overly wussy, that my inconvenient experiences aboard ship in the South China Sea are not worthy to be compared with the hell that tens of thousands of servicemen walked, crawled, ran and were carried through for those long years in 'Nam. I've met a lot of guys who carry the memories of that life or death conflict in their minds and bodies still today. A good friend is just back from the hospital after testing to see how far his cancer has progressed which was caused by a big whiff of Agent Orange while in country. Another friend I knew in boot camp--a hospital corpsman--was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for shielding a wounded Marine with his own body during a mortar attack at Quang Tri. If you ever get by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in D.C., stop by Panel 43W and on Row 14 look for the name of David L. Eisenbraun. I am so proud to have briefly known him. There but for the grace of God go I.
    3 points
  3. It’s back up this morning. Obama must have told Putin to back off.
    3 points
  4. Old man took one of them out but the other got away. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d88_1483989722
    2 points
  5. GT Distributors in Chattanooga https://www.gtdist.com
    2 points
  6. Well, I finally did it. Thanks to a fine gentleman on here I lucked into a Smith and Wesson Performance Center 686 Plus 2 1/2". Figured I better not pass it up. I would show it, but I can't seem to get it to work on this dang phone.
    2 points
  7. http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/news/a52124/david-blaine-shot/
    2 points
  8. I would have taken a carry gun before and after the shooting.
    2 points
  9. I'd go ahead and do so but I'd also consider taking a duplicate or lesser used carry pistols to store at your parents house for future trips. Then you have even more of an excuse to take advantage of visits there w/o the concern of theft from baggage.
    2 points
  10. Yeah, the little my dad would talk about of his WW II service was how deep the snow was and how cold it was at Great Lakes. He didn't think to fondly of moving ammunition around at Treasure Island either while waiting on the light cruiser he served on.
    2 points
  11. I don't think that the business organizations really would care one way or the other if the 'no guns' signs have weapons charges behind them. I would think the business organizations would have a much bigger problem and rightfully so with increased civil liability for a 'no gun' sign, similar to what was attempted in the legislature last year and the bill was watered down. Also, as long as you let the local and state government offices still have that ability to ask people to leave, again I don't think they care if there is a weapons charge attached to it. A business owner does not want to lose his ability control through policy what is on his property, whether that is firearms, alcohol, or someone not wearing shoes. For example, if I do not want people to have beer on my property, even though legal under state law, I don't want the state telling me I can't tell people to remove their beer if I catch them with it. This only becomes an issue if the people do not leave/take their beer and only then is it trespass. Guns should be treated the same way in this state but strangely are not when compared to most states.
    2 points
  12. You probably already know the drill, but... Take'em out to potty when they wakeup...when they eat...and when they play. The Aussies/Heelers/border Collies are all very, I repeat very intelligent. So they learn quickly. And I think as much as any other dog, maybe more so, they love to be praised. Praise is almost as good as a treat when training. They just seem to love pleasing you.
    2 points
  13. We were put through the paces at Great Lakes boot camp in the winter of '66, but most of it was inside big drill halls because of the weather. I had a hardass for company commander who terrorized and drilled us constantly because he was bucking for chief petty officer and wanted to win every honor flag possible. After graduation I went to Machinist's Mate "A" School and later out to the fleet. I served on an aircraft carrier, which is like a floating Navy base. They didn't have us at PT every morning because we had a ship to run. Even though we operated off the coast of Vietnam and qualified for combat pay, we were never shot at. What enemy pilot is going to attack a battle group with six flight wings aboard and electronic equipment that could read you the moment you took off? The ship was gung-ho, but within our little group five decks below the hangar deck we weren't much for military formality. The toughest part was enduring 30-day stretches at sea without a break in 100-degree machinery compartments. I sure don't miss it.
    2 points
  14. If anyone is looking for a new Glock, Buds in Sevierville is running some great deals. I just bought a gen 4 G20 for 519. I imagine 21s are the same price, I didn't check on Gen 3 20/21s. Gen 4 9mm/357/40s are 479 and gen 3s were 449 I believe. G40MOS was in the low sixes, maybe 629? My memory ain't what it once was but prices are pretty close. I didn't price check the 42 or 43s. The salesman said they just got 400 Glocks in. Just a heads up. Not quite as Good as blue label pricing but for those of us not blue label eligible, they sure seem like some good deals to me.
    1 point
  15. I have always preached to get guns that are simple with few parts , with parts that are readily available and keep it very reliable. Therefore I only kept Glocks and 1911's . I got a urge to stray away from my "few parts" rule and got a new Beretta M9. It may a lot more parts than my 1911 and Glocks but it's reliable and parts are easy to find anywhere. Now that I am reloading , this will be great. These M9's and 92's will digest lots of different 9mm cartridges. Here she is with the factory oil still on her.
    1 point
  16. Mr. Groover handled that pretty damn good. Seems like a decent fellow to boot based on this local news interview about the incident.
    1 point
  17. Mine doesn't have a gritty feel to it either. Not sure what he's talking about. And I know I've put well over 1k rounds through my PPQ. Until proven otherwise, I'm still going to say that the PPQ has the best trigger out of the box. Followed closely by the VP9. But, I'm waiting to get a P10c in my hands and to the range. Trying to be patient...
    1 point
  18. Watching the PPQ comparison video, it's pretty easy to see that the PPQ he has does not have a trigger nearly as good as they normally are. Mine has zero grit, and is easily as smooth as the CZ trigger. Doesn't seem to be very well informed.
    1 point
  19. This is it. http://bulletin.accurateshooter.com/2013/01/shot-show-report-accuracy-international-psr-rifle-system/
    1 point
  20. Don't forget to read the comments.
    1 point
  21. I have two of the Hyve +2 extensions and have yet to have an issue.
    1 point
  22. No offense taken. It was a terrible decision to have to make. I asked about surgery to fix it, but they said that would be 3-5k. I bought her because of her pedigree and paid for it. The Breeder even said when you pay that much money, you shouldn't have to worry about that and have such a short time with them. If there is a good side, the Breeder said worst case she will keep her and make sure she has a good life. I will get another from them, but going to wait for a future litter.
    1 point
  23. First reciepient of TGO's 2017 Darwin Award Winners!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Technically, they are just outside Chattanooga in Rossville, GA.
    1 point
  26. I have 2 mags with the +1 Pearce extensions. Probably 200 rounds thru each with no problems.
    1 point
  27. You've got a very marketable background that will always get you jobs at parts supply stores or car dealerships so if you can get hired at Beretta I'd say go for it. One of my BIL's started out at a dealerships parts counter and now has an upper level management job with an equipment supplier. You've done well for yourself.
    1 point
  28. You can also open up the shot shell and pour the pellets out. Then heat them up with some candle wax and pour it back in. Makes a wax slug that falls apart as soon as it hits something. A few on here have seen me do it at the range. I shot a cardboard box and had a 3/4" hole on one side and a much bigger hole on the other. It doesn't work to just pour wax over the shot, it cools too quickly. Read up on cut shells as well, they work too but if they fall apart and you try to unload the gun it will lock it up with the smaller shot. I know a guy who would reload primers using child's caps. He would pry out the anvil then use a flattened nail to iron out the primer cup. He would then put the child's cap inside primer with the anvil. He would then slowly seat the primer. He said it worked most of the time but not all of the time. Availability of reloading components will also come into play. If you have that weird, oddball caliber eventually you will run out of brass to reload. Pick the most common caliber in your area. If you live in a very rural area it might better serve you to have a 30-30 or 30-06 because a lot of houses have one of those sitting in a corner with a box of ammunition. And in case anyone doesn't know they make solid brass shot shells. In a end of the world scenario they would last a lot longer.
    1 point
  29. I have one mag with a Pearce +1 and one with a Magguts kit. I have not had any problems out of either. I was really hoping they could combined for +2, but that was not meant to be.
    1 point
  30. I have never reloaded or retooled shotgun shells but I THINK Dolomite has talked about doing this, before. If one had a slug mold and some sort of lead smelting set up then I wonder if one couldn't buy el cheapo bulk pack rounds, open the crimp, dump and melt down the pellets, use the lead to mold slugs, re-insert the slugs into the shells, maybe re-set the crimp and - not counting the one-time expense of buying the mold and smelting setup - have 100 slugs for about $22 or so without ever having to worry about priming or powder charges. I further wonder if basically the same thing wouldn't work with a buckshot mold. Having never melted down lead or done any bullet casting, I also wonder if there would be much/any slag or waste if you stuck to using only the lead from the bulk pack rounds. Of course, one would still have to have room to store them but I would think that - over time - an investment of a few hundred dollars would net one the materials to make a couple of thousand slug or buckshot loads. With a decent supply of factory slug and buckshot loads on hand the bulk pack stuff could be used to stay in practice just for running the gun and provide a backup supply of materials to make the more serious loads. They might not be 'competition' level loads and certainly wouldn't be 'magnum' powered loads but for a shotgun in the kind of situation we are talking about who cares? That possibility plus the possibility of making 'wax slugs' if worse came to worst is actually one of the reasons I think shotguns would work well in this role.
    1 point
  31. I switched to TeamViewer when Log Me In did away with the free stuff.
    1 point
  32. If you are doing all the basics, I believe you won't have a problem with Ellie "going" inside. As she seems to have learned that outside is her potty place, I think you'll find that she will not "go" inside unless an absolute emergency or sick. Our Molly has had one inside episode in her 8 years, and that because I didn't react fast enough when she was still a puppy. She was standing at the door whining and I didn't get there in time. Little girl was so embarrassed. Now, she has been sick a couple of times inside, but always in the same place, a hallway rug outside the bathroom. It's as if she telling us this is where we go, so she will use it as well. But she always seems so ashamed that it happens inside. Really...she will come to one of us with her head down and tail tucked, like she expects to be scolded or punished. I swated her once as a puppy with a plastic flyswatter, tapping he across the butt for some incident I can't even remember. Till this day, if I even pick up the swatter to go after a fly, she will drop and cower as if she's about to be punished. These little critters have a tremendous memory! And about the most affectionate dog I have ever seen. I even hate to refer to Molly as a dog. She gets spoken to, and treated like a person. And I swear that she understands us. More responsive to talk, I really hate to say commands, than other dogs, and even the children in our neighborhood. You already love her, that shows. But you will be amazed at how close you'll get to Ellie. Yes, I'm one who considers our little companions, friends, and sometimes protectors almost human; and definitely a very close family member.
    1 point
  33. I have many, many rounds (400?) through my wife's 43 with a Taran Tactical +1. No issues at all.
    1 point
  34. Does your dad have one that you can borrow while you are there? If so, you might leave yours home and use his.
    1 point
  35. I would probably take one if it was me. But it does have to be declared on the trip home.
    1 point
  36. I wouldn't change my plans. You declare your gun on your end, not the receiving end so their feels probable won't come into play one way or the other.
    1 point
  37. I am surprised that this 18-20 year old military provision is even legal for giving permits to a select few while excluding the vast majority of 18-20 year olds because they are non military. If we are going to lose reciprocity with several states over giving permits to people under 21, we might as well just let all 18-20 year olds get a permit. That is much more fair. If the politicians are afraid of under 21 permits, then just don't issue them and let us keep the good reciprocity we had. I would think if some 19 year old non military wanted to push the issue of TN not giving him a permit but giving a military 19 year a permit, he might have a pretty strong case. It would be no different than TN saying that someone who is 19 in the military can buy alcohol (away from the bases at civilian liquor stores) and someone 19 and non military cannot buy alcohol.
    1 point
  38. Several years ago I flew to Miami twice and brought a G26 with me. I had no problems what so ever.
    1 point
  39. I would not change anything I would normally do. I would check with the airline, just in case they change their rules though.
    1 point
  40. An old friend gave me 1 gallon of Breakfree CLP At least 10 yrs ago. Pragmatically, at age 62, I think I will be dead before I ever need to buy any gun lube whether I am a CLP fan or not.
    1 point
  41. The Pearce +1 extensions work great.
    1 point
  42. I've heard that about the Navy and Air Force from a lot of different people but had others tell me they did PT. As best I remember hearing the Canoe Club is a reference to the Navy and as in my above comment certain MOS's were reported to have more lax PT standards out of basic. I don't know because I've heard different stories on that. I went the municipal police route and all the guys in police basic said our PT wasn't as tough as their army etc. basic trainings was. Me? I thought it was pretty tough and I busted my ass for six months in advance getting into good enough shape where it wouldn't be so hard. Really good video and great story narrative, I enjoyed it.
    1 point
  43. Yep, either it got hacked or someone forgot to pay the bill. Probably the Russians.
    1 point
  44. I agree. My Glock preferrence is Gen2, Gen1, Gen 3, Gen 4. Gen 5 should go back to Gen 2. They should make it where the Gen 5 comes in between Gen 1 and Gen 2. Kind of like the order of the Star Wars saga.
    1 point
  45. If I want it, I'll get it...don't care what it cost
    1 point
  46. Some folks do have to travel for work or family and the reciprocity does come in handy. Others do take vacations all around the country. The US is a big country and there is a lot to see all across our land. People can say not to go visit places, like California, that do not honor TN permits but you might miss out on seeing a lot. At least you can keep a pistol in the trunk of your car in California and Washington for your hotel room. Some of the Mid Atlantic and Northeast states aren't quite that good when it comes to people who have handguns without permits. New York and MA come to mind where you can't even possess a handgun without a permit. I do know some states do let all 18 year olds get pistol licenses, such as Alabama. I'm pretty sure Mississippi lets military 18-20 year olds get licenses as does Texas. I personally think we have more to lose than to gain by having a small group of 18-20 year olds get permits. If we're going to lose reciprocity, might as well let all 18 year olds get a permit.
    1 point
  47. Well IMO this just sucks. Need to change the law back to the way it was. The Castle Doctrine applying to vehicle carry was enough for that age group. If that age group needs to carry on a military installation the commander can take care of that.
    1 point
  48. What steps? I'd be amazed if it weren't still chambered in 303 British. Clean the bore and chamber, get some ammo, and fire away. I've yet to shoot a 303. I think I'd like to.
    1 point
  49. Be sure to check out our new TGO Photo Gallery while you are visiting today! You can find it under the "Browse" and the "More" menu links at the top of the forum pages, or by heading straight to the gallery via this link: https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/gallery/
    1 point
  50. I will try to keep this short. I used to shoot competitively and I have a pretty quick trigger finger, however quick may not be accurate! I went back to shoot wheel gun when I lucked up on a S&W model 610 that shoots 10mm and .40S&W using moonclips. I can tell you for certain, with only 6 shots before you are empty as opposed to 21 rounds you will definetly slow down a bit and make those 6 shots hit in the A zone. It made me a better shot by going back to the wheel gun for a time. I call wheel guns "real" guns and semi-autos as bottom feeders. LOL
    1 point
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