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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2016 in all areas

  1. To all, wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas. Remember the reason. God bless us all.
    6 points
  2. I wish everyone her the happiest of Christmas Seasons! I hope you all are surrounded by family and friends this year. May it be the merriest and best for all. But please take the time to say a prayer for those less fortunate than we are; those serving this nation and it's people I all the areas around the world. My God Bless and keep safe all our service men and women everywhere. Also remember those serving here at home. The police, fire, EMTs, all emergency responders, and all our medical persons. Each and every one deserves a prayer from us for their dedication to helping others. Please remember those who have lost someone recently. The brightness of this family season is dimmed by their absence. Please remember the homeless and the poor. The shelters for our people need love and donations. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't supported as fully this year as in the past, but has been a financial struggle for us this year, as I'm sure may can attest to for themselves as well. Pray for those with family in hospitals and care facilities, sadly my family falls into that category this year. And lastly, for 2 groups close to my heart. All the veterans of the wars in this nation. Thank and pray for them daily. We need more support for them. The second group is for our family friends, companions, protectors, and just plain pets. Thank God for them all. They provide unconditional love and friendship. More than many get from family and friends at times. Please donate to care facilities for our animal friends. Rescue when you can. Give homes to strays. Do what you can. Hopefully, I have covered all I intended here this morning . Getting a little misty eyed. Must be the dusty little room I'm in. Finally...Merry Christmas to all.
    5 points
  3. Might just have to. I'm visiting family tonight will see what i can do when i get home! So, a thing happened. TL;DW 12 Assorted gauze pads / bandage rolls 11 tennis balls (1 chuckit! not pictured, has already seen significant use with the doggo) 10 rd Pmag 9 v blocklight (one of the neatest things I've never seen before!)+ TGO RTIC mug 8 oz iodine 7 pairs of gloves 6 motion sensing led lights w/ 3m adhesive patches 5 squared feet of paracord (25 feet!) 4 Hardees Gift Cards 3 packs of CELOX clotting stuff - great to have around, especially since a bunch of people I know are on either aspirin regimens or warfarin 2 Steyr M9A1 mags (15rders - these aren't easy to find!) 1 Boker Coye Ridgeback 1 Gideon's New Testament in Camo All in all, a huge thanks to Secret Santa. Your creativity in going with the 12 days of Christmas was awesome, all of these are incredibly handy and will definitely see use.
    5 points
  4. 3 points
  5. My secret Santa did me well.am at a loss for words!! My secret Santa didn't tell the ol lady that I had this either! Ho Ho ho Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  6. While it is legal for one between the ages of 18 and 21 to have a loaded handgun in their vehicle, I wouldn't advise it. I've found that many police thrive on intimidating minors, and most know very little about law. My son and I have recently had this discussion.
    3 points
  7. Here's the way I look at this: The HPA, if it even happens, is going to be at least a year or two out. If it does pass, hopefully manufacturers will have ramped up their production schedules ahead of it and stocked up enough to keep supply channels flowing, otherwise we will see a pretty serious shortage on the front end of the HPA's sunrise. If you want a suppressor sooner than 2-3 years from now and have the means to do it, I would go ahead. There is really no guarantee that the HPA will become reality anyway.
    3 points
  8. In a short time you will be old enough to obtain an HCP. If you carry before that time and a game warden or police officer charges you with a crime, it will result in a criminal record will be a burden for many years. Patience is the best answer.
    3 points
  9. Case law has shown that a loaded firearm (or ammo in immediate vicinity) equals intent to go armed, simple as that. - OS
    2 points
  10. I won't buy a single silencer but what I will do is build a bunch. A person can buy every part and screw everything together, only took you need is a drill.
    2 points
  11. On a more serious note, I'm not a fan of Christmas music, but this is among the best in my opinion.
    2 points
  12. I like the older Christmas music with the original singers such as Perry Como, Dean Martin, Burl Ives and so on.
    2 points
  13. I watched that on T.V. this morning. Man, he's awesome! Here's the gold standard in Christmas music.
    2 points
  14. Well somebody has to post this. So here goes
    2 points
  15. Actually it's the other way around and that's the problem. The majority of lawmakers are not lawyers and have no idea how statutes should be written so as to avoid ambiguities and multiple interpretations. And this is why you don't ask for legal advice on the internet. Ignorant.
    2 points
  16. I like my music on the heavier side. This band has a whole album in this style, and I play it year round.
    2 points
  17. I can't tell you how much i enjoy this event every year. I've never been disappointed! This year, i got a box full of great gifts. Inside this (large) box, scattered among numerous other fantastic gifts, I found a nondescript thumb drive. I plugged this bad box into my computer and I now have the users manual to about every damn gun ever made. Beyond that, I've got 30-40 books on different guns, gunsmithing, shooting and about anything else you could imagine. I can now service and maintain many of my older (inherited) firearms in my collection. Before this gift, i didn't have the manuals. I can't thank my Santa enough. I hope you Christmas is filled with joy. (P.S.-Santa, shoot me a private message. I would love to thank you in person one day.) Pictures or it didn't happen.................
    2 points
  18. Great choice! You can also say you have a full-power 40cal Plus, I've read you can shoot 40s&w just fine from a glock20. I've never tried it, and I'm sure it's not officially recommended but just putting that out there.
    2 points
  19. Mine got here today. Yeti tumbler and Walmart gift card. Would love to post picture but I've never learned how to do that. Thanks SS. Got a road trip tomorrow and going to give the yeti a workout. Merry Christmas, Mark
    2 points
  20. SS gift 2016 by Erik, on Flickr Mine came in today, really intrigued by the new knife, and the tekmat has found a cozy home on my reloading bench.
    2 points
  21. Don't know who he is, but became a fan with he said, "let's put away the tactical ass-holery."
    2 points
  22. Back in the days, on another forum David ran, we had a thread called "Video of the Day". (Or Youtube of the Day? Don't remember exactly). It was a thread where folks could share great videos they came across on Youtube or elsewhere. I'm not sure if this will work here, since often there is a considerable discussion following posted videos. I searched the forum for "video" and "youtube" and got no results. So I thought I'd give this a try. Here is neat video I just came across. While I can't attest to accuracy, historical or otherwise, what surprised me was how many different guns, machine guns and machine pistols were featured in this one video. They were presented in a rapid fire succession (pun intended ). While this may not be anything new for most of you, you might enjoy it simply for the amount of guns featured. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fav8g4Mwlx4
    1 point
  23. Mandatory bragging thread. Got mine already, this is a fantastic knife, perfectly balanced, nice and heavy. Holster looks like it was machine produced as well, you would have a hard time finding a better quality knife than this. Thanks!
    1 point
  24. I have deer hunted for over 30 years (most of those in LA and MS) and until 2 years ago, never saw a yote while deer hunting. This year, I shot one with my bow and another with my rifle. Have y'all shot many this year? I recently had two does under my stand feeding and I saw this yote walk out 200 yards away, spot the deer and then charged them running wide open. He came flying by me and I did not have a good shot and he chased the deer off in a thicket. About 3 minutes later he messed up and walked back out on the edge of the field and the 7mm-08 barked. It was the first kill with a brand new rifle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. There are few things I love more in life than watching folks who know what they're talking about geek out over something.
    1 point
  26. Actually, the bolt face is the same, it just has a different extractor. Regardless, this specimen is not 7.62.
    1 point
  27. Well between my Grandsons and my son no one has any more room is any freezers to take any more for us. The Grandsons both bagged three more does and had them processed them and took them to 3 families that are struggling right now and gave them the deers for Christmas. They are done for the year now. All in All between my son and two of my grandsons we have all we need so they are not hunting any more.
    1 point
  28. Thank you! I actually hadn't heard it this year. Love it!
    1 point
  29. I'm sure you've heard heard these guys....
    1 point
  30. One of my favorite Christmas time tunes is "Baby It's Cold Outside". It's been around for decades, but apparently now its a "forbidden song" and should not be played anymore. The whackadoodles who find something bad with everything are saying that it represents rape, due to the fact that the man is trying to keep the woman inside. You be the judge:
    1 point
  31. I saw this linked off of Drudge when I got in from work last evening. It is a definite possibly that this segment of our population may well gain a positive, and more self reliant (leaning towards conservatism), insight by doing this, albeit unintentional. Once you lessen your dependence on "systems" of support, like .gov, you gain more actual freedom, along with the peace of mind inherent in this lifestyle. Their initial rationale is of course flawed imho, but hopefully the end point of their journey may prove positive for all involved. A good point brought up is that with Trump being elected some, maybe many in the Prepper Community may have been lulled into a false sense of security. As has been mentioned here on TGO many times and in many ways...Trump's election may only be a brief reprieve...very brief. There is absolutely no reason to ease up or think things will go sunshine and roses...just as there isn't a reason to lock yourself up in a bunker. But it is probably a good time to "buy it cheap and stack it deep" on many levels. We're seeing unprecedented bargains on items that will improve our future safety and security, and I'm not only talking guns, ammo, and shooting gear. Prepper oriented websites are have incredible sales as well... water filters, LTS foods, power/energy, etc. As to the OP...You might well be a Prepper if you shop "loss leaders" weekly after inventorying your main pantry (where you've dated and rotated your stores) and make sure you purchase by the case lot when these "loss leaders" match your needs (maintaining 6-12 month supply). You may not shoot everyday, but I bet you eat every day.
    1 point
  32. Yes since that would be "incident to lawful hunting...activity." The 18 year old is using the pistol to hunt. Even a minor can hunt with a pistol under 39-17-1319(d)(1)(D). But we don't fish with pistols, so that's a no-go in my reading of the law.
    1 point
  33. I belive Most of them are from India, Ishapore Enfield.
    1 point
  34. Horse pucky for a first post. You don't even have to be 18 to be gifted one in TN for lawful sporting purposes such as target shooting, though must be 18 to hunt with one . And only 18 to possess one in your vehicle, or to buy/sell one in private transaction. - OS
    1 point
  35. Got mine today. A little too excited for my own good. My santa outdid themselves. There was a Academy Sports Ammo box full of goodies. A Browning shotshell air freshener A turkey call Balmshot Lipbalm A nice little one handed folding knife 3 different boxes of 22LR A 5 pack of M&P earplugs An Elite Tactical Systems clear 30 round AR Mag. And the Ammo box itself. (How did you know I just filled up my last one with 30/30?) Thanks Santa!
    1 point
  36. Secret Santa is a lot of fun.... but mine is testing my patience. Literally. Check it out! This box was on my front porch. Turned upside down. So I brought it in like that. Feet included for scale, pay no attention to the dimensions on the box. Righting it then opening, I found this tiny package. Granted, there was also what appeared to be a giant pile of paper packed in there... which all turned out to be these! So I'm not sure what to do. Open them all now? Wait till Christmas - then keep the party going for 12 more days?!!?!! Not sure if I can keep the the inner child at bay and NOT tear into them all. We'll find out soon enough! PS: Secret Santa marked that one is for Ruby and Oso(Bear!) - The dogs! Huzzah! Bonus pic of Bear, he went straight too sniffing the one marked for him. I will have to visit my parent's house for a recent pic of Ruby! EDIT: ANOTHER BOX CAME IN TODAY. Updates soon. The first boxes are opened! Opened the small package marked Merry Christmas - There was a camo Gideons New Testament In the tall box I received today there was another XI, and a note - it is the 12 days of Christmas. And no, it's not late! The 12 days start on Christmas and go till Epiphany. That said, I'll test my will and try to open them 1 at a time... unless the forum consensus is just tear the paper. In which case it's opening time.
    1 point
  37. Got mine today as well. Can't go wrong with a Cubs flag and nice Leatherman. I will definitely use it as it is a nice carry size. Edit: Received another package today with a nice pocket LED Flashlight. It's a bright little guy! Thanks to my Secret Santa.
    1 point
  38. Awesome! My Wife and I will be enjoying this over the next few weeks. Thanks!!!
    1 point
  39. Got mine yesterday. My Santa sent me a set of Howard Leight electronic hearing protection. I have used these before and really loved them. These will definitely get some use! Thanks, Secret Santa!
    1 point
  40. A huge thanks to my Secret Santa. Everything will be put to use! Especially the PMAG.
    1 point
  41. I got mine in the mail yesterday and I must say everything will get used, especially the the Hillary butthole tissue. Didn't want to call it "facial tissue" because it will never touch my face. Opened a bottle of beer within minutes of getting the opener and it will get used every day. The tank is cool, still trying to figure out the caliber and origin based ont he headstamp. And the ammunition will definitely go to good use, I am definitely and AK guy now. I've got a few guns to tune and this will be perfect. Thanks to my Secret Santa.
    1 point
  42. My secret santa must have done some research and saw I like bourbon. He gave me a book on the history and future of bourbon. Two Yeti lowball ramblers and a cool FN hat. Those lowball ramblers will be put to good use. Thanks secret santa.
    1 point
  43. Welcome. You might want to borrow a different handgun for your permit class. Most of the people in my class used .22 semis. The club that was hosting, even had extra Ruger .22s that could be rented cheap with ammo. By the time you shoot 50 rounds you may appreciate the lighter rounds.
    1 point
  44. Got this yesterday. Pretty cool. Says Dark Metal Art on the bottom. looked it up, they make some cool stuff. Very talented
    1 point
  45. I hunted some in college and for one reason or another never got anything. Decided to give it another go last year and got nothing. This year was going about the same until yesterday morning. I know it is not very big, but, my first deer. Shot from a blind with my Winchester 30-30. Open sights from about 30 yards.
    1 point
  46. If those folks had hit as many deer with a vehicle as I have, they'd be buying you ammo instead of calling the cops.
    1 point
  47. This is a pretty good, short video featuring Adam Kraut, Esq. going over what he thinks the election of Trump really means for us as relates to the HPA.
    1 point
  48. I would pay the $200 reluctantly. It's the registration and all the other regulatory bull####, like not being able to carry the gun out of state
    1 point
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