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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2016 in all areas

  1. It's been a while since I've shown any of my leather projects, so I thought I'd share a couple of recent attempts. I've enjoyed the photos of other members crafts. Anybody else have pics, let's see 'em.
    3 points
  2. Quick someone get him to a safe space Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  3. Saw something yesterday that I would have never thought I would see. My next door neighbor has a miniture beagle in his back yard and it was barking a lot which it seldom ever does. I got up to see what it was barking at and a Coyote was within about 15 feet of it and moving right at the beagle slowly. Neighbor was not home. I went to get my rifle to kill it but Kasey my mutt saw it about the same time and because of her size and way she was going right straight at the Yote it decided best thing to do was get gone. I think it would have killed the beagle since is was about 5 times bigger but Kasey was a lot bigger also. I know it is against the law to discharge a firearm inside the city of Gallatin but I was not going to see that beagle killed. I later contacted the Gallatin police and asked them what kind of trouble I could get in and I was told that I could have shot the Coyote and then called Animal control and they would have came out and picked it up and no charges would have been filed. They said that there have been several sightings around town of Yotes recently and a few people have lost small pets to them. I have a very thick fence row that runs about 20 blocks long through peoples back yards and I have seen all kinds of wild critters since I have lived here. Had a Doe and 2 fawns in my back yard one time and I have seen several foxes and a few opposums but this was first coyote. Will be keeping to rifle closer to the door for a while incase it comes back.
    2 points
  4. Is anyone else vomiting while listening to the CBS Special Report with O speaking on the future of the Democrat party? I actually was napping and awoke to the liar-in-chief blathering on about all the recent things that have not gone right for the Dems. He so far, has cast doubts on the elections, the process of the elections, the influence of foreign propagandists on the election, the propagandists of the tv, newspapers, internet, and radio talk shows. Pretty much accused them all of taking the "lies" and false reports about the "leaked" information from all sources and running with it to further cast doubt on the "party out of power." Saying that all these things are being used to further divide the country and take them away from the good and knowledgable people in office. That the devision in the country is because we are believing "false" news reports being fed to us by the news media. Well...he is right about the news media, They are all giving us lies from the current administration. I know I'm only hitting a few points, I really can't remember all the bull####(pardon me but that's exactly what it is) he is spewing. He just has to get at least one more time in to further his cause of destroying and ripping this nation apart. Sorry, I'm not usually so impulsive in posting things like this, but I am so frustrated and angered by this pack of lies in a suit that I've lost it today.
    2 points
  5. A huge Thank You definitely goes out to my Secret Santa! Everything will be used a lot. I've already added the ESEE Izula knife to my regular hunting gear. And a person can never have enough AR magazines.
    2 points
  6. I got mine in the mail yesterday and I must say everything will get used, especially the the Hillary butthole tissue. Didn't want to call it "facial tissue" because it will never touch my face. Opened a bottle of beer within minutes of getting the opener and it will get used every day. The tank is cool, still trying to figure out the caliber and origin based ont he headstamp. And the ammunition will definitely go to good use, I am definitely and AK guy now. I've got a few guns to tune and this will be perfect. Thanks to my Secret Santa.
    2 points
  7. Do you boycott the county clerk's office when you need to get a license plate for your new car? What about the hospital that your sick friend is at and you want to visit him? Or do you decline a lunch invitation from a business partner at a 'posted' restaurant and just reply "Sorry can't eat there because I carry" ? It's easy to say to boycott every place that has these signs if you just carry at your local Wal Mart on the weekends. If you truly try to carry all the time then those situations can cause you problems in Tennessee. If I'm in another state that doesn't attach weapons charges to 'posted places', I will generally just carry. I don't go around asking people and businesses about there political beliefs. I keep that to myself. My handgun is concealed for my personal protection. What others do not know about does not hurt them. Too bad the NRA and state gun rights orgs here can't seem to get behind a solid bill to change that sign problem but they can get behind bills that make no practical sense, such as the employer-workplace gun bill this year.
    2 points
  8. I hate coyotes. If I get a shot, I don't care how long it takes him to die.
    2 points
  9. Yup, I did a self analysis and wandered back to this side of the line. I seen where the temp was going to be at 20deg overnight and thought I'd be stupid to get out in that...so I packed up and left. But the battery in the travel trailer was fully charged, propane bottles nearly full and at least two full bottles for the buddy heater so figured this would be a good field test. Turned up the thermostat before I left the house to warm up the TT , when I got here it looked level enough so just dropped the stabilizers, which go down fast with the drill attachment. Woke to a balmy 20deg outside but a cozy 74deg inside, a quick cup of joe and out to the stand I go. Well, with no heat the stand was 20deg inside but soon, bout 10 minutes, rose to 30 and now just over an hour later it sits at 40, and that's about where the bottle I left in the buddy heater started to flutter. I can still see my breath but relatively speaking it feels comfortable. Oh yea, so now to the deer. I have a personal belief that if I see deer on my way in I may be SOL, which I did, but I jumped a couple somethings getting to my stand and my solunar page on the Huntstand app says there's a decent chance of deer movement so I'm not counting myself out yet.
    2 points
  10. As far as considering an instantly fatal hit vs death due to a bleed out, I once read an extensive wound evaluation of culled African animals. The study wanted to find out why when all mechanics are virtualy the same, why some animals run while others drop dead instantly. The conclusion was linked to what cycle the heart was in when there was bullet impact. If the bullets hydraulic shock wave happened when the heart was in full contracted compression, the brain cells of the animal were in a state of massive hemorrhage. Those animals died almost instantly in every case. Despite the same caliber and impact zone, animals that shone no damaged brain tissue were always the runners upon bullet impact. These "runners" were thought to have been shot while the heart was in the non compression cycle. Anyone who has run heavy equipment hydraulics as I have would more than likely have no issues with this study. Makes perfect sense!
    2 points
  11. My secret santa must have done some research and saw I like bourbon. He gave me a book on the history and future of bourbon. Two Yeti lowball ramblers and a cool FN hat. Those lowball ramblers will be put to good use. Thanks secret santa.
    2 points
  12. Made another cigar related item, this time crush proof. Even ran it over repeatedly to prove it. Also a holster for a member on here. Made for a Wiley Clapp Edition GP100.
    2 points
  13. **UPDATE** Today is his birthday, and we've been out shooting his 3" Stainless Ruger SP101 357 Magnum, and he loves it! A part of me hoped he wouldn't care for it, as I've sort of taken a liking to it as well. Thanks for all the suggestions, and thanks to the forum member who sold it to me.
    2 points
  14. Mandatory bragging thread. Got mine already, this is a fantastic knife, perfectly balanced, nice and heavy. Holster looks like it was machine produced as well, you would have a hard time finding a better quality knife than this. Thanks!
    1 point
  15. I'm a big fan of listening to the radio and something exciting just started up that's blowing my mind. Listen to over 8,000 stations from all over the world right here: http://radio.garden/ Just zoom into the map on where you want to hear a broadcast from and it will start playing.
    1 point
  16. That's my point. Unlikely to penetrate the skull, just fragments for a gory, but not instantly fatal wound. Unlike Mr. Gideon, I'd hate to make any animal suffer its way to protracted death. All "God's creatures", whatever. - OS
    1 point
  17. More of a "look at this" kind of thing to me. Never saw a real use for one. "Things going south" and I am shooting with a BP firearm and taking what the other guy has till I get what I need.
    1 point
  18. The 2nd holster, you do all that cutting and carving. Man that is sweet!!!
    1 point
  19. Friend of mine drove up, handed me this, said Merry Christmas, and drove off. All before I could even get a shot off. KA-BAR Dog's Head. Feels good and balances well. Might become my EDC.
    1 point
  20. It's actually the provider. If you click on the order button it then shows who the carrier is. Apparently they can't disclose the carrier until the order is placed in the shopping cart. Yellow is Sprint, pink Tmobile, there is also ATT and verizon but I can't remember which colors those are. The Verizon is the most expensive.
    1 point
  21. I moved to my location deep in the woods about 2 years ago. Have planted several game cameras, and have never caught a glimpse of any coyotes. However, I have seen just about everything else including some beautiful red foxes. Share my info with a TWRA officer I go to church with, he said that I am lucky, if I have foxes on my property, coyotes will never come around.
    1 point
  22. Why can't other businesses just follow the Walmart model. I assume Walmart is a benchmark to many retail businesses.
    1 point
  23. Assuming they were posted in any way as of January 1, 2015, that posting remains valid until January 1, 2018. - OS
    1 point
  24. I see the remnants of them up and down I-40 here in East TN all the time! - K
    1 point
  25. I have to admit it was kind of unsettling to see it this close to so many people and homes. Walmart is only a 1.5 miles from my house and 2.8 miles from the town square. Especially stalking that little beagle. Kasey is a lot bigger and was about same size as yote but she is older so was slower but she sent it running. I called the neighbor and told him what I had seen. He is a truck driver and has family looking after the dog when he is on the road but I did bring her (Dixie) inside my home last night to protect her. He said he will put up a fence pim for her when he gets back in town. Mean time family will take her home. I did get a call from Animal Control asking if it would be alright with me if they put some traps in my fence row and my neighbors fence row to see if they can trap it and I said fine with me but if I see it I will drop it where it stands...................
    1 point
  26. And to deny that business the amount of sales and/or profits from dealing with said business. Sort of a personal boycott if you will.
    1 point
  27. People don't enter because they feel the business/property owner is infringing on their right to self defense.
    1 point
  28. Or call it an 'SBR' - Smokes, Battle Ready with the tagline "The smoke to call once you've smoked 'em all." Gjohnsoniv, the 'baseball stitch' looks amazing. I'm going to have to look that technique up. I have always liked that look but wasn't sure of the actual name for the stitch.
    1 point
  29. Garufa and OS do you work for divorce lawyers? Certainly seems likely given your "help" with spending money.
    1 point
  30. I will be working it. I hope that it goes better than the last few shows at Nashville went for us! Being a new building I bet more people are interested in the building than the beef jerky and quad copters!
    1 point
  31. Yea, a bit lost here too. So you get a gun from a friend for $500 he says will buy it back..doesnt so you sell for $500 to a member who borrows $ from a neighbor (?). Member changes (or loses)his mind, brings it back with pink grips and a missing screw so you give him $400 for it. If I have this right, I would buy a screw and keep it as is. First, imagine the humiliation for a crook being stopped or shot by a pink gun, then imagine the possibilities of what you can do with the spare c note.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Yeah it's copper. Here it is under my front tire. I didn't actually intend for it to be as strong as it is, but it turned out to be a whole lot stronger than anticipated.
    1 point
  34. http://gizmodo.com/that-story-about-a-kid-dying-in-santas-arms-is-totally-1790126534
    1 point
  35. The Shield comes in 9mm, 40 S&W, and .45 full auto calibers, and is widely used by law enforcement and military personnel Never heard of .45 full auto, is it new? Fact checking? How about proof reading?
    1 point
  36. I have the tp9sf. I've only got about 300 rounds through it. I've not been out lately to shoot because of work schedule and the fact it's dark at 4:45. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. I can't make this one, but will try to make the next one. I haven't been to a show anywhere in a really long time so I'm overdue for some old military gear and beef jerky.
    1 point
  38. Nothing new but it was the missing piece for me. I only needed it to complete the */22 set. So here it is, the out of production, not well loved Ruger 96/22 in 22lr. I've been shopping for one for a while and even though I didn't get a screaming deal on this one, I got it for what I think is a decent price right now. I'll have to get it out with its brothers soon for a */22 family picture. Someone asked me what I was gonna get next. Now I have to decide. Part of me wants to get the */44 set. But before I get too far in that, I need to get a spare barrel for the 96 and get it threaded. Or maybe I can get a Gemtech Mist modded to fit the 96 and have the ultimate Ruger squirrel gun.
    1 point
  39. I got mine either Friday or Saturday. I got suckered into hosting a Christmas party this past weekend. I will definitely get pictures up tomorrow.
    1 point
  40. Since you said this, come on down !!
    1 point
  41. Got this yesterday. Pretty cool. Says Dark Metal Art on the bottom. looked it up, they make some cool stuff. Very talented
    1 point
  42. The irony. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  43. so your calling him a sissy, when you are noticing what kind of pants he is wearing? eh this quote thing is junk...
    1 point
  44. My good jeans aren't Levis because others fit me better, but I do have a couple of old pairs of Levis that I wear chopping wood, working around the barn, etc. I wonder if they object to the Glock 20 hanging on them, lol.
    1 point
  45. I think I'm changing gears. Couldn't find exactly what I wanted at a decent price, so I'n thinking CZ 75B SA.
    1 point
  46. I gotta imagine any son of Greg's (a member with over 9k posts here on TGO) has probably shot a gun before. Maybe even twice, lol! Obviously, he won't be carrying for at least 3 years, so carry guns are out. He's turning 18, not 8, so I really doubt a .22 is all he can handle. This sounds like an heirloom to me. Heirlooms are rarely plastic. I'm thinking a nice, American made 1911 or a 357 or 44 mag. K or L frame or equivalent. No Taurus, Citadel, Bersa, etc. Maybe a nice Springfield Range Officer, Colt Gold Cup, (I'm not personally a Colt fan, but the name still has some prestige to many) Smith model 19, 27, or 29, maybe a Ruger GP100, or if you have thousands a sweet Python or Anaconda. Let us know what you choose!
    1 point
  47. At that range I'd take a shot with a .22.
    1 point
  48. Want to make some scratch? Cheese? Coin? Loot? Dollar bills? Ever fancy yourself a bounty hunter? :) Websites like TGO need advertisers to stay afloat, let alone grow bigger and better and make it possible to do cooler things. To date we've been fortunate -- blessed even -- to have our advertisers find us. We've never had to go hunting for them, and honestly I've never really wanted to. I just don't like selling. I'm not a "sales guy" and I hate cold-calling. But recently I had a member approach me with a prospective advertiser and asked if I'd hook them up. So I did. And I also felt like I owed that member something in return... so I did something for that person too. Which brought to mind an idea: Pretty much everyone here has their list of favorite shops to do business with. But how many of those favorite shops support your favorite local forum by advertising with us? All of them? Some of them? None of them? Could you maybe help us by convincing them to sign on with us? Because if you can, and they tell me that YOU are the reason they signed on as an advertiser, I'll gladly kick a commission payment your way. :) So, what's the motivation? I'll make no bones about this: I'd like to eventually quit working for the man Monday - Friday and make TGO something of a full time job. I'd love nothing more than to work on new features, new content, videos, blogs, reviews, etc. all for the TGO community. But in order for that to happen, we need more advertisers and I'd be glad to share some of our increased success with anyone who helps get us there. If you are instrumental in helping bring a new advertiser on board, I owe you a debt of gratitude and I'd like to put some money back in your pocket to say thanks. Let's talk! For details, contact me privately.
    1 point
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