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I finally got my poor tired feet out of ICU so I'll post a few thoughts on running the gauntlet at the Knoxville Gun, Mall Ninja and Hot Tub show today. I was looking to get rid of some dreck that had accumulated over the past few years. I'd held on to it much too long and it was mostly a buyer's market, since America's No. 1 gun salesman is about to retire in less than 40 days. I suppose we're in that awkward period where gun seekers know the economy is gonna get better but it hasn't shown up on the paycheck yet. It's a lot easier to turn stuff when the customers are thick at the tables and fighting like it's Black Friday at the Walmart towel rack. This time I had to walk the show three times before I was willing to come off my dream price. Baked-on stupidity is hard to scrub out. First I had to run the gauntlet of lowballers in the parking lot and near the door. Anyone open carrying is subject to interrogation: What ya got? What do ya want for it? What will you take? (As if the second question doesn't matter.) It's easy to shake off the dealers masquerading as civilians. You give them a ridiculous price, such as full retail, and they know they're wasting their time talking to a fool who is unclear on the capitalist concept. But if you're haggling with someone without a FFL, you have a better chance of a tax-free sale. In Tennessee, gun show loopholes are pretty wide but you still should check state ID and frisk for ski masks. It costs the equivalent of a box of cheap 9mm to gain entry. Sometimes the cops hired for security will make an offer as they zip-tie your gun's action. Many are on the lookout for a bargain throw dow......I mean, backup pistol or revolver. It's best to eat before you arrive. There's usually a food vendor ready to take your money, if the health department has given them their license back, but you're still paying steak prices for a mystery meat burger. I remember ordering one time and just happened to see my doctor standing behind me staring at me like I was a sheep-killing dog. I told him that the patty makes for an excellent gun lube and actually attracts wild carnivores. Good for me he was one of the 50% of doctors who finished in the bottom half of the class. The first lap around the building is for show. You want to give the tightwad dealers behind the tables the impression that it isn't your first rodeo and you know which end of the horse smells worse. To set the proper mood, you should dress accordingly. I wore my "Deplorable Lives Matter" t-shirt to declare that I was someone to be reckoned with. When I lived in Texas I was topped with the usual Stetson with all kinds of shiny few-faws dangling off the crown. In East Tennessee, the well-dressed expert has at least 70 ball caps in his closet to choose from, but at the tables he's adorned with a lid which sports at least one Confederate flag and a witty saying, such as, "I Call 1911, Not 9-1-1." On the second time around, you should have your game face full on. The dealers now know that you carried all those slung rifles and pistol boxes for a full mile and they're looking for signs of weakness. Some will venture a "No luck, yet?" comment to drain your resolve, but they should be parried with an air of patience. "I may just hang on to 'em while the price goes up." is the only fitting comeback I've learned. Your mileage may vary. Take a minute to lean over their table and give their merchandise a hard look if you didn't do it on the first round. It's not that you're really interested about the same gun you've seen all over the show, but it gives them a chance to scan for all the intricate details of your pride and joy that you desperately want to disown. Caution: Make sure you keep the dinged side against your body--secrets are for serious lookers only. And don't knock over any Tupperware or other arts and crafts displays. It quickly spoils the mood. A third time around is for God-fearers only. You're praying every step of the way that a miracle will happen and someone will buy for cost plus the price of admission. There's no use putting on any airs. The self-respecting peons have long since headed to the barn. At this point, anything you've got to trade is even-steven with an RG revolver that the dealer euphemizes as "German made." If you're lucky, he'll do the deal and then beat you over the head with both guns. I must have been living right because I found a guy who bit on my rock-bottom price. I like to think he took pity, but I suspect he was afraid I'd heave up that hamburger on his chrome-plated throwing stars. I took his cash and hitched a ride from a handicapped scooter driver headed for the door. God moves in mysterious ways.14 points
Add the ever present crackling of the taser guy, and you've nailed the modern day gun show experience.5 points
And the ever present sock dealers, are they not supposed to have some sort of federal license to pedal their wares inside a "gun show loophole zone". Or the Nazi paraphernalia dealer who swears he is not a white supremacist nor a member of the clan, yeah right. Or that one dealer that you swear shouldn't be able to own guns because every square inch of exposed skin is covered with what looks like prison tattoos, including his face. Anyone who has been to the Knoxville show knows EXACTLY who I am talking about. There are also those gun show patrons who think soap and water is such a precious commodity that they would never waste it on themselves.5 points
You sir, have eloquently captured the essence of the gun show experience. But...what about the jerky?5 points
Me too! At Frankfurt airport in the 70's the sub machine guns stood out a little, as did the German Shepherd dog inside the terminal. It does show ya take terror seriously though. Another thing the Germans did back then was publish wanted posters of terrorists with pictures of multiple terrorists on one poster. Once they killed a terrorist, they republished the poster, but rather than remove the killed guys picture they just drew a red x on his picture, lol.4 points
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Good description of why I haven't been to a gun show in the last two years.3 points
Not ALL pilots can or would qualify, but we only need a few for the FFDO program to work... same with the token LEO with the AR2 points
Grilling some in about 2 hours. They spent all this morning and afternoon in a beer bath (Yuengling). Now in a marinade of garlic sauce and Worcestershire with a few dabs of off the shelve BBQ sauce. Will cut them thinner and brush on while on the grill. Baked taters to compliment2 points
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After many many many months of waiting, the ATF finally approved my Form 4 and mailed it to the one and only Michael Dresner of Law Enforcement Sales. I purchased it from Silencer Shop on March 1st, ATF cashed the check on April 11th, then approved my Form 4 on November 21st. The form arrived to Michael in the mail on December 3rd. So far I'm really liking it. Once I do some more shooting and testing with it to confirm reliability, this suppressed 300 blackout will become my main home defense gun. The suppressor is quite at home on my 300 blackout SBR as well as my 10/22. I put up a quick video with it on my YouTube channel:2 points
Behind the show of force at security, pilots too are now allowed to be armed. It's on their dime; time off, travel and cost of training. My buddy is one such pilot flying for AA.2 points
Exactly! And for the encouraging thing; when I steppe doff the plane for the first time in Germany, the first thing off the walkway was three German Polizei, MP5's strapped to them and one with some kind of a Shepard. The 6' tall blonde in uniform didn't hurt the eyes either. Anyways... That's what our airports should be like, show of force. It works, ask Israel.2 points
Let me begin by saying that my Wife and I have both fed up with and ready to leave Washington State. As I'm sure you all know we are not alone and have had enough of the libtards and millionaire meddlers that are destroying the beautiful PNW. We are both NRA Life Members and tend to be somewhat conservative. We cherish our gun rights and our Constitution, all of which are not real popular beliefs in our area. We are not sure yet where we want to go but unfortunately no matter how hard we try our leglislature has been for the most part "bought & paid for" so it is a loosing battle and we are rapidly loosing our Constitutional freedoms here in the West. We are not sure if Tennessee is the place for us yet but you certainly have a beautiful State. We've been looking in White County and so far what we've seen there looks beautiful. If we do make the move we are definitely not looking to "change things" like the kalifornians have done here, but would rather assimilate and learn to be productive members of a Society we are are loosing here. Anyhow........enough of that. I'm looking forward to learning more about Tennessee............thanks for letting me rant........1 point
I went out Friday and they were still chasing pretty hard. It's either a 2nd rut or late rut going on in middle Tennessee. Saw one nice buck and several doe cruise by my stand around 6ish but I still didn't have enough light so I didn't have a clean shot. Later on I was doing some walking to a blind and bumped another buck that was hanging out with a doe and they both disappeared fast. Never got a shot at anything but at least they were on their feet and moving. Probably won't be out again until the week between Christmas and New Years.1 point
I could actually smell the scent of stale popcorn mixed with spilt overly-syruped fountain drinks hanging in the air as I read it. Two thumbs up!1 point
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Thanks Randall, I'll grab some pictures when they get ready to go on and see if they represent how good they actually taste1 point
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http://www.gunwarrior.com/717/free-firearms-bill-of-sale-form/1 point
Google is your friend. Here's one. http://texasguntrader.com/billofsale.pdf1 point
Great report! I used to rate the shows either great or bone handle knife n nazi junk laden 4 star on that!! Thanks!!1 point
Super fun stages as always. The Match Director is good at misdirection. What say you Hognut? Some guys didn't finish and I apologize for running late.1 point
Easy Crock Pot Deer Roast Deer roast (Pack of steaks will do as well) Worcestershire Sauce Soy Sauce Garlic Salt Season Salt 1 pkg Lipton Dry Onion Soup Mix 1 can Cream of Mushroom soup 1 Medium Onion, sliced Cut meat into serving sized pieces. Sprinkle very generously with season salt, garlic salt, soy sauce, and worcestershire sauce. Add cream of mushroom soup, and pkg of dry onion soup mix, and stir all together. Top with oinion slices. Cook on low 8 hours and enjoy!1 point
It is. I can hang it upside down and shake it a little and it's still secure. I like it better than the ones I've really wet molded. It's snug and secure, yet the knife glides smoothly.1 point
Enjoyed walking in your shoes, well written. You reference gun show loopholes in TN are pretty wide. In terms of avoiding paying tax on a used piece of personal property which was taxed when sold new - is this what libs are screaming about? It's all about the money? Or as Dolo infers - the criminal element straw purchasing new or buying outside used?1 point
Excellent report sir, you have a way with words. I'd probably enjoy another report, regardless the topic.1 point
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getting practice for a SHTF scenario, they will blend in with the mob more than the rest of us would.1 point
Wow, thats good. You should summit that to a local paper or your favorite talk show host.1 point
Theoretical Question: What's to stop a trustee from removing all others from the trust, buying a new item with only their prints/photo submitted, then changing the trust after the new item is received to include the old trustees again? That's obviously skirting around the intent of the regulation change, but is it illegal?1 point
Lol, that brings back memories. I helped my grandfather turn a feral (or maybe stray?) cat loose from a small steel trap once many years ago. He didn't like cats at all, so he probably wouldn't have gone through the trouble if I hadn't been there. What an experience that was! We got it set free without too much bloodshed (ours). I'm not sure I've ever seen a cat bolt that fast since. I'm pretty sure that cat wanted to kill us.1 point
We could use a couple more conservatives to offset all the liberals who are taking over Nashville. Come on out and bring your guns!1 point
Just got a phone call and one has been caught. We don't sell the fur. I looked in to it some years back and it just wasn't worth it. Prices were just too low. We do it to protect some sheep and other family pets. Any critter that cooperates will be turned loose with the exception of the coyote. BTW the worst animal to try to turn loose is a feral cat!1 point
Ditto on the gun show experiences! Except I would add, getting ones toes ran over by the large fat guy on the hover round!1 point
Hot tubs you say? I'd think a pellet stove or monitor vendor would be there with this weather. I've only made one transaction outside... guy offered me $25 less than my "asking" price. win-win! You're right about the food vendor, I won't even get their coffee. Expo Center has plenty of choices nearby, Chilhowee Park, not so much. And you didn't say how long from entry to exit this adventure took....1 point
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I kinda figured he commit murder, realized he screwed up and decided he would rather die than go to prison. Just a WAG though.1 point
I have had this about a year and not swapped batteries. They make a USB rechargeable version too.1 point
Yaah...!! Yaah...! what great tools...! i love these things... Glad there are some Teutonic Believers out there keepin the tradition alive... Bring out the Imperial Flag and the Beer Steins; we'll sing the old songs and re-tell the old tales... Prost...!!! teutonic adminrin leroy....1 point
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