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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2016 in all areas

  1. The truth of the matter is this.... Some decisions are life-altering (...and in some cases life-taking...) actions... I've got zero sympathy for the "...they are just kids thing...." and the "...no amount of punishment is appropriate thing..."... The fact is that these two people have caused the loss of life, stupendous property damage, and misery on a gargantuan scale to folks they don't know and who have done nothing to them... Not many people can say they have accomplished such idiotic, and monstrous mayhem; no matter the age or occupation (...or lack of one...) in a whole lifetime of screwing things up and doin evil... That puts them in a very elite and despisable class... A class that i simply do not think you can tolerate out in the general population... These two are miscreants at best and monsters at worst... Those who believe that this is "...kids being kids..." are either intellectually challenged or intellectually dishonest as far as i'm concerned... Actions do have consequences, and this is about the worst action i've seen in a good while... I (...and i suspect others...) have friends and kinfolk, rich and poor, that have lost everything as a result of this monstrous action... This conflagration has touched thousands, if not tens of thousands of people... It is on the same scale as an act of war; no matter the original intention.... America seems to be the only place in the world where we have a pretty large subclass of otherwise intelligent people who dote on our young folks and do them the genuine disservice of lying to them by failing to tell our children that "actions have consequences"... I say that if you believe in "teenage irresponsibility"; you are part of the problem... It also baffles me that there seems to be a "cottage industry" of "experts" who would tell us that "kids will be kids", and seek to explain away and/or minimize this sort of monstrous behavior.... Kids should continually be told that all actions have consequences; from childhood thru adulthood... I don't wanna hear about "kids being kids" and "they didn't mean to do it"... This is not some idiotic video game that you can re-set; nor some goofy "alternate reality" where it don't matter... People have actually died as the result of these actions and property has been destroyed on a god like scale... This one aint gonna go away... If you want kids to be responsible, you have to continually teach them to act responsible; while being responsible yourself... Sometimes the punishment is not sufficient for the crime; and i suspect that is the case here... None the less, serious punishment needs to be passed out for this; right up to and including trial for capital murder... I say, let justice take it's course and keep the "they were just kids" things out of it... Thus endeth the rant... leroy....
    5 points
  2. This one was in the region too, its call a Super Scooper. Came out of Montana. It worked mostly in North Carolina. There is a video on facebook of it scooping out of Fontana Lake. Basically lands on the water scoops up 1600 gallons in 12 seconds and then takes back off.
    3 points
  3. going to have to disagree with both mikeG and bubbiesdad on this one. What happened is terrible but to suggest they need "prison love" is over the line. IMO. Mark
    3 points
  4. Sure But are you angling for me to recognize you as a leprechaun? lol Sorry too easy. Nice to meet you.
    2 points
  5. Awesome! The whole time I was waiting for my ride I was watching them refill the tanks on the other BAe 146. The pilots were telling me that it carried 3000 gallons of fire retardant/water per run. All I know it that it takes a huge set a brass balls to fly a 100,000 pound jet at low altitudes to drop that payload on the hillsides. Just imagining trying to get sub 2000ft to the ground while suddenly dropping 1/4 the gross weight from the fuselage gives me chills, much less attempting to do it right on the edge of a raging forest fire.
    2 points
  6. Be wary of home warranties. Read the fine print very carefully and make them explain anything you're unsure of. If you're reasonably mechanically inclined, DIY'ing the replacement isn't that hard.
    2 points
  7. I solved that problem 20+ years ago, never sell, never trade away. Just add, add some more, add more.............Seriously, when I was in the gun biz, many of men said they wished that had something back, so I listened, and still have all of my early guns, my guns from 10 years ago, and the past.
    2 points
  8. Music City Tactical Shooters will be hosting a USPSA match at our outdoor range in Dickson on Dec 10th and 11th. Our amazing stage designer has promised to try and out do himself this time. We will be using the same old boring rules and scoring that we use every year. Setup begins at 7:00am with a shooters meeting by 8:45ish and shots sometime there after. IDPA guys--I know you enjoy learning new rules every year but you are welcome to come out and shoot. Yes you can wear your vest.
    1 point
  9. 12/16 - 11/13 = 3 Years 1 Month. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. Picked up another Japanese whiskey to try and a bottle of Weller 12.
    1 point
  11. Everybody on this site who's selling something I want, and doesn't live in Memphis seems to live in Northeast Tennessee!
    1 point
  12. I just bought my 3rd LCP. An LCP is really nice to have around as a "workout" carry. This time I bought the LCP II which has a completely different trigger. If you are coming from a striker-fired gun, I think you are far less likely to "short-stroke" the trigger with the short reset of the LCP II. If you regularly shoot revolvers, it may not be worth the price difference.
    1 point
  13. You're wasting your time on what ifs. You need to spend a few dollars on getting an honest diagnosis of what's wrong with the system. Then - and only then can you make an informed decision about how to move forward. A system installed in 2008 isn't that old - many do have 10-year plus warranties on parts these days. It's been sitting for a while - and unused systems degrade - but you need to actually have someone diagnose the problem. Are you upside down in the house? If not, I'd consider a small home equity line of credit to fix the system. That's going to get paid first upon the sale of the house, but the discount you'd take on selling the house without working HVAC would far outweigh the cost of putting a new system in or repairing the old one. That's assuming a buyer could even get a loan funded without a working system. Are you working with a realtor? Situations like this are where they're worth their money. They ought to have some good, reliable contacts. Mine does.
    1 point
  14. 2"-3" low at 9 yards will still get you a hit on a bad guy. I would hardly consider that a reason to not use or shoot it. You could also file the front sight to raise the impact point. As long as you go slow you it is easy.
    1 point
  15. No warranty is going to cover a known pre-existing condition.
    1 point
  16. I had them the first few years we owned our house. They replaced the water heater, dishwasher, and indoor HVAC blower without much issue. Took me several years to get the outside HVAC unit replaced even though it had to have gas added EVERY year when it got warm. Then they do not cover haul away of the old unit or a new concrete base if you need it. Used to be $35 per service call back then. I agree with Love-hate for them. They do not cover anything like faucet leaks or roof leaks. We dropped them when we finally got the outside unit replaced.
    1 point
  17. I rarely ever sell a gun, so I haven't had to worry about purchasing another of the same model. I've failed to purchase some that I would like to have and not had a second opportunity to buy.
    1 point
  18. American Home Shield: https://shopping.ahs.com/buyonline/?&mkwid=s_dt&pcrid=115909868338&pmt=e&keyword=american home shield&pdv=t&src=&mm_campaign=4ba1af906554aede504a53d63e96a2c9&MarketingPartner=Google&AdType=CPC&Campaign=Home+Shield+Brand+eCommerce+-+Exact&gclid=CLTU_-LX5NACFZ26wAoduDQFsw I have a love-hate relationship with them. They tried to deny coverage to replace one of my HVAC compressors because the repair guy said I didn't maintain it by having it cleaned regularly (he obviously just wanted to sell me a new unit at full price). I eventually won that battle, but it was a pain. They have replaced multiple hot water heaters, repaired refrig, repaired dishwashers, repaired washers and dryers, and fixed my HVACs several times though over the years. Costs about $450/year and $65 per service call. If you go this route, just make sure your unit looks clean and like it was functioning and failed because of normal wear. Did Hiller give you an estimate to repair it? If they say the compressor needs to be replaced, you might be able to get the model # of the compressor and find a remanufacture unit cheaper on line. Then just pay them the labor to install it.
    1 point
  19. that's what paperless statements are for
    1 point
  20. Same mentality here. Easier for me to keep the ones I have had a while though. They are family guns. I just keep adding whenever I can. Hard enough to get them, I am not letting them go. lol
    1 point
  21. That would be quite fitting considering the damage caused. Unless they're beyond rehabilitation, long prison terms will just make them lifetime criminals. I can't see any reason to try them as adults...I've not a fan of that practice save a case by case basis when per-meditated murder/attempted murder is involved. I'm interested to learn if these two were out to bring as much mayhem as possible, or two dumb kids who let a fire get out of control with the weather causing the rest. Not excusing anything, but I find it hard to believe that to under 18 teens could have intended the devastation caused.
    1 point
  22. I find it odd that non of the news coverage is mentioning the aircraft brought in to fight the blaze other than the helicopters. We parked between a pair of awesome looking tankers at the Tri-cities FBO on the first. The pilots indicated they were on contract with the Forest Service and had flown in from Montana. BAe 146 by Erik, on Flickr
    1 point
  23. My 24 is growing on me, and the 18 is starting to feel a little dainty
    1 point
  24. www.model1sales.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=278 Call them for lead time
    1 point
  25. Is Shepherd Master back? Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. Fix it or replace it. If the house is financed via any government backed loan, i.e. FHA, VA, FNMA a non working HVAC system will kill the loan. IMHO unless you have a cash buyer you're screwed without replacing the HVAC.
    1 point
  27. Again, there is a flaw in your argument as you are saying that society should be structured in such a manner that everyone is subject to God's law, God's commands and so on. However, some people may not even believe in God while others may believe in a different God with a different set of rules, commands and etc. So, if every individual has the right to decide for himself or herself then who are you to decide that everyone should be subject to the commands, etc. not only of a deity but specifically the deity in which you believe? Simply because you believe that said deity is the deity and, therefore, that those commands, etc. are valid does not make it so nor does it make your belief 'true'. Therefore, yes, when you are discussing a 'free' people who have the freedom to believe what they believe, even if it does not agree with the Christian belief, then 'God's' commands - and even the very existence or non-existence of God - are, very much, subjective. Further, your appeal to a 'standard' presupposes that said standard not only exists but exists in exactly the form and manner you have accepted. As such a standard may not, in fact, exist or may exist in an entirely different form from that in which you believe then basically what we have is you saying, "I believe this and because I believe it this is the real law as opposed to what all of you self-centered people believe should be the law simply based on what you believe." My right to believe that there is no, such thing as 'God's plan' or 'God's law' is every bit as valid as anyone's right to believe that there is. My right to that belief is every bit as valid as the right to self defense, for that matter - and no one has the right to demand that my life be governed by a plan in which I have no more belief than I hold in the gods of Olympus, Valhalla or so on. This is the entire reason that people should not be governed by religious ideologies. That is, therefore, why there must be a system of laws which are not grounded in religion - including whatever laws society agrees on for the carry of a firearm.
    1 point
  28. First thing to check is the barrel nut. If its not tight, it will shotgun the groups. Also the hand guard bolts are finicky in getting the hand guard to the right tension without much pressure on the receiver. Most of those bolts get swapped out for the swivel studded bolt. When tightened properly, there should be a tiny bit of forward to back play by way of original design of that double treaded bolt. Now these guns have very over pressured gas systems and simply don't do well at all as they get warm from as little as 3 rounds fired. As for the dinged case mouth, Some of these will do that out of the box. If this one was not known to do it before, scrub the gas cylinder and gas port extension. If the tolerance there has gotten fowled, that would speed up the bolt cycling speed making it a tad more violent on the case ejection. Don't forget to make sure the scope base is still tight also.
    1 point
  29. Well, welcome back. Oddly my takeaway from this is that you should stay away from pizza.
    1 point
  30. I do have quite a few other instruments-- other electric guitars, other mandolins, other basses, banjos, lap steel, balalaikas, dulcimers, drums, keyboards, etc.... but I figure I've posted enough... well, here are some miscellaneous gig pics, etc. I'll stop after this... I promise. And now, the obligatory "Halloween Gig" pics over the last few years.... OK, I guess I've taken up enough space here....
    1 point
  31. Ok, Now we come to my pride & joy-- My Gretsch instruments. First Gretsch I ever owned-- 2002 G2619 Electromatic SparkleJet-- Sparkle finishes are incredibly difficult to capture in pics... Gretsch G2810 Bo Diddley Signature model-- The pickguard is custom-made, of my own design. Gretsch G5135 Corvette Gretsch G3156 Historic Series Streamliner Gretsch G5022C Jumbo Rancher--- this one goes with me to just about every gig. Gretsch Americana collection-- Gretsch released this series as a limited run in 2006, an homage to the various "cowboy" style guitars popular in the 40's and 50's. Four different designs, all parlor-sized (or cowboy-sized, if you prefer) Gretsch G2224 Electromatic Short Scale Bass Gretsch G6073 Bass Gretsch G9350 Park Avenue mandolin-- I've got a couple other mandolins, but this is my favorite for gigging by far. And no, that's not a "stock" photo. Gretsch G6130KPW Knotty Pine Roundup-- This is 1 of 9 factory prototypes, not a production model-- Gretsch did a production run of 75, but this one pre-dates the production run by about 6 months. Gretsch G6118T-125 125th Anniversary model And, my holy grail, my favorite guitar in my collection--- Gretsch G6196T Country Club model
    1 point
  32. This part of my collection is mainly miscellaneous workhorses, beginning with the first electric I ever owned, 1979 Electra X-340 MPC. (case pictured is not the case for this guitar) 2004 Squier Telecaster-- I've hot-rodded this one quite a bit... Yamaha SGV-800 The oldest guitar I own-- a 1942 Harmony Cremona IV-- this one's been to Europe and back during WWII... belonged to a US Army musician--it's got quite a story. 1994 Epiphone PR-5E-- I logged over 300 gigs on this one before I "retired" it to the music room. Dean Psychobilly Cabbie model-- only produced for a couple of years; 2005-2006 DiPinto Belvedere Yamaha SA503TVL Troy Van Leeuwen model-- out of production. Fender Vince Ray Spookshow A/E acoustic-- another limited production model-- 500 produced. Robelli RB-1955 1970 Epiphone 5102-T. Again, the case pictured is not the case for this guitar. Stagg G-Force Competition V-- not incredibly expensive, but lots of fun-- body graphics and tailpipes are stock! Three different flavors of the original Squier 51 model... love these little guitars! Next post will be my favorites-- My Gretsch collection....
    1 point
  33. From L-R: Homebrew tele, Homebrew strat, Tokia "Les Paul", Carvin DLC126, Homebrew '54 "Lesa Paul", Gibson SG, Gibson SG, 1965 Epiphone Olympic, Gibson Melody Maker. And just for you Mikey Magnatone lap steel. Next up, amps!
    1 point
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