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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2016 in all areas

  1. Well, I got a great Christmas present from my son and youngest Grandson this morning. They just filled my freezer up with about 160 lbs of processed assorted cuts of deer meat. They killed two 8 points and a 6 pint and had it all processed and it is now in my freezer. I will have some great eating for a year now......................
    11 points
  2. Thanks for the update. I'm wondering if your root cause of restlessness in life may be simply due to a clinical case of paragraphphobia. - OS
    10 points
  3. Going to give you some advice that may seem somewhat unsolicited, but maybe you were hoping folks would offer some? Anyway... I think your problems, or at least the past ones, stem from two major things: Impatience (leading to anger) and lack of resolve to see something through to completion. Thematically, the experiences that you described were short-lived and terminated by your own hand. A few of them you rationalized were out of your control, but you still ended them yourself: Fired from one job for throwing a pizza Didn't have the resolve to run a kitchen job (sober) Wasn't easy to find time to exercise while working a prison job, so you didn't Nursing education didn't work out for undisclosed reason Phlebotomy education didn't work out because you didn't prep enough to pass the exams So my advice is this: Sack up. Life isn't easy. Hard work and perseverance will take you past where talent or natural gifts (such as academics coming easy) let off. There's nothing wrong with bouncing around between things while you figure out what makes you happy, but there's a nothing right about giving up prematurely or blaming outcomes on circumstance. You are the master of your own destiny. Make your own "luck". Find something in life and stick with it past the point of your own comfort, just to prove to yourself that you can and so that you discover that "comfort" is a state of mind and therefore something that you control. Just some honest talk from someone who was restless in his 20's and thankfully had someone sit him down and talk to him like this. I hope you get it all figured out.
    8 points
  4. Ho Lee Hel. TGODavid was nice enough to spot me a benefactor membership for the month, some comments got going about me being the old Ebow1 and the legend of throwing the pizza oven so I just spent the last hour re-reading through that thread. I forgot just how much went into that. And I guess I forgot how long I'd been gone. I think I got tired of looking at the guns for sale and never being able to afford them. Anyways, I guess I'm back, so I thought I'd catch everybody up what's happened since that Domino's nonsense. I know there were a lot of justified speculations about my maturity. Well let's see, after Domino's there was Applebee's. That didn't last long, truly I just can't run a kitchen when I'm sober (seriously). Then there was pizza hut and driving for them, while working the campus bookstore and going to school. Finished out school at some point with a 2 year police science degree, was working for Papa John's by then. Got my truck totaled. Some guy tried to run a red light and I was there just in time to stop him. Ended up leaving Papa John's what with not having a vehicle and got a job working at Deberry, being that I was still out of shape, I thought I could work a prison job and get in good enough shape to become a cop. Yeah no such luck. Never exactly had a whole lot of spare time with that job. I ended up leaving that job with a two weeks notice. It was turning me into a level of asshole that I just didn't like what I was becoming. But I can say this much, I put up with a lot worse than one asshole manager without any violent outbursts. Went to work 3rd shift at a Shell in the meantime, heard about TN reconnect, decided to go to school again into a nursing program (didn't want that initially but it was what the state was willing to pay for). Had to leave the Shell cause I couldn't make enough at that job with my school schedule the way it was. Ended up driving again for a different Papa John's. Nursing didn't work, transferred to Phlebotomy, didn't pass that. Somewhere along the way I realized I've never really had an idea what I want to do with my life and that I've just been guessing. Well now I'm working at Valvoline and actually enjoy my job and like the company I'm working for. I've been in a serious relationship for a good amount of time now and she's helped me become a lot more mature. Don't know if yall were interested or not, but thought I'd share it as I guess I didn't realize how long it'd been.
    6 points
  5. 6 points
  6. I hunted some in college and for one reason or another never got anything. Decided to give it another go last year and got nothing. This year was going about the same until yesterday morning. I know it is not very big, but, my first deer. Shot from a blind with my Winchester 30-30. Open sights from about 30 yards.
    5 points
  7. Geez... I thought it was but I wasn't sure. Ok, look, here's the deal: I set you up with a Benefactor account that will expire at the end of December. If you want to renew at the end of that time, it would be appreciated. If not, I won't bother trying to help next time around. Merry Christmas.
    5 points
  8. The further complication of that for service people, is that full time duty assignment counts same as state of permanent residence of record under federal law to an FFL. But I personally would be pretty leery about personally selling any firearm to a "guy from San Diego", regardless of where he (says he) is stationed. Even with some military paperwork to show, that's just a complicated area I wouldn't want to get into as a private seller. - OS
    4 points
  9. I am regretting my decision a little.
    2 points
  10. Federal law requires a person to be 21 to buy a handgun from an FFL. Tennessee state law only requires they be 18. So an FFL can’t transfer a handgun to an 18 year old, but you can sell them one on a private sale if they are a Tennessee resident.
    2 points
  11. Saw this on Twitter
    2 points
  12. My first FOF experience was with you, you promptly shot me square in the left nipple. I learned. timcar86, thanks for posting.
    2 points
  13. I think that could be said for many of us.
    2 points
  14. Well, welcome back. Oddly my takeaway from this is that you should stay away from pizza.
    2 points
  15. Please please please I want to know about the pizza throwing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. Over 100 boxes of 325rd Federal Auto Match for $19ea at Academy in Smyrna last week. Plenty of CCI Standard Velocity for $4/50, and tons of Aguila for $4-5 box depending on type.
    2 points
  17. I buy most of my jeans from Sam's. Usually around 13-14 bucks a pair. Also have found some really nice Wranglers at second-had stores for under 10. I'm wearing some of them now in fact.
    2 points
  18. For the December match, Gallatin Gun club will host an IDPA match with Rifle side match on December 10th. Start time is 9:00AM. Set up starts at 7:00. 5 stages about 90 rounds. The IDPA Stages will be reshot with rifle after the IDPA match. Rifle will be under IMG rules. Match fee will be $10 for club members - $20 for Non-members. Current range closure is set for February 13th. I will try to have matches in January and February, weather permitting. Their is currently no arrangements to hold matches until the new range is completed after range closure in February. We may shoot the new IDPA classifier if it becomes part of the new rules book for the February match. I have made a registration page in Practiscore if you would like to register for the match ahead of time. https://practiscore.com/december-idpa-match-with-rifle-side-match/register
    1 point
  19. I got to thinking about them a bit more. My MagPul case has a slight lip that extends outward past the screen. Obviously it covers all the back. The lip is typically trusted to protect the front of the phone. Why not the same theory in protecting the back? That's what bumper case does I guess. Wouldn't mind having one to try but I generally like my MagPul cases so much I'm not sure if it could convince me otherwise. Looking up more about them now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Hey, I was half serious about the paragraph stuff. But only if you want people to actually read your posts and all! See how much better this flows to the eyes and brain, eh?: - OS
    1 point
  21. That's hysterical and definitely NSFW or anyone else that gets offended by salty language.
    1 point
  22. Yeah sounds like a really good way to screw up your life.
    1 point
  23. What about Rick still wearing the same leather soled cowboy boots? Did they not find anything new for him in all the houses they cleared? I mean his have to be worn slap out. Plus running in those can't be fun. I worked in a western store for years. No way I want to run through the muck and snow in those.
    1 point
  24. All our guys do are make calls and check email. Not too much stress on our mobile devices. Except for the physical abuse they take.
    1 point
  25. Not really an option in my business. They are the best tools for the job.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. And the knock off ones can have voltage fluctuations that damage your device. I will not use anything except apple accessories for any of my company's devices.
    1 point
  28. Well, since Tennessee doesn't have an income tax, the state looks to pinch money any which way it can to fund daily operations. We've debated a bit how much the actual process of processing HCP applications is on the state since they use existing facilities and workers at the DMV and TBI...but it is what it is. I'm going to guess your location has more to do with this than anything. From my location in Murfreesboro, I have access at least a two indoor pistol ranges, and four rifle ranges (three of which I know have a pistol area) within an hours drive. That's just off the top of my head, so I may even be forgetting a few more. Compare that to your location, where there isn't a lot of population density win driving distance to support a bustling firearms range selection. You're also in the "touristy area" so that's not helping things when it comes to local ordinances and what not. Well, the NRA rep to our state is a joke, and the only attention they really pay to Tennessee is when they brought the annual convention to Nashville, and when they want money. While I'm sure plenty of us love the firearms safety and promotion of the cause, the rest is off-putting to me at least. The NRA range requirements is just using a ready made format, IMO. No, it's just that our Republican government is the capital R type of Republican that loves to talk a good game while making sure the plebs don't get too much freedom to turn against them. I think with a few exceptions we're at a decent medium on the macro scale, but it's all situation and location dependent.
    1 point
  29. I thought it was a great thread. And you gotta give the boy credit for going down in flames.
    1 point
  30. Well, that part is certainly not true as far as possession/carry. Before the HCP process, for about 25 years there was no legal way short of being a crony "honorary deputy" for the average joe to legally possess a firearm even in his vehicle, let alone on the person in general public. So that has actually come a long way toward firearm freedom, with some significant recent changes thrown in even for non-permit holders. But one thing, it was looser until sometime in the 70's regarding guns in autos, forget which year, but the days of legally having the rifle or shotgun in the back window did indeed go away. As far as places to shoot, growing up, I don't think "official" ones of any kind were any more prevalent. The difference is that back then we simply weren't so crowded a state, and there was a bigger choice of "unofficial" places to shoot, either city/county/state unimproved land where they didn't really care, and also the fact the most everybody knew somebody with private land who didn't care either. Now, the larger expanses of private land are in fewer hands, and of course city/county lands are mostly "full" of something. There's a lot less empty "there" anywhere. I think you are right about state lands however, they have clamped down on that a lot more, only allowing it at their dedicated ranges. But yeah, we are far from deserving the "Patron State of Shooting Stuff" moniker anymore in that particular regard. The folks who can shoot out west on the vast tracks of federal land have more of a claim to that IMHO. - OS
    1 point
  31. Years ago I worked with an elderly gentleman who had served during the Korean War. One night the topic of Red Cross came up. I had never heard this guy say a cross word about anybody, even those that deserved it. But when the Red Cross was mentioned he became quite agitated and told of being on the front line for four days with one days rations that he had shared with a fellow soldier. After four days he was pulled back and came across a Red Cross station that had candy bars and hot coffee for those coming off the line. He hadn't eaten in three days. They tried to charge him for the candy bar and coffee. He returned the candy and coffee to the table and kept walking. He said, " I was out of bullets, water and food. I damn sure didn't have no money!"
    1 point
  32. How nice of the government to do the heavy lifting for me. They matched me with a plan and even emailed me a bill...all without my approval. I deleted it and blocked them as spam.
    1 point
  33. Good to see another member from the superior--uh, i mean Northeast--side of the state. Welcome!
    1 point
  34. "Rather give it through Dolly than the Red Cross." Jeb48 quote I would also make a donation to Dolly long before the Red Cross. I learned back on 9/11 just how bad the Red Cross is operated at the upper levels. There was multi millions of dollars donated to the Red Cross but very little of it made it to the people that were hurt and it was shortly after that the CEO of the Red Cross quit and left and so did a very large sum of money that was never accounted for. I also saw on the local news that hundreds of people showed up to donate blood at all the Red Cross locations in Nashville and 1000's of units of blood were donated. Far more then the Red Cross had room to store. The hospitals of which Nashville and surrounding area has many offered to take any blood that the Red Cross had no room to store because they did have room to store the excess for them. They were not going to use the blood but store it. They would have purchased any of the blood they used that was stored for the Red Cross but rather than allowing the hospitals to take and store it the Red Cross allowed all that wonderful lfe saving blood to spoil and then disposed of it. That was it for me and the Red Cross. I have not given any more blood or money to them.........................
    1 point
  35. Yep we made a donation last night. Rather give it through Dolly than the Red Cross.
    1 point
  36. Dear Chip, If I want to pay full retail to buy your product from your branded store in an already posted mall, your letter of over whelming concern is a concern. You take no real measures to ensure nor any responsibility or accountability for my safety. The Bad Guy has already defeated the first layer of mall security, the GUN BUSTER SIGN, so he's already in the mall. That vault like security did not keep him in the parking lot or decide to try strong arm vs. armed criminal activity. Your message of no guns probably didn't hit his Facebook or Twitter feed, he probably didn't watch CNN before leaving the house. He will more than likely evade the second layer of security at your store entrance, another NO GUNS SIGN (and maybe a framed and autographed copy of you PC email hanging behind the register) You see Chip, a Bad Guy, whose back up plan is to use violence or lethal force during the commission of an illegal act, isn't dissuaded by ink on paper. With no due respect, You ain't GettingmyGoods
    1 point
  37. Hey I just noticed that if you are an Amazon Prime member, this book is free in the Kindle library. Not real handy to use while reloading, ,but easier to carry around and read on the go than the 800 page paperback. Plus you can see if you are really interested before laying down the cash to buy it.
    1 point
  38. Found a video of Raoul at last year's party:
    1 point
  39. It used to get a bit rowdy around here apparently. Our warehouse staff moved to a different location and took the party with them, but I was here for one year of it. Drinking, smoking, all kinds of general merriment last year that I had to watch but not partake in being up at the front of the store. This year rumor has it we are getting Popeyes chicken, so while it wont be as fun as watching drunkards arm wrestling over the last slice of pizza, at least it'll be chicken.
    1 point
  40. Carl needs to get a proper eye patch and cut his damn hair. I've got no problem with guys having long hair but he's looking way past girly and that ain't cool.
    1 point
  41. I would just be happy if Carl would lose that sorry excuse for a western hat. I mean come on, really, anybody that ever wore a western hat (before Urban Cowboy was filmed) knows that the crown and brim shape is essential to the character of both hat and person under it. All it takes is a little steam and imagination. That DXXN hat makes my skin crawl.
    1 point
  42. I'd be happy to find a brick of Winchester 40 gr 22 Mag.
    1 point
  43. Don't mess with old people !! Police have identified two men who were fatally shot by a homeowner they were allegedly attempting to rob Tuesday afternoon. Jonathan Warren, 18, of Florissant, and Lonnie Middlebrook, 20, of Ferguson, were shot and killed by a homeowner in the 4100 block of Taft, which is a few blocks from the old Bevo Mill Restaurant. Police said Warren and Middlebrook entered the homeowner’s detached garage and attempted to rob him just before 4 p.m. One of the suspects held a gun to the homeowner’s head and demanded that he back up, police said. The 73-year-old then grabbed his own gun and, fearing for his safety, fired it at the suspects, according to officials. Police said the homeowner fired in an act of self-defense, killing both suspects. The suspects’ guns and the homeowner’s gun were found at the scene. According to police, the gun recovered from Warren was reported stolen on Oct. 30 by the Florissant Police Department. http://bearingarms.com/bob-o/2016/11/03/old-steel-73-year-old-outdraws-kills-teen-thugs-st-louis/
    1 point
  44. I guess it makes me some kind of blood thirsty warped psycho, but I LOVE hearing stories like this. I'm always glad to hear 2 scumbags died trying to rob someone. I mean, I'm sorry he has to deal with the hassle, but it's better than the alternative.
    1 point
  45. Ya' know what they say. Don't mess with an old man, he can't fight anymore & he'll just kill ya. Glad he's OK.
    1 point
  46. An obvious situation of "poor victim selection".
    1 point
  47. 1 point
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