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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2016 in all areas
One thing I see missing in the news, where is the looting, where is the chaos, where is the blame the government! No you will not see these things, just people caring for other people. People are hurting and those hurting people are living amongst loving and caring people!5 points
3 points
Everyone's a Statist. Apparently it's perfectly ok for the government to dictate what we're allowed to do before any crime against person or property has occurred, as long as it doesn't dictate "too much." And apparently now it's also perfectly ok for the government to steal my tax money and use it to "train" someone else in the government's abysmally hypocritical idea of safety and responsibility for free. Whatever it takes so long as the government keeps us safe, right? I guess those of us who understand freedom are a minuscule minority even on a gun forum. Regular permits and enhanced permits are the same thing: permits. Who did I give the authority to license me to do anything? Until I aggress against another, I have committed no immoral act and no crime whether I carry with a license or without one. If you're worried about the "dangerous" or "untrained" fellow with a gun, then carry one, too, and encourage all the other responsible people you know to do the same. Don't run to the FAR MORE DANGEROUS government and ask it to save you by exerting ever more power. All property is or should be private property in one way or another, and the owner of said property has the sole authority to dictate that a gun-carrier may not enter. Kroger can issue permits to carry in their stores if they want. It's their store. To ask the government to license carriers is to acquiesce to their illegitimate claim of ownership of the whole state and all property therein. If the government has to exist (which it doesn't), its only legitimate action on this matter is to issue a statement which says it has no business telling people what they may or may not carry and where. If Georgia doesn't recognize it, that's Georgia's business. If you can't carry there without an expensive TN permission slip, that sucks, but that's life. Please, no protests of "utopian delusions." We either believe in freedom or we don't. And we're discussing the "ought" not the "is." We're never going to shrink (and hopefully eventually abolish) the coercive government as it exists today if even the people who should understand and value freedom the most are calling for government action. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Music City Tactical Shooters will be hosting a USPSA match at our outdoor range in Dickson on Dec 10th and 11th. Our amazing stage designer has promised to try and out do himself this time. We will be using the same old boring rules and scoring that we use every year. Setup begins at 7:00am with a shooters meeting by 8:45ish and shots sometime there after. IDPA guys--I know you enjoy learning new rules every year but you are welcome to come out and shoot. Yes you can wear your vest.2 points
It is called a "cannelure', keeps the bullet from getting pushed back into the case during recoil or other wise. I have a the tool to do the job, http://www.bulletswage.com/hct-1.htm. Works on swaged bullets as well to make a crimp grove for the case mouth to grip to stop set back.2 points
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2 points
I think it's typically the best value on the shelf. It's one of the "always have" bottles for me. It's really good. I think it was $39 at Red Dog. Well worth it2 points
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Nope. We get our rights from our Creator. They are simply enumerated in our Constitution.2 points
Yep we made a donation last night. Rather give it through Dolly than the Red Cross.2 points
I wouldn't cancel. That would be the worst thing you could do for the area. Not taking away from Dolly's generosity, but there's a practical reason for her to help all those people. She wants to keep them around. The old places that are gone will be replaced with new places.2 points
Geez... I thought it was but I wasn't sure. Ok, look, here's the deal: I set you up with a Benefactor account that will expire at the end of December. If you want to renew at the end of that time, it would be appreciated. If not, I won't bother trying to help next time around. Merry Christmas.1 point
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The news medias are all Monday Morning Quarterbacks and never get anything right and that is why I quit listening to them. I think it is remarkable that more people were not killed and I credit the city officials and Emergency personnel for their decisions for saving so many lives...............jmho1 point
I got in an argument with Steve Crabtree the former station manager at WATE in Knoxville because he thought she was right and justified. He says they had 48-72 hours notice and should have evacuated earlier. It really makes me mad when these reporters come in after the fact and "criticize through questions" how catastrophes are handled. You think if we knew the town was gonna burn down they wouldn't have evacuated earlier. I think they deserve a commendation for saving so many. If this happened at 2-3am there would have been massive loss of life1 point
It's pretty good stuff. For those that don't care for the "vitamin" flavor sometimes found in Dickel No12, the Barrel Select doesn't really have any of it, so they should give it a try. It is an extremely smooth bourbon. I can find it for $36 in some shops in the Memphis area. It's definitely worth it at around that price.1 point
1 point
Check this out... http://www.wbir.com/mb/news/local/lawmakers-address-decision-to-evacuate-gatlinburg/362066154 Love how the mayor jumps and and shuts her up.1 point
Well this ain't New Orleans Unfortunately, the scammers will show up. Look out for the out of state contractors saying they'll take care of everything. Years ago when the storms came thru here with golfball size hail, some contractor from TX shows up and says he's gonna go up on my roof because more than likely I need a new one and I won't have to pay a dime cus he'll take care of the insurance paperwork. I told him to get the hell off my property.1 point
It's far better to be "killed" in a simulation than the real thing. Sim rounds hurt, too.1 point
TGO David; I have been "killed "more times than I can count in FOF scenarios. That pushing to a failure point, and learning from that experience, is invaluable imho.1 point
I've met Tim and had the pleasure of discussing training issues and concepts with him and doing a bit of shooting with him. He's a serious student of the art and a talented shooter. As well as a heck of a good guy. It takes some guts to pressure test yourself in such a manner and put it out there for the world to see. Mad Props my friend! And well done! I've done a fair amount of FOF training (been a few years...so not as Recent-Relevant-Realistic as I would like) using FIST helmets, FIST and Red Man suits, SIMS guns, Airsoft Guns and Impact tools. Pressure Testing what you practice and believe you know can be a paradigm shift for most folks. Pressure Testing leads to learning, and imho is the only way to really learn if what you are practicing has true value. Just an opinion... but a lot of SIMS "kisses" help form that opinion. We take the vast majority of our mental/sensory input visually and quite a bit auditorily. The helmets in the vid look like they would limit, and distort your visual input, most probably your auditory input. Toss in several role players in various brightly colored shirts, crew members that “aren’t there (invisible)”, but are visual input cues anyway, and on top of that you know you are being tested…and there is a “pain penalty” using SIMS…well, that’s an unusual set of circumstances that most folks have never experienced before…it’s challenging my friends. But more than worth the effort for a serious student. In my experience, in a well scripted FOF scenario, you’ll be “drawn in” and the mind tends to accept the “reality” of the situation. So covering or muzzling the non-threats is highly likely, as you have to ascertain the Good Guys/Gals from the Bad Guys/Gals. Analysis of recent encounters demonstrate that trouble travels in pairs or packs… The majority of classes/schools/trainers don’t address the verbalization skills that need to be a part of the training process. Claude Werner (The Tactical Professor) has recently written some excellent material on this subject. It’s an area I need to concentrate on much more than I do in my own practice sessions. It’s obvious from hearing you critique yourself in the vid that you have solid insight and learned a good deal from this experience. A lot of shooters wouldn’t put themselves into this level of testing. I applaud you Sir. You have my respect and admiration. You obliviously have a great hold on the Conscious Competence Matrix as well. And just as obvious you are working on moving through it. Good on you! As for any Monday Morning quarterbacking on my part: “Detached Reflection Cannot Be Demanded in the Presence of an Uplifted Knife” Justice Holmes, Brown vs U.S. Thank you for sharing this with us Tim.1 point
not being able to get a good crimp on 9mm, but I was messen with it earlier and I seem to got the 9mm worked out. I think I had to much on my mind when I was originally setting it up. I was trying to get several holsters out the door and setting that up I was just bogged down, but think I got the 9mm like I mentioned figured out so I am going to run a bunch of that so I can feed my Keltec sub 2000 gen 2. Then I will worry about figuring out the 45 later.1 point
I have heard similar stories from multiple disasters and people. Including selling things that were donated, to the people they were donated for.1 point
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That is an interesting phenomenon......people grow tired of the yoke of oppressive government in liberal states and then move to more conservative states to enjoy the lower cost of living, more family friendly culture and more freedom....then they promptly get to the new state and start voting for the same kind of liberal candidates they voted for back in NJ, NY, CA, IL, MA, etc because that is who their families have always voted for and soon the new place starts to look just like the $hithole they left before.....1 point
You don't get out much........it happens with all guns, but some less frequently than others.1 point
1 point
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