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I'm not sure if your calling is a poet, philosopher, economist, or what, but your posts are all well worth reading.6 points
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Scarcity and perceived scarcity are well studied when it comes to consumer behavior. Gun owners have been operating under this paradigm of thinking things are going to be less available in the future for at least the last four years. Then, you have the fact that we have a ton of new gun owners in the market, and a lot of them have stockpiled more ammo then they will reasonably shoot in several years. Some may have sacrificed on other things to buy now perceiving that they may not be able to get it later. There is a bubble in the gun store space right now. This is evidenced by the fact that there are so many stores out there that are nothing other than capital arbitrage opportunities. That is, you've got an owner that knows nothing and cares nothing about firearms - rather they've got some money they need to put somewhere, and see gun owners as an easy way to move some product and make some good money. Think about the stores you've been in where customer service is the furthest thing from their mind. You've got money to spend, but often leave without doing so because you have trouble even getting noticed. This is a store that is nothing other than in arbitrage play. We've got several of them here in middle Tennessee. I expect we're about to go into a dark period for gun stores. Access to capital it's still really tight for small businesses. And, now gun stores are going to need to do something other than just show up and open their doors and expect people to trip over each other to buy stuff. I expect the show the weekend after Thanksgiving over in Knoxville will show this as well. That's usually a pretty well attended show, and it wouldn't surprise me to see traffic down. All of this is to say, that if you've got a local gun shop that you really appreciate, find a way to go in and support them. They're going to need it.4 points
I'm going to take a different tact... DON'T BECOME COMPLACENT! With a 2A-friendly President incoming and a GOP-controlled House and Senate, now is the time to keep pushing for gains in favor of the Second Amendment. Push hard for the changes in legislation that we want to see! The fight isn't over. The fight is never over. Reagan wasn't as strong of a 2A ally as folks think, but he was a smart man and he wisely observed that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.4 points
Was it a factory tag or a tag added by the gun shop? Go to Berettausa.com. There's a section to type your serial number in & find out a lot about your pistol including manufacture date. If it has a special finish their site should tell you about it. This weekend I'm finally going to get in some more range time with one of my toys. A Beretta 92G Elite with a SGS style compensator made by "Ric" on the Beretta forum. This pistol makes +P feel like high velocity .22lr.3 points
The 92 is iconic for sure, and has sleek Italian lines... but c'mon... you mean this doesn't make your trousers a little snug?3 points
3 points
Thy should also realize that likely lots of them will be going out of business, too, as Trump ain't likely to be anywhere near the gun salesman that Obama was, or Hillary would have been. - OS3 points
I have mentioned in another thread I have hunted 1 week a year in central Wisconsin. This marks my 29th year and over the years I've taken a few corn fed does, 6, 7 and 8 point bucks but nothing massive. I have only hunted Wisconsin during archery season and I have not gun hunted for deer anywhere in about 15 years. Over the years I've seen many large Pope and Young bucks but nowhere in archery range. Like most everywhere else last week it was exceptionally warm but the bucks were chasing and I passed on many fork horns and and 6 point bucks early in the week. Then on the drive home we always beat ourselves up because by the end of the week we usually see fewer deer in archery range and and up with nothing. On the 5th day of hunting I had seen nothing all day long which just doesn't happen very often where I hunt. It had been a long day and I was ready to pack it up and climb down from the tree and as I looked to my right I saw what may be the buck of my lifetime dead down wind from me at about 30 yards. I knew he was going to wind me at any second and I was just going to enjoy the moment and watch him. He was smelling the air with his head up high and kept looking up in my direction as if he knew something wasn't right but not sure why. He then meandered to within 10 yards to my right and being a righty it was impossible to turn a draw on him without him knowing. He suddenly spun and trotted to where I first saw him and as he was moving away I turned and drew. He stopped and turned broadside at 32 yards and launched an arrow. I got a clean heart shot as he went 30 yards and expired.3 points
Hey, thanks! At the end of the day, I guess I'm really just an engineer who's interested in people and the ways in which things work. I'm long on this American experiment, and I suppose as a father, taxpayer and business owner I've got some skin in the game. The thing I absolutely love the most in life is getting to watch people do stuff they're awesome at - and I really don't care what it is. Whether you're researching cancer vaccines or running conduit in perfect rows doesn't make a difference. I'm just as fascinated by someone who can run heavy equipment setting bridge trusses as I am in meeting with world leaders. It doesn't matter. If you're good at, I'm interested. One of the things I really love about this board is getting to know individual member's stories. Because truthfully, I'm certain we've got hundreds of really fascinating folks on here. Frankly, that's why I encourage good debate. I expect we've all got something we can learn from folks on here.2 points
MacGyver nailed it. We have been in a big, fat bubble since Obama came along. I expect the ones that will survive are the Guns and Leathers of the world. They were here long before the bubble. They are pros.2 points
An amp you might like, just a hair above your price range, is the Line 6 Spider15. It's a digital modeling amp so you can get a variety of sounds out of it which make learning even more fun. It can get plenty loud too. http://www.musiciansfriend.com/amplifiers-effects/line-6-spider-iv-15-15w-1x8-guitar-combo-amp2 points
I always heard that if a musician couldn't keep time, you gave him two sticks and called him a "drummer". If he still couldn't keep time, you took one stick away and called him a "conductor".2 points
Once it got light the wind stopped and it has been calm since. Perfect morning for hunting. Someone needs to tell the deer because I have not seen crap yet.2 points
I have always preached to get guns that are simple with few parts , with parts that are readily available and keep it very reliable. Therefore I only kept Glocks and 1911's . I got a urge to stray away from my "few parts" rule and got a new Beretta M9. It may a lot more parts than my 1911 and Glocks but it's reliable and parts are easy to find anywhere. Now that I am reloading , this will be great. These M9's and 92's will digest lots of different 9mm cartridges. Here she is with the factory oil still on her.1 point
A little something for all you fellow hoarders..... http://palmettostatearmory.com/30-cal-ammunition-canister.html1 point
Definitely not set up for precision shooting but damn if you can't dump ammo on target fast... run through 19 rounds faster than with the MP5. Never considered optics on a pistol, but after using that Burris, I see how people are so fast on youtube videos now.1 point
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The only minor carp I have with my PSA MOE one is that using the MagPul forend, they had to nix the traditional sling clip on the gas block hand guard retaining plate, so you have to add your choice of gizmo to the fore end if you want to sling it. I used a QD adapter, but putting it in most forward position touches left hand when shooting (even without sling loop attached) and is a bit irritating, and putting it further back doesn't balance well with actually carrying it unless you carry the AK upside down, but again, a small gripe overall I guess. - OS1 point
I really can't tell you which one it is from the pic, but we have a pair os Cooper's Hawks around here. They keep the snake and mice under control. Plus they are great to watch.1 point
Looks like a juvenile Sharp-shinned hawk to me. We have a resident Cooper's hawk that patrols our bird feeders.1 point
1 point
That's an easy one. PSAK-47. For one, it's better quality. Century can be really hit or miss. C39v2 is milled if I'm remembering right. It's going to a little heavier. The C39 also used some proprietary parts and some dimensions are nonstandard so you'd have to look for some work arounds for some accessories and their optic rail is proprietary. PSA really did their homework when they made their AK. They took the best features of the various versions like the Bulgies and Russians and combined it into one. Id really recommend checking out AK Operators Union on YouTube. They put all the brands and variants through their paces.1 point
I really cannot decide between the PSA MOE rifle and the Century C39V2 MOE. Thankfully I don't feel rushed to make a decision, so I am going to ponder it some more until one of the two ends up in my possession.1 point
I just came back to the truck for coffee and p/b&c's. Looks like most people out here have packed it in. I'm going back to my stand in about 10 min and sitting awhile. It's twice as nice now as this morning. Gonna enjoy now!1 point
I forgot one thing about the safe house that no one has mentioned yet. Let's say you spend $1,000 on a safe today and then 2 years from now you decide you need a bigger safe. Unless something has changed they will give you a full refund on the first safe towards the purchase of your next one. So if you want to jump to a $1,500 safe you will only be out $500 plus tax and delivery. I went in there thinking I would spend around $1,200 and I ended up buying 2 used safes for around $1,500 OTD. I bought a inexpensive but good used Cannon for $400 that I keep all my ammunition in. They had some good deals on used safes that people had traded in.1 point
With the exception of a few AK's, most of them look like hunting rifles or vintage military rifles, like Mosins or Mausers. Nothing that I would consider a modern fighting rifle. Most of those would have brought in a good price from collectors. Selling all of those guns would probably brought in enough money to feed an entire village for a year or more.1 point
psa is running 50 & 30 cal ammo cans for 8 bucks. free shipping on 20 plus.1 point
Have you ever shot a 92/96 series with a factory "D" model hammer spring installed? A quick $5 drop-in mod that will instantly lower your DA trigger by around 4 lbs, dropping it from the 10-11 lb range down to around 7 lbs while keeping the pistol 100% reliable. Of course they make "D" springs for the Cougar series as well, giving them about a 2-3 lb pull weight reduction. I have D springs installed in every Beretta I own along with a good polishing of all internal moving parts including the hammer, sear, & trigger. These firearms have a lot of performance potential.1 point
Believe it or not I've never shot one. A few years ago I had a P95DC & sold it before I ever had the chance to take it to the range. My brother & his family are driving down from Indiana next week for Thanksgiving & we're planning a day at the range. I have several pistols that I've owned for years & never shot & that's going to have to change. My cousin is a TN Highway Patrol officer & we're dragging him along as well. He only owns Glock & has been dying to try out some of my Berettas. Of course the P89 is going to get a work out too.1 point
1 point
One more deal, for myself this is the only deal for me next week: (page #24) https://www.theblackfriday.com/academy-sports-black-friday-ad.shtml?page=241 point
1 point
Steel AK47 mags $9.99: http://palmettostatearmory.com/review/product/list/id/25369/category/194/1 point
All I got to say is now is the time to buy and stock up because if Trump loses 4 years from now, sure enough the next Democrat president residing over a Democrat majority congress will ban everything Obama and Clinton wanted, and probably more. So relax, buy in celebration, but don't wait until the next round of panic buying after a ban threat where prices have shot up 2x to 3x over MSRP. I'm going to keep hoarding mags, guns and ammo every chance I get. I don't want to be caught behind another assault weapons ban like the Bill Clinton era ban.1 point
This article came across Hacker News this afternoon and I found it fascinating. If, like me you remember from science and history that the church prosecuted Galileo as a heretic for his heliocentric view of the solar system, then it's quite interesting that the church had been tracking the sun in detail before that time. http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/catholics-built-secret-astronomical-features-into-churches-to-help-save-souls I'd love to check some of these Meridian lines out.1 point
Even though it was passed actually in error, I don't see full auto expanding again this country. 'Course, Trump majorly ruined my prognostication record period, so obviously anything is possible. - OS1 point
Less than $400 That included the hard case, strap, and cable. I'm pretty excited about this. Christmas came early.1 point
You can't miss opening day of gun season! That's like missing your birthday or somthing! Seriously though it could go either way. The rain will slow them down, then they'll be hungry and with the cold front moving they will have movement from that too. But the wind may supress some. Who knows. Go hunt and report back!1 point
Have 1k rounds of PMC Bronze 115gr 9mm on the way. Picked up a "daily deal" from PSA over the weekend and got it for $0.22/rd since I bought enough for free shipping.1 point
I second The Safe House. I bought my safe there too. They treat you right, have a good selection, and good prices.1 point
If you want to see the best selection of safes go see The Safe House. I have bought two safes from them and they blow all of the other dealers in TN out of the water. They have Browning and Liberty , which are the ones I bought and Superior and Fort Knox I believe. The guy who owns it is a straight shooter and will help you pick the right safe. They will deliver and instally your safe , which is interesting to watch them do.1 point
Did another one last night, only this time it's a cigar case with a baseball stitch. Had to change some things up a bit.1 point
From L-R: Homebrew tele, Homebrew strat, Tokia "Les Paul", Carvin DLC126, Homebrew '54 "Lesa Paul", Gibson SG, Gibson SG, 1965 Epiphone Olympic, Gibson Melody Maker. And just for you Mikey Magnatone lap steel. Next up, amps!1 point
I am not a musician. I am a hack that makes noise with my instruments. If that counts here is a picture.1 point
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