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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2016 in all areas

  1. I use to be a football freak and my wife was worse than I was. We seldom ever missed a Ttans game or Vols game. Wife had house decorated in football stuff everywhere. When I lost here to a heartattack I lost my love of football also. I will only watch a game now if there is absolutely nothing else on TV worth watching. I tried to get back into it about a year after she passed and it was just not the same. I was glad I got to make one of her biggest dreams come true just before losing her. She had always said that before she died she wanted to actually go to a Vols game. I knew a buddy of mine that had season tickets every year and great seats and he also owns a Charlet in Gatlinberg. He let me use the Charlet for a weekend and his season passes. I told my wife that wednesday before the game that we were going to Gatlinburg for the weekend as she loved it up there. She got all excited and of course packed all her Tennessee Vols outfits to wear in Gatlinburg. We arrived in the Charlet on Frday night. Great view and hot tub on the deck. Spent the evening relaxing in the tub. I woke erly so I could sevrve her breakfast in Bed. On her breakfast tray under her napkins were the two passes. I was down stairs when I heard the screams and she came running down the stairs and wrapped her self around me. It was the opening game of 1997 season and the first season after they had enlarged the Stadium. I can't even remember who Tennesse was playing that night but they killed the opposing team. I cannot believe all the stuff she bought at the stadium but I know my credit card took a heck of a hit and it about filled the trunk of the car. Now with that said I lost her suddenly to a heart attack in October 1997 just about a month after the Tennessee Game and I would give all I own to have her back but to this day I will never forget that one dream i made come true for her. Like I said I have tried to get back into the game but does not work. Her daughter and my Son In law are about like she was about the Vols so I gave her all the stuff her mother had decorating the house and now their house is decorated all up. They have invited me to come and watch some games with them. I did manage a few back years ago. They don't ask anymore mostly because they know I won't come but I know I am always welcome should I decide to go..............Sorry for the long post but have been needing to talk about this for sometime and this thread seemed like a place I could do it.....................
    3 points
  2. I didn't know it was legal to shoot a horse. Good lord that's a big boy, congrats! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. Got a 10 pointer on Saturday afternoon so it's doe only from here on out for me. I'll have to be super careful with the new buck regs. I'm being a little different Saturday morning, I'm hitting the woods with a 44 mag revolver. I've never taken a deer with a handgun, I'm looking forward to the chance.
    2 points
  4. That was a Desert Eagle which does come in .357 Magnum.
    2 points
  5. On straight line with no wire leads. Was fishing for tarpon, but the barracuda were hitting the bait literally as soon as it splashed. This was the biggest one, bit through the line as it was coming up and just happened to land in the boat so it counts. Pay no attention to the hat, it was the cheapest one I could find on the way to the marina lol
    1 point
  6. If night sights will work you can get the Glock steel factory night sights for $57.00 from Glock. I have switched from tru Glock to these largely due to cost. Easy to install and work great.
    1 point
  7. I bet I know or can guess where your hunting but my lips are sealed. I hope you have a great season for sure...............
    1 point
  8. No it's not THAT bad. When I'm surrounded by acreage in Louisville, Friendsville, Maryville, Greenback, etc... I guess I just can't believe that there aren't any better options. Hell if someone had the right property close to my house, and similar interests in shooting, I would probably go to some lengths to lay out a really nice range that we could all enjoy. A little fill dirt for a berm and a healthy variety of steel, we'd be good to go!
    1 point
  9. Maybe not but I'd be surprised if your car, itself, wasn't manufactured to be compliant with California emissions control laws - not to mention that a lot of the federal emissions control laws likely started in California as did the Gun Control Act of 1968. I think what people are saying - and I know I what I am saying - is that if there were national reciprocity then we would have states like California, New York, etc. insisting that New York and California type regulations be part of the federal regulations. I can just hear them, now, "If we are going to be forced to allow gun toters from other states to carry in our state then we should at least have the protection of knowing that they are in compliance with our reasonable firearms regulations and not be forced to allow people whose states require less strenuous training or have less rigorous requirements for carry to have unrestricted access to loaded firearms, carried with them, in our state." Further, as I have said countless times, a fedgov that can mandate that all states must allow carry, now can mandate that no state can allow carry once the antis are back in control. I maintain that, as with most issues, we are best off keeping firearms carry as a states' rights issue and not having the fedgov invade that field. We are all generally better off the less power the fedgov has even if they would use that power to do something we want (in the short term.)
    1 point
  10. We got training in the use of one but never really carried one. Very effective if used properly.
    1 point
  11. During the Manning Era, I worked with three of the most obnoxious Vol fans you could ever imagine. From Monday morning till Friday at quitting time. All I ever head was Vols...Peyton...Vols...Peyton...Peyton...Peyton...Peyton. Seemed to be the only thing ever talked about. The season end didn't stop it. They immediately went into "next year" mode. I grew to really hate him and the team. I admit Peyton will probably be remembered as one of, if not the greatest, quarterback of out times, but I just couldn't bring myself out of being sickened by him. Ok, years pass and now Peyton is at Indy. What do I hear? Same thing again, I'm doomed to live in a world where I'm alone in my feelings. lol But actually, I totally agree with David, we get more enjoyment in our sports watching time with the college teams than the pros. And for pretty much the same reasons. Go Vandy!
    1 point
  12. Maybe they put some Stick'Um on his gloves. It's still going to take some lucky breaks to make the playoffs, but this season might have me me interested again.
    1 point
  13. I usually opt for penetration over expansion and tend to lean to the heavy side of bullet weight. 180grn wide flat nose cast bullets around 1200fps. But I reload. Buying factory: buffalo bore Ranges: about the same as a bow or as your skill level allows.
    1 point
  14. In a few weeks I expect to see several responses expressing regret at not ordering this knife.
    1 point
  15. I have mentioned in another thread I have hunted 1 week a year in central Wisconsin. This marks my 29th year and over the years I've taken a few corn fed does, 6, 7 and 8 point bucks but nothing massive. I have only hunted Wisconsin during archery season and I have not gun hunted for deer anywhere in about 15 years. Over the years I've seen many large Pope and Young bucks but nowhere in archery range. Like most everywhere else last week it was exceptionally warm but the bucks were chasing and I passed on many fork horns and and 6 point bucks early in the week. Then on the drive home we always beat ourselves up because by the end of the week we usually see fewer deer in archery range and and up with nothing. On the 5th day of hunting I had seen nothing all day long which just doesn't happen very often where I hunt. It had been a long day and I was ready to pack it up and climb down from the tree and as I looked to my right I saw what may be the buck of my lifetime dead down wind from me at about 30 yards. I knew he was going to wind me at any second and I was just going to enjoy the moment and watch him. He was smelling the air with his head up high and kept looking up in my direction as if he knew something wasn't right but not sure why. He then meandered to within 10 yards to my right and being a righty it was impossible to turn a draw on him without him knowing. He suddenly spun and trotted to where I first saw him and as he was moving away I turned and drew. He stopped and turned broadside at 32 yards and launched an arrow. I got a clean heart shot as he went 30 yards and expired.
    1 point
  16. Dropped a healthy doe at 4:15, not bad for public land, and no I won't tell where it is.
    1 point
  17. I scored a nice six pointer a little before 11. The deer were really moving to give me 4 opportunities. Hung it up, cleaned and reloaded the rifle, and now in back I the stand!
    1 point
  18. Finally got on my laptop and was able to get the pictures uploaded. Also, pulled my card today and had several videos of this deer this week and hadn't seen him before. Pretty cool to see him. The first video I watched is in the morning while I'm in the stand and never knew he was around. The second video at 426pm is when he was coming toward my stand. So thankful for this harvest, he was a good lookin 2 1/2 year old. Nevermind, videos are too big. Maybe I'll upload them to my YouTube and post them later.
    1 point
  19. Welcome neighbor. Nice to see someone new from this end of the state.
    1 point
  20. I turkey hunted last spring for the first time. I only saw deer. I've hunted deer every day this week and have seen 7 turkeys so far and no deer...
    1 point
  21. If anyone here in Middle Tennessee gets more than there freezers can hold I will be more than glad to pay processing on one if someone wants to give one up. I had a member give me 1 last year and it was very much appreciated. I can't get out and hunt them any more due to health but ain't to proud to beg................
    1 point
  22. It was just too friggin hot to hunt on the juvenile hunt last weekend, so little man went with me this morning and got his first buck. We saw a bunch of deer moving this morning. One really good buck; but he presented no shot. Patience ran out when this one walked by. I love how excited a kid gets. I miss that as I get older, but it's still fun to see in others. This was the first shot he's ever fired with a muzzleloader.
    1 point
  23. Guys I think you'll enjoy this. I know I'm still fired up about it and it happened Sunday before last. I was sitting in my Viper about 20 feet up in a tree just enjoying watching the woods for any sign of deer. I happened to scan to my right and about 30 yards out I see something moving. I twist my head farther and my mouth dropped as I watched a bobcat stepping one step at a time, freezing as each step forward touched his paw to the ground. I watched him for about 10 yards doing the same thing, step, freeze, and repeat. He disappeared into some thicket and I waited to hear something squall as he ripped into it. I never heard anything so I sat there just replaying everything I saw since it was my first time seeing one in the woods. A few minutes went by, maybe 3 maybe 10, and I glanced back over to see him casually strolling back out the way he'd came in. No food in his mouth and not in a hurry by any means, just cool-catting along the 4 wheeler trail. I thought "HOLY CRAP I need to snap a picture of him before he's gone!". I grabbed my phone and as I started to raise it I changed my mind and decided to video just in case I scared him and could at least see him jump in the video. I'd planned to do a mouth call that I practice all the time just for that off chance that I may even need to use it. Thank God I'd done this for the 1 in a million chance haha. Just a little description of a few things to notice in the video. Watch the top of the screen when I zoom in, he's moving from left to right of the screen. I start with a high pitch and he didn't hear it or like it. I think he just didn't notice it right off. But when I changed the pitch to a deeper squall he immediately stopped and turned directly towards me. I literally could not believe it! Next, when he gets behind a green section of leaves and you can barely see him, he was less than 7 yards. I decided then that I wasn't sure what he'd do if I let him keep coming and I didn't want to have to decide as he climbed up the tree! My scent control must have been good and my face camo apparently sealed the deal. All that to say, I made the decision when he stopped there to move my body so he'd see me if he kept moving forward and it worked. Was that the smartest thing to do? Did I miss out on more awesome footage? Who knows but I honestly am more excited with this footage than if it'd been November 18th and I was able to harvest him. Although, what a hind story it would have to go with the mount! It was a beautiful cat and I'm glad to be able to share the footage with y'all. This was taken with an iPhone 6s Plus so it could have been a lot better video if I'd had an expensive camera but it turned out pretty good for a phone video. Enjoy!
    1 point
  24. Had my first crossbow hunt ever this past Saturday, was also my first morning hunt and what a great hunt it was. Got in the blind right at 0600, was 40 degrees, and was my first time listening to all of creation wake up. Heard a few coyotes off a ways, a neighbor's rooster, a few turkeys and every bird in Fayette county I think, I'm sure a lot of you have enjoyed this as well. Sunrise is about 0645 and almost immediately we had a little 4 point come up behind us, he was behind us stomping and making a few scrapes, was a blast to watch and hear. A bit later, we had 3 different bucks, none of them in sight, but one in front and one more on either side of us. We broke our grunt call and tried a few times, had a little bit of interaction with them all. Was awesome to hear them all grunting back at us. Unfortunately, we weren't able to call any in, but still a blast for me to be a part of. Around 0800 we had 2 does coming from our right to left right along the tree line. Our pop up blind had been out there for a week or so before we got in it, but one of the does right when she got into out field of view stared straight at us. I had my crosshairs right on her, pulled the trigger when she was right at 38 yards and she ducked my dang arrow! I missed and have been kicking myself since, but glad it was a clean miss and there will be plenty more hunting to come, pretty good trip for my first bow hunt. Was a great hunt.
    1 point
  25. I firmly believe it'll be what you make it. Go, have fun, be with family. Why do I feel like a good Jewish mother?.......
    1 point
  26. It's great you were able to take her to that game when you did. My Dad wanted to go to a Predators game before he died so I decided to take him to one the next year for his birthday but he passed away before his next birthday. If you want to do something good for someone you care about, get it done. Never know if tomorrow will get here for you or them.
    1 point
  27. BersaGuy, thank you for sharing that. I'm glad that you felt comfortable enough to give us a glimpse into something as important in your life as that.
    1 point
  28. My wife and I have stopped watching NFL ball games. Between the Titans just sucking as bad as they ever have, and the petulant behavior of the players protesting the country that enables them to live in luxury, we've just given up on it entirely. We've started watching collegiate football more and find ourselves slowly becoming Vols fans. Never thought I'd say that.
    1 point
  29. Sorry about the Schweddy Balls. Good luck with the hunt!
    1 point
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