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Don't mess with old people !! Police have identified two men who were fatally shot by a homeowner they were allegedly attempting to rob Tuesday afternoon. Jonathan Warren, 18, of Florissant, and Lonnie Middlebrook, 20, of Ferguson, were shot and killed by a homeowner in the 4100 block of Taft, which is a few blocks from the old Bevo Mill Restaurant. Police said Warren and Middlebrook entered the homeowner’s detached garage and attempted to rob him just before 4 p.m. One of the suspects held a gun to the homeowner’s head and demanded that he back up, police said. The 73-year-old then grabbed his own gun and, fearing for his safety, fired it at the suspects, according to officials. Police said the homeowner fired in an act of self-defense, killing both suspects. The suspects’ guns and the homeowner’s gun were found at the scene. According to police, the gun recovered from Warren was reported stolen on Oct. 30 by the Florissant Police Department. http://bearingarms.com/bob-o/2016/11/03/old-steel-73-year-old-outdraws-kills-teen-thugs-st-louis/4 points
Until its stolen from you in the spring... I hate it - dark at 4pm just blows chunks.4 points
Ya' know what they say. Don't mess with an old man, he can't fight anymore & he'll just kill ya. Glad he's OK.4 points
Good luck to everybody starting at 6:44 central time in the morning. At least it will be cooler than opening day of bow season.3 points
Don't ask, don't tell. They have no legal right to demand a copy of your HCP. If someone willingly complies, it's because honest people want to be honest. Which in this case would be dumb. Do they keep a copy of your driver's license in the event that you want to park a car on their property?3 points
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My local GS pulls stunts like this. They take the extra factory mags that come with every handgun & then sell them separately for full retail. Every handgun they sell only includes one magazine so they have shelves full of Glock, Beretta, & S&W mags in zip lock bags they push on people. They do this with factory handgun hard cases too. Despicable way to do business! Tell your friend that I'll gladly give him some info on how to recognize & avoid scams...for $19.95 + S&H.2 points
I can't help but wonder how the Glock people would feel about this.2 points
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Glock basically offers a lifetime warranty with their free lookover and what not. Wow.2 points
This a pretty dog gone nice axe forged out by a friend of mine. Same one who made the bowie for his Dad. Forged out of a ball peen hammer. Hickory handle done with a draw knife. Said he finished it in antique bronze. I does look darker than what that third pic shows. He also burned the rope design into the handle. I thought that was a neat touch, and it adds a little grip. Soon as I can get to it I'm gonna make him a belt hanger and blade cover for it. I think the handle's about 18".1 point
1 point
I never realized it was this unpopular! It does have it's drawbacks, the fast hour of the day will go by just unbearably slow when your internal clock is telling you it's past quitting time for at least a week or two. Getting home in the dark is a bit of a drag too. But still, for that one glorious hour when I'm laying in bed and it feels like I should be up and at em... I'll take it.1 point
Picked this up for dad. Looking forward to trying it. It is supposed to be really nice. Chivas Regal 21 year old.1 point
Sort of off-track here; but on the subject of Glocks and their warranty/durability. I really was a big fan of Glocks in the mid-2000s and up till about 3/4 years ago. Thought there was nothing else to buy. They were the end all of handguns. Never went out without one. More recently, I find that there are many other brands out there that intrigue me more. They feel better, look better, and maybe even shoot better for me. So much has happened that I can't say I've shot a Glock in the last few years. (No...that's a lie. I shot Steelharp's 45 a couple months ago.) I still like them, even still have one squirreled away around the house for quick pickup. But more and more, I find that my Walthers, Canik TP9, and assorted 1911s occupy my range time and thoughts when a pistol is wanted. Heck...I've even sold a few Glocks! Gasp! Anyway, this thread got me to thinking about them. Still good dependable firearms. Don't hesitate at all in thoughts of depending on one. It's probably the only one(s) I own that have never given a problem of any sort. I now return us to the original thread thoughts...Glock warranty and questionable lgs dealings.1 point
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For those of us with young kids it's horrible. Totally worthless. I wish the entire country would shift a half hour and stop with the time change entirely.1 point
Oh look, another ugly plastic gun. The market has been anxiously awaiting their arrival.1 point
Just an observation, but warranties, guarantees etc... those things have a lot of laws regulating them. If I was that shop, I don't think I would be getting into the "warranty" business for any reason.1 point
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As I read your post I know how you feel the company i work for shows a video about security every year and they talk about the guy who is obsessed with firearms and everyone in the room turns and looks at me funny thing is i have had several tell me if it ever gets real they are all coming find me i tell them I'll be in the parking lot driving to my safe space ( Waffle House )1 point
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I don't know what would cause a worse reaction, a "meh" AR or a polymer 1911. I can hear the collective assholes of millions of 1911 diehards pucker at the thought.1 point
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Heck yeah and even though they weigh so little , they can draw down and scoop up a rabbit , small dog , or whatever and take off with it. They don't weigh much but can grab much more heavier things . They are extremely silent during flight. When I deer hunt , if I ever see a Great Horned Owl , I feel as if I am satisfied even if I don't get a deer that day. Those birds are AWESOME.1 point
TN HCP records were sealed a few years back. Employers other than law enforcement won't readily have access to it. http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/21581879/house-passes-bill-to-close-handgun-carry-records1 point
50-1-312. ((1)(A) No employer shall discharge or take any adverse employment action against an employee solely for transporting or storing a firearm or firearm ammunition in an employer parking area in a manner consistent with 39-17-1313(a). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
You can be fired in Tennessee for breathing wrong. they don't need an excuse to terminate anyone. that said I'd tell them to pound sand. it's non of their business if you have a hcp or if you have a firearm in you car.1 point
The gun is what counts. It they feed and chamber, they are good to go. Using a Lee FCD on a bullet over 0.355" is a good way to swage the bullet down and lose any accuracy. Very BAD choice with lead bullets and over-sized plated bullets. The solution to chambering problems is to determine the cause: Take the barrel out of the gun. Drop rounds in until you find one that won't chamber. Take that round and "paint" the bullet and case black with Magic Marker or other marker. Drop round in barrel and rotate it back-and-forth a few times. Remove and inspect the round: 1) Scratches in the ink on bullet--COL is too long 2) Scratches in the ink on edge of the case mouth--insufficient crimp 3) Scratches in the ink just below the case mouth--too much crimp, you're crushing the case 4) Scratches in the ink on case at base of bullet--bullet seated crooked due to insufficient case expansion (not case mouth flare) or improper seating stem fit 5) Scratches in the ink on case just above extractor groove--case bulge not removed during sizing. May need a bulge buster. I would hazard a guess #4 is the most likely reason...1 point
Royal Range presents it’s 1st Annual Fall Festival Shoot-out! Join us Saturday Nov 5th from 10am – 5pm for food, fun, and door prizes! Fall Fest is for all ages, there will be Adult and Jr. divisions for the Shooting Competition. Adults shoot and win a Marlin Model 60. 22. Kids shoot and win an Air Rifle. Get a full dose of Royal Range by participating in the Machine Gun shoot and the Force on Force experience! We can't wait to see you there!1 point
I had a Remington 700 SS with 26" bbl but was only .280. I got good results like Gregintenn with IMR 4350 but IMR 4831 gave around 3100 fps with good accuracy with Sierra Pro Hunter bullets. The latter was what I used on deer and they didn't run usually. I think the 5th Edition Sierra manual has info on .280 AI. If not call Sierra "Bulletsmiths"1 point
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I think its cool that they brought an ar to market. I don't hate them for that. I hate the marketing hype for something that just isn't special.1 point
I don't think this could have been hyped up any more for a bigger let down. Another cookie cutter AR? Really Springfield?! No one is impressed. And I mean NO ONE1 point
I don't mean to seem snarky but why does that matter? It wouldn't take more than 3-5 minutes to clean a place out. Cops would have had to be around the corner in order to catch these guys.1 point
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