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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2016 in all areas

  1. I just want to say thanks for all the work and effort you have put into getting this site up and keeping it up.
    8 points
  2. Thank you both. I won't lie; October has not been a fun month for me because of the issues we've been having here. Thankfully we seem to be on the other side of that now and the server is performing very well. Just in time for the election! Thanks for sticking with me and with TGO while I worked through it.
    6 points
  3. Saturday, October 22, 2016 @ 2:30PM Central Welcome back! Today I moved us to a brand new dedicated web server with an entirely different web hosting company. Hopefully this is the start of a better situation for TGO and we can finally put the server performance woes of October behind us. I have done very minimal performance tuning to this new server out of the gate, preferring to see how it performs with a plain vanilla configuration. Tweaks and tuning may prove to be necessary in the days ahead but, if so, they will be done incrementally so that I can measure their effectiveness. If you see slowness at any time, do not panic. I am logging performance data every minute and reviewing it daily to see what bottlenecks might exist and develop strategies to correct them. All you need to do at this point is sit back, use TGO, and enjoy the community. Of course if you notice any glaring problems, please do report them via in the Feedback and Support forum. I will address them as soon as I can. Lastly... Tapatalk... The new server should be more than adequate to the task of running Tapatalk. I will try to re-introduce it in a few days. I really do want to monitor the performance of things without it for a while just to formulate a baseline. Having a good baseline without Tapatalk will be critical to addressing any performance hit from running Tapatalk later. Please just be patient with me. I'll give it another shot as soon as we've had a few days of regular use under our belt. Thanks for being patient with me and with TGO over the past few weeks. I hope the weeks ahead make us forget all about the run of bad luck that we had. --David
    6 points
  4. 33 Years ago today I Lost 241 fellow US Marines in Lebanon when their barracks was truck bombed. I offer my condolences to their families on the anniversary of a horrific day. This is yet another fine example of the government's inability to deal with the real world. Semper Fi my brothers. Service men and women that fight for this country deserve our respect and the best we have to offer. Yet they are forced to deal with political leadership that does not care about them. The VA system is a complete loss, ran by incompetent people appointed by incompetent leaders. I would like to see every politician up for reelection voted out of office this cycle. No politician should ever have a paycheck higher than the people that protect this country. Nor should they have medical care that is beyond the reach of most veterans. Please think hard about who you are going to cast a vote for. Some of our choices are not the most palatable yet again this year. Very few good people will run for any office as the stench is overwhelming from our politicians. If they are an incumbent please vote them out. I do not care which party it is. Parties really mean nothing to most of us anymore anyway these days as they have become corrupt on both sides. We are losing veterans at a very alarming rate while our leaders in Washington fight over some really stupid items. They have broken their vows and contracts with the very people sworn to protect this wonderful country. Perhaps they have forgotten what they should be doing, but more likely they are just busy taking money and making laws to benefit themselves and their friends to see the real world anymore. Perhaps they should remember the words of another US President: “Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.” ― Abraham Lincoln Remember folks, these people are elected to represent us, not to do what they think is best for us. If what we have is what they think is best then it is high past time for new representatives. Think about that word, Representative. It is not intended they be rulers yet most seem to think they are. Take our Country back this year. Make your voice heard high above the clamor of the media and social sites! Do something different and think for yourself and vote for someone that will act and represent you the way it was intended. Notice I have mentioned no politician by name neither am I endorsing any candidate. In my opinion none of them are up to the task nor worthy. So let’s just get rid of any of them that have ever served more than one term and start with fresh thoughts and ideas. Do not let the baiters and media outlets lead you. Think for yourself and choose carefully. Race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and other buzz words should never be a factor in deciding who leads us. Break the paradigm they want you to follow. Our current representatives have been promising much for years while blowing sunshine up our butts and delivering nothing. I see no change for the poor and struggling people of this country even though it has been promised for decades. We might as well give the job to others this election as obviously the current bunch is not up to the task. Both parties have good talking points about the problems but no idea of how to correct the problems. Remember, A vision and plan without good execution is naught but a dream. Have a great day and thank a veteran today!
    4 points
  5. If we do another upgrade it'll either be to a larger physical server or to Amazon AWS where we can scale out multiple web servers. In order to need to go there, though, traffic will need to go up more than we've ever seen. This server is pretty powerful!
    4 points
  6. **UPDATE** Today is his birthday, and we've been out shooting his 3" Stainless Ruger SP101 357 Magnum, and he loves it! A part of me hoped he wouldn't care for it, as I've sort of taken a liking to it as well. Thanks for all the suggestions, and thanks to the forum member who sold it to me.
    3 points
  7. The Titans or Predators need to get this guy to come to town...hell, a pro league should put him on an arena or stadium tour. Amazing dual artistic skills.
    3 points
  8. Three boxes of .308 MS1 sling 4lbs of tannerite all to go with my previously named acquisition which I was able to pick up today. My FAL.
    3 points
  9. It's rocking now from my perspective. As good or better than it has ever been. Now, I'm thinking you may wanna ban virtual servers forever. I'm talking Voldemort level ban.
    2 points
  10. Yep. If you bump into a guy named Willis... RUN
    2 points
  11. http://www.gunsnmore.org/ Guns N More is in nearby Smyrna, and is a TGO vendor.
    2 points
  12. I think this can be a fun and informative thread thread if we keep it going. Basically, post a pic of what you cooked/prepared for yourself or your family...either a meal or a snack so good you have to share. That way, if someone likes what they see, they can ask for the recipe, or preparation tips. I'll kick things off with what I made for supper tonight: Grilled steak (charcoal, not gas)- marinated with Italian dressing for 8 hours, cooked somewhere between medium/medium well Honey gold potatoes- half cooked in a boiling pot, then sauteed to finish with olive oil, pressed garlic, butter, and cracked pepper Romaine salad with Mexican cheese blend Small/med amount of Italian dressing drizzled over everything
    1 point
  13. Here is TGO David's #00 this is what the TGO Godson will look like, the thread has been updated with these pictures, everyone will love these knives and they will be done before Christmas,
    1 point
  14. Thanks to divotmaker on here, I picked up an X95 this morning. Was up in the air on buying a bolt .338 gun over the past few weeks, then this little nugget popped up in the classifieds. No major mods going on it, drop in a trigger pack, pop on some optics and get a gas seal. yay.
    1 point
  15. More Joe, Ok, I'm always open to new music especially when there's a ripping guitar, no matter who plays it....
    1 point
  16. Site is working pretty good from my side here. Thanks for all the effort to keep things humming.
    1 point
  17. I was a tad young, but recall it. Seems we are still fighting the people who bombed the barracks in a way.
    1 point
  18. http://www.guns.com/2016/10/08/ruger-unveils-new-lcp-ii/
    1 point
  19. Personally, I think it's excellent. Makes you think it's a striker instead of a hammer.
    1 point
  20. A locking shoulder so I could finally finish my FAL, and a small amount of .380 and 5.56.
    1 point
  21. Seems pretty dang fast to me!
    1 point
  22. Great job. Much appreciated.
    1 point
  23. Haha! I mentioned Jane Fonda to a very intelligent but uppish neighbor who can't be over 25 years old, and he swore up and down he had never heard of her. Talk about someone, Fonda, who has dropped of the face of the earth.
    1 point
  24. Thanks, bruh. It's nice to have a working TGO again. You've definitely earned some nice single malt.
    1 point
  25. I got a Canik TP9SF this week from AIM. I've been reading lots of good reviews on this gun, and for $350, I thought I'd give it a try. I'll probably just make it a permanent fixture in the bedroom, and start carrying my other full size pistol more.
    1 point
  26. New server + all the work =
    1 point
  27. That was Fun! Shooting a RETRO Black Rifle ready makes me appreciate the advancements we've made in sighting systems. And what a perfect day to be outside. To think that elsewhere there were folks running around hitting a little white ball on land that would otherwise be a fine rifle range. Thanks to all of my GRGC friends to putting on these matches.
    1 point
  28. We knew you'd fix it......eventually.
    1 point
  29. Well Friday I was in my stand at 5am and stayed till about 11:00 before coming down so I could take Roman (my pit) to the vet for his annual checkup and shots. The wind was blowing like crazy where I was at. I actually debated going back because it was so strong but I'd taken a vacation day just to hunt and said screw it, I'm going. I got out there at 1:45pm The wind didn't change and I didn't see a thing all day. Yesterday I had our annual hayride/bonfire with the family so I didn't hunt at all. But it's 40 degrees outside now and the wind has died down quite a bit and getting ready to go out and stay all day if I have to. Good luck to anyone going out today, it's gonna be a beautiful day in the woods!!
    1 point
  30. Absolutely her worst role ever, of course. But yeah. - OS
    1 point
  31. Then of course you didn't see the actual movie. - OS
    1 point
  32. I'm still more creeped out by the head bashing lineup at the blood trough at Terminus. The simulated sound of that aluminum bat hitting their noggins one after the other down the line is still most shiver inducing for me. - OS
    1 point
  33. On Target has new ownership. I haven't been there since, but I remember they had a few used guns, don't remember what, but couldn't hurt to check out.
    1 point
  34. I think I have a problem. Another Rimfire BR gun.
    1 point
  35. WINNER! David, you can close this thread now.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Report it to ebay and find another RV. Dealing with clearly unscrupulous people will always come back to haunt you.
    1 point
  38. I like it because it's a possible solution for some women I know, including my significant other. Grippier surfaces with a striker action is what the doctor ordered.
    1 point
  39. Grrrr......!!! Where's the 3" LCR-X in .22LR, Ruger?
    1 point
  40. I thought some folks would get a kick out seeing an old parts gun become a viable pocket derringer. The Brownie was missing the lock, grip panel and ejecting pin so it was game for a serious upgrade. I found an EIG E16 barrel assembly at a local toy show for 20 bucks. The EIG is an Italian clone of the Brownie that was made for a short time in the 80's. The EIG has a physical extractor rather than the loose pin the Brownie stores in a hole at the top of the frame. Anyway, The Brownie is a very weak design with very thin diameter lock pivot pin and frame/barrel joint pin. The EIG is built for only standard vel 22LR ammo and that is pushing it! My new lock design would incorporate a third lock lug that seats behind the frame recoil face. This locks the barrel with the frame directly taking most all of the recoil forces off the lock pivot pin. I start out with a piece of 4140 steel and a plan. Here is a comparison of the new lock to the original EIG lock. I use a spring and plunger to power the lock rather tham a leaf of the Brownie that was missing also. Here a nice tight fit. An issue that both the Brownie and EIG had was that once the gun is loaded & locked up, the firing pin is constantly pressing against one of the cartridge rims with the striker spring. I was not going to pocket a gun like that so I designed a firing pin blocking button. To activate the block, you simply depress the trigger about an eight of an inch and press in the frame mounted button and then let up on the trigger. This holds the firing pin off the rims until you want to fire, you just squeeze the trigger as you normaly would and the button pops out via its own spring as the trigger moves rear ward. here is the new milled slot. I also added a side mounted spring and ball detent in the rear of the lock to help keep the lock in the locked up position as seen here.... some test firing The Brownie has a poor grip design that normally ends up with the grip panels breaking away from the top frame plate that ultimately makes the owner over tighten the grip screw, cracking the wood around the screw escutcheon. So I milled the top side plates with a inverted radius. I used an old pair of Luger grip panels for wood donors. Safety button on Safety button off Hiding under a FN HP forgery To harden a simple 4140 part like this lock I set up a MAP gas can burning and heat the lock red until a magnet will not stick to the part then quench in ATF. This makes the lock much harder than in the raw but yet not brittle. 4140 is great stuff! Hope you enjoyed this project! I sure did.
    1 point
  41. I gotta imagine any son of Greg's (a member with over 9k posts here on TGO) has probably shot a gun before. Maybe even twice, lol! Obviously, he won't be carrying for at least 3 years, so carry guns are out. He's turning 18, not 8, so I really doubt a .22 is all he can handle. This sounds like an heirloom to me. Heirlooms are rarely plastic. I'm thinking a nice, American made 1911 or a 357 or 44 mag. K or L frame or equivalent. No Taurus, Citadel, Bersa, etc. Maybe a nice Springfield Range Officer, Colt Gold Cup, (I'm not personally a Colt fan, but the name still has some prestige to many) Smith model 19, 27, or 29, maybe a Ruger GP100, or if you have thousands a sweet Python or Anaconda. Let us know what you choose!
    1 point
  42. Nothing wrong with Glocks, except the lack of a soul.... for a 1st, make it something nice. Honestly, a quality Ruger or S&W .357 would be a gun for a young man to own his entire life and never outgrow its usefulness. 4" stainless or blued. Simple manual of arms, lots of ammo options/availability , good for field, plinking or HD use.
    1 point
  43. Well if not a @#$%^ then a Desert Eagle, .50 AE, Stainless
    1 point
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