Saturday, October 22, 2016 @ 2:30PM Central
Welcome back! Today I moved us to a brand new dedicated web server with an entirely different web hosting company. Hopefully this is the start of a better situation for TGO and we can finally put the server performance woes of October behind us.
I have done very minimal performance tuning to this new server out of the gate, preferring to see how it performs with a plain vanilla configuration. Tweaks and tuning may prove to be necessary in the days ahead but, if so, they will be done incrementally so that I can measure their effectiveness. If you see slowness at any time, do not panic. I am logging performance data every minute and reviewing it daily to see what bottlenecks might exist and develop strategies to correct them.
All you need to do at this point is sit back, use TGO, and enjoy the community. Of course if you notice any glaring problems, please do report them via in the Feedback and Support forum. I will address them as soon as I can.
Lastly... Tapatalk...
The new server should be more than adequate to the task of running Tapatalk. I will try to re-introduce it in a few days. I really do want to monitor the performance of things without it for a while just to formulate a baseline. Having a good baseline without Tapatalk will be critical to addressing any performance hit from running Tapatalk later.
Please just be patient with me. I'll give it another shot as soon as we've had a few days of regular use under our belt.
Thanks for being patient with me and with TGO over the past few weeks. I hope the weeks ahead make us forget all about the run of bad luck that we had.