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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2016 in all areas

  1. Alabama Damascus Steel - Random Pattern Billet 1/8" thick Material = (4) layers 5160, (3) layers 203E, (3) layers 52100, (3) layers 15N20 folded 5 times for 416 layer damascus This has Bubinga and Ivory G10 scales with black G10 accents and liners. It has a mosaic pins. This is my take of a bushcraft blade and is 8 3/4" long with an blade length of 4". It comes with a black kydex sheath and custom offset belt loop. It has some filework and jimping on the spine. This is $150 shipped. I have several small Damascus blades finished and intend to post them up in a day or two. These are all part of my Christmas Run. Stay tuned.
    5 points
  2. This old Sergeant Major is on his last day of forty years of service. It's been a love/hate relationship. LOL. I have had the greatest job is the world, taking care of Soldiers. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
    3 points
  3. Words don't do these knives justice - and neither do pictures! BTW, this thing is sharp - I'm surprised Willis isn't supplying a box of bandaids with every WE! This is one awesome blade.
    2 points
  4. Just got the armorer's tool. It may be sexier than the knife...
    2 points
  5. Good lord! I tend to like big blades but that may be your most beautiful creation yet! Calling that 'a little bushcraft blade' is about like calling The Last Supper 'a little sketch of some dudes eating dinner.'
    2 points
  6. Booooooo. I like Bass Pro alright, but Cabelas has always had a better product selection and usually slightly better prices. Oh well. So much for that.
    2 points
  7. I guess I am having a hard time with the no victim no crime thought. So if he is standing there with a gun and drugs and he is a felon that is a crime. Who is the victim? All of us! Makes it harder on those of us that choos to live within the rules. Police do more than crime reports, they should be doing crime prevention. It may not be in line with your ideals but a man with drugs and weapons is something I would like the police to look at. Yeah I guess it could be argued that is giving up some freedom and where do you cross the line yada yada yada...In the end I would like to see the four year old grow up. You cannot legislate stupidity! Let Darwin work. But remember what all Darwin Award winners have in common....They took themselves out of the gene pool. Hopefully before harming someone else. If you really believe police should do nothing until their is a victim then you in my opinion need some deeper thinking. Crime prevention like safety is everyone's job. Same for gun handling at the range. Should anyone be able to handle a firearm with others down range? Of course not! So if someone does it and no one gets hurt is it still ok? Of course not. Would 99% of shooters scream at someone for handling a firearm with others down range? Of course. So no victim no crime does not fit every situation now does it? Someone else covered the DUI example so no need to cover that. How about the pilot flying your wife and kids home from visiting Grandma? If he is drunk or high should we just let him go on and fly? Until he flys the plane into the ground their is no victim right? Extreme examples of course but the thought process is the same. Follow the rules and all is good. If they are stupid rules work to change them. Ignore the reality because you are a "Freedom Lover" and pay the piper! Just remember the golden rule of life, "Play stupid games and win stupid prizes!"
    2 points
  8. UPDATE 10/2/16 @ 8:00PM Central Folks, I cannot apologize enough. The switch to the new server has been one frustration after another. Performance is not what it should be and I am near the limit of my knowledge as relates to tuning it and tweaking it to accommodate our normal workload. I am investigating other options right now, including hiring someone to either go through our current server and tune it up, or to build a new one for us that is optimized to handle the load. Please continue to be patient with me.
    2 points
  9. Here is a second gun resurrection post. This is a "how's it done" posting that I hope will be enjoyable as well as an informative posting. The Marlin #47 pictured here is one I bought on GB a few years ago. The 47 was made in 1930-31 and only given to investers who would buy at least 4 shares of Marlin stock for $100. It was also the First Marlin to get the new cyanide process color case hardened receiver. Of course it would have to be THIS rifle to be caught up in a fire! All the springs including the mag tube spring are still in good working condition making it a worthy project. This segment will deal with making a new pump handle since the wood on this was toast. I have already fitted a new semi inlet butt stock from Numrich Gun Parts. To find a piece of wood that may be the easiest to remanufacture into a handle, I found I had just the piece. It was an unknown broken butt stock that would save me one whole machine operation. The butt stock tang bolt hole happen to be slightly larger in diameter than the Marlins barrel OD. So I band sawed the stock to include half of the length wise hole. Once the chunk was cut out, it was a simple case of measuring the mag tube hole center below the barrel channel and putting V counter sink holes on the ends for turning the piece on centers. Here I match the OD to the original tho slightly over for later sanding. Once I had a round handle, it was easy to bore the mag tube hole centered in the 6 jaw lathe chuck to this raw pc. The next step was to mill in the action bar relief. The mag tube hole drill is set into the handle and then clamped snugly into the bench top mill so as to not crack the handle in the vise. A nice snug fit The action bar has a defined rust line where the wood covered it so that line was where I chucked the rusted end of the bar into the vise. I use a drill that would be the ID of the bar's attaching holes. That drill is put directly in line with the Bar hole and then the wood is slid on under the drill and a perfectly in line hole is born! Same pre line up the hole, then get the wood in between the bar & drill. Once the line up holes are in, the handle its self is chucked up and the holes bored to attaching screw OD. Then the screw escutcheon reliefs are bore to exacting depth. The escutcheons yet need to be sand blasted cleaned and blued before I press them in the handle, but here it is in the rought. The next segment will be the relining of the barrel.
    1 point
  10. Thanks to divotmaker on here, I picked up an X95 this morning. Was up in the air on buying a bolt .338 gun over the past few weeks, then this little nugget popped up in the classifieds. No major mods going on it, drop in a trigger pack, pop on some optics and get a gas seal. yay.
    1 point
  11. Hello Everyone, Just learned about the site from a Co Worker and the Man of TGO David. So my name is Marc I am a transplant to Nashville from Arkansas ( Wynne) via the way of Memphis. Had my hand in doing Repo's and Bounty Hunting for a few years in Memphis. But as my Family calls the the High tech Redneck or the Redneck Computer Geek. I am just a County Boy that found a way to make a living with computers. But I still like getting out and getting my hand dirty doing stuff that requires physical labor and not the pounding of a key board. Been here for the last few years and only have made it to the range a few times with the H&K USP Compact 9mm. See Ya Around Marc
    1 point
  12. For some time now, the profile link, from the avatar drop down, does not work.
    1 point
  13. He's not completely worthless, he can always be used as a bad example.
    1 point
  14. No, really. New shooters are welcome to attend.
    1 point
  15. Been that way as long as I can remember. Hard to believe it's still like that.
    1 point
  16. Difference being there was a crime. He was a felon in possesion of a firearm. Now toss in the marijuana. That is a crime. So do we wait until the rapist actually has penetration? If it was your wife and daughter I doubt you would wait but rather plug him quickly. Yeah I know, he was already guilty of assault before he committed the rape. Nice try but not always. Girl gets drunk guy rapes her after she has passed out. So if we wait until the crime is committed we will have a pretty ugly world to live in. I would rather we got criminals before they are able to commit the crime. The laws are not all that hard to follow. So I never got an answer to the questions about the earlier examples so I am guessing that is hitting close to home for some. There are many examples of freedoms being taken away. Lots of examples of people being wronged by LEO. Just like any other group there is always a percentage that are bad. Be it police, doctors, EMTs, nurses, drivers, financial advisors, politicians (OK very high percentage on them), bikers, boaters, runners, pet owners....everyone gets the idea by now I am sure. So we should handle them as what they are, exceptions. But to say no one should ever be approached by LE until they have actually committed a crime is on the border of ludicrus in my humble opnion. Are we supposed to let the guy with the towel on his head running towards a crowd with a rifle yelling Aloha Snackbar alone? Technically he has not committed a crime (In some areas) until he pulls the trigger. Again, if your family is in his path i bet you would want someone to cap him. But hey, if it is bothering your freedom then look the other way and let it happen. Tells us a lot about you and I guess most folks will take you off the list of people they would consumate a transaction with here. But to each their own, feel free to live that way just do not expect an outporing of sympathy when your decisions turn out rather badly.
    1 point
  17. Bring it to my place, I have a Saiga 12 with a 20 round drum, you WILL get good at flying!!! Just joking, I have seen some races on TV, them things are fast.
    1 point
  18. The last place I'd ever go for butchering classes is any kind of processor. Deer processing is a volume gig. The quicker they can get through deer, the more money they make. I don't mean this as a slight, it's just how it is in the meat cutting business. A processor isn't ever going to tell you exactly how to separate individual muscles, what each muscle is used for & how to cut it correctly. Mostly, they're bandsaw butchers. The Virginia Fish & Game folk put out (or at least, used to put out) a very well made 'field to freeze' dvd for about $20. It's literally a butcher-along. I have mine away some time ago, otherwise I'd gladly let you have it. It's without a doubt the best $20 I ever spent on hunting gear.
    1 point
  19. I know I already commented on it. But JAB is right. That is about the best work I've seen from you. Yes, I probably say that about each one, but the overall impression of this one is fantastic! The Damascus pattern is bold and very distinctive. I think it really stands out. I know the pattern is really not easily controlled, but this is a great look. The combination of wood and color is awesome. Yes, more needless fawning. lol
    1 point
  20. And that is where E would chime in and tell you how simply being a police officer has made you the bad guy. I'm not on the same level that he is, but I do think it is the responsibility of every officer, just as it is the responsibility of every of every one of us to decide, is what that person doing so egregious that it warrants the use of force up to and including taking that person's life? If you wouldn't say yes as a regular person, why are you okay with giving that power to the state's enforcers? There is no crime until after it is been committed. Otherwise, we end up living in the minority report world where just thinking it makes you a criminal.
    1 point
  21. I think you must have missed my subsequent post where I stated: "As I said, I am not necessarily supporting the dead dude. I was simply wondering about the justification for initiating contact. If, indeed, he was seen rolling a joint and if somehow the observer could tell that it was, indeed, a joint and not a hand-rolled tobacco cigarette and he was, indeed, observed with a gun then absolutely that justified initiating contact. At that point, not dropping the firearm justified the shooting. If that is/was the case then I agree - move along, nothing to see, here." My questions were: Given that the police could not possibly have known that the individual was a felon nor that he was having 'mental issues' at the time of contact - meaning that his being a felon or having mental problems could have had no bearing at the time, 1. Did the police know, before initiating contact, that it was a joint he was smoking and not a completely legal tobacco cigarette? 2. Did the police know, before initiating contact, that he had a gun? 3. If the answer to #1 and #2 were 'no' then what was the justification for initiating contact in the first place? As Omega indicated that another article stated that the police (somehow) did know these things before initiating contact I agreed that there was nothing really questionable about the actions taken by the officers. I simply never take anything police say at face value. This is not because of some 'unfounded' hatred of police. This is due to experiences I have had. Yes, I - who have no police record, have never smoked pot (no, seriously) and have never been in any legal trouble beyond one or two traffic violations have been unjustly pulled over and treated like a low-life criminal by police on more than one occasion in more than one jurisdiction. 1. One evening, after dark, a cop rode a few feet from my bumper with his bright lights on. This made it difficult for me to see and created an unsafe driving situation. When I swerved a little - because I couldn't see - he pulled me over, "because you were swerving a little back there." He then proceeded to say to my friend who was in the vehicle with me (who has also never been in any kind of trouble,) "Didn't I arrest you last week?" He had nothing with which to charge us and had to let us go (and obviously wasn't happy about it.) 2. A few years later a different cop also rode just off of my rear bumper causing the same situation and pulled me over for the same bs reason. His first words to me were, "Didn't I give you a ticket two nights ago?" My response, "Well, that would have been kind of hard seeing as how I am just returning home from a cruise and I was on a Caribbean Island two nights ago." He had nothing with which to charge me and had to let me go (and obviously wasn't happy about it.) 3. When I attended UTK and lived at my grandmother's on East Fifth through the week a cop pulled me over. He claimed he was pulling me over because I had a tail light out. Curiously, he did not issue a citation or even a warning to fix any, such light and it never came up again after he mentioned it initially. I checked when I got home - as suspected, I did not have a tail light out. He had no legal reason to cite for pulling me over and his real reason was to ask, "What are you doing in this neighborhood?" Yes, I have been pulled over for driving while white. I won't drag this on by citing at least two, other similar instances when I have been pulled over literally for nothing with the only 'probable cause' being things that the cop purposefully created or just flat made up. Suffice it to say that at this point in my life whenever I hear of a police run in where the probable cause sounds a bit suspicious I don't simply and immediately assume that was how things really happened. Some cops do lie. I've experienced it. Strangely, the two times I have been pulled over and given a ticket for speeding (and I admittedly was) those officers were professional and courteous. In other words, I came away from interactions when I actually received a ticket with a more positive perception of police than in the multiple occasions when I was pulled over and didn't receive a citation (because they had no justifiable reason to pull me over in the first place, much less cite me for anything.)
    1 point
  22. Love the one on top. I'd hang on to it. Nice collection sir.
    1 point
  23. A SP101 with a 3" barrel is one of the best all around choices for carry / shooting. For general shooting no carry. GP100 or 686 4"-5" barrel. And to maximize the full potential of the 357. 6"+ barrel.
    1 point
  24. We all get to decide between right and wrong. We are all responsible for the decisions we make. If if you came home and two guys were robbing your house, would you be angry with them? Would you try to stop them? What if they had nice polo shirts with their names on them and Big Jim's Burglary embroidered on the front? "Hey man, we're just doing our jobs. Jim pays us $10/ hour to rob houses. Don't be mad at us, be mad at him!" That's ridiculous, right? The guys doing the robbing know that what they're doing is wrong, even if they are employed to do it. It works the same way for police officers. Enforcing unjust laws is just as wrong as passing unjust laws.
    1 point
  25. Learn to shoot a DA revolver well, and you'll be at least a passable shot with darn near any gun you ever pick up.
    1 point
  26. So awesome . You must not be married to have been able to bring all those babies home
    1 point
  27. I was about to sell my new never shot GLOCK19 to get back into the revolver world. I was looking for a Ruger GP100 with the 4 inch barrel. What an awesome and strong revolver. Some people don't think that Ruger is very serious or is a "poor man's revolver" but I have had several and they will handle the hottest loads you can make and still come out shining. When I get my GP100 I will also get a set of reloading dies for it. I cant wait !!!! But I am going to force myself to wait after we see who is elected first . After next year , there may be only revolvers available I went back and made the "maker" of the 19 I was talking about in all capital letters LOL . GLOCK 19 and not S&W 19 LOL .
    1 point
  28. So, I am all for the sane-ness of our leader in this endeavor. I hate that it's gone, though. Maybe TT will get their #### together one of these days. The reason I like TT is that it centralizes the forums that I participate, and places them in one app on my mobile screen. Yes, I can make a shortcut and all that, but it's a good user interface. I'm not a "live or die" with the forum and TT, but I sure wish it would work just plug-and-play like it's supposed to.
    1 point
  29. Well, if a couple guys on here have their way you can smoke something else.
    1 point
  30. We are a nation of laws; not of morals. Police are employed to enforce these laws. I can only wish we were a moral nation.
    1 point
  31. Here's a video demonstrating how to get back into the stand. It doesn't really address getting all the way down if you need to though. In that case I'd say the Downsafe product you mentioned or a lineman's belt or @Omega's suggestion if you already have a lifeline rope to the ground.
    1 point
  32. Well Well Well, Once the officer pulled his weapon on the man and commanded him to drop it numerous times they both made their choices. Why does not matter at this point. He couldn't live without the gun and the officer couldn't live with it. Bang bang it's over. Go over in Europe and see how many times they give you a command to drop the weapon before they fire. I promise you one chance is all you get and you better not hesitate. Better wave your pistol and smoke your pot at home.
    1 point
  33. no I didn't... I sure don't get the AOW statue for it, I sure wouldn't want to FA fire a AR15 pistol single handed...lol I like its design thou
    1 point
  34. My next handgun purchase will probably be a revolver. .38 Spl. or .357 mag.
    1 point
  35. Let me be the first Dawg fan to congratulate UT. That was an awesome game.
    1 point
  36. Well done, sir! Well done!
    1 point
  37. Three is one day....impressive. I love the revolvers....congratulations.
    1 point
  38. Is it too early to say I hate you? Ok, give us a rundown on them. Please?
    1 point
  39. Dontcha want a cool traditional cowboy gun in the mix? Get the convertible, and you can shoot 9mm too. - OS
    1 point
  40. Goose Mountain is a great place to go see what you like...then buy elsewhere.
    1 point
  41. Well please allow me to offer this advice......, Tell everyone that you are Semi-Retired. When folks hear "retired" they'll find stuff for you to do for them and they will expect that you will do it for free! Congratulations - - - You just got some free consulting and my billable hour is $105.00.
    1 point
  42. The guys that got screened had a certain "look"? Hmmmm imagine that. If you roll into the Magic Kingdom looking like you just got off the plane from Bagram Airfield then yes you are going to draw attention to yourself...just like if you were wearing a shemagh. I see it all the time. The dudes who look all "hard" are the ones who draw the eye of Mordor to them. I do my best "fat, dumb and happy" impersonation, smile and look like I am happy to be there when going into the park (or anywhere) and no one even gives me a second look. You can be "aware" and be "switched on" without your body language screaming "look at me I'm a bad ass!". If you want to avoid any unpleasant imperial entanglements your body language should say "nothing to see here". Not saying this was necessarily the case with cmsmith, but like Gotthegoods mentions, those who do not blend in with the crowd draw extra attention form security people no matter the venue. On the other hand....for all we know Disney may just simply have a certain random denominator for extra screening.
    1 point
  43. Would anybody be interested in seeing a photo comparison and review of lowers from 80% arms and tactical machining. It will be a bit I just put my order in and it will be my first build. But I thought a photo of differences in lowers as well as anodizing vs non and alloy type might be interesting here. Would anybody be interested in seeing what an amateur has to say when I receive them, through the building process and then the initial firing? Thanks Tom
    1 point
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