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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2016 in all areas

  1. UPDATE 10/2/16 @ 8:00PM Central Folks, I cannot apologize enough. The switch to the new server has been one frustration after another. Performance is not what it should be and I am near the limit of my knowledge as relates to tuning it and tweaking it to accommodate our normal workload. I am investigating other options right now, including hiring someone to either go through our current server and tune it up, or to build a new one for us that is optimized to handle the load. Please continue to be patient with me.
    10 points
  2. Alabama Damascus Steel - Random Pattern Billet 1/8" thick Material = (4) layers 5160, (3) layers 203E, (3) layers 52100, (3) layers 15N20 folded 5 times for 416 layer damascus This has Bubinga and Ivory G10 scales with black G10 accents and liners. It has a mosaic pins. This is my take of a bushcraft blade and is 8 3/4" long with an blade length of 4". It comes with a black kydex sheath and custom offset belt loop. It has some filework and jimping on the spine. This is $150 shipped. I have several small Damascus blades finished and intend to post them up in a day or two. These are all part of my Christmas Run. Stay tuned.
    4 points
  3. This old Sergeant Major is on his last day of forty years of service. It's been a love/hate relationship. LOL. I have had the greatest job is the world, taking care of Soldiers. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. You still aren't understanding the argument. The point is, why are we as a society, giving anyone the right to enforce laws by force up to and including the taking of life, where there is no victim other than the state. The state CANNOT be a victim. And if there is no victim, there is no crime. Forget the weed. Make it a seatbelt violation or going two miles an hour over the speed limit. It doesn't matter what the "crime" was, because our argument is that there wasn't an actual crime to begin with.
    2 points
  5. This is the mindset I see on display. "Freedom! Well, as long as you are freedoming correctly." "Don't tread on me! Well, I guess since you have the right uniform it's ok." "I have the right to live my life! As long as it fits within the arbitrary rules laid out for me by others. I don't agree with them and they don't make a lot of sense, but they are the rules."
    2 points
  6. Stupid is as stupid does. You are too wrapped up on whether the pot should be illegal or not, bottom line is he died for being stupid.
    2 points
  7. Show me the victim of this crime. I still struggle with how people who generally claim to be conservative, fans of small government and freedom are so willing to say "Well, you just can't break the law" regardless of what that law is or why it exists. When those laws cause problems, like they did in this situation everyone wants to ignore that and focus on "Well, he knew what he was doing." Here's an unnecessary law that resulted in a man being killed, and we're all supposed to just go along with the idea that this unnecessary law should exist? Maybe I am, because I really don't understand how we're all just supposed to accept "Well, the government made a rule so that's all there is to it."
    2 points
  8. From a Dawg fan, Congratulations, what an awesome game.
    2 points
  9. How long does it take to teach a dog to sit? 4 seconds
    2 points
  10. "Gun violence."
    1 point
  11. I find this gun attractive. I've yet to fondle a full size, though.
    1 point
  12. Let me be the first Dawg fan to congratulate UT. That was an awesome game.
    1 point
  13. I think a victim is required before a crime has been committed. Who was harmed by him possessing marijuana and a firearm?
    1 point
  14. Hey mate, Its not that they are hard to get, just that rifle bullets (particularly 243) are rather expensive projectiles, normally around 60 dollars for 100. Since I work 12 hour days when I get home casting seems like a fun and economical pass time. I would be lying if I didn't love the scientific process of testing and maybe coming up with a good alloy. 223 projectiles are dirt cheap and not worth the hassle. I plan to shoot a lot of pistol and 308 so I will want to find an economical alloy for that too. One issue is there is in some places over 1000 roos per acre, which makes centerfire hunting prohibitively expensive on mass culls. The 17hmr or even 22lr has been knocking down roos with well placed shots for a century, however for 17hmr at $17 dollars per 50 even that adds up. If I can cast cheap enough I can be hunting without getting the wife mad. I got on the lathe and turned up a fitting i can weld into a lee press to turn 22lr rounds into brass jackets and make my own die for hollow point 243 rounds, but I want to see how powdercoating plain cast bullets goes first, I saw an excellent video of a guy on youtube taking the brass jackets and simply filling them with cast lead in a mold designed to achieve the right point. Fantastic idea i'm reserving for now. Right now I want to see if I can hit 3000fps with an accurate bullet, and i'm hoping with the right WW + babbit alloy and a powdercoat we can get there.
    1 point
  15. @56FordGuy take the marijuana and handgun a few steps further. The subject was seated behind the steering wheel of a parked P/U truck located in a multi housing residential area. IOW he had the opportunity and means to drive the vehicle and potentially endanger others after being observed using what officers believed to be marijuana. Would it have been any different if he was drinking a beer or sipping from a half pint of hooch in a brown paper bag? Now factor in the handgun that by some accounts was pointed at plain clothes officers. So now you've got a guy toking a joint with a gun. Someone ingesting a mind altering substance and armed with a handgun is kind of concerning to me. I believe it would pass the reasonable prudent man doctrine as well. So the police are kind of in a duty to act position. What happened later was pretty crappy but came down to not putting the gun down. As to the why marijuana and firearms laws are in place your preaching at the wrong people. Trying to tie that into the police interactions on this is moot but I don't disagree with your dissatisfaction on marijuana and firearms laws. But again, parked or otherwise the marijuana and handgun with a subject behind the wheel of a motor vehicle made for additional urgencies. It's only after the fact the past criminal history of the subject came to light which provides some insight as to how Mr. Scott had responded in the past. Now whatever was going through the minds of the Charlotte, S.C. officers involved in all of the above is supposition on my part but I've been in similar circumstances with less dramatic endings. If you want to limit police citizen contact powers then go after your legislators.
    1 point
  16. Nice work Matt. We have a fun one set for ya.
    1 point
  17. There had to be some kind of higher power to land that ball where it did.
    1 point
  18. 5-0! Watching TN football is going to give me a heart attack. Go Vols!
    1 point
  19. Well, now I can only assume that the Vols must be hand picked by God to win the National Championship. - OS
    1 point
  20. Because they don't give a whit about violence. They don't like guns.
    1 point
  21. I can't find one. I'd did give me G&L and NA as two Ruger distributors but that's it. So I'll be patient and wait. I guess it's grocery shopping and baked ziti time instead.
    1 point
  22. Actually, that's not true. 25 states have legalized marijuana, along with DC. Marijuana is legal in some form in most of the country, and half the states with I think 5 more set to vote on it next month. This is the point I was trying to make. Instead of saying "Well, he broke the law and had it coming" I'd like to see more people questioning and even working on fixing a lot of laws that shouldn't exist to start with. I have problems with the laws that allowed the officers to initiate contact in the first place in this situation. After the officers escalated the situation by initiating contact, should he have been shot? The only way I can answer that is to put myself in the officers' shoes. As a private citizen that carries a handgun, could I legally shoot someone that's engaging in whatever activity this individual was?
    1 point
  23. I'm a fan or Ruger but I don't understand what you mean by "Ruger did it"... What exactly did they do? I'm not seeing anything groundbreaking or unique here. How is this a big improvement from the SR9C?
    1 point
  24. By that logic, every 1911 manufactured is a Colt "copy." Get over it.
    1 point
  25. The law enforcement community has been pointing out that every major city that is run by a democratic mayor is having these same issues so it is nothing new. The only thing new about Nashville is more and more folks moving from other democratic major cities and states like New York, Michigan. and other northen states are voting these democrats like Barry into office trying to create the same situation they moved away from.................jmho.
    1 point
  26. Why don't these hysterical fools focus on violence violence? Why is gun violence worse than any other kind?
    1 point
  27. I never cease to be amused (...not amazed... i'm too old for that..) at the lengths that some of our brothers and sisters here go to justify the actions of a bunch of hoodlums.. The fact of the matter is that this guy was a damned hoodlum... He and his wife or girlfriend were sittin in a public place and he branished a gun to a couple of cops that pulled up on unrelated business... He paid the price this idiotic (...and unlawful...) behavior and for disregarding repeated commands to drop a firearm... My guess is that if he had have listened to the police and his wife, he would be here today... He aint... You that think this recently deceased citizen was unjustly put upon need to think about this... Channon Christian and Chris Newsome pulled into an apartment complex some years ago and were kidnapped, brutalized, and murdered in the worst kidnap-murder ever committed (...that we know of...) in Tennessee history; and that's since 1796... They committed no crime that we know of; but there were hoodlums and savages sittin there and grabbed them up... Maybe someone should have checked on their killers... In case ya think that aint important, just think a bit and insert your loved ones names into that situation; and you will more clearly understand why this policing and "law and order" thing is so important... It deters or prevents crime... All kinds of it, from the most heinous to the most innocuous that most folks quibble about the most... RE: Back to the issue at hand... You, me, nor anyone else; except maybe the wife or girlfriend, knows for sure why they were sittin there... My bet is that it wasn't to go to a bible study or to comfort a sick friend... The fact is that you, me, nor anyone else will ever know the truth of this matter... The libertarians and free spirits among us seem to think that anytime the police ask a question, make a contact, or even shoot a hoodlum; it's somehow an "unjust stop and question".... On the one hand, everybody wants to be safe, on the other hand the police are the oppressive enemy... It is amazing, indeed... The truth of the matter is that police are under attack everywhere... They are edgy and nervous; and they well should be... All that bein said; anyone who is approached by LE should pay attention... Failure to do so could cause you to assume room temperature... The truth is that the police have "police power" and they can detain you and ask you questions.... They can also defend themselves if they think you are a threat to them or someone else... They can even shoot you for tryin to run away, if they deem you a threat to themselves or others... You all are gonna have to accept that unpleasant truth... There are plenty of ways for citizens to voice their grievances in court for an "unjust stop"... There ain't any way to undo a shooting for failure to comply with police commands to drop a weapon... The "police oppression" jhadists in the black community are lookin for one thing, and one thing only... They want a different protocol for approaching black suspects than for the rest of us other citizens; or even a "pass" for criminal activity... More than that, there are folks in the black community who are tryin to do the right thing that have stood up and said that many of these protesters are paid outsiders... My... My... I wonder why that is...? Could it be that someone or something is trying to stir up trouble...?... The truth of the matter is; i think, that there are some folks in very responsible and powerful position in this country that want a "South Africa" attitude where some folks are allowed to run wild and commit crime as long as the "right folks" are wronged... They give lip service to "law and order", but are ok with killin, stealin, and law breakin, as long as it's directed at whitey or some other out of favor group that's victimized.... You that side with this sort of foolishness need to think about that a bit and do some readin about what is goin on in South Africa... It's horrifying... The fact of the matter is that you are gonna have to have law and order, with all it's real and perceived injusties and inconveniences for potential malefactors; or you are gonna have no law at all...There is nothin in between the two choices... I doubt that even the most hardy of the "victim's advocates" and "unjust stop" jhadists among us want the latter... Your mileage on this issue may vary... non carin leroy... the dismissive "law and order" geezer
    1 point
  28. I have joined this forum initially to simply read this thread... initially. I then realised what a supportive and wonderful bunch of guys you all, pushing into new territory particularly for rifle bullets. I'm casting for a 243, 90 grain cast bullet, and given a 243 relies massively on it's BC it's motivated me to make my own molds and powdercoat using the laquer thinner method. I have recently seen people dumping the hot bullets out of the oven back into water i just wondered what you all thought of that. I will definitely post my results! Thank you all so much on your persistence getting this to work! Did anyone work out a good alloy for around 3000fps for hunting? Cheers!
    1 point
  29. Just as devil's advocate think about it this way: In a few years someone might be saying, "If we agree with it or not owning a semiautomatic firearm is currently illegal in the United States. Possession of such a firearm (even if it was originally legally purchased) is illegal. He should have turned that gun in when the law was passed but instead he chose to keep it. Whether he was actively hurting anyone or not he was still breaking the law. Would it be any different if the gun was fully automatic?" I am not saying this guy was a good guy or a bad guy but I do agree with 56FordGuy that we shouldn't always jump to defend the death/abuse/persecution of someone just because, "whether we agree with it or not what he was doing was illegal," because all it takes is a few lines of BS on a piece of paper with enough politicians voting for it for anything to become 'illegal'.
    1 point
  30. Instead of accusing me of just trying to spin people up, why not address the points I tried to make? I'm sorry you find my difference of opinion delusional, kind of makes it difficult to have a reasonable discussion when one side has already appointed themselves unquestionably correct. I apologize if my questioning of authority has threatened your safe space, from now on I will try to use more socially appropriate trigger warnings before I question the common point of view here. When the officers approached him, did they know he was a felon with a gun or had they just observed a gun and what appeared to be a joint? I would go so far as the say the fact he's a felon with a gun shouldn't be a crime, but that's a debate for another time. The officers observed a firearm and what they assumed to be a small amount of marijuana. If they are otherwise on a mission to serve a warrant, why are they bothering with this guy that's just minding his own business? Is their warrant really not that important? Is a single joint such a heinous crime? The officers chose to initiate contact with an individual that was minding his own business. Now that individual is dead. If the officers had stayed focused on their assigned task serving a warrant, things might be different. Instead they decided that one individual with one joint was more important and now he's dead. Possession of a small amount of marijuana and a firearm resulted in death. "Well he should've listened to the cops" Well they should've been busy serving a warrant instead of harassing him. On the one hand, you break the rules and you take your chances. I just want people to look at the bigger picture and question why some of these ridiculous rules exist to start with.
    1 point
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