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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2016 in all areas

  1. Just making sure you all see this... On Sunday, September 25, 2016 I will be moving the TGO web site to a newer web server. When I do this, there will be a complete service interruption of a few hours. This move will change our site's IP address which means that you all will slowly begin regaining access to the site as your Internet provider's DNS servers update with the new address. If that sounds like Greek to you, just know that it could take anywhere from 1 to 24 hours or so depending on how aggressively your Internet provider updates its records. We have zero control over this, unfortunately, so there is no way for me to speed up that process. Why is this happening? Web servers, much like your computer at home, run an operating system that eventually becomes "end of life" and requires replacement. Think about when Microsoft retired Windows XP and told everyone that it was time to upgrade to Windows 7, otherwise they would stop supporting you. Well, very similar in this case also. Our current web server has taken care of us since 2011, but it is time to move to a new one. I have already moved a few other web sites to the new server and it is doing fine, so I predict no problems with moving TGO. However, TGO is undoubtedly the largest horse in the stable so I am going to be taking extra care to move it. While some performance improvements are possible as a result of this move, that is not the primary motivation. The real improvements for performance are planned for after I get us moved. More on that is to come. I'm going to go through withdrawals! A lot of us will. Be sure to keep tabs on our Facebook page and our Twitter feed while the move is underway. I will post updates on both of those places as I can while I work. If you don't already follow us on those two social media outlets, you can click below and then add them to your bookmarks. TGO Facebook Page TGO Twitter Feed So when exactly does this start? I am not sure of the exact start time yet. You'll know when you see the site go offline and our maintenance notice go up. Just check back in a little while after that happens and you'll eventually be able to sign back into TGO and participate in the forums. Thanks for your patience!
    6 points
  2. Somebody is going to shoot one of these clowns. And everybody is going to think they had it coming.
    5 points
  3. Well, fraternal twins. Thanks to Guns N More! Finally got a couple of 10mm!
    4 points
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  5. Monday the 26th is the first debate. That should certainly test the capability of the new server.
    3 points
  6. TGO went gay while you were gone. Wearing eye protection took on a whole new meaning.
    3 points
  7. Because I got a pair of Finns... BWAHAHAHA http://imgur.com/a/HjfGg Got 2 VKT M39s from Classic Firearms. Didn't opt for "hand select" and seem to be in decent condition for the price. Both are 1942, and I seem to have gotten one War time stock, and one Post war stock. The War Time stock seems to have an older action and bolt, and in a little rougher condition. Range report will be soon
    2 points
  8. I hope I don't offend anyone but I have to rant... Was in line at the Kroger this afternoon and a pair of seriously overweight and heavily tatooed individuals were in front of me w/ their 2 darling kids. I couldn't help but notice all the sugary cereal they were buying w/ food stamps. Being a parent myself I wanted to suggest the "Cheerio's for your 2- and 3-year old might be better choices", I refrained. They bagged up their groceries and then paid for the final 3 items with their Bank-card. A 12-dollar box of Sushi, half-drunk Soda Pop, and a pack of gum. It took every ounce of civility I had not to say something. Folks, I've been there, we've all been down on our luck, but I'll be damned if I'm going to buy your kid's groceries while you take 'your money' and drop it on Pop and Sushi, fer crying out loud..... Send your husband (errrr. baby-daddy?) through the line separate so I don't have to watch you spit in my tax-paying face like that. Gawd! Thanks, I feel better. Rant-off. - Kevin
    2 points
  9. Award for best thread name for 2016 goes to you. [emoji1]
    2 points
  10. So after 60+ years they're going to make it so you can take it apart.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Just a tidbit of information on how to improve red dots. If they take a 2032 battery and have a intensity knob, not a intensity button, you can swap out the single 2032 battery for two 2016 batteries. It makes the dot a lot more brighter. The 2016 batteries are identical in size to the 2032 except they are 1/2 the thickness so you can double them up. Makes sights that are barely useable in bright sunlight useable.
    2 points
  13. I'm not certain all of these "clown" sightings are legitimate but do believe some idiots are playing around with fire and are about to get burned.
    2 points
  14. Here is a second gun resurrection post. This is a "how's it done" posting that I hope will be enjoyable as well as an informative posting. The Marlin #47 pictured here is one I bought on GB a few years ago. The 47 was made in 1930-31 and only given to investers who would buy at least 4 shares of Marlin stock for $100. It was also the First Marlin to get the new cyanide process color case hardened receiver. Of course it would have to be THIS rifle to be caught up in a fire! All the springs including the mag tube spring are still in good working condition making it a worthy project. This segment will deal with making a new pump handle since the wood on this was toast. I have already fitted a new semi inlet butt stock from Numrich Gun Parts. To find a piece of wood that may be the easiest to remanufacture into a handle, I found I had just the piece. It was an unknown broken butt stock that would save me one whole machine operation. The butt stock tang bolt hole happen to be slightly larger in diameter than the Marlins barrel OD. So I band sawed the stock to include half of the length wise hole. Once the chunk was cut out, it was a simple case of measuring the mag tube hole center below the barrel channel and putting V counter sink holes on the ends for turning the piece on centers. Here I match the OD to the original tho slightly over for later sanding. Once I had a round handle, it was easy to bore the mag tube hole centered in the 6 jaw lathe chuck to this raw pc. The next step was to mill in the action bar relief. The mag tube hole drill is set into the handle and then clamped snugly into the bench top mill so as to not crack the handle in the vise. A nice snug fit The action bar has a defined rust line where the wood covered it so that line was where I chucked the rusted end of the bar into the vise. I use a drill that would be the ID of the bar's attaching holes. That drill is put directly in line with the Bar hole and then the wood is slid on under the drill and a perfectly in line hole is born! Same pre line up the hole, then get the wood in between the bar & drill. Once the line up holes are in, the handle its self is chucked up and the holes bored to attaching screw OD. Then the screw escutcheon reliefs are bore to exacting depth. The escutcheons yet need to be sand blasted cleaned and blued before I press them in the handle, but here it is in the rought. The next segment will be the relining of the barrel.
    1 point
  15. Just ordered 20 round mags for it. 28.00 bucks!
    1 point
  16. And we have another convert! lol Start acquiring mags for it as well. You'll need them. It gets tiring reloading all the time.
    1 point
  17. Taking them apart was never a real problem. Putting them back together seemed to be the real challenge for some!
    1 point
  18. It's assembled rounds, commercially produced. Stories of problems have made the rounds for years, but I've never encountered anyone who has had one. On several discussions here, I believe the thoughts were that it wasn't a problem.
    1 point
  19. As a guy who can only identify a computer 2 out of 3 times (an electric typewriter by a TV gets me everytime) I appreciate your work to keep this site top-notch. Thanks for your work
    1 point
  20. I dunno... hopefully something good this time? The American pistol seems like one giant "Meh." I don't personally know a single person that bought one, and I only remember reading that a couple folks here bought one. For the sake of American manufacturing, I hope they hit a home run with whatever it is. My guess, though, is some twist on an existing long gun. Maybe a tweak on the Ruger Precision rifles? Those seem to be doing pretty well for them. I hope it's not just a compact American pistol.
    1 point
  21. I just heard yucko the clown swap nines/ debate w Hillary Clinton on Howard stern radio, best clown humor I ever heard in years, laughed so hard I was in tears.... Clowns ...
    1 point
  22. If you're interested, go over to the truth about guns. They take a good look at this "study"; who did it and how, especially the predetermined "study group". If this is what passes for science these days, you can count me out. It's just more propaganda to try to marginalize gun owners. Go to a local gun match, doesn't matter what type, and you will see the lie for what it is. In the last 5 years or so the number of shooters at local matches has almost doubled (to include many new shooters). Is this anecdotal evidence? It sure is but it is based on actual observation and not some half-baked study done by people with a clear agenda. Believe what you will, most do. But this doesn't pass the smell test for me.
    1 point
  23. I was in Destin all last week and carried a Glock 43 in a G Code holster most everywhere we went except for the times I was fully enjoying establishments such as Margaritaville and the like. Didn't have any issues at all. Only thing that really changed about my carry setup was having to leave my auto knife at home here in Tennessee.
    1 point
  24. So sorry for your loss. This is happening far too often. If you need anything, or just need to talk, please give me a call.
    1 point
  25. Praying for you and yours in this time of need
    1 point
  26. You can't carry in the bar area of a restaurant and from what I understand you can't carry in a place that is strictly a bar or night club. You can drink there while carrying in a restaurant. No gun signs are just treated as a trespass issue. Some good things and not so good like you can't carry at an athletic event legally. Most of the list probably won't apply to you going there for business or vacation unless you are going to a professional sporting event or a bar.
    1 point
  27. I am very saddened to read this Randall. It sounds like you lost not only a son, but a friend as well. I am proud of your boy, proud of his service and proud of the man it sounds like he was, proud of the man he should have lived to be. Mental illness is no joke, the demons are in there I think for everybody and it is a shame when folks cannot overcome through their own or get the help they need to do so. It is DISGUSTING that what should be our nations most sacred asset, our veterans, cannot get a fighting chance with their lesser half, the government. I wish you peace in this trying time and urge you to open your heart to those who will help support and lessen even a trivial amount of your pain. I wish I had something better to say, words never are enough.
    1 point
  28. We've had clowns in NW Georgia. One actually chased some children with a (hopefully) fake knife. They got a picture of it. A kid in my neighborhood saw someone in a clown mask. Some teenager is going to get themselves shot. What a dumb way to die.
    1 point
  29. Reading this upsets me. You did everything you could do. Please don't fault youself for this.
    1 point
  30. I cannot even imagine what your family is experiencing, but I will certainly be praying for you!! So sorry for your loss.
    1 point
  31. Randall... my wife and I are sitting here in tears; tears of sorrow for you and your family, and tears of rage at a horrible system that needs to be imploded. I will find SOME way to pass this along. Our prayers are with you, may God give you His peace that surpasses all understanding in the midst of this.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. I've handled and shot The Thunder Five, Taurus Judge and S&W Governor with my preference going towards the heavier Thunder Five. In my personal opinion all of these are more novelty oriented then practical revolvers but others may disagree. Insofar as fit, finish and reliability between the Judge or Governor I prefer the later.
    1 point
  34. So sorry for your loss. I've got boys of my own. It's difficult to even think about.
    1 point
  35. I have no words for your loss. May God Bless you and your family to give you comfort during this trying time.
    1 point
  36. Very sorry for your loss. I am a veteran but thankfully have never had to deal with medical. I don’t know exactly what the problem with the VA is; but I have seen it suggested that Veterans benefits be available through their local private Doctors. I think this is the only fix. The sad part is that if your son had been a criminal instead of a Veteran he would have got the mental health help he wanted and needed. If you would let me use your son’s name and story I can think of some people that can do something about it that need to know his name and his story. I am a firm believer that stamped letters sent through the mail with real people’s names carry far more weight than emails and internet petitions. I am willing to write a letter.
    1 point
  37. You can imagine how I feel when I see multi-millionaire thugs that won't stand for the National Anthem. I know it's their right, but do your protesting at the voting booth. Not in the face of people like my son. The right of free speech goes only so far, when you begin to step on other peoples graves, I draw a line.
    1 point
  38. At the very least it seems like some VA administrators, two senators, at least one congressman and the president himself ought to get a letter naming your son by name and expressing our disappointment in your sons treatment from each of the 26,579 members of TGO.
    1 point
  39. Sorry for your loss. This may sound cold, but your story and my experiences are why I can't advocate for our young people to volunteer to serve. I was a honor graduate and loved my service, even my time in the gulf. Anyone who has ever served knows that sick call is frowned upon, so unless you have a sucking chest wound, you just suck it up. I'm seventy percent disabled, and I live and work everyday in pain. My last two visits to the Memphis VA I was greeted by a friendly little doctor who told me as soon as she closed the door that my current situation was not combat related, pissed me off, then checked my blood pressure which I'm certain was elevated due to the doctor making a decision prior to performing an exam. At that point around 1pm I'm taken to the emergency room where I'm abandoned until my pressure comes down around midnight, and sent home. I filed a grievance and an appeal detailing my experience with the first doctor. I received another C&P exam. If you've had this experience, you know that the doctors have all of your interactions and correspondence with the VA on their computer before your visit. I don't know if it was the complaint that I filled against her co-worker across the hall, but this doctor was worse. She was rude and rushed and blamed my ailments on the fact that I had gained weight since leaving service. She totally disregarded records from other doctors that showed that not only had I sought treatment, but I have hospitalization records for every ailment related to service. I don't want your loss and my response to sound like this is all about me, but I'll use the information to continue fighting, and motivating other warriors not to give up. No one is looking for a handout, only the healthcare services and treatment that we were promised when we volunteered. We are losing 22 a day. Despicable! God bless your family!
    1 point
  40. I'll lose 50 lbs before it happens Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. I'm glad this happened. Still waiting on Tennessee to do this but I'll keep waiting.
    1 point
  42. I like my assumptions though. Growing up in a family of five, I remember my mom crying one day when she was doing their taxes ( was probably 11 or 12 at the time) because she seen that they made a total of $10,000 that year. Not only had our electric cut off, but even had our water cut off a few times in that era. So I know exactly what it is like to be poor. Know what happened? When the whole understanding about being poor set into my brain, I went door to door asking and started mowing yards. From the age of 13 on, my parents never bought me a single item for school, my clothes or anything. Everything came from the money I made. Still wasn't much, but the whole point is that we are pacifying laziness and mediocrity because of the 'poor baby' syndrome. Poor thing is so bad off, we just have to give them something... Who are you to judge what they went through... yada yada yada. Philippines has a fantastic welfare policy that we should adopt - if you want to eat, you go find work. problem solved. You want to have 11 babies? You better find a lot of work.
    1 point
  43. I've got no words....no civil ones anyway.
    1 point
  44. I tend to keep everything close to full. Instead of driving around looking for gas this evening, we went fishing.
    1 point
  45. It is kind of a jack of all trades, but a master of none for sure. I have researched them a lot. As far as scandium S&W's go, they are priced reasonably well. The black models appear to all have a Big Dot Night Sight, but the bright stainless does not. I can't think of a more versatile in caliber handgun in production. I read a professional review the 45GAP rounds were the most accurate of all the factory ammo tested. They will not close with 45 Auto Rim cartridges and are not intended to shoot anything over standard pressure. I wouldn't run 45 Supers but I would think 45acp plus p would be fine as it is about the same as some standard 45 Colts. Ruger only loads are completely out of the question. The free-bore of the long cylinder does cause some velocity loss, but I remember reading that it wasn't near as much as I would have thought. I have shot a judge, but not a governor, and find the shotshells really penetrate poorly; even the specialty handgun rounds. The shotshells also leave you feeling really dirty after shooting. I do like the judge with 45 Colt rounds though.
    1 point
  46. I have several of the Bushnell TRS-25s on various weapons and have been pleased with them. I have other optics as well that cost a good deal more but bang for the buck, the TRS-25 is a decent red dot.
    1 point
  47. primary arms have a selection and have always been given good marks
    1 point
  48. This one is coming up in just over a month. This is not the kind of class you can get just anywhere. Most ranges would not allow you to stand still and shoot in low light (or no light) much less doing it while drawing from a holster. Don't miss this chance to get realistic training for realistic problems in low light environments.
    1 point
  49. New addition to my full size 40s vintage self loading rifle collection. Finally bagged me a Swedish AG-42b otherwise known as a Ljungman. Here it is pictured with my other three. Top to bottom: 1942 Springfield Garand, 1945 Ljungman, 1941 SVT 40, and an Argentine FN49. . Still on the to acquire list are a MAS 49/56 and the Egyptian Hakim (Ljungman copy). Then maybe a Beretta BM-62 or a Walther K/G43 if I can swing it. I would still love a 41 Johnson automatic too. Again, this is just the big rifles. I have also an m1 carbine and SKS. I'll add a VZ 52 and a Rasheed at some point. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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