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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2016 in all areas
If they're buying sushi from Kroger they're probably getting what they deserve.10 points
So if someone owns 17 guns they're a "super owner"? I always thought anything below that was 'cute' and 20 was 'a good start'8 points
If you didn't take advantage of this group buy, go ahead and kick yourself...5 points
It's actually called WIC (Woman, Infants and Children). It's for single women or women in low income relationships to help feed the kids. If a mother breastfeeds her coupons double because there's a stinger need for good nutrition because of the breastfeeding child. Otherwise it's coupons to cover formula. As a teenager I would go with my mom who worked for MSU to deliver them to mom's who had just given birth. It's why I didn't ever have a child as a teenager. I helped deliver WIC coupons to girls my age. As for the EBT part, what comes first? The chicken or the egg? Until you elect officials into office who truly want reform, we as the middle class will continue to support broken programs. But unless you live a perfect life on the up and up, you really shouldn't give two seconds of thought to someone else's business. Might as well get a Facebook for posts like this one. My single mom worked her butt off and we had government assistance which back then was food stamps before everything became electronic. But I guess she was terrible because once or twice a week we'd get pop and Burger King or Little Ceasars. @LINKS2K is 100% right in his posts. To judge someone from a tiny window, makes you no better.3 points
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I'm sorry, but I can't make assumptions and judge people like this. I had a crappy childhood, and once lied about my age to get a warehouse job. After leaving active duty life was pretty crappy, so I worked crappy jobs. I've never been on public assistance, and my family has been well off for over twenty years, so I could easily make assumptions about those on public assistance. I've learned that unless you really know a person, you never know what circumstances lead to a person being in certain situations. Are there abuses? I'm certain there are, but I'm not judging everyone on assistance based upon a snapshot of what I see at a convenience store. It's like walking up on an employee at work who has been busting it for hours, then decides to stop for two minutes to catch a break at the exact moment that you walk around the corner. Many times all you have to base your opinion on is the snapshot of that moment. That's not a good thing.3 points
I have to disagree, I don't need to have a conversation with someone that has expendable funds to buy things like pop and sushi, to be pissed off when they break out an EBT card on the side to buy other things. If things are so bad that you need an EBT card, you will not be in a position to have 'extra' money. Make me king for a day and this is the first issue I'll fix.3 points
3 points
I hope I don't offend anyone but I have to rant... Was in line at the Kroger this afternoon and a pair of seriously overweight and heavily tatooed individuals were in front of me w/ their 2 darling kids. I couldn't help but notice all the sugary cereal they were buying w/ food stamps. Being a parent myself I wanted to suggest the "Cheerio's for your 2- and 3-year old might be better choices", I refrained. They bagged up their groceries and then paid for the final 3 items with their Bank-card. A 12-dollar box of Sushi, half-drunk Soda Pop, and a pack of gum. It took every ounce of civility I had not to say something. Folks, I've been there, we've all been down on our luck, but I'll be damned if I'm going to buy your kid's groceries while you take 'your money' and drop it on Pop and Sushi, fer crying out loud..... Send your husband (errrr. baby-daddy?) through the line separate so I don't have to watch you spit in my tax-paying face like that. Gawd! Thanks, I feel better. Rant-off. - Kevin2 points
Envy One of the 7 Deadly and so so woven in our culture today. All I want is for America is the anti communism line......to each, may he be happy with what he has earned.2 points
I like my assumptions though. Growing up in a family of five, I remember my mom crying one day when she was doing their taxes ( was probably 11 or 12 at the time) because she seen that they made a total of $10,000 that year. Not only had our electric cut off, but even had our water cut off a few times in that era. So I know exactly what it is like to be poor. Know what happened? When the whole understanding about being poor set into my brain, I went door to door asking and started mowing yards. From the age of 13 on, my parents never bought me a single item for school, my clothes or anything. Everything came from the money I made. Still wasn't much, but the whole point is that we are pacifying laziness and mediocrity because of the 'poor baby' syndrome. Poor thing is so bad off, we just have to give them something... Who are you to judge what they went through... yada yada yada. Philippines has a fantastic welfare policy that we should adopt - if you want to eat, you go find work. problem solved. You want to have 11 babies? You better find a lot of work.2 points
Not sure, but I can tell you that if you know how many you have, you don't have enough.2 points
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17 is the magic number according to the article. I passed that in my early teens.2 points
Yeah but it's more complex. The Glock is nice and simple with very few parts .2 points
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I assume that everyone has heard about the Colonial pipeline spill near Birmingham,Al. I was reading some comments on Channel 5 news and 1 man that had went to 4 stations before finding 1 with gas said it was "mass chaos". This totally confirms that people really freak out when there is a snow storm coming, a hurricane coming or something like this pipeline spill. Many people freak out and go fill up all their vehicles and every gas can they have. It does nothing but make the situation worse. But this should be a reminder to all here that in some catastrophic event people will freak out and all hell with break loose. I was doing some surfing and was looking at the U.S. infrastructure and it ain't a pretty picture. Bridges, pipelines, dams, sewer lines, water lines, roads, electric grid all are overworked for what they were built for and the life span of most of it expired 20 or more years ago. All this to say, be as prepared as you can be so that when life throws us a curve we can ride out the bumpy road.1 point
I didn't find any other tread for it.1 point
The older I get, the more I appreciate the old Ian McLaren quote: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting such a hard battle." I'm certain, whether it's Kroger sushi or Monster drinks and beef jerky, few of these folks are proud of where they are. At some point in their day they face reality - and it sucks. Even for those few who are actively gaming the system - they know that their ceiling is limited - and that really sucks. Do some of them abuse the system? You bet. Are some of them being abused by the system? You bet. Does it move the needle for me when someone who Walmart pays $7.25 an hour for 29 hours per week blows a few bucks on stupid stuff? Not really. What does get me fired up however is when a company with one of the highest market caps in America depends on EBT and WIC as supplementary income for their employees so they can deliver more profit to their shareholders while delivering those "everyday low prices."1 point
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Sorry Link, I would never bat an eye at a woman buying orange juice, cheese, milk, bread, etc (used to be called WICK, don't know if it still exists) to keep a child fed but when you witness day in day out flat out ABUSE of the system, then it not only needs to be called out but changed. There was no reason that woman at the convenience store needed me and you to buy her Monster drinks and beef jerky, none! No one here would deny a needy person a meal, but to have these folks wrap their lifes around the free stuff that allows them to have their phones, rims, and cigarettes when it was designed to keep them fed is BS! Don't try to defend it, not defensible.1 point
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Just received a vintage Savage 340 30-30! Here's what makes it special. This is my grandfather's rifle he used to put food on his family and neighbors families tables in the rural Ozark mountains of northern Arkansas. My grandfather died at the age of 28 from what is believed to be an aneurysm, not too long after returning from Korea. My dad was only 5 years old and this rifle was one of the few possessions my grandfather had that my father was able to keep through the years, house fires, and normal life issues. My grandfather purchased the rifle through the only general store in the little town they lived in, probably from a Belknap catalog. I do have the catalog as well! Probably purchased sometime in late 1950 or early 1951. Which is pretty cool as well since the 340 came out in 1950. Also have the original box of ammo that my grandfather had at the time of his death with 4 shells left in the box! Gun isn't a high value gun but it's priceless to me. To hold in my hands the tool the man I never got to meet, used to feed his family. The gun my father used to kill his prized mounted 10 pointer the day I was born ... It doesn't get any better than that.1 point
I had the FR7 which was built on a 93 small ring action. It was actually a pretty good little rifle. Never had any issues with shooting .308 through it. And it was decently accurate. Think I paid $140 for it. That was back in the early 90s. Wish I still had it. They go for $350+ now. Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk1 point
Buy both. I have both, and don't have to worry about which one is better. I do not discriminate.1 point
Got that, I wanna know what the next level, "Super-Duper" requirement is. :-)1 point
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Received mine today and it is sweet. Thought for a moment it wasn't numbered but then I saw it.1 point
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Knew a crazy guy in Texas. He tried to legally change his full name to "Squirrel". However, the state demanded that he have a last name. He chose ".". They said it couldn't be a punctuation mark. So, his legal name is not "Squirrel J Period". LOL1 point
Based on the demographics, the majority are rich old white veterans out in the sticks..... bet they're a bunch of bible thumpers too.1 point
So, I guess the next logical step would be to redistribute these guns so that everyone has one, and no one has very many, right?1 point
Whoo hoo, I have achieved super owner status!1 point
This was his reply on Facebook: Just trying to get with other 5.7x28mm owners to see if this is normal for EA S4M and if it cycled OK in their Five-seveN. I have a feeling with it being this nasty, it won't cycle well.1 point
We are at 927. That is an increase of 40 from last week. We only need 73 more . The finish line is just a couple of weeks away. Please keep promoting this.1 point
People are strange, every year we get some form of frozen precipitation that sends people into a blind panic buying milk and bread...or beer and cigarettes as the case may be. That same group of people also hit up the nearest...or cheapest gas stations as well. Most of you don't remember the oil embargos of the 1970's and its level of panic.1 point
I think 5.45 is harder to find. We got some in at academy last week, first time in 4 months. It's also 10 dollars for a box of 30 I think. If anyone is local and needs 7.62 there is some on clearance at Academy for 5.49 and this weekend you get another 25% off.1 point
The ethanol isn't added until after the gasoline leaves the pipeline. It would be better if it were not added at all.1 point
Finally. Someone who understands basic supply and demand. If a law is keeping prices below the equilibrium point there will be a shortage. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
not bad for 6 acres. I did a small food plot for the first time this year, they keep coming in to where the mineral block was before the rain melted it into the soil. I usually only take 1 or two a year from my place to put in the freezer.1 point
Promoting Special Events on TGO Revised September 16, 2016 Do you have an event that you would like to advertise on TNGunOwners.com? Read the following before posting! You would like to take advantage of our reach and exposure to the shooting community, and frankly we might like to take advantage of your event to bring new members to TGO. If your event is deemed to be a good fit for our mission and good for our members, we might be able to work together. We realize that organizers of special events may not require the type of long-term exposure that our Sponsors enjoy. To accommodate these needs, Non-Retail organizations (those not engaged in selling goods or services that would otherwise benefit from being a Vendor / Sponsor of TGO) may promote special events of interest to our members under the following provisions: In exchange for using our web site and community to promote your event, you promote the Tennessee Gun Owners (TGO) community and website in your advertising materials and at your event. We can provide artwork suitable for online and printed media. You allow representatives of TGO to attend your event and set up a kiosk or table to promote our website and community. Are you interested? If so, use the Contact Us form (click the link) and start a conversation with us. Non-Sponsors must contact us and receive approval before posting about your event, however.1 point
JAB, Thanks for the excellent detailed write-up! Our hospital hosted an Active Shooter Class last May for the Emergency Room staff. The instructors were members of the Oak Ridge PD...which is Great considering these guys would be our actual Response Team/members in such an event. Even better is that we know them and interact with them on a daily basis. Our class was excellent, very similar to the class you received. Even going so far as to utilize blanks in an AR platform so that students (mostly non-gunny folks) could hear the sound of a gun being fired in an adjacent room and even experience the cordite smell from a fired gun indoors. We had several practice runs in "Team vs Team" competition (timed) at running and actively blocking/securing rooms and improvised weapon consideration. Of course the Number one thing they also taught was to immediately evacuate the area, and as you were taught...then call from a safe distance. We also practiced strikes, punches and elbow strikes, and low kicks on pads. There are several guys that work in our department, but I will tell you right now I wouldn't want to back several of the ladies I work with into a corner! They obviously had some pent up aggression just waiting to be unleashed! I was impressed! It was a far cry from the older "Run-Hide-Fight" training of the past. Thank God!1 point
I have updated our "code of conduct" (Rules) this afternoon to add one new one. This comes on the heels of a conversation with a former Vendor / Sponsor of TGO who had expressed some concerns to me via email about our advertising program. Specifically, they voiced a concern that I have long suspected existed because of the amount of latitude that we have historically allowed our members when it comes to airing grievances. Folks, it is vitally important for our continued existence that TGO have sponsors who are willing to pay to advertise here. We need their patronage! Further, it is usually very beneficial for our members when we have sponsors because those sponsors generally go out of their way to provide perks to TGO members. When things work smoothly, we have excellent mutually beneficial relationships between TGO, Vendors and Members. However, the speed at which and distance to which verbal attacks on a person (or in this case a Sponsor) can spread on the Internet are staggering. One person with a chip on their shoulder can slander the reputation of a business or individual from the relative anonymity of their keyboard, and do terrible financial damage. It's one thing for that to happen in the wild wide-open of the Internet. No one can really protect against that. But it is another thing entirely for it to happen within the confines of a community like TGO, and made even worse when the Sponsor is helping pay for the service that makes that slander possible. Think about it for a moment. Why would YOU want to pay to make it possible for someone to trash your reputation? Legitimate, reasonable complaints against a vendor should be taken up with them PRIVATELY and them be given the chance to resolve the issue. This has always been my stance, however it was never codified into an official rule or policy on TGO. I have addressed that short-sight in this new rule. Your cooperation, if not your understanding, is appreciated. As always, you can read all of the TGO Rules (all eight of them) at this link: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/guidelines/ Rule #8.) Absolutely NO Vendor / Sponsor Bashing Bashing our Vendors / Sponsors in the open forum will not be tolerated for any reason. If you have a problem with a Vendor or Sponsor of TGO, contact them via a private message (PM) or email them directly. If they do not help you after you contact them via PM, let one of the site administrators know and we will check into the matter. Anyone bashing a Vendor or Sponsor in the open forum will be subject to being banned. The length of the ban will be up to the administrators. We have yet to see a forum sponsor fail to help a member with a complaint if the complaint is legitimate and reasonable. These folks help keep the lights on around here and we will not be party to biting the hand that helps feed us.1 point
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