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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Whatever you do, make the buyer aware of your intentions before you even meet. Having a form sprung on you is extremely irritating. It happened to me one time from a seller on this forum. It was a simple "this guy bought this from me" thing not even as elegant as the one DaveTN posted. It highly pissed me off but I went along with it as it was just a signature.
    4 points
  2. Shameless plug... one of the nice things that I intentionally designed into the TGO decals is the fact that at a casual glance, they don't look like a gun-related decal. There are so many Tennessee tri-star decals out there that people just see it as one of those unless they are really paying attention.
    4 points
  3. So you missed the target completely with the other 9 shots? Bummer.....
    3 points
  4. I remember when that law was passed, and I've been doing it ever since. It's only been a few times that I had to invoke it, and I feel really weird, and scared (that I didn't see oncoming traffic) when I do. Most times I'll just try and wait it out. Never had the opportunity to plead my case to an officer. I bet yours went back to the cruiser, called it in and someone set him straight. Instead of 'fessing up his ignorance, he "let you go".
    3 points
  5. Yeah, c'mon. Piss us music guys off. C'mon.
    3 points
  6. The upcoming TGO Podcasts have me curious, what podcasts are you listening to? I have just started listening to prepper podcast.
    2 points
  7. Most folks here are probably already familiar with this presentation or, at the very least, with the concepts discussed. Still, a little review doesn't hurt and there might be something new to learn. I think it is also a pretty good presentation to show to friends and family members who might not be as 'in to' this kind of thing as many of us. Heck, just the information about the three stages of response in a stressful situation were interesting, to me. An outside organization rented one of the rooms where I work yesterday to have a presentation on active shooter situations. Staff here were invited to attend, as well, and so most of us sat in on the presentation. The presentation was done by a gentleman who works for the FBI and is designed to help non-police civilians know how to respond if they find themselves in an active shooter situation. Of course employing a firearm wasn't discussed but as many of us cannot carry at work in some ways that makes the presentation even more useful. I was also glad to see that this presentation didn't take the, "Just hide under a desk and hope they don't hurt you," approach to dealing with such situations. Even if people decide that their best option is to try to hide there was advice on things that can actively be done in order to make hiding from or avoiding an attacker more effective. I work on the second floor of a two-story building and there is an exit with a set of 'back' stairs that lead to a door on the first floor which exits outside the building. The funny thing is that, before the presentation started, I told my co-workers (who work downstairs), "Just so y'all know if I hear gunfire I am hitting the back stairs, getting out of the building, getting in my truck and I'm gone. I'll call 911 when I get on the road." The funny thing is that, once the presentation started, something similar was exactly what the presenter recommended. He said that the best response, if you can, is to get to the nearest exit and get as far away as possible and then call 911 rather than calling 911 and then trying to get out. He said, "Don't call 911 first because 911 will not save your life." He said that law enforcement response times to such situations have greatly improved over the past, couple of years but even in the short, three or four minute interval before police/SWAT, etc. can arrive a lot could happen - and you could be quite a distance away from the threat by that point if you get a chance to get out. That is the 'Avoid' part. Further, he went on to recommend against simply hiding under a desk, etc. Instead, in cases where getting away is not possible, he talked about locking/barricading doors, especially ones that open inward, doing a 'tactical cinch' (something I had not hear of or thought of) on doors that open outward and that have a hydraulic arm at the top of the door, and other such things. He said that there are actually only two recorded instances in a mass shooting of the shooters going through locked doors and in both cases they were specifically after someone in the room. Otherwise, shooters tend to move on to easier to access targets because they know their window of opportunity is short. Denying the attacker access is the 'Deny' part. Then, of course, there is the final 'D' - Defend. He discussed that people absolutely have the legal right to defend themselves by whatever means they can in such a situation. Of course, he didn't present an unrealistic idea that an unarmed person defending against a person armed with a gun should necessarily be the first option but made clear that it should certainly be considered as an option. For instance, he said that if the best option you have is to hide under a desk if the attacker is coming your direction don't just hide there and hope he passes you by. Instead, come out swinging when he gets close because a shooter in such a situation probably isn't going to expect anyone to attack him (or her) so you might be able to catch them off guard and knock them down/disarm them. The biggest thing he talked about was situational awareness. He discussed the night club fire at the Great White show several years back and the fact that most of the people in the crowd tried to use the one, main exit - likely because they weren't even aware that there were three other exits from the building. He pointed out that just having taken two minutes to walk around the building before the show started to find out where all the exits were might have saved a lot of people's lives. Instead, everyone tried to go out the front door and people became wedged in the door so tightly that people outside were trying to pull them out and couldn't. I think he said that 30 people died in the doorway. One of the videos he showed even mentioned the difference between 'cover' and 'concealment'. All in all, a pretty good, practical presentation. Anyhow, this is the website for the ADD program. The video that is linked there (available on YouTube) is one of the videos that we were shown. It is pretty good and I think he said it was done by or maybe in conjunction with Walmart because this is an issue of concern to Wally World. The video from the LA County Sheriff's Department at the bottom right of the main page wasn't shown during the presentation so even folks who have seen the presentation could get more info from the website. http://www.avoiddenydefend.org/
    2 points
  8. Here's my latest new toy. It's a Turbo RBLP 22 rimfire benchrest rifle. The barrel is a Shilen Ratchet with a Hoen tuner, stock is a McMillan Edge and scope is the new NF 42x I shot this group Saturday evening playing around with a mid barrel tuner I installed (not pictured) its 10 shots at fifty yards.
    2 points
  9. I rode a bike for years, and only ever found a couple of detection loops that wouldn't pick up a motorcycle. It does happen, but seems to be somewhat rare. I'm sure you guys know, it seems a lot don't however, that one has to remain INSIDE the detection loop in order to activate it. Most people assume six feet in front of it is somehow better.
    2 points
  10. Found this. T.C.A. 55-8-110 ....... . .(b) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the driver of a motorcycle approaching an intersection that is controlled by a traffic-control signal utilizing a vehicle detection device that is inoperative due to the size of the motorcycle shall come to a full and complete stop at the intersection and, after exercising due care as provided by law, may proceed with due caution when it is safe to do so. It is not a defense to a violation of ?º 55-8-109 that the driver of a motorcycle proceeded under the belief that a traffic-control signal utilized a vehicle detection device or was inoperative due to the size of the motorcycle when such signal did not utilize a vehicle detection device or that any such device was not in fact inoperative due to the size of the motorcycle Looks like there may not be a time limit. I don't even know if this is still valid, but would be worth looking up if you ride. I don't ride anymore so I will let someone else dig further.
    2 points
  11. One of these days I am going to treat myself to a Marathon JSAR or a GSAR. https://www.topspecus.com/collections/dive-watches/products/marathon-jsar-quartz-divers-watch https://www.topspecus.com/collections/dive-watches/products/marathon-gsar-automatic-military-divers-watch
    2 points
  12. You put stickers all over your vehicle advertising it's full of guns, and then are surprised when it gets broken into? Sort of like posting on facebook you're leaving for a 10 day cruise, then returning to find your house has been robbed. I've never understood either.
    2 points
  13. The less you telegraph about yourselves and family on your vehicles the better because it becomes a mobile FB for those who would wish to profit by such indiscretion. I regularly see vehicles that tell me how many people are in a family, where the children go to school, where people work and worse. If I were a terrorist or criminal it would be easy to pick likely victims. But then people are going to be people and not be bothered by thoughts of badness happening to them and there's'.
    2 points
  14. America will rock again on November 18th.
    2 points
  15. If I see bill of sale I immediately lose interest. I'll gladly show you my valid HCP and I'll also ask for yours, but other then that, all I'll be willing to part with is my cash. I understand CYA and what not, but I also don't think you need my address, phone, license number, blood type or anything else. That's why we meet in the Bass Pro Parking Lot. Heck, once Monkey and I even went in shopping with a member we met, I got 2 machetes. Totally normal.
    2 points
  16. I don't do bill of sales period. I'm not giving some random person my personal information. It's not required by law and there are plenty of people who will sell or buy without one.
    2 points
  17. With all of the heavy communist legislation being forced on us lately and it never ceasing to grow here in California, the wife and I have decided to move to greener and freer pastures. My wife is originally from California, but her parents moved to Tennessee about 15 years ago. She spent most of her middle and high school years there. Her parents are in Franklin, so we want to be close by in Williamson County. She likes Thompson's Station/Spring Hill area so that's where we will most likely be looking. It's a big decision for us. We have a 3 month old son and all of our family is here in California. But the writing is on the wall out here and it's time to go. I look forward to living in a state that holds my beliefs dear and somewhere we can raise our son with freedom, peace and at a normal pace of life. My mom's side is from Arkansas, so it won't be a culture shock for me. I am looking forward to hand shakes and hospitality and being able to live the way I was raised. Our plans are to be there next summer. Pay off some debt and get our loose ends straight and we will be good to go. I look forward to getting to know all of your here and to take any advice you may have. Thanks
    1 point
  18. When you purchase you have the option of selecting a recurring membership IF you want one. You don't have to choose that.
    1 point
  19. "Don't need to ask tea to be sweet".... so true. Why can't states north of KY and west of TX understand that tea should be sweet? It seems to confuse them when you even ask for it.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. You didn't blame it on FB, I didn't either, it's the users responsibility to have the good sense not to post imprudent information in the belief its safe to do so. FB is only a conduit in that it provides a social media billboard.
    1 point
  22. No one has offered up the fact that you need a HCP (handgun carry permit) to carry in the state except for car carry. You can have a loaded firearm in your vehicle without a permit. To carry it on your person and in public (off your private property) you need a permit. It is the default in TN law to be illegal to posses a firearm in public without a permit. We are not so free as you may think. The state still wants to tax you for your right to self defense.
    1 point
  23. I basically heat them for about 4 seconds in the flames and turn the holder and add the next piece of brass. I don't quench them in water. They just go into a pan below the stand. That's about it. Basically it needs to get hot enough to soften the brass molecularly. I am probably not the best to give specifics, but if you google it, I think you will find more info than you ever wanted.
    1 point
  24. In this day and age if you advertise via decals or bumper stickers what you have, what you like, or what your political preferences are, you are setting up yourself for theft or vandalism.
    1 point
  25. I believe the law is actually that if you have to wait for more than 2 minutes (while on a motorcycle) and it doesn't change that you are allowed to proceed with caution. You may want to verify. It may not be exactly 2 minutes, but I believe there is some allowance for time.
    1 point
  26. Dave shipped these yesterday, i should have them soon if if you haven't given me your shipping info, please do so now
    1 point
  27. Skeleton watches are cool. I will have to see if I can find the first watch I had when I was a little kid and take pics of it for you. It is in a big, chunky, clear plastic case/body so you can see the gears - some of which are brightly colored plastic iirc. To make it even more cool, at the bottom of the watch face there is a little figure of a boy and girl on a see-saw (aka teeter totter) that rocks back and forth with the ticking of the watch. I am sure it didn't cost much and is just a little plastic thing but I am 45, wore it before I started school and the last time I saw/wound it the thing still worked. Dangit, now I want to know where it is. That was before I got upgraded to my second wrist watch - a Mickey Mouse watch where Mickey's hands/arms are the hour and minute hands of the watch. EDIT : I actually found a pic online of a watch like the one I had as a kid. The band on mine is long since gone:
    1 point
  28. I definitely second the Jocko Podcast. I like the hell out of his "Good" vid. It's a positive kick in the butt when I need it! Heck of a fella! David. I have listened to "This week in Guns" as well. Good stuff there! link to Jocko's "Good" vid:
    1 point
  29. Good thread! I have been listening to these lately: This Week in Guns http://firearmsradio.tv/this-week-in-guns/ The banter between these guys is pretty entertaining and the format is honestly similar to what I had in mind for ours. The host, Jake, dutifully plays the role of the Straight Man while his guest hosts are pretty darn funny and seem to know the nuances of the firearms manufacturing and sales industries pretty well. Ballistic Radio http://ballisticradio.com/ Like @prag said above, the host John Johnston can be a bit annoying. I only listen to this if he's going to have a guest on that interests me. John tends to talk way more than he allows his guests to talk, which sucks because they are the only reason I listen. He had Steve Fisher on recently and talked over him so much that it almost sounded like Steve was interviewing him. Really annoying. American Warrior http://americanwarriorshow.libsyn.com/ Another one that @prag mentioned has been on my list for a while too. Mike Seeklander's podcast is a good one to listen to if you want to hear solid guests with solid information. The "Host to Guest" ratio of talking is balanced well or skewed in favor of the guest, which is what I think it should be when you have guests present. Drinkin' Bros Podcast http://www.drinkinbrospodcast.com/ Hide yo wife! Hide yo kids! This is not family friendly or work safe, and sometimes the stuff they say makes me wince but I almost always end up laughing about it immediately afterward. These are the guys behind the Range 15 movie and Article 15 clothing. Mat Best, Rocco Vargas, Ross Patterson, Jarred Taylor and an assorted crew of extras make this one a really twisted, incredibly wrong and inappropriate, but gut busting funny podcast. But seriously... you can't ever let your kids listen to this and your wife may slap you. I am going to have to check out "The Arms Room" now. Thanks for the recommendation!
    1 point
  30. A little off topic, but I listen the Red Eye Radio podcast from the live show the night before.
    1 point
  31. I like Podcasts that you learn something from listening to. My favorite is "Stuff You Should Know". You are not going to learn any life changing skills, but the topics are always interesting, and the hosts have a comical banter. If I'm in the mood for a quick listen, I'll check out BrainStuff. They are usually less than 5 minutes long each, and they give you an overview of how something works.
    1 point
  32. 893 - almost to the final 100 http://www.friendsofsycamoreshoals.org/gadsden_plate.html
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Walther, your intentions are good, but without proper leadership as prag and Cruel Hand note, you may not get the results you envision. Now You may be very knowledgeable, but most simply just don't know what they don't know. The best way to get started in what you want is to probably join an active IDPA club and then join a small training group. That way you will benefit from other students of the game.
    1 point
  35. Make sure to stop in Texas and wash all of that communist filth off your stuff before entering the state. Then you will be welcomed here more than you expected. In this magical land, you can almost own anything you want. No more bullet buttons to thwart training, no more discrimination on your guns based on their race or color. You can burn #### in your yard if you want, and rest easy because the majority of your neighbors will be heavily armed as well (even if they tell you they're not). Welcome!
    1 point
  36. The U.S. Military hasn't been allowed to fight to win since before Vietnam.
    1 point
  37. Just some random thoughts..... Everyone wants to do something...until they actually have to DO something. That is just how it is in life no matter whether we are talking about shooting, or getting in better shape or cleaning out the garage. It is hard to get a group together to do any kind of "tactical " training on a regular basis. If you have a group that will meet for more than 3 or 4 times you have something special going and when it ends don't cry because it is over, but smile because it even happened in the first place. Seriously.... training groups tend to be short lived. People will tell you they are interested until they actually have to do something. The number of people actually willing to do the work is small. One reason that gun clubs don't already offer this type thing is because of liability. My local club (Chattanooga Rifle Club) will not allow you to draw a gun from a holster unless it is in a match. I then ask "how are we supposed to practice for the match here if we can't draw from the holster?" and the answer is "that is not our problem". The real reason is that ANY one with zero training can join and use the club facilities. We have guys who are occasional recreational shooters who shoot once or twice a year and we have guys who are highly accomplished shooters who have shot in IDPA World Championship matches...and every level in between. So to keep the likelihood of accidental shootings to a minimum the range simply functions as a place to do recreational shooting , not realistic competitive or self defense shooting. They offer HCP classes through the club ,but again, the HCP class is NOT really training...it is the bare minimum legal and gun safety info the state feels you should know before they will approve you to carry a gun on your person in public.....kind of like comparing the drivers test to get your license to a tactical driving school....they are not at all the same thing. For that matter, Prag and I have talked about doing a Tac Med class in the Knoxville area , possible at ORSA, with NO LIVE FIRE, only airsoft interactive training for context in where and how people suffer traumatic injury in self defense situations and the training in wound care but so far they seem to be deathly afraid of liability.... even though I am an NRA certified instructor, heavily insured and have been teaching professionally since 1999....... And the same applies for many people with private property....many people just do not want to risk an accident on their property. Another reason that folks don't do this is because of too many responsibilities pulling them in other directions. Again, everyone wants to do it until life gets in the way. Nothing wrong with that, and we all have to make choices and take care of responsibilities, but it makes keeping a training group going very difficult. A couple of years ago I ran a local combatives group that sounds kind of similar to what the OP mentions that met ONE night a month and the cost was $20.....it went fine in the winter months , but once the weather got warmer and sun was out longer folks started getting pressure from their wives to spend those evenings with them. The training group pretty much faded away.....and these were guys serious enough to go to multiple gun classes, and come work on empty hand defensive skills and transitioning to weapons (all done dry with blue guns) but they ended up not being able to set aside even ONE night a month once "outside forces" started competing for their time. The other thing is who is going to be "leading" the groups? Someone working for the club (or property owner?) will have to make the time to come out and actually run the sessions. That in and of itself might be an issue getting someone from the range or club to commit to coming out and doing it regularly if they are not getting paid anything extra to do it (see that section about other priorities competing for time). And then who is actually running the sessions? Depending on their level of experience and training that might be good...or it might not. Remember...practice does not make perfect...it makes permanent . Only perfect practice makes perfection permanent. MAybe the "range instructor"? OK. That might be good ....but ...you can get an NRA teaching certification pretty easily...it is essentially a "safety monitor" certification. I have had NRA certified instructors who thought they knew a lot (and they did compared to folks with no previous experience) come to our BASIC class and be almost overwhelmed by how much there was to know that they did not learn in their NRA classes. Again the NRA does not teach "Gunfighting" they teach gun safety. And then there is that pesky profit motive....the range would have to be making enough money to make the "nuisance" of having to have someone run the group or at least monitor the group worthwhile....and at that point it would probably start to get more expensive than people would want. Ranges are businesses and exist to make $$$ . We forget that a lot of times. So unless you find a range owner that wants to get the training and is willing to forego payment for knowledge you might have a hard time selling this to a range .....assuming they don't already think that because they have "been around guns their whole life" they don't need to learn anything else anyway.... And finally the location....are there even enough members of the particular club that would be interested in coming out and doing it? If you have a small club with small membership then you are looking at an exponentially small pool of participants because we pretty much have settled on the numbers of 10% of people get a permit , 1/10 of that number take another class after thier HCP class and 1/10th of that take a second.....it is truly a small pool you are fishing in at that point.... I wish you the best of luck. I just want you to know what you are up against.
    1 point
  38. I was gonna vote for Young Dolph but this changes my mind about the King of Memphis. Maybe I'll vote for Hetfield since my vote is going to be a protest vote anyways. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. I think Hetfield is a hunter too, so he would hopefully be pro-gun. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  40. Well, they are the self proclaimed "master of puppets", but I feel this would have worked better around the time of the black album or earlier. They may be able to solve the oil industry however.
    1 point
  41. You should be issued your shotgun & marlin 336 upon arrival in the state. I moved here from England 7½ years ago (you think you've had it bad.....) & bought my first firearm through an FFL 92 days later. The whole process took me about 15 minutes. It still amazes me to this day how uncomplicated Tennessee makes it to buy through a store & private sales are exactly the same as buying anything else!
    1 point
  42. They are very...slimming. Yea...slimming. And comfy.
    1 point
  43. Sounds good, peejman! A bit sexist perhaps...but good. Since my medical retirement...I cook, clean, and sit around in my underwear. Yoga pants don't look good on me.
    1 point
  44. Hello folks, It just occurred to me that many of you may not know me, my name is Steve Willis I am a family man and a resident of Wilson County Tennessee I work offshore and sell knives on my off time and if you are wondering why there is a Donkey holding a knife in its mouth as my mascot, it is Otis the eldest member of our pet Mediterian Miniature Donkeys, I have been a member on here for several years, long before I started Badass Blades folks on here could tell that I am very passionate about knives. Before I launched the first Protech TGO knife I Thought long and hard about it. My whole life since I was a little kid I have been into knives. My father (May God rest his soul) got me into them when he worked for Buck knife in El Cajon California. I remember when he gave me my first good knife, a Buck 110. He would truly be amazed at the quality of the knives that I have now. I started this small company because I truly love quality cutlery, I love sharpening selling and repairing all kinds. One thing about me though is that I will not sell a product that I do not stand behind, if you see me with a knife for sale it is one that I think is of the highest quality. I am a dying breed as someone who believes in USA made products and values, I believe that customers should be treated the way I want to be treated. I will always do my best to show this. The only companies I deal will make their products in the USA exclusively, this is important to me , believe me I am not doing this for the money, I could make a lot more money doing something else on my off time, and even with knifes I would make much more profit if I sold knives made in China, I will not do that, there are enough quality US knive companies to keep me happy There are a few great knife dealerships online, but I want to be different so when companies set MAP prices, (minimum advertised prices) everyone has to sell these knives at the same price, Zero Tolerance, Southern Grind and Protech all have these, what I like to do to separate myself is offer a Badass Blade Wicked Edge with the MAP priced knives, this way I feel like you all are getting a great deal Folks, I will stand by any product that I sell you and do my best to answer any questions that you have, if you ever have a problem with a knife I sell you, please let me know, , hopefully this will never happen but if it does, I will make it right At the moment I use several distributers to supply knives, but I am an Authorized Dealer for 2 companies, Protech and Southern Grind so these two companies will do custom knives for my company, I just started selling Southern Grind and my relationship with them will grow,. and as the owner of Protech is a buisness associate as well as a personal friend of mine, this is why I do so many TGO Protec knives anyway folks, I just wanted to properly introduce myself to you all, and please if you are in the market for a knife, ask me about it
    1 point
  45. You have ruined mine! lol You really are getting to be as bad as the street-corner dealers! I need a job.
    1 point
  46. I should just start making monthly payments to your paypal account. You've made my day as well, been looking forward to the Godson since I received my Godfather.
    1 point
  47. Thanks!!! Unfortunately, it won't work for me. I read the fine print. I'm not eligible because I'm an existing customer. This would be an upgrade of service, not a new customer referral. Plus, Comcast is misleading in their promotion. In the fine print it says $25 per service per person, up to $500 in total referrals per year. So, even if I was a new customer, it would have been only $25. Still, thanks for thinking about it and bringing it up. Better luck next time.
    1 point
  48. Guns I don't trust, based on my first hand knowledge and negative experiences: 1. EAA Windicator 357 revolver 2. Old Colt 1911 (without lowered and flared ejection port) 3. Springfield Loaded 1911 Guns that I have found 100% reliable: 1. Smith & Wesson revolvers (no lock) 2. Glocks I like the way 1911's look, but carry Glocks because they work. I don't think Glocks are pretty, but they work. Kahrs are fairly reliable but I don't really like them. best wishes, B
    1 point
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