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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2016 in all areas

  1. I see these on a fairly regular basis. I can say definitively that they are NOT usually the hallmark of a successful man.
    6 points
  2. This is starting to blur the line between "this is my rifle, this is my gun." Not sure how I feel about that.
    4 points
  3. I don't know why, but "hallmark of a successful man" in a discussion about plastic nutsacks has me laughing uncontrollably. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  4. What do you guys think? Should we request David to get a TGO branded set? I know it's a ballsy request. http://www.thetacsac.com/products/the-tacsac c
    2 points
  5. Save your money up. I doubt that there is anything that is going to pay out more than you pay in. I’m in the same boat you are; we are too old to be shopping for insurance. That boat sailed a long time ago. I have an estate that is worth some money. It won’t be a burden on whoever gets it; so they can bury me.
    2 points
  6. Now you're getting into the real costs of an AR, the accessories. Would that you could have told us you wanted a light with it, then we could have recommended one with hand guards that could readily accept a mount for one, or an add on rail. I'll say up front, if you want quality parts, get ready to pay for quality. Some rails are drop-in, meaning you don't need a gunsmith to change the barrel nut to put them on, you just need to take off the current handguards. For your level, that's what I'd go after. If you want to upgrade your rail/handguard later, you can. Magpul MOE, or this offering from B5 systems is what I'd recommend. for a quick way to swap it out and put a light on. But you're looking at more costs for a good mount, and the light. Pffft....the proper tool for that job is man hands.
    2 points
  7. I bet people said the same thing the first time they seen truck nuts.
    2 points
  8. You didn't invent it. Liberals have been talking about gun nuts forever. Hell, I thought they were talking about me.
    2 points
  9. This gave me a chuckle. Work safe and very cute.
    2 points
  10. Monkey see, monkey do. Every parent should watch this and let the implications sink in.
    2 points
  11. Is that the stubby version? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I guess it could have been worse. They could have made a full vertical grip available in 4 or 6"
    1 point
  14. Just ordered 2.....thanks boss.
    1 point
  15. Glock deserves loyal customers and there are many on this forum. Nice to see a new gun from them.
    1 point
  16. Just did my part to keep TN "zombie Free"...!! leroy
    1 point
  17. The standard handguard can also be replaced with a Magpul MOE. No tools are required for installation. They even make little rail sections that attach to it for mounting stuff. Handguard is about $30. Don't know about the rail sections.
    1 point
  18. I'm thinking this would make good fodder for a South Park episode.
    1 point
  19. Likewise, the image of your average gun guy wanting to fondle a black plastic nutsack when he shoots makes me wanna LMFAO.
    1 point
  20. I'm sure they'll sell dozens of these things.
    1 point
  21. I was happy to learn you can buy that pin with the minuscule c clip already installed. Those things were designed by satan!
    1 point
  22. or shoot him in the leg. Sorry for the thread jack. I did order 2
    1 point
  23. It's the same stuff. Brass will vary as much, if not more, between brands as it will between 556 and 223 headstamps. I reload it interchangeably, and am able to shoot sub moa groups routinely, with my cheap plinking loads from several rifles. To the OP, Buy small lots of as many different kinds of ammo as you can, and shoot them. Find out which performs best, or at least acceptably, in your rifle and then buy large lots of it.
    1 point
  24. 1) Unlike me, she has the body type to pull off AIWB carry quite well. 1a) As long as she's safe at drawing and re-holstering, it's a safe way to carry. 2) We need her, and many more like her to keep good things going with regards to gun carry. As mentioned by @nightrunner, she'll reach far more people of her gender and generation than we will.
    1 point
  25. Maybe you could come out with a mold your own set..
    1 point
  26. So... no joke... I did a prototype of something very similar back in 2008 or so. Called it the Tac Sac. Made it out of a pic-rail sling swivel and a keychain size pair of "truck nuts". I made the mistake of showing it to a few people, one of whom claims it was his idea now. Back then my wife and I thought about patenting it but I [foolishly] decided that it probably wasn't going to generate enough money to be worthwhile so I dropped it. I'll see if I can dig up the old photos and stuff I did of the prototypes and post them here because I'm sure this sounds fairly far fetched. At least my Tac Sac dangled.
    1 point
  27. That's not even an impressive collection.... or package
    1 point
  28. Not really mysterious (and not exactly senility either, AFAIK at least ). Just that I live alone, have numerous handguns hidden all around the abode, and just went to take one to range one day and literally could not remember where I had stashed it! It was in the bottom of a big cooking pot I don't use much. - OS
    1 point
  29. I wish I had never taken that picture..... LOL
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I have been real fortunate, as many as I have built. There IS a missing C clip somewhere in my dining room. I launched it when I was installing a dust cover. It's even harder to find than a spring and detent.
    1 point
  32. Funny. I wonder who figured out the "hey, if that stuff works for arm and leg casts why not????"
    1 point
  33. I've got one. Here is the site. I have his basic trigger, the classic. Has been 100℅ http://www.vanekcustom.com/9.html Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. Some people swear by the .40. I just swear at it.
    1 point
  35. Look all you like. It doesn't matter where you get your appetite as long as you go home for dinner!
    1 point
  36. You know, that's clearly her gun and she's using a holster. I don't get it. Why some of us have to find something to "help" any woman with a weapon with is probably the reason we don't have more women on the board. Looking at her Instagram page, it appears she spends a lot more time in the field and a lot more time shooting than most of us.
    1 point
  37. Hit the skeet range first then sporting clays. Skeet will teach you leads and gun movement. Focus on long crossers, chandelles, and teal on the sporting clays range. Heck if you could run over to Carroll County and shoot I can meet you if you get a chance. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. Gals and Guys, I now deal gun Accesories that you may want, including optics from Eotech, Trigicon, ZEV Tech Triggers, Surefire Lights and Accesories, Lone Wolf, and several others and pretty much any Sights for guns you may want
    1 point
  39. I've cooked most of my adult life and actually prefer my own cooking. The wife does good with most things but game is something I do myself. I tried Dale's one time and threw the rest out. I don't know anything that dale's would make better.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. This is my first NFA item so I went all out. This is my .458 SOCOM SBR I call "Red Death."
    1 point
  42. My 33K clone. TPM finished up my build. MM11
    1 point
  43. My German MP5K-N PDW build. TPM Outfitters did the work to my NIB SP89. I have a Tirant-9 with tri-ad/3-lug adaptor on it now.
    1 point
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