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Thats perfect the wife will think its the same one I have had for years now3 points
I have had several reminders lately of why you don't tell anyone, even friends, about ideas that could lead to making money. Hindsight sucks like that.2 points
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Hell, losing the occasional small part is nothing -- I lost a whole handgun for about 6 months once. ! - OS2 points
I ordered three of them from the Kukri House as wedding gifts about five years ago (one for my best man, one for my wife, and one to keep for myself) and they are pretty nice knives. I bought them as collector pieces more than anything (I haven't chopped down any trees with them) but they were razor sharp and seem to be well made. I don't have any regrets about the purchase.2 points
I'll just right ahead and say look at the Ruger AR556 and Smith & Wesson M&P Sport II. Both are excellent choices in the $650 price range (more or less, ideally less). Don't get all wound up on the absurd amount of options and variations. Start simple.2 points
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No, it shows they're just idiots.2 points
You know, that's clearly her gun and she's using a holster. I don't get it. Why some of us have to find something to "help" any woman with a weapon with is probably the reason we don't have more women on the board. Looking at her Instagram page, it appears she spends a lot more time in the field and a lot more time shooting than most of us.2 points
This is for those that have "been there, done that" (or at least came close) and those that have yet to travel down that path gifs upload BTW, I don't expect anyone to fess up to this happening to them1 point
Since all but a few here seem to be of a conservative nature I thought maybe we all should know WTH a liberal is talking about when they open their mouths. I'll try to update this daily and feel free to add your own. Today's words/phrases ..... undocumented workers,"foreign-born" population,Americans in waiting,out of status,migrant workerseconomic-driven immigrants What they really mean is Illegal Alien1 point
You didn't invent it. Liberals have been talking about gun nuts forever. Hell, I thought they were talking about me.1 point
So... no joke... I did a prototype of something very similar back in 2008 or so. Called it the Tac Sac. Made it out of a pic-rail sling swivel and a keychain size pair of "truck nuts". I made the mistake of showing it to a few people, one of whom claims it was his idea now. Back then my wife and I thought about patenting it but I [foolishly] decided that it probably wasn't going to generate enough money to be worthwhile so I dropped it. I'll see if I can dig up the old photos and stuff I did of the prototypes and post them here because I'm sure this sounds fairly far fetched. At least my Tac Sac dangled.1 point
1 point
Thanks for reminding me, I've got a box from Midway around here somewhere with PMAGS in it.1 point
I only have 5.56 chambered ARs, and couldn't see a use for a .223 one with the limitations in ammo selection. I used to shoot 62gr 5.56, but I've switched to 55gr .223 for reasons of economy. I can get more ammo for practice/training, and I have 55gr .233 Speer Gold Dot for my HD ammo. The biggest reason for keeping my HD and range ammo the same grain load is that I have an adjustable gas block for my HD SBR, but the 55gr shoots well from my 16" AR as well. I've found it to be the best all purpose round for my needs, and would recommend people try it, but wouldn't sell it as the end all solution.1 point
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Way long story short: - 5.56 ammo will perform marginally better in a 5.56 chamber. - Don't use 5.56 in a .223 chamber. That's really all there is to go on without writing a novel as there are so many variables...like ".223" ammo loaded to 5.56 specs.1 point
On my last order of parts I got 3 extra of every pin and spring type! I've only built 4 rifles so far and have never lost a part yet... I know I'm due, so I stocked up!1 point
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Just climate change generators to support the new world order. Nothing to worry about.1 point
The picture is of the SBX-1. The big dome is a radome, not a 'weather altering' low frequency transmitter antenna. Now, if it is dragging an antenna 3 miles, or so, long then you got something there.1 point
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I have been real fortunate, as many as I have built. There IS a missing C clip somewhere in my dining room. I launched it when I was installing a dust cover. It's even harder to find than a spring and detent.1 point
Twitter has user agreements and terms of service. It's up to them who they ban, private service and all. If you don't like Twitter, it's probably because you've never tried to tailor it for your own purposes. I have a follow list that keeps me up to date on news (standard, left, and right leaning), interest items, sports, naked women, and safety warnings. It makes for an easy way to get information in a condensed format, allowing me to pick what I want to dive into.1 point
1 point
While I can appreciate that the termination of "violence and extremist groups" is a good thing. I would prefer knowing more about their criteria for assessing just who these groups are. Would it be like the FB mass bans of accounts and postings concerning firearms groups and individuals, or something more substantial as those Islamic/Isis pages advocating violent action and acting as money laundering and collection agents. In either event, Twitter is a waste of time. Just another opiate for the masses. When I purchased our smartphones, the salesperson set up accounts for us both. I've never used it and don't intend to. Far too much needless BS from what I hear, and see from young friends who seem to live on it. They seemingly cannot go 5 minutes without going there. I have better more enjoyable ways to waste my time.1 point
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Hmmm. Still not feeling any guilt. I guess if you can't find real work, you just make up a class to teach1 point
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Yes. Do dumb things....just don't drive! I'm *told* that I did some dumb things while stationed in Germany (first exposure to real beer) but I had fun, no one got hurt, and I'm still alive.1 point
Stuff like this is exactly how they came up with the term "bitch slapping".1 point
As mentioned earlier, you aren't really "upgrading" your shotgun, you're just getting a different weapon. I'll be the wet blanket that says building an AR before you've had your hands on one for a bit isn't anything I'd recommend. To me, that's like learning how to repair a car before you learn how to drive. First, try to shoot one if you haven't already. I'm sure you can find a rental, or a TGO member in your area that will let you get some time behind one. You might find that you don't like it, and an AK is more to your style. If you're still wanting to go with an AR after that, first stop would be to find a good used one if I was buying now with your budget. If you want new out of the box, I'd buy an Anderson or PSA over the Ruger or S&W models mentioned, but that's a personal taste. You can even post a want to buy ad in the trading post if you don't see one you like. This is where you'll want to ask a lot of questions and do some research on your own. Just because someone is selling a gun here isn't a guarantee of quality, just a less likely chance of getting screwed. Once you know you like ARs, have one in hand, get to Carnegie hall. That means practice, practice, practice. Use the cleaning time after your practice to learn the innards of the gun, watch as many videos on it as you like. The AR is simple enough to start with, but getting to a higher level takes time.1 point
Just picked a cap from Craigslist for $300 in really nice condition. Only downside is I have to get it painted to match, but I will still save probably $1500. Thanks Everyone.1 point
Maybe so. I didn't take them out because I didn't want it to look like I did anything to them after arrival. When I first opened the package, I did bend them in the reverse direction, and they went right back to this position again. I kinda doubt it's the loose paper or flimsy plastic sleeve, though.1 point
1 point
A slogan in 2012 was, "if you voted for Barack in '08 to prove you aren't racist, vote for Romney in '12 to prove you aren't stupid." Didn't work. No improvement from either party this year either. - OS1 point
Today's lesson.... diverse ......what they really mean is whites and Christians absent get the word out ...what they really mean is sign up everyone in the lower class for lifetime dependence on the government invest in the future ...what they really mean is redistribution of wealth, spending borrowed money Have a great day.1 point
And she carries a knife too! I know some like minded women who carry a gun but not one of them can be coerced into carrying a knife. She is no doubt a beautiful woman, but pretty women congregate together. She can reach far more non pro gun people than any of us men can. They are simply more likely to listen to another woman. I'm proud to have her as an ambassador to our gun culture.1 point
I doubt that the DOD can manage 20 million new ID's, but if they do, it'll be my very first veteran benefit. I've never qualified for one before. The gubmint makes sure that not all veterans are treated the same. It creates discord and keeps the vets from joining together and marching on Washington again. :D1 point
click on the pic to view the whole thing. She's packing heat. I'l have to revisit this later. For data gathering purposes. Legitimate data gathering purposes. Sweet, sexy legitimate data gathering...1 point
1 point
Your lesson for today.... When liberals say inclusiveness,opportunity and empowerment....what they really mean is the exclusion of white males When liberals say inclusion...what they really mean is special rights and preferential treatment for protected minorities When liberals say multiculturalism,diversity and fairness ...what they really mean is racial quotas Your welcome.1 point
This sounds crazy but i've bought at least 6 covers this way...... Search for your model of truck for sale in your immediate area. Titan is easier because the bed size hasn't really changed in sooo many years. Try to find a individual selling a truck with a cover on it. Call and offer a couple hundred bucks. I got one for $100 but that was just luck. The cover won't "add" value to the truck. The new owner may not even want it. But the seller will normally take a couple dollars cash since he/she isn't using it anymore. I've also attempted this with dealerships but i've only had success once.1 point
It's happened....only the guy was wearing a badge. I had a long conversation with the police chief, but it did no good. She wasn't scared, but very pizzed off. You're right. I don't care for a lack of muzzle discipline. We have heard her side of the story. I expect his is different. I've no idea how accurate either story would be. It wasn't a good situation no matter how you slice it. It seems people are on edge most everywhere in light of recent events. Some people are also just plain nuts. I wish it wasn't this way, but have no idea how to change it.1 point
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