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Have you got this call? They work to get you to grant them access to your computer, then they steal your passwords and/or plant a virus which they will later charge you to remove - Having tried several ways of getting rid of them, today I tried something different. I kept talking kind of slow, and telling him I did not understand - As he repeated and embellished his story, I picked up my 9mm and quietly walked out onto the back porch. I kept sounding more and more distressed, and he kept getting more and more pushy about how we have to fix this! Finally, with voice trembling, I said "I am so sorry I have caused all this damage! I can not live with this - BLAM!!! I put one round into my backstop, holding the Glock near the phone. I then dropped the phone on the wooden porch floor and tiptoed back inside the house, quietly closed the doors behind me - And Judy and I laughed ourselves silly - -6 points
6 points
Since all but a few here seem to be of a conservative nature I thought maybe we all should know WTH a liberal is talking about when they open their mouths. I'll try to update this daily and feel free to add your own. Today's words/phrases ..... undocumented workers,"foreign-born" population,Americans in waiting,out of status,migrant workerseconomic-driven immigrants What they really mean is Illegal Alien6 points
I'll definitely lift you and your family up. If there's anything we can do to help please don't hesitate to let us know - or shoot me a PM. Some things you have to go through in you're own, but some stuff is easier when you've got some folks beside you. Know that you've got our prayers regardless.4 points
4 points
See, it's the worst fear, not really zombies but a Rage virus. Even deadlier 'cause they stay fast on their feet! - OS3 points
This sounds crazy but i've bought at least 6 covers this way...... Search for your model of truck for sale in your immediate area. Titan is easier because the bed size hasn't really changed in sooo many years. Try to find a individual selling a truck with a cover on it. Call and offer a couple hundred bucks. I got one for $100 but that was just luck. The cover won't "add" value to the truck. The new owner may not even want it. But the seller will normally take a couple dollars cash since he/she isn't using it anymore. I've also attempted this with dealerships but i've only had success once.2 points
Gals and Guys, I now deal gun Accesories that you may want, including optics from Eotech, Trigicon, ZEV Tech Triggers, Surefire Lights and Accesories, Lone Wolf, and several others and pretty much any Sights for guns you may want2 points
here you go,shoot them in the feet coming down, shoot them in the lips coming up.2 points
Insert a name, any name........................... would have made a better POTUS than the pos in the WH now.2 points
Excellent, excellent video, thanks for sharing. This indeed is a fascinating subject and I have read and studied extensively on some of your subject matter. I don't consider myself a conspiracy nut but, when you look behind the facade of the 'science' it smacks dab of spiritualism, dark knowledge and the occult. As you pointed out, why the symbolic statue of a historic female demon and her history? What is special about the exact location of the collider? What have the directer(s) of CERN stated about their goals, agenda, aspirations and potential exchanges between unseen dimensions? For all intents and purposes, it appears to me they are trying to obtain 'knowledge' by use of dark spiritual forces and calling it "science". OUCH! My aluminium hat just scratched my expensive computer monitor... Anyone aware of V.A.T.T, Mt. Graham, the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. project, the Vatican connection and the Catholic's baptizing E.T.'s when (not if) they make their presence known? Why is a religion so deeply involved in astrobiology and such a change in its doctrine in recent times? Another fascinating subject. YIPES! My tin foil suit just got too close to my computer electrical outlet2 points
2 points
2 points
You know it was Hillary's evil spirit forcing you to disable your gun. We have been trying to warn you about her2 points
Anytime the government says "War On ------------" look out! Just look at poverty, drugs, illegals, etc.2 points
I wouldn't consider it a screw-up, but rather learning something. We have a lot of old salts that have been messing with guns for 30 or more years. When I first got back into guns, it took a while to figure things like this out. Assuming that Jenny is a woman, I'm just glad to see another women showing interest.2 points
Can you do it again and take some pics? I didn't even know this was possible.2 points
This is cool, right now you can only buy if you are active duty/retired/service connected disabled. http://popularmilitary.com/veterans-soon-allowed-shop-military-online-exchanges/1 point
Navy guns are measured in inches and that stuff just takes up too much shelf space.1 point
Just recently a friend mentioned that he had acquired a pistol that has been passed down through the family and it is this same model. He asked me if I knew whether ammo was still available and I really had no knowledge of these until I did a google search. His looks almost mint condition compared to the one pictured. Here is another link on the pistol but Wiki pretty much hits all the high points. http://unblinkingeye.com/Guns/Ortgies/ortgies.html1 point
Springfield XD will allow the barrel to go in upside down but not on the frame. The RSA will hook on the top of the barrel but at an angle and the guide rod sticks out about half an inch. I'm going with not possible on the XDs1 point
1 point
Oh, I bought a couple a year or more ago from one of the local usual suspects who was making an offer I couldn't refuse. Obviously not a mad one like you, Dr. Frankenstein. Actually, seems maybe only a woman can do it at all! - OS1 point
1 point
Challenge accepted, lol! So I can get the barrel in upside down on both an M&P Pro 5" gun and a Shield. The Pro But the rsa won't go in And Shield, same thing Since I couldn't get the springs in, I didn't bother trying to put the slide on the guns like this. It also seemed like the top (now bottom) and the chamber block mah have been too tall to allow the slide to go on with the barrel flipped. Regardless, that was a fun waste of 5 mins. :-)1 point
19(G4), 23(G4), 43, 30S, 42, 36. So, probably all of them. Both 45s are Gen 31 point
1 point
1 point
Member Chris has. He is also on the board of the Nashville chapter of SCI. If you are interested in hunting Africa you should join our chapter. There is a wealth of information there. Chris just got back from a month hunting trip in Africa. He gave a great presentation at our last chapter meeting.1 point
1 point
Does same on G17 and G26 too. You can even latch the recoil spring to the ridge on top of the barrel. - OS1 point
This has been one of the more original threads I've read here lately as I learned something new and was pleased to see how quickly Jenny problem solved it and put it to rights.1 point
Good work, buddy. I like that. I found a salvage store several yeas ago while out on my route that had bought a freight carload of damaged Hazardrous Materials cabinets. I bought a 60'' x 36" x18" just to see how it would work, and that's all I get that day. Went back the next day and they were all gone. Anyway, it's a very good storage cabinet. Lockable, and vented. And very heavy! And that's before the ammo placed in it.1 point
Google Glock KB or Glock Kaboom, The web is littered with pictures of catastrophic Glock failures. There used to be a web site dedicated to them, may still be around.1 point
Well, it sure works in a G19. Drops right in too, almost like it belongs that way. I doubt that I would have ever discovered it without this thread, though1 point
Just for fun, when I get home tonight I'm going to try and see if it's even possible to put a barrel in upside down in my M&Ps. :-) I'm just curious at this point. Jenny, I'm glad you got it fixed!1 point
1 point
Last night when I got home I sprayed it down with Gun Scrubber and gave it a good cleaning, then lubed it up with some Ballistol. I put 50 rounds through it with no issues at all. The double action pull is absolutely atrocious, (BUT I'm not a DA/SA guy anyway. Give me a striker or 1911.) However, the single action pull is absolutely beautiful. Very short and super crisp, probably around 6 lbs. The reset is also very short. After taking it apart last night and looking at the internals, there are a few light machining marks here and there but overall the quality seems to be pretty good considering the country of origin... I'd never heard of the Helwan 920 until I got this. I can tell it's one of those surplus guns that was probably carried a good bit and shot very little. When I cleaned the barrel it shined up like new and had perfect rifling. From everything I've read, this 920 is a much better gun than the brigadier copy they made before this one. I'll try to get out to the range with it soon and do a video on my YouTube channel on it. When I do I'll post the link here. And now, the story on how I got it. To closely approximate the "steal" I got on this. I paid $0.00 for it. It was given to me by a good friend and co-worker. His brother in law gave it to him 10 years ago and it was put in a closet and forgotten about until this past weekend when he and his wife were cleaning that closet out. She was pulling some bags down and this 3 lb. chunk of Egyptian steel came crashing down on top of her head. My buddy said at that point he heard every expletive in the book and even a few new ones and was promptly told to get rid of it. Considering he's a revolver guy anyway and given the relatively low monetary value of the gun, he knew I love most any and all thing firearms he decided to just give it to me. (He's pretty well set money wise too...)1 point
Jenny, I give you extra points for originality. That's a new one on me. And this is from a guy who's launched more springs than NASA.1 point
How did this go? Did you get it fixed? If it were me and it has been with other people's Glocks, (OK, I have jacked up a Glock or two) anyway, pm me if you have not fixed this, I have "discombobulated" a fair number of Glocks.1 point
I think we've been fighting it since the 1960s and until today, I thought we were losing. Uncle Sam has been winning! Defeating, year by year, familes with fathers. While the black community has the greatest percentage of single parent homes, it is not a uniquely black problem. The link is eye opening as the charts show increasing percentages in white and Hispanic demographics. http://www.fathers.com/statistics-and-research/the-extent-of-fatherlessness/ Uncle Sam has replaced Dad with .gov entitlements. While Uncle Sam may put a meal on the table and pay the utilities, Uncle Sam can't teach how to be a man or a father, can't teach morality, can't teach respect, can't teach discipline nor hold a boy or young man accountable. Arrest is not accountability, it is a threat and/or consequence for getting caught.1 point
"We've always been at war with Eastasia" "We've always been at war with Eurasia" "We've always been at war with Poverty" "We've always been at war with Drugs" "We've always been at war with Terror" Anything to keep people busy I guess.1 point
1 point
I agree..... with the government it's all about control. The government has enabled sorry excuses of males to rationalize that they don't have to take responsibility for their children cause Uncle Sam will do it for them. I have seen this with my own eyes growing up in Philadelphia. I have been to many one parent homes and have seen first hand the despair and hopelessness the kids go through. I have no use or respect for a man that can bring children into this world and not do the right thing by their children. It's not about a paycheck to a kid.....it's about love, affection, discipline, character building and everything else a child is due. My house when I was growing up was the place all the kids wanting to hang out. My father was the reason. He showed those kids more attention in a hour than they received from their worthless POS fathers in a lifetime. I remembered that lesson and tried to do the same for my kids fatherless friends.I was rewarded by having the honor to walk a beautiful young lady down the aisle at her wedding. I'm sorry but I'm rambling but this topic really hits home for me. I've witnessed it my entire life. If any of you have the chance to give a fatherless kid that may be a friend of one of your kids some undivided attention from time to time consider doing it. And if you aren't giving your kids the attention you know they need may I suggest you try harder. There are a lt of excuses why you can't....make sure you'rer not lying to yourself and your child.1 point
1 point
While showing my friend how to field strip his brand spanking new Blued Sig P220 several years ago I: 1- Removed the magazine 2-Racked slide twice and then locked it open 3- Visually inspected the empty chamber 4- Rotated the "disassembly lever?" with my thumb 5- Hit the slide release lever with my thumb 6- Watched in horror as the entire upper half (of a blued mint pistol my friend had scoured the internet looking for) sailed off the porch and barely cleared his sidewalk by a few inches. Everyone makes mistakes.1 point
Got it off. Just positioned the slide correctly and I was able to pull the trigger. Thank you for your willingness to help!1 point
1 point
I know this shooting discipline does not appeal to a large number here so I will wrap up my post on this thread with a few statistics from the 2016 Grand American. Total entries for all 24 events combined was 29,755 Targets thrown 3,304,900. This does not include shoot off targets and side events. Probably closer to 3.5 million total targets thrown in 11 days. Harlan Campble Jr. Won (again) the White Flyer 2600 High-Over-All with a score of 2565. Out of 2600 targets Mr. Campbell missed 35. I would not expect anything less from a 54 year old guy with 480,000 plus registered targets to his credit.1 point
This. These are as cheap as you're going to find for a dependable sight.1 point
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