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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2016 in all areas

  1. My 18 year old son Ashton saved his friend's life by performing CPR on him and bringing him back to life after he was drowned and under water for several minutes . I love my son and I am just being a proud Daddy . Here he is getting a Life Saver award from the County Mayor .
    6 points
  2. Ha, read the title and thought they caught Bill Clinton on top of Nancy Pelosi.
    5 points
  3. That's true. I just don't understand the mentality of those dissing Trump because of his commentary on many different issues; telling us how bad he "might" be for the country. But yet we have Hillary, proven to be a liar and a lawbreaker(If you believe the FBI), and people of all interests are raving over her. Even within the gun community. How many times do we need to listen to her comments on the Constitution, not just the 2nd Amendment, to understand what she plans for this country?
    4 points
  4. At this point, if an entry for the time/date of my FFL assisted purchases and transfers aren't in a SQL database somewhere, that would be the real surprise.
    3 points
  5. And yet there are some who are ostensibly on our side (or at least claim to be) who would rather see her win than Trump......
    3 points
  6. This pussified land is getting insane.
    3 points
  7. The only way I'm stopping is if the SOB wrecks me. There are waaaay to many people out there that need anger management classes and drugs. Besides...I'm an feeble old man that is in constantly in fear for my life so.....
    3 points
  8. Good parenting and good training, he took both to heart! You should be proud!
    2 points
  9. The size of a tennis ball? Dang.. I think I'd have to shoot it... Or try one of those Electronic Fly Swatter Tennis Racket thingies from Harbor Freight...
    2 points
  10. I am a reloader. I have never had a KB of any sort from MY ammo. However, I DID have a round of Ultramax .223 splode my very first AR about 9 years ago. Split the upper from front to back, blew the mag out of the gun and blew the bottom out of the mag. Thankfully I was not hurt, but the rifle was toast. The dudes at On Target found my dust cover a few weeks later down at the far end of the range. I'll shoot my reloads, but not someone else's.
    2 points
  11. What Omega said.... There are lots of non major manufacturer loads that are some of the best out there.... that said, "home reloads?"... where you don't know who did them? I wouldn't touch them with "your" firearm AND a 10 foot pole....
    2 points
  12. I'd pass. Just too much unknown.
    2 points
  13. It's about taking away the power of the people. They would rather eliminate the firearms industry all together if they could. Jobs don't matter, that means more people dependent on the government through welfare, food stamps, and whatever other programs there are. They only care about furthering their power not the country or its people.
    2 points
  14. Ok, I'll play.... Smith and Wesson pre-27s SW 27-2 More 27-2s 1965 Colt Python 1963 Colt Python Colt Lawmen in e-nickel Consecutive Serial Numbered SW 27-2s with presentation box, and all other goodies including original shipping boxes
    2 points
  15. I think I'd be more worried about the thing with the glowing eyes to the right...
    1 point
  16. I use steel all the time in my ARs with zero problems. (Lacquer coated, usually) However, years ago I had SERIOUS problems with the one and only (half)box of steel pistol ammo I ever bought. It was Wolf and the gun was a Sigma. Joke all you want, terrible trigger, but a reliable gun... until Tula. I got through five or six rounds when the gun locked up so tight I had to beat it open by kinda punching/pushing the slide into the edge of a table to get the slide back. The case was STUCK in the chamber. I was fighting to get the extractor over the case rim. I then had to beat the case out with a dowel. I figured it was a fluke, so went back to shooting.... when after a few more rounds it happened again! Same process. I was young and dumb enough to fall for the trick a third time. I finally had enough. I was out in the sticks, and these folks had their trash pile burning. I did what any reasonable person would do and threw the rest in the fire... from pretty far away. It was fun, just some pops. Soon after this event, the extractor on the gun broke and Smith repaired it. I still blame that steel case ammo and the mistreatment I had to put the gun through to get the cases out. Anyways, back to the ammo recommendation from the clerk. I share just because I've personally had a bad experience with steel ammo in the past, and I'm not so quick to dismiss the store clerk. I've been in that position. I doubt she is going to be able to afford a nice dinner out or a new pair of shoes if someone buys a $25 box of ammo versus a $21 box of ammo. I doubt his ammo choice affected her in any meaningful way. She very may well have been sharing a past event that she thought may help the customer.
    1 point
  17. So the lady at the counter dissuaded you from buying the cheapest ammo they had? Sounds like the upsell worked. i call BS on her story.
    1 point
  18. Damn, it HAS been a while. Welcome back. We have several members that have gone MIA over the years that I miss.
    1 point
  19. Some people need to get a brain and use it!
    1 point
  20. Shock value there.. Fortunately for me I lost all my firearms in a "boating accident".... but I do enjoy "meeting" people from here (and ARF and Glocktalk and...)...
    1 point
  21. Well...I don't think many of us are surprised by this admission. I've said for years that I didn't believe such a great source of information would be willingly deleted by our friends in the BATFE and its allies. Now we know for sure that it has happened. And no doubt will continue to be done so.
    1 point
  22. What type of reloads? If they are from a reputable company (remanufactured), then no issues. But if they are from Joe Bob, then I would either pass or if cheap enough, I would pull the bullets and reload with a known powder and charge.
    1 point
  23. Outstanding young man who stepped up when it counted.
    1 point
  24. Super cool. It's good to hear stories like this given all the bad news we continually see.
    1 point
  25. My only current .357 is a Marlin Model 1894 Lever Action Carbine, manufactured in 1981 (love it). I plan to add a revolver to go with it, maybe this thread will help me to decide what. I'm thinking double action with 6" barrel in stainless like the Ruger Security 6 but I'm still shopping.
    1 point
  26. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. I was going to post a pic or two until I saw gr8smiles collection......then I just put mine away. Those are some awesome pieces!
    1 point
  28. One of the main things of my post is that American workers will lose their jobs. Yes we are a gun forum and club and we love guns but we also love our country and our jobs. If Hilary bans all this stuff she will put good American jobs in danger .
    1 point
  29. Hey, that's awesome! You should be proud. Here are prayers for his friend's recovery.
    1 point
  30. How is it that limiting a guns capacity is beloved by liberals but limiting the term of politicians is not? I know which one is far more dangerous!
    1 point
  31. I think she's a huge threat to every aspect of our way of living. She doesn't care about Americans. Look what she wants to do to the coal workers. A weapons ban would be devistating to jobs across the country. She also wants legislation to allow the gun manufactueres to be sued for gun crimes. S&W, ruger... they'd all be out of business.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Lol. I guess there are no shadow emojis either because people would be afraid of that too. The world is getting silly. I admit, I didn't even realize it was there because I don't have an iphone, but I guess anyone missing it can just attach it anyway...
    1 point
  34. Right on, I'll look for it. Thanks for the heads up! you either love em or hate em. And if you love them they try to make you hate them. I'll never forget my first ride on a Harley, it was an iron sportster. It seemed like an engine with a seat strapped in top. I have my 5th now and still love to ride the barbaric beasts! I only have two now. Insurance and registration fees are enough to keep my flock to a minimum. Otherwise id have about a dozen bikes, not all Harley but quite the variety.
    1 point
  35. The winners have been selected by Random.org. Congratulations to the top 13 TGOers! Please allow a few days (give or take) for @TGO David to update your accounts. Thanks to everyone for participating, especially those who were generous enough to donate the Benefactor subscriptions. Without you, this obviously wouldn't have been able to happen.
    1 point
  36. It will be the people looking for food that will kill you a lot quicker than that.
    1 point
  37. The Serbians make an excellent AK. The only thing it lacks that many others have is a chrome-lined bore. Not really a big deal, IMO.
    1 point
  38. John Well's set up my trust, too. Good guy, can certainly recommend him.
    1 point
  39. Stupid laws get ignored. Let them catch me lapping a receiver.
    1 point
  40. the beginning your "common sense gun laws"
    1 point
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