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My 18 year old son Ashton saved his friend's life by performing CPR on him and bringing him back to life after he was drowned and under water for several minutes . I love my son and I am just being a proud Daddy . Here he is getting a Life Saver award from the County Mayor .33 points
Ok, I'll play.... Smith and Wesson pre-27s SW 27-2 More 27-2s 1965 Colt Python 1963 Colt Python Colt Lawmen in e-nickel Consecutive Serial Numbered SW 27-2s with presentation box, and all other goodies including original shipping boxes8 points
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And a few more for fun.... SW 686 Colt Python Snubs SW Pre 27 Nickel snubs....two of my rarest pieces Another SW SW 19-3 nickel snub SW 27-2 nickel SW 19-2 snub5 points
Gentlemen, TGO Striders are now being Built! those of you who got in on this one are going to love these!4 points
That's true. I just don't understand the mentality of those dissing Trump because of his commentary on many different issues; telling us how bad he "might" be for the country. But yet we have Hillary, proven to be a liar and a lawbreaker(If you believe the FBI), and people of all interests are raving over her. Even within the gun community. How many times do we need to listen to her comments on the Constitution, not just the 2nd Amendment, to understand what she plans for this country?4 points
How is it that limiting a guns capacity is beloved by liberals but limiting the term of politicians is not? I know which one is far more dangerous!4 points
The only way I'm stopping is if the SOB wrecks me. There are waaaay to many people out there that need anger management classes and drugs. Besides...I'm an feeble old man that is in constantly in fear for my life so.....4 points
It will be the people looking for food that will kill you a lot quicker than that.4 points
If you find yourself in a position that you need food with that kind of shelf-life you won't be around long enough to eat it.4 points
I was going to post a pic or two until I saw gr8smiles collection......then I just put mine away. Those are some awesome pieces!3 points
It's about taking away the power of the people. They would rather eliminate the firearms industry all together if they could. Jobs don't matter, that means more people dependent on the government through welfare, food stamps, and whatever other programs there are. They only care about furthering their power not the country or its people.3 points
One of the main things of my post is that American workers will lose their jobs. Yes we are a gun forum and club and we love guns but we also love our country and our jobs. If Hilary bans all this stuff she will put good American jobs in danger .3 points
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Make that TRY to kill me and it would be more correct. I live ten miles from the nearest TINY town, twenty miles from a SMALL town, fifty miles from an actual city. Around me are lots and lots of armed red-necks with a distrust of the federal government that extends back to what they call the War of Northern Aggression. If I could DESIGN a bug-out location, I could not come up with a better one. Oh - wait - I DID design this one, 36 years ago when we moved here! And yes indeed - a few packets of garden seeds in the freezer is a FINE idea - and make sure they are NOT the hybrid stuff but will produce seeds that can be planted the NEXT year - PLUS - I do not hunt, and do not allow hunting. As a result, our place is filled with deer, turkey, rabbits, squirrels, dove, quail, etc. and all of it tame enough for me to harvest with a knife if I needed to. THIS is my long term meat storage plan. Keeping warm is another issue. We have a 500 gallon propane tank which will get us through one winter. Beyond that, I can rig a wood burning heater in place of the propane stove. But burning wood sends up that nice column of smoke - an advertisement that there is PROBABLY FOOD HERE, so an additional reason for arms and ammunition. I pray that NONE of these preparations are ever needed -3 points
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I love the fact that with my Marlin 1894 in 357 mag I practically can't miss a target at 100 yards with iron sights, standing up, off hand ! It it is my FAVORITE gun to shoot.3 points
I'm with Garufa. Look around at most people.....If something that catastrophic happens lack of meds and medical care will kill more Americans than lack of food will. Then disease outbreaks and loss of sanitation will take a whole lot more.3 points
Not at all! Got a Dan Wesson Bruin 6.3" 1911 10MM coming in tomorrow! YES!2 points
The accounts of all winners have been updated! I want to again thank the generous folks who made this possible. It's amazing the type of community that we have here at TGO. Not many places will you find people doing things like this for those who are frequently complete strangers. You ALL are the reason why TGO is the best forum on the Internet. Thanks again for making TGO what it is!2 points
Ha, read the title and thought they caught Bill Clinton on top of Nancy Pelosi.2 points
And yet there are some who are ostensibly on our side (or at least claim to be) who would rather see her win than Trump......2 points
^This. It is NOT ok to run low octane fuel in all vehicles. Some manufacturers are absolutely serious about the need to run 93 octane or higher. Run 87 in some of the cars I was toying with this weekend and you be looking at a new $50K engine after the detonation under boost trashed the pistons.2 points
Hey, that's awesome! You should be proud. Here are prayers for his friend's recovery.2 points
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Gr8.... It's time to appoint you the curator and resident authority on the great model 27 smith.. You have the greatest collection of em ive ever seen anywhere brother... They are my favorite "N" frame smith... They were built with more attention to detail and pride in craftsmanship than any of the other smiths; and that's a pretty tall accomplishment... They are all beautiful... Thanks for takin the time to post photos of these beautiful pieces of history and genuine proven "birth certificate revocation tools"... With great awe and admiration, leroy2 points
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I think you meant to say you're "Gonna build you're first one". I think several in this group will agree that once you build one there will be another and another and.......2 points
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Naw, I don't like 10mm either... Thats my Glock 40, Glock 20 and Guncrafters No Name Melonite. Now I just need a Glock 29 to round out the collection.2 points
Royal Range IDPA Match - Thursday Aug 4th, 2016 TN Action Pistol will be hosting an IDPA match at Royal Range in Nashville, TN. There are a limited number of spots for these matches so be sure to sign up today. https://practiscore.com/tn-action-pistol-royal-range-aug-4-2016/register Royal Range 7741 Hwy 70 S Nashville, TN 372211 point
The .357 is the jack of all trades as far as handguns are concerned. It can be loaded with anything from light .38 wadcutters up to serious big boomers. There is simply no task a handgun could be asked to do that a suitably loaded .357 can't handle. Some of the finest revolvers ever made have been chambered in this "do-it-all" caliber. The S&W Model 27 is and always has been the flagship of the company's line. Even the much vaunted .44 Magnums were never built to the quality and standards of the Model 27. Every serious gun owner should have at least one .357 and I have quite a few. But after having said all that, the truth of the matter is than the vast majority of my shooting .357 caliber guns is done with .38 specials. I've reached the age and stage in my shooting life that loud noise and power just for the sake of it is more of a bother than a thrill. But its comforting to know that if I need that power, its there.1 point
My only current .357 is a Marlin Model 1894 Lever Action Carbine, manufactured in 1981 (love it). I plan to add a revolver to go with it, maybe this thread will help me to decide what. I'm thinking double action with 6" barrel in stainless like the Ruger Security 6 but I'm still shopping.1 point
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I know what you mean. And don't forget he sold quite a few of them a while back and he still has an unbelievable collection.1 point
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Put on some thick leather gloves and test that bottle opener a few times. My original HEST folder would reliably unlock and fold up when using it to open bottles. I was one of the ones who waited forever to get one of the originals after all of their production/partnership troubles. I loved the blade, but stopped carrying it because I didn't trust the lock.1 point
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I had that illness once for a brief time, but to be cool I started drinking only Kopi Luwak instead. jk1 point
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