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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Next time you see an old guy in an American Legion or VFW hat remember one day he was a tough young guy doing his duty to his country and fellow soldiers
    5 points
  2. Well, I was able to sell a pool cue I had and decided to look over the Wolf package at Academy again after doing some price checking at Buds and buying an equivalent startup kit for a muzzleloader. As I was looking at them, I noticed that one of the 3 wolf packaged sets had $229 on it rather than $239 like the other two. I asked the salesman why the difference. He scanned the price tag and it read 239 and said it's 239 not 229. Another salesman told him to take it down and remove that tag. I though 229 was a really good deal and if I got it at that I'd be set. I told the salesman "I'll buy it right now at 229." He looked at the other salesman and he told him to give it to me. I went to the checkout and it rang up 239. I told the lady the guy in the firearms section said I could have it for the 229 that the tag shows so she changed the price and I walked out with the Wolf package deal for 229 plus tax of course. I'm happy with it and plan on shooting it later today. Oh...and thanks for all the help!
    4 points
  3. Ok, I'll play.... Smith and Wesson pre-27s SW 27-2 More 27-2s 1965 Colt Python 1963 Colt Python Colt Lawmen in e-nickel Consecutive Serial Numbered SW 27-2s with presentation box, and all other goodies including original shipping boxes
    3 points
  4. If you find yourself in a position that you need food with that kind of shelf-life you won't be around long enough to eat it.
    3 points
  5. Call an electrician b4 your house burns down.
    3 points
  6. I may have just said some bad words under my breath...
    2 points
  7. The winners have been selected by Random.org. Congratulations to the top 13 TGOers! Please allow a few days (give or take) for @TGO David to update your accounts. Thanks to everyone for participating, especially those who were generous enough to donate the Benefactor subscriptions. Without you, this obviously wouldn't have been able to happen.
    2 points
  8. I've carried a lot of different BUG's over the years but only two were in the same caliber as my primary service handgun. The concept of ammunition compatibility between the primary and BUG is more of a nice concept then actual practicality from my viewpoint. As to the Charco Pitbull in 9mmP. I believe I'd rather go with a Ruger LCR in 9mmP instead for peace of mind. Ankle carry is best on he inside of your weak side ankle for accessibility from kneeling, sitting and prone positions. It also conceals better and doesn't hang up on things as you step over or around them as much as on the outside of your ankle. IMHO you'd be better served by going with a weak side pocket carry using a Ruger LCP or KelTec P3AT both of which are in .380 ACP.
    2 points
  9. I'm with Garufa. Look around at most people.....If something that catastrophic happens lack of meds and medical care will kill more Americans than lack of food will. Then disease outbreaks and loss of sanitation will take a whole lot more.
    2 points
  10. I think most ankle carry is inside the left ankle. I would suggest a G43 or G26 as a backup instead, but if the Charter is what you want, go for it.
    2 points
  11. The Marathon station at the corner of Nolensville and McMurray generally has it.
    2 points
  12. The minigun will offically be there. I repeat. It will offically be there
    2 points
  13. Interesting. I'm in the majority, but not so silent. LOL
    2 points
  14. Maybe this new silent majority will vote against anti-gun Hillary!
    2 points
  15. The Wolf is a great rifle. I have the CVA Optima which is similar, and a buddy has the Wolf. It's a great deal, and I wouldn't hesitate to get one. I have shot more deer during muzzleloader season than any other season. It's a great time to be in the TN woods hunting deer.
    2 points
  16. I know several of you are already familiar with Marko Kloos and have read many of his works. In case you haven't seen this before, I thought I would post it here. I take time to read it from time to time to reinforce the magnitude of carrying a gun for SD. https://munchkinwrangler.wordpress.com/2008/07/24/i-am-bullet/ I am bullet.I am lead and copper, brass and nickel, powder and primer.I am chemistry, metallurgy and physics.Load me into a chamber, and I will fire when struck by a firing pin, no matter who pulls the trigger, and no matter where I am aimed.Once I am fired, you cannot recall me, or redirect me. I will freeze your decision, right or wrong, in the very fragment of time it takes for you to pull that trigger, with no way for you to undo it.No prayer, no regret, no bribe can alter my path.I can pierce air, paper, drywall, wood, and flesh.I can take everything away from a person: their thoughts, memories, hopes, fears, and dreams. I can take everything they were, everything they are, and everything they’re going to be.I can take a life, for whatever reason: good or bad, right or wrong, intentional or accidental.I am a piece of metal, mindless and inert. I have no morals, no intentions, no desires, and no ethics. I take on all those values from you when you launch me out of that barrel.Do not pull that trigger lightly, because you are responsible for the path I take, the target I hit, and the damage I inflict.Pull the trigger with respect, with resolve, with trepidation, or even with dread if you must–but you must never pull that trigger lightly.
    1 point
  17. I see folks paying a LOT for food that has extremely long shelf life. Why? Do you REALLY want to buy this and store it away for half a century? Now don't get me wrong, I have eaten WWII C rations in 1967 in a disaster area, and DARNED glad to get them. But do you WANT to store food for that long? Here is what we do: When we hit a sale on canned goods, we buy extra. In the pantry, we scoot everything forward and store the new ones in the BACK. We constantly USE what is in the front. By buying extra every time you shop, you build up a stock of canned goods. By constantly rotating them, you do NOT NEED those special high-priced decades-long storage items. An additional benefit is you are eating the SAME food every day that you will be eating when the feces encounters the rotating ventilation device. There will be no shock to your system caused by switching from Green Giant canned corn to your MRE's. Pasta, rice, beans - all are stored in air-tight containers and ROTATED so they are constantly being used. The hard part is meat; make sure to stock tuna, chicken, salmon, SPAM, etc., and use it occasionally to keep the stock rotated. Talk to your Morman friends; part of their doctrine is to have a years supply of food on hand, and they can be a valuable resource of advice on how to properly do this.
    1 point
  18. Um... Shouldn't there be some pictures in this thread by now?? I love my S&W model 13-3 I have the original grips too, but I like shooting it with these.
    1 point
  19. man o man y'all watch this!! this is gonna be good!
    1 point
  20. That guy will probably get sent to prison for manslaughter. I would guess the autopsy will show the gag killed him. No need to gag him. We need our fleeing forcible felon statutes back. Of course that will never happen.
    1 point
  21. I got some of the business cards and have posted them in several places I visit. Ive also put them on mailboxes where ive seen the Gadsden flag flying or vehicles with "conservative" bumper stickers. You never know how easy it could spread with a simple card and theyre free for the asking.
    1 point
  22. I'm betting on Leonard and his friends...
    1 point
  23. I have owned two Sig 239's. It's a great gun and a great shooter. The downfall is the low capacity compared to guns similar in size. Know that many holsters that fit a Sig 239 in 9mm will not fit a 40 or 357. The slide is machined differently.
    1 point
  24. Howdy and Welcome to TGO!!!!!
    1 point
  25. LOL... "Goat Love Call"
    1 point
  26. Hopefully more folks take advantage of this soon! 300 isn't that many at all but it's taken quite a few months to even get to the 700 mark that we are at currently. Spread the word to your friends!
    1 point
  27. No worries! Just try to get it done before new years day.
    1 point
  28. Meh, everyone knows Christmas time is a busy time I am sure the winners will not mind waiting an extra day or two.
    1 point
  29. Just for classification, I believe that would be the Optima Elite model. :-)
    1 point
  30. Yep. My sister has a place and the deer come eat out of their yard. they also love the crab apple tree about 20 yards from their front porch.
    1 point
  31. IMO, copper is gorgeous when it has a slight patina to it. Not to the point it turns green, but a nice patina. I have a bullet keychain cash stash and part of it is brass and part is copper. The copper looks great after it gets "worn" after a while. Good luck with the build!
    1 point
  32. I'm just giving JohnC a hard time. All in jest, I have my own coffee illness.
    1 point
  33. But the chrome lined bore (or lack thereof) is offset by being cold hammer forged and excellent quality. The Zastava's are high quality excellently built guns. "Drawbacks" are the previously mentioned bore, propriety gas tube/HG/buttstock/top cover/piston. That being said, all those parts are easy to come by. It's just not a true AK/AKM.
    1 point
  34. For the Korea guys. Old photos from a piss poor photographer (me) on a scanner leave lots to be desired but for those that hit the villes, especially up north, you'll remember The Z Home for a year Big bullets Back when DPICM was new. On the Dragons Head, North of the Imjin, just south of the DMZ (so they could hear us practicing) Easter on the Imjin River Can't remember the name of this outpost. There were two on the east and west sides of the road leading to the UN area. That's looking out over the DMZ and into the north.
    1 point
  35. The Optima is like a Wolf with a tie on. A fancier version if you will. They're nice!
    1 point
  36. Mike and myself are going tomorrow to pick a minigun up we just bought. Everyone please spread the word and share this! We we are going to have a minigun there! More people the better that show up!
    1 point
  37. One problem I see with the term "mass shooting" is the term "shooting". It's used to place the blame on a firearm and not the criminal. The proper term should be mass killing, or something of that nature, especially since the recent mass killing of 19 people and 25 more wounded in Japan that was carried out with knives, and the mass killing by a truck in France that killed 77 and wounded many more. Mass killings will not stop as long as these people exist and a means exists to carry out their warped plans of destruction. We live in a very wicked world and people have been killing others way longer than the existence of firearms. An unarmed society is the dream of every criminal.
    1 point
  38. Hah! The guy to the right of Simon McCullough ( 3rd from the left, back row) is Jamie McCormack. He's Royal Engineers, I think 18 years in & the sergeant on the front row is his Dad, who served with the Engineers in Northern Ireland & The Falklands (plus lots more I don't know of/can't remember) And the caption is wrong. W weren't air cadets, we were Cadets of the Prince of Wales own Regiment of Yorkshire, the same regiment I went on to serve with, however briefly. The little shady looking guy, second from the right, back row: I forget his name. It was David Verner.....he's now a multi-millionaire graphic artist & the kid 3rd from the left in the front row is Rob Holmes. Doing life for double murder. I had some......interesting......friends as a kid! Sorry for all the edits, memory's a funny thing! Sent from a mountain top, via telepathy.
    1 point
  39. The 1911 design is just fine, I have several that are great and as near 100% as anything else I have. The real issue with the 1911 these days is that companies like kimber have tried too hard to make them into something that were never intended to be. Match accuracy guns for defense. To me those two are mutually exclusive. If you want to spend $1500+ on a 1911 go ahead but don't expect 100% reliability and match accuracy from a factory gun. The small gain in accuracy costs too much in reliability for a defensive gun. Serial production doesn't allow for the hand work it takes to make one run and be that tight. Plenty of gunsmiths have made a good living doing that for those that will pay the cost... I used to carry a commander and would still be using it daily if 9mm ammo hadn't improved so much. Now I choose a P320 in 9mm same size more capacity and I don't care if it gets a bit uglier from daily carry. I didn't change because of reliability.
    1 point
  40. 1mm too small... Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. Me either. My experience is it shoots well above its price point.
    1 point
  42. This is only one of the idiotic things gun owners do that cause me to be the lousy hypocrite I have become. I am a staunch supporter of everyone's rights.....but in my heart, I do not believe in it. It may get me flamed, but Constitution or not, not everyone should have a gun. Even if you ain't a criminal or crazy...some people just don't need to be in possession of one. BUT, here's the rub, who the hell is ANYONE to make that decision for me or you?
    1 point
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