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Everyone involved was either acquitted or charges were dropped. Now charge Marilyn Mosby with Prosecutorial misconduct and see if she can defend herself.8 points
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Use this thread to post your favorite firearms and freedom related memes. Borrowing from a similar thread on a national forum, the Rules of Engagement for this thread are: Keep it clean. PG-Rated is fine. Anything deemed to be racist in content or meaning will be deleted. No Advertising via Memes (I mean, I guess this is a thing?) Staff has final say on what's appropriate for our intended audience. All other TGO guidelines for participation apply. Enjoy.4 points
4 points
A good test of CCW skills is the 3M Drill. Tom Givens uses this and it is actually a variation on the original "DTI Dance" from John Farnam. You will need.... IDPA target 5 yards away. Electronic timer. 9 live rounds and a dummy round. 1 spare mag. Pistol is loaded with 6 live rounds and 1 dummy round (1 live round in chamber and 5 live and 1 dummy in magazine. Dummy is not the 1st or last round in the mag.) Spare mag on belt (or however you carry it) loaded with 3 live rounds. Shooter starts holstered with hands up in front of chest . At the buzzer you will sidestep, draw and shoot until gun malfunctions. Sidestep as you clear the malfunction (tap/rack) and keep shooting until slide lock. At slide lock sidestep , emergency reload, and fire 3 rounds. The side steps are so you are not standing still in the same spot clearing or reloading while the bad guy is theoretically shooting at you. Scoring is Pass/Fail. Any round outside the -0 zone (8" circle in the chest of IDPA target) = Fail. Failure to move on the draw, on the malfunction clearance or on the reload = Fail. Failure to tap before racking the slide on the malfunction clearance = Fail The "par time" is 15 seconds for students, 12 seconds for instructors. Of course the faster the better, but those are the "official" par times. Instead of pass/fail you can also score it with the Comstock method counting hits in the -0 as 5pts, hits in the -1 as 3pts and hits in the -3 as 0pts. Also subtract a 10pt penalty for any miss . This will generate an actual score vs simply passing or failing. So you would add up your points and then divide by time and then multiply that number x 30 . So a perfect 45 points (9x5=45) shot in 12 seconds (45/12 = 3.75 x 30 ) would give a score of 112.5 . According to Tom Givens a 100 is "very good work" and a 125 or higher is "extremely high skill".4 points
3 points
On a serious note. Jade helm is rolling down I24 right now!!!!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
3 points
Those Orcas are damn nice! If they'd been just a little bit cheaper I probably would have suggested we only use the 27oz since it's kinda halfway between the 20oz and 30oz RTIC. What you have there is a customized limited edition!3 points
FYI - Interstate Arms (IAC)/H&R are virtually the same thing. IAC has better furniture and sight options. Here's what i did with my current IAC Hawk 982. Hogue 12" LOP stock, side saddle, Choate 870 +1 mag extension and 870 Choate HG. Altogether, ran me under $300.3 points
I guess I can post this now, David was kind enough to Give me one of these a while back for a thank you for the TGO knives, I absolutely love it, and please don't bother asking him to get you one this is an Orca that they did not end up using3 points
They are busy trying to appease the Bernie voters at the moment and looking for someone to head the DNC all the while trying to make the Hildebeast look like anything other than the lying, crooked, backstabbing liberal that she is.3 points
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Judging by the BLM representation at the convention, she'll probably wind up as Hillary's AG. - OS2 points
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Additionally, she needs to repay the taxpayers back the money she wasted.2 points
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After they confiscate the guns, then they will come for your knives and trucks.2 points
It's not about gun control, it's about people control. That is why they push so hard to ban instead of trying to fix the problem.2 points
I went down to my local gun shop today and was just holster shopping. I swear. Ended up with an H&R Pardner for under $200 which I thought was a decent enough deal. So far I really like it, operates like an 870 which is something I'm familiar enough with to be comfortable with right out of the gate. I think the trigger may be a hair heavier, but I don't have an 870 to compare to ATM and it has been to long since I shot one to definitively say. All in all I guess just go out and see whats available and something will jump out at ya.2 points
Just got back from a trip from England and Germany and made me realize I need a garand. My Dad has one that I'll probably inherit but that won't be for awhile. Anyone know where to pick them up or is CMP still selling them?1 point
I will be handling the 3 gun match this Saturday at the Dickson range while Michael is off on his tour at CZ. We will have 6 stages. 54 pistol, 68 rifle and 36 birdshot. Tact optics, tact iron and open. I will start set up Friday, Saturday start time by 9:00, shooter meeting at 8:45.1 point
I'm gonna get creamed on this... but I gotta give credit where it's due. We got in one of the .45 Shields today. Putting one in the hand... it is really VERY nice. The grip texture is different and better than any of the others, the trigger on this one is really nice. Yeah, this is a solid small .45. I'll take some vanilla ice cream with the humble pie, please.1 point
Thanks guys.... Jeb, we "just might" be neighbors.... and thanks to Raoul, I finally looked up what "State of Franklin" meant. Interesting history... although I kind of like being in TN and glad TN "got us" rather than NC... I like Western and Eastern NC...it's the center that I didn't care for.... Griff1 point
No kidding. Can you imagine the list of losers she will have in her cabinet (should she get elected) that will impact us all. Our AG should be the best legal mind we have to offer; sure hasn’t been anything close to that lately.1 point
I am a Vet. Marine Corps 1973-76. Thanks you the information.1 point
1 point
Are you a Vet or LEO? http://www.vortexoptics.com/content/military_le_program If so, highly recommend their scopes.1 point
I may look into an elk draw, but white tail are abundant on my property so no need for that. As for trail cameras, yes there is definitely some trial and error on placement. Between squirrels, the sun and even moving branches I get a lot of blank pictures. My other problem is that even though I don't use the cameras much they do not last. A couple only lasted a year then started to shut off even though it had good batteries. It sucks going two weeks between checking only to find out they shut down right after you left.1 point
As someone else pointed out, there are efforts to ban/restrict knives. These seem to be happening largely in places like the U.K. where, surprisingly, taking away everyone's gun rights has only resulted in the small segment of the population who want to commit murder finding other ways of doing so. I have even heard of legislation being proposed there (not sure if it passed or not) which basically required most (all?) kitchen knives to have rounded tips instead of being pointed to make it harder for a person to get stabby with them. As many others have said before me, you'd think it would be easier just to go ahead and make murder illegal. Oh, wait...1 point
WELCOME! Memphis here too. This is a great forum, I'm sure you'll enjoy being part of it.1 point
Hey Gents, So, I'm a huge S&W fanboy and have had a Shield for at least 3 years. Last year I bought my wife her own Shield for Christmas. We have been very happy with both of them. Well, last week I had the opportunity to get the newer Performance Center Shield. I had been putting it off getting one because honestly I didn't see the PC upgrades as that big of a deal. WRONG!! The fiber optics are SO much easier to pick up than the white dots! I didn't think a little porting would make much difference but WOWEE does it! It really helps knock down the muzzle flip. You can see in my crappy cell phone video below that my right hand doesn't rise as much and is much faster back to level. As for the trigger...oh man. The Shields generally have good triggers to start with, and I've got no complaints with the two regular models I've had, but the PC trigger is just great. A little takeup and then a perfect, crisp, 5lbish break. Short, positive reset. Clean all the way around. As you can see in the pictures of my target, I was clearly able to shoot the PC gun more accurately and consistently. The two flyers above and below the yellow circle make me very angry. That was my first magazine in through the gun, and after 3 rds on top of each other in the middle, I started giggling and pulled those two. That's 5 rds in the middle and two idiot marks outside. Just amazing. All of my shooting today was at 7 yds, standing unsupported, with a standard two hand hold. This was all cheapo Perfecta ammo from back when Wally was selling it for $7/box. In the picture with the eight targets, disregard the two on the left and the right (that top left was a 36rd mag through a full size M&P 9mm). Focus on the two yellow targets, that's the PC gun. The squares to their right are from my regular Shield, which has been my carry gun for years. Here are all the pics: 7rd at 7yds, PC model And lastly, here's the crummy cell phone video I promised. :-) I didn't realize I had a 4th rd in the PC gun on the right, that's why the slide didn't lock back. In closing, if anyone out there was on the fence out this model, jump off that fence and RUN to your closest fun shop and get it NOW! If you thought a regular Shield was "good enuff"... well... it is, but this one is better! And if anyone is looking for a fair deal on a great condition 3 yr Shield, hit me up! :-) I feel a second PC model is on the way for me soon!1 point
Today is the last day to enter for WMA big game quota hunts. I applied for the Elk drawing and for the President Island wma hunts. Very few tags for those hunts but some of the biggest deer in Tn comes out of those quota hunts every year. On game cameras there is an art to placing them. The first time I placed one there was a fallen tree about 5 yards in front of the camera along a deer trail. I must have gotten 400 pics of squirrels running back and forth across that tree. I really try to place them now so I will get limited pics of squirrels.1 point
I'd rather have a splinter under my fingernail than to listen or watch the DNC1 point
And if you listen to Bill extolling on all the virtues and accomplishments of Hillary tonight...you'd have to think that Hillary was responsible for everything that was ever done in Arkansaw and Washington.1 point
Raoul is guarding the N side, I have you covered from just slightly South of Tri-Cities. Welcome to the area.1 point
Merry Christmas. And thank you. Cheers, Whisper1 point
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You might want to keep in mind a revolver chambered in the new .327 Federal can also shoot .32 S&W, .32 S&W Long, and .32 H&R Magnum.1 point
The problem is that too many shooters expect non-shooters to step up to the plate with no anxiety, no fear of recoil, and complete confidence to skillfully manipulate, properly grip and fire a handgun. This only develops fear, flinching and bad habits. Plenty of people have successfully defended and killed with a .22; both legally and illegally. Is that my choice of defensive caliber.....no, but neither is a handgun. Simply saying that because of the above, or weakness of grip and hands sometimes it is better to be able to confidently handle a .22 and become very proficient and confident, then step up to any other weapon of THEIR choice.1 point
My opinion of the .22 as a self defense weapon is this: If I shoot you 4 or 5 times in the face with a .22 and you still want more, I done shot the wrong guy...1 point
1 point
I'll refrain from any attempt at a humorous comment due to the risk of offending any race, species, culture, orientation, style, long hair, short hair, no hair, heavy, medium, thin, tall medium, short, conservative, liberal, independent, northerner, southerner, westerner, easterner, immigrant (from anywhere), alien (cosmically speaking), law abiding, law breaking, politically correct, religious, atheist, agnostic, gender, transgender ( hey animals can have orientation issues as well, at least if my Boston Terrier is any indication) etc.1 point
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Excellent. Actually, my heart is in the wonderful CZ 75... but they do get heavy after a while... I'm thinking I'm really liking the Ruger American, too... PPQ trigger at a good bit less money.1 point
And by what legal authority does TICS make that ruling? And where is this from, btw? (It ain't from USC 19, 122) nor can I find from the referenced statute therein, 21 USC 802. I'll assume it's "somewhere" in federal code, so TICS is going to take federal law about non-alcohol related controlled substances and just decide to apply them willynilly to alcohol, too, eh? How positively clever of them, I must say. - OS1 point
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