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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2016 in all areas

  1. I have updated our "code of conduct" (Rules) this afternoon to add one new one. This comes on the heels of a conversation with a former Vendor / Sponsor of TGO who had expressed some concerns to me via email about our advertising program. Specifically, they voiced a concern that I have long suspected existed because of the amount of latitude that we have historically allowed our members when it comes to airing grievances. Folks, it is vitally important for our continued existence that TGO have sponsors who are willing to pay to advertise here. We need their patronage! Further, it is usually very beneficial for our members when we have sponsors because those sponsors generally go out of their way to provide perks to TGO members. When things work smoothly, we have excellent mutually beneficial relationships between TGO, Vendors and Members. However, the speed at which and distance to which verbal attacks on a person (or in this case a Sponsor) can spread on the Internet are staggering. One person with a chip on their shoulder can slander the reputation of a business or individual from the relative anonymity of their keyboard, and do terrible financial damage. It's one thing for that to happen in the wild wide-open of the Internet. No one can really protect against that. But it is another thing entirely for it to happen within the confines of a community like TGO, and made even worse when the Sponsor is helping pay for the service that makes that slander possible. Think about it for a moment. Why would YOU want to pay to make it possible for someone to trash your reputation? Legitimate, reasonable complaints against a vendor should be taken up with them PRIVATELY and them be given the chance to resolve the issue. This has always been my stance, however it was never codified into an official rule or policy on TGO. I have addressed that short-sight in this new rule. Your cooperation, if not your understanding, is appreciated. As always, you can read all of the TGO Rules (all eight of them) at this link: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/guidelines/ Rule #8.) Absolutely NO Vendor / Sponsor Bashing Bashing our Vendors / Sponsors in the open forum will not be tolerated for any reason. If you have a problem with a Vendor or Sponsor of TGO, contact them via a private message (PM) or email them directly. If they do not help you after you contact them via PM, let one of the site administrators know and we will check into the matter. Anyone bashing a Vendor or Sponsor in the open forum will be subject to being banned. The length of the ban will be up to the administrators. We have yet to see a forum sponsor fail to help a member with a complaint if the complaint is legitimate and reasonable. These folks help keep the lights on around here and we will not be party to biting the hand that helps feed us.
    13 points
  2. A bit uncouth to post a picture of yourself.
    4 points
  3. It actually keeps the coffee too hot, haha. I'm used to a Tervis and after about 10mins it's cooled off some and easy drinking. 30mins later and I was still burning my mouth!!!
    3 points
  4. Positive vibes healing crystals is where it's at, man.
    3 points
  5. A friend of mine bought a used Mossburg at a pawn shop in Lawrenceburg a few months ago for $200 and it wasn't in bad shape at all. He has his in a soft bag in his shop just to keep the dust off of it. It works like it's supposed to. My son has an 870 and it's been nothing but a headache for him...just sayin'.
    2 points
  6. Assuming the extractor itself is in spec (it probably is) this has worked for a lot of folks with short-barreled ARs: http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/BCM-Extractor-Spring-Uprade-Kit-p/bcm-exspring-1.htm But it's mainly just the stiffer spring, o-ring seldom needed. You can get an o-ring at hardware store, it's a # 60, and you can get a stiffer spring elsewhere too. But a convenient way to get it all in one kit. - OS
    2 points
  7. For the Joe Bonamassa fans. Guitar Shorty has a similar style.
    2 points
  8. Toward the end of the Sunday service, the Minister asked, "How many of you have forgiven your enemies?" 80% held up their hands. The Minister then repeated his question. All responded this time, except one man, Walter Barnes. "Mr. Barnes, are you not willing to forgive your enemies?" "I don't have any," he replied gruffly. "Mr. Barnes, that is very unusual. How old are you?" "Ninety-eight," he replied. The congregation stood up and clapped their hands. "Oh, Mr. Barnes, would you please come down in front and tell us all how a person can live ninety-eight years and not have an enemy in the world?" The old man tottered down the aisle, stopped in front of the pulpit, turned around, faced the congregation, and said simply, "I outlived all them a$$holes." Then he calmly returned to his seat.
    2 points
  9. That is my concern more than any other of this entire election is the Supreme Court. It can destroy our Constitution and alter Americans total way of life begining with the 2nd Amendment. That alone should be enough to bring out every Republican, Conservative, Independent and even some Democrats that are firearms owners to swing vote away from the DNC. That is also a good point by several that have mentioned we need to also make sure we cast votes that will help us remain in control of the House and Senate. This is the election that is more about our childrens futures than ours. All I can ask is what kind of future do you want for your children and grandchildren?................jmho
    2 points
  10. Got a phone call this morning, and my answering machine picked it up before I got to the phone. Instead of letting it record, I picked it up to answer, so I don't have a recording of the call. What I heard was an automated message telling me to call this number, 1-669-235-4469, immediately or I would be called before a Federal Magistrate to answer for violations that I'd ignored. This is your second and last call, it said. Puzzled, I called the number. A voice, sounding somewhat middle eastern to me, answered and identified itself as Officer unintelligible name of the IRS. I asked again who was speaking and got the same garbled result. I asked again who this was and what it was all about. The voice asked for my name and telephone number. I said if you're the IRS, you should know that. To which the voice replied giving me the number I had called in on, but no further information. I asked again for identification of the person and the reason for the call. Again some barely intelligible voice saying I was in violation of Federal laws and would be arrested if I didn't comply. I asked what laws and what I had done, again asking for clarification. Got no answer, so I asked to speak to a supervisor. Then I was asked if I was John England. When I said no and didn't give my name, the call ended with a click. Beginnings of a scam? That's my thoughts. A search for the number revealed the information that backs up my thoughts on this. Still kind of freaked me getting a call like that. Thought my past might have been calling.
    1 point
  11. I've had several of the H&R's. They're arguably a better gun than the 870 (higher quality steel) and parts interchange. Barrels swap as well, with a little mod. I prefer them to the Remington's.
    1 point
  12. "The smallest minority is the individual " Ayn Rand I don't like Trump but to stay home and not try to vote him in over hillary is shall we say a little stupid.
    1 point
  13. The H&R is a 870 clone, including the steel receiver. The maverick and 500 are not steel. Academy has the H&R for 179.99 this week.
    1 point
  14. The H&R Pardner is pretty dang close to an 870 clone. Most all accessories fit. The Maverick 88 is a cheaper version of the Mossberg 500. Either one of these or a used 870 or 500 at a pawnshop should serve you well.
    1 point
  15. A couple of years back, I caught an 870 pump on sale at Dicks. There was an additional 20% off the sale price, and a $50 mail in rebate, so I took it home for under $200. You won't always stumble across a deal like that, but it does happen from time to time. You can't beat an 870 for simplicity and reliability. They had 12s and 20s for the same price. My only regret is that I didn't get one of each.
    1 point
  16. Have you seen the CZ 612? I almost bought one myself. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/cz-usa-612-home-defense-pump-12-gauge-06520-806703065205-185-barrel?a=1805504&ASEEK=1&utm_source=aseek&utm_medium=ammofeed&utm_campaign=links
    1 point
  17. The only time I've had my ice completely melt was last Monday. I filled it with ice and water in the morning and went to work. At around noon I had to drive to our other campus, and when I arrived over there I still had about 15oz of water and a big chunk of ice. I left it in the truck in 98*F temperatures, which was easily over 100*F inside the truck. When I came back to the truck at around 6:00PM, the ice was completely melted, the outside of the tumbler was very warm to the touch, but the water inside was still cool enough to drink. I was very impressed.
    1 point
  18. Coffee this morning was hot until I got out of church, which never happens. Ice water tonight has been frigid since I filled it this afternoon (that includes an hour in the parking lot in the hot car while I was grocery shopping). This thing is gonna be my new best friend!!! Good thing I've got one stashed away in case this one gets stolen!
    1 point
  19. I've had this knife for a few years and pulled it out today while going through my gun safe. Since I had it out, I thought I'd share some pics of it. It is a handcrafted knife made by Ken Largin of Kelgin Fine Cutlery. It's made with a Damascus steel he had made using material from the Campo del Cielo meteorite that landed in Argentina around 5,000 years ago. The handle is reconstituted stone and springbok horn with an ammonite buttcap. There is a small piece of the meteorite in the photos next to the blade. Overall length is about 8 inches and the blade is about 3.75" long. I received it in trade for some custom sheath work, but the funny thing is that I never got around to making a sheath for it. Ah, well... Like the old saying goes, the cobbler's children have no shoes.
    1 point
  20. I will. May try to do a "make up" order in August!
    1 point
  21. I have a friend that has a Mossberg 500 and he loves it. I have an Emperor and I love it. It has a Breacher Choke tube and has a very impressive pattern at 50 feet with 3 inch magnum BB rounds.
    1 point
  22. Email sent. Thanks Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. You should get the Bill Gates Serenity award or something. - OS
    1 point
  24. Longing for the days of the TN. Gun Collectors Assoc. shows at the fairgrounds. Only had them twice a year and nothing but guns. No jerky, no gutters and if you had a knife on the table you were politely told to put it away.
    1 point
  25. First off, what gas length is your barrel? It's possible you're so over gassed that the bolt is being pushed away with so much force the extractor can't grab, no mater what spring is in there. I'd do the BCM upgrade regardless, just because to me it's cheap insurance. Otherwise, if you're over gassed you need an adjustable gas block. Don't even fiddle with heavier buffers, springs, etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. Well...they certainly are persistant. Got another one yesterday. lol At least it was a different voice.
    1 point
  27. Since the bcg is the same between 556 and 300blk, I would pull a bcg out of a working gun and try it in the pistol. This will give you some idea of which parts are being problematic. I'm betting a new extractor will be your answer. PSA AR15 Extractor - 1346 $13.99 in stock at Palmetto State Armory
    1 point
  28. Maybe this? https://www.amazon.com/Thermik-Handle-Rambler-Tumblers-Black/dp/B01A7VKQD2 or this: https://www.rticcoolers.com/shop/drinkware/tumblers/RTIC-30-Handle Don't know how flexible they are. Maybe they could be pushed further up if it covers the logo.
    1 point
  29. Most revolvers will recoil more than a similarly size and weight semi auto in a comparable caliber. I have found only a few women that are ok with the snap of the 2" j frames. I have owned, or still do, just about every S&W revolver configuration. The all steel 36, 60, 640, 39, or similar are probably the best compromise for carry and shoot ability. Someone mentioned the 940 9mm and it is a heavy recoiling revolver and was discontinued partially because of malfunctions. They are also very pricey. The 32 family of S&W j frames can be pricey unless you find an older S&W 30 or 31, but then you give up a lot of energy. A rimfire revolver is a great option, but by nature they have a very stiff trigger.
    1 point
  30. These things are legitimate. I filled the 30oz with ice and water at noon. Road around a bit, drank all of the water and left the cup with ice in my suv til 10:30 pm. Very little ice had melted and there was still lots of ice. I'm so glad I purchased these cups. The 20oz kept my coffee hot til the last drop. Great idea!
    1 point
  31. I have carried Glocks , M&Ps and 1911s in 5 inch / 4.25 / 3.5 barrels. Calibers were / are 45acp , 10mm , .40 and 357 sig If the firearm is reliable and accurate enough the rest is just fluff. How much you practice has far more of an impact than the fluff. http://vintagepistols.com/40isbad.html
    1 point
  32. I expect many of them have seen it and probably wish it didn't exist because it puts their beliefs in a very bad light. I have noticed above all other things the people screaming the loudest about gun control are the ones that are surrounded by men and women packing guns to protect them so they don't have to worry about protection. You can bet if they didn't have the protection they do they would all be packing a gun and not be screaming that we as Americans should not have guns. If all of the men/women setting in plush comfy offices that own all these places they have made into killing fields had to work in them they would not be gun free zones. They don't mind risking the lives of the people making $7.50 an hour in a pizza store or working on the floor waiting tables for customers in a resturant, Working in a factory where some disgruntled employee gets fired and goes home and gets gun and comes back to take his rage out on employees that never did a thing to that person. Movie Theater Company owners don't care about charging $12.50 to $15.00 to go into one of their businesses to enjoy a movie but do care that you can protect yourself while in there so they don't allow you to be armed even though you have a legal permit that says you can carry a firearm. Or Students in a school or college where some board of directors does not set foot in desides that the students and teachers are expendible. As long as these Gun Free Zones (Killing Fields) exist and remain soft targets this will be an issue!..............jmho
    1 point
  33. I thought someone posted this here....but I can't find the thread. Has anyone tried these yet? Looks like a cool toy. http://www.thepocketshot.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html
    1 point
  34. The only real problem I've found with most handles is the fact that they get in the way when using a cup holder in your vehicle. The one I settled on was the Grapplr. It allows the 30 oz. RTIC to fit in most cup holders, but it will cover the TGO logo. For me, the biggest downside to the Grapplr is the very small handle. It wasn't comfortable to hold with large hands, especially with the weight of a full 30 oz. RTIC. However, the handle is just a standard 3" drawer pull, so you can find a replacement handle at any Lowe's or Home Depot. There are a million to choose from. Finding one that fits you shouldn't be a problem.
    1 point
  35. After reading the article it looks like the purpose is a refresh on the approach to firearms forensics, not a 'database'. Sort of like when the ability to test for DNA in blood started being used of the simple type of blood. Have to remember, any time someone gets a government grant, they are going to be successful and create the findings that keep that money coming in. Global warming/global cooling/climate change/climate disruption is a perfect example. If the .gov cut off research grants, that whole mess would disappear.
    1 point
  36. I wouldn't recommend a .22 rimfire semiauto for defensive carry. No restrike capability. A revolver in .22 is much preferable. JMHO.
    1 point
  37. Brand new expo center will be a nice space. Now we have to hope some guns show up instead of jerky and tasers Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. IMO the 38 special revolver is the worst gun for most shooters.....UNLESS....they have shot one, like it, and want one. I have 'rescued' several shooters over the past several years that were given a 38 revolver to qualify in their handgun carry class. Mistake. While small and convenient to carry, they are hard to hold quickly and comfortably. Terrible double-action trigger pull that is at least 10 times the weight of the gun (wonder why you can't hit anything?). And most are limited to 5 shots. So I would look at the Kahr, Shield, LCP, 320 Compact, or even some of the Glocks.
    1 point
  39. I own more guns than I've seen at some of the Lebanon shows. Maybe this will change. The Hendersonville location used to have a good show. It's a shame there are no more there.
    1 point
  40. Dusty really messed with one guy once. I heard a recording and damn near spit out my soup. And I wasn't even eating soup!
    1 point
  41. A man walked into a cowboy bar and ordered a beer just as President Clinton came on the TV. After a few sips he looked up at the screen and mumbled, "Now there is the biggest horse's ass I've ever seen." Immediately a customer at the end of the bar got up, walked over, decked him and left. A few minutes later, the man was finishing his beer when Hillary Clinton appeared on the TV. "She's a horse's ass too," he said. A customer from the other end of the bar got up, walked over and knocked him off his stool. "Dadgum!" the man said, climbing back up to the bar. "This must be Clinton country." "Nope," the bartender replied, "Horse country!"
    1 point
  42. The IRS doesn't call people, they send certified letters.
    1 point
  43. Of course it's a scam. What they were really after is the only question. I don't even answer the phone anymore unless it's a number in my contact list, or I'm expecting a call from that area code. If someone has something important to tell me, they can leave a voicemail. Once in a blue moon I get a voicemail, but it's always a recording asking for a callback and I'll only follow-up with a real person.
    1 point
  44. Muscle makes a great point... These guys (...and gals...) are great fabricators of all manner of nylon gear... They are my favorites... I've got one of their belts i like a lot (...plus lots of other stuff like tote bags, tool bags...etc... etc...)... More than that; they are entertaining as a bunch can get... Profane, monstrous, and over the top... Nothin not ta like about these folks... I like 'em... I do lots of business with them... And finally; as Muscle said, they are brother (...and sister...) Tennesseans... leroy
    1 point
  45. I don’t think open carry of a rifle should be illegal. For me personally I just feel open carry is a bad idea and it has nothing to do with cops or scaring the public; it is what my training and experiences has taught me. But no one is asking me to be responsible for the open carry folks; so they need to do whatever they are ready to take responsibility for. However…open carry of a rifle certainly comes with responsibility. If you are going to open carry any kind of a gun to a hate group rally; you need to have some extreme situational awareness. When someone starts shooting people from the crowd like they did in Dallas and you are standing by them, there is a very good possibility you are going to get killed. Open carrying in your day to day business as you make your rounds around town is something very different than open carrying at a hate rally. If the latter becomes a problem open carry will simply be banned.
    1 point
  46. I grew up shooting 1911's, Beretta 92's and Glocks, and I still enjoy shooting them, but I drank the CZ kool aid a few years back and carry a P07 most of the time. Now I have several CZ models on my short list to purchase-- CZ75 compact and a Rami are at the top of the list. Just about any CZ I shoot seems to be just an extension of my hand and I shoot them more accurate than any of my other handguns.
    1 point
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