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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2016 in all areas
5 points
I've had this knife for a few years and pulled it out today while going through my gun safe. Since I had it out, I thought I'd share some pics of it. It is a handcrafted knife made by Ken Largin of Kelgin Fine Cutlery. It's made with a Damascus steel he had made using material from the Campo del Cielo meteorite that landed in Argentina around 5,000 years ago. The handle is reconstituted stone and springbok horn with an ammonite buttcap. There is a small piece of the meteorite in the photos next to the blade. Overall length is about 8 inches and the blade is about 3.75" long. I received it in trade for some custom sheath work, but the funny thing is that I never got around to making a sheath for it. Ah, well... Like the old saying goes, the cobbler's children have no shoes.3 points
In my experience, "do whatever you want" does NOT mean I can do whatever I want. That's a woman's way of saying "Do it. I triple dog dare you to do it. Don't bother coming home if you do it."2 points
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I already told you that I deployed. Now, there's a ####load of skunks blocking I40 and chanting "give us the cheese".2 points
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I think I just hit "renew" instead of cancel to fix my problem. Maybe it takes a while for the system to recognize that you cancelled the invoice? You might consider PMing TGO David and asking him what to do.1 point
Well crap. This was from the other day. I guess I can put my guns and gear back in the safe. I thought we were calling out the militia or something.1 point
If it's a barrel you will actually get hot, I'd use this stuff. I've used it with great results. Needs to be baked for best results Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Well... It was a good cooking weekend but I'm kind of glad it is over. Smoked a turkey, 2 chickens, a bunch of lamb chops and some ground lamb & bacon treats. Just finished canning the last of the salsa. We ended up with 30 pints. I will probably make one more batch when the tomatoes start slowing down. That should get us through until next summer. Also got a couple pints of blackberries. It looks like there will be a big batch ready in about 2 weeks. Hoping I can get them before the critters do... Mark1 point
Welcome! Glad to have you aboard, except of course if you like 40S&W. Then, not so much. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I didn't buy any guns for over a year in order to save up for one. Best part is that I've been talking to my wife about the recent events and trying make up my mind between a .308 AR or an Ak47. Her response.....do whatever you want. Now that's a good wife! I missed out on a good Yugo but I did put a Wasr 10 on order.1 point
Why do companies feel the need to get involved in politics! Guaranteed to piss off customers1 point
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Are you sure you weren't smelling that skunk weed fatty and shooting at the neighbors cat?1 point
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You don't need many faculties to identify a skunk, especially after the first round or two1 point
After your few beers and the fat one, you sure it was a skunk? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I've been researching the .308 AR platform for a few months now and was going to wait and build one. However, lower receivers are not exactly easy to find even at regular price. I figured in lieu of recent events and the upcoming election, things are not going to get any cheaper. Due to my recent move I now have to hurry up and get my reloading room set up so I can start feeding this thing a healthy diet.1 point
Wish I would find something like that in my back seat instead of a bag of garbage1 point
I have friends in the tree business with a utility company. They swear by Husqvarna and the pro grade still stuff. I have a Jonesred which is a red Husqvarna and it's awesome. The key to these sallow engines I've found is avoid ethanol gas at all costs. Treat them right and they last for a very long time....1 point
My mom (she's the best!) bought me a 16" STIHL MS171 for my birthday a couple of years back. I only used it occasionally until the end of last summer. My brother decided he wanted to thicken up his 150 acres to improve deer habitat, so I spent the fall, winter and spring (3 days a week 6-8 hrs a day) falling large trash trees and hinge cutting smaller trees. After about 2 months of use it started bogging down when I would start my cut, I researched and found the the spark arrestor screen was coated with soot. I removed it and haven't had a problem since. I use STIHL 2 cycle oil (with 100% gas), STIHL bar oil, and STIHL chains. I have no idea how many hours I've put on that little saw in the last year, but it's a lot. I would buy another one.1 point
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I ran a Poulan for a for a few years but it couldn't hold a candle to a Stihl which is pretty much the only brand I'll recommend now. I did take the time to read the reviews on the Husqvarna 435 chainsaw on Amazon. It's worth reading. FWIW I've been pleased with the Husqvarna mowers and string trimmer I bought.1 point
Sometimes the only thing we can do is take care of ourselves and not become part of the problem. Civil unrest is not something I thought I'd ever see. I hope it doesn't escallate...1 point
Probably not the best 1st post a bit out of left field... but giving you the benefit of the doubt I'll say... Stay out of the way and don't give the LEO's another person to worry about.1 point
Guys... Just bought a rifle at Royal range in Bellevue and they are awesome. Cutting deals and intelligent guys to give good information. Check them out. Also... They've got cheap ammo. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I had the same problem. TGO David posted this way to fix it: "Chances are you had bought one (a subscription) at some point and you have a pending renewal invoice in your profile. Go to this link: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/clients/purchases/ Scroll down through the purchases and find the one with a pending renewal Use either the button to cancel it or renew If you cancel, you can buy a new one. If you renew, it achieves the same thing."1 point
My one and only Glock was a 19. I liked the gun, I liked how it looked and the size, but I just could not shoot it well. I tried for over a year and was just not a consistent shot with the gun. I'm not a Glock hater either. I actually just recently shot some long slide Glock a buddy of mine had and I was on the money with it. I just don't think the grip angle and sight radius combo on the 19 work for some folks.1 point
I've made several gun purchases from them. They've got a good selection of guns and ammunition.1 point
We not only have to worry about the dems/libs but also the rinos. We are pretty much screwed to the wall!1 point
Liberalism is definitely a mental disorder. Logic and common sense need not apply...1 point
I am guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No where is it written that my attacker's right s trump my basic three rights.1 point
If someone is about to assault me and possibly kill or harm me or a loved one I will at that point become Judge, Jury and executioner and do everything in my power to protect me and mine from harm..............jmho1 point
I figure that shooting a attacker is as fair a trial as they should get!1 point
How stupid is the person who wrote that article.1 point
Are shotguns safe for home defense.? Lets see.!!https://youtu.be/NiHppaidFfQ1 point
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This is how you can save your girlfriends life with a airgun..!!1 point
If you wear some pieces of plexiglass that makes you bullletproof..?? https://youtu.be/owktSvVwCW41 point
1 point
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