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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Got some new color on the frame of my FEG PJK-9HP. Liked the polished blue on the slide but it was a bit thin on the frame. Went with a two tone type finish. This is a shooter but I think it turned out great. Thanks to 173rdABN for doing great work!
    2 points
  2. I have a Kamado Joe and my buddy has a BGE. Neither of us have taken ours in during the winter and haven't had an issue. If you go with a BGE or Kamado Joe, I highly recommend the Joetisserie. It is made by KJ, but it will fit either the normal KJ or Large BGE. This is a couple of chickens I did. Literally, best chicken I have ever had. Also, even if you don't have a KJ or BGE, the Kamado Joe charcoal is killer. I have tried others and my buddy has had his BGE for about 5 years and he agrees on the charcoal. You guys inspired me tonight. Time for a filet and asparagus.
    2 points
  3. I don’t reload, but it’s great in this day and age to see companies that stand behind their product with excellent support when needed. Companies like Dillion and Smith & Wesson help keep the customer support levels of other companies up to par and help weed out those that don’t even try to compete on the customer support level. for them!
    2 points
  4. My dad is a retired USAF chaplain. When we were at Kadena on Okinawa he was assigned to the 909th Air Refueling Squadron. He flew a lot of missions with those guys, including some to gas up the Habu, aka the SR-71 Blackbird. He has some great pictures from those flights. I'll try to get my hands on them, scan them, and post some up here. Of all the pictures he took in all the years around some amazing aircraft, those are still my favorites. Those and the Space Shuttle arriving at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma on the back of the 747. That was pretty cool too.
    2 points
  5. Here are some more artillery pics if i can find all my old non digital and scan them i have some really good ones from Afghanistan
    2 points
  6. Tossed on some pork this past weekend. 13 hours of slow and low. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  7. Since we're sharing: https://vimeo.com/173566906
    2 points
  8. Well, we'll see if the rest of us poor bastards behave any differently -- because federal gun law will be much the same the next time the Dems get the Triumvirate in DC. And at some point they will, ya know. - OS
    2 points
  9. Ahm Kun Ra Ahm Kun Dei This thread shall rise again!!!
    2 points
  10. I got excited earlier as I saw a tracking number and thought it said the delivery was due for today. Turns out I misread and it said that the items would SHIP today. Regardless, I am hopeful I will have the tumblers in hand by the end of the week. So yay! Should be able to start breaking down the shipment over the weekend and boxing them up to begin going out to you folks the first of next week as long as everything arrives on time!
    2 points
  11. So just how big was the cheater pipe was you using.
    2 points
  12. So, as soon as Jerry Brown signed the law banning bullet button devices, the maker of the original Bullet Button released a new product. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
    2 points
  13. So doubletap is now selling .450 SMC. Had never heard of this round until recently... Gonna pick up a few boxes and see what it is like. Works in a standard .45 ACP gun that can handle +P ammo. Puts the .45 in 10mm power territory. Guess I missed the memo on this ammo, it looks pretty hardcore, especially that 185gr round.
    1 point
  14. Picked this up from my FFL dealer yesterday. Scoped it today and shot a few factory rounds thru it and managed to shoot a 4.5" group at 750 yards with factory Hornady ammo.
    1 point
  15. http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=F3Mosin9130HEX&name=HEX+Russian+1891%2f30+7.62x54R+Mosin+Nagant+Rifle+w%2f+Matching+Bayonet&groupid=5392
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Build the big boy. 308 or 260 would be fun too. I just finished my 308 and I have to say I had the most fun building it vs. my AR-15's.
    1 point
  18. Looking Great peejman! Canning is every bit as addictive as guns, shooting, and handloading. But I think it's too late to warn you at this point.
    1 point
  19. I have heard people say that it will work with most standard pistol buffer tubes but I opted to order the kak tube with the shockwave. I really like how secure the Allen screw locks onto the divots on this tube. I even have one on my 50 Beowulf pistol build and it is very secure.
    1 point
  20. I have a Sig brace on mine, I started with just putting it on a PSA pistol tube, it was tight but it could be used, just not sure about long term or if other pistol tubes are the same diameter. Since then I got the Sig tube and like it much better, specially with the spacers which allow you to adjust LOP. I got another brace for an upcoming build but got a different Sig compatible tube by Exos Defense, haven't assembled it yet but it looks like it will work just fine.
    1 point
  21. My Dad worked on the Zeus, Hercules, Ajax, Hawk, Pegasus and Pershing missle systems...both stateside and in Europe. He was standing in the gap in Germany during Kennedy's trouble with the Commies.....then onto 'Nam to satisify Johnson.....
    1 point
  22. My dad has one of those Oklahoma Joe grills. I love that thing! I just picked up a knock-off Egg at Lowes. http://www.lowes.com/pd/Char-Griller-AKORN-20-in-Kamado-Charcoal-Grill/3609214 When I get time to assemble it and cook, I'll post up if it works well or not.
    1 point
  23. they will either re-build or replace the machine. i sent one back to them several years ago for a rebuild. came back like new. they stand behind all things they sale, no questions asked. hard to beat a company that will do than.
    1 point
  24. If that's a few, how many is a lot? .
    1 point
  25. Is that what those young whippersnappers call it now? Times are a changin...
    1 point
  26. We not only have to worry about the dems/libs but also the rinos. We are pretty much screwed to the wall!
    1 point
  27. jpx2fk makes an excellent point. As I have said I have been riding for more than a few years. I will gladly partake of a tasty adult beverage when ALL the riding is done for the day. Bar hopping and riding is a recipe for disaster.
    1 point
  28. I know I am late to the party, but I am a bourbon newbie. I bought a bottle of Larceny on the recommendation of this thread, and I must admit it is nice and smooth.
    1 point
  29. I also had a bit of a slow time learning to draw my RMR Glock. Lots of dry practice and then competition to validate my practice helped me.
    1 point
  30. I am guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No where is it written that my attacker's right s trump my basic three rights.
    1 point
  31. I already have an armored leather jacket. The issue is that I have lost a lot of weight in the last month. I wasn't a big guy to begin with, So yesterday I bought a new one. It is a mesh Harley-Davidson branded jacket with light armor. I have a full face helmet, even though Kentucky doesn't have a helmet law, I will still wear one. My heavy jacket is too big now, by a fair bit. The one I bought last night fits great. I don't think I have bought something in a medium size since I was about ten years old. So that was new. The big thing I run into is, is since we moved up here for work several years ago, with a company I don't work for anymore, we never really made friends. I have my acquaintances from DPSG that I talk to on occasion, and I have more acquaintances from Dauenhauer where I am now. I also have some acquaintances at Domino's where I deliver pizza once a month (and the half price employee discount makes it all worthwhile.) But I don't really have anyone out side of work. I know how cliche it is, but I bought a Harley for two reasons. I wanted a Sportster Iron because it looks awesome, and I wanted to be part of a 'family.' The local dealership hosts events nearly every Saturday. I bought my bike during a cookout with a live band. There are several local riding clubs as well that get together on a weekly basis and use the local dealership as there starting place. In addition several of my coworkers at both current jobs ride. And most of them ride H-D. So I know there is a lot of hate toward the H-D 'branded lifestyle,' which is the biggest reason I bought the jacket with the name on it. I have a couple of friends on my other board I have been on for almost two decades now that absolutely hate H-D. But it is my bike. Not theirs.
    1 point
  32. I hope this isn't an unwanted hijack, but why the hell haven't we gotten together to do a TGO ride?
    1 point
  33. This is a tough time of year to try to get into a MSF class, but be patient and get in when you can. It's worth it. I got my first bike in 1981 and I just took the class in early May this year. I learned a LOT. In fact, I was surprised how much I didn't know from being self-taught. In the meantime, ride like everyone is trying to kill you. On a motorcycle it doesn't matter who's at fault in the accident. The guy on the bike ALWAYS loses. And, get some protective gear! A jacket with CE rated armor in the shoulders and elbows, some leather gloves with knuckle/wrist/finger armor, and some leather boots will go a long way toward saving you a lot of pain if you lowside your new ride.
    1 point
  34. For whatever it's worth, Falkor Defense will no longer sell anything to CA Leo, agents, or any government official.
    1 point
  35. Congrats! Harley's are a hate love relationship. More to come on that, but these days, you have to ride like everyone doesn't mind running you over or off the road. Mot attention to your surroundings. Cars, kids, other riders, deer and the ever popular dogs. Some dogs hate motorcycles like liberals hate freedom. They will startle you when they shoot out in to the street from a bush looking for your ankle. Take it slow, be on the defensive and take a course, read up and watch videos. Learn from others mistakes. Other than that, it is fun! Enjoy the breeze!
    1 point
  36. Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. I rarely post here, but felt like throwing in my 2 cents. Find a class and take the course. Its worth it. I've ridden for a long time, (42 years lol), and the biggest dangers in my opinion are texting/distracted drivers. Situational awareness! Enjoy the ride but keep your head on a swivel. I've had more close calls in the last five years than all the previous years combined and I chalk it up to cell phones. Congrats on the bike! I've got a sportster 1200s with a few mods. Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. You are wise and kind my friend. I am compelled to follow your advice.
    1 point
  39. They are also going full production on their grips too. http://www.czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=80867.0
    1 point
  40. Thanks guys . This rifle does work great for me . I guess he just wants to think he has better stuff than me. He is known to be like that I just let it go in one ear and out the other .
    1 point
  41. This is what all the freedom-loving Americans wanted after 9-11. I recall being called a traitor, a libtard, a terrorist sympathizer, and several other colorful things when I spoke out against it for this very reason. Now maybe folks are going to start understanding why we can't pick and choose how to apply civil liberties just because we are pissed at a certain group.
    1 point
  42. Yep. Depends on how good the soil is now, how much yield you want, how much work/money you're willing to spend on it. The UT Ag college does free soil analysis. You send in a sample, tell them what you want to grow, and they'll tell you what to do. https://ag.tennessee.edu/spp/Pages/soiltesting.aspx ok, it used to be free...
    1 point
  43. That and a little lime now and then.
    1 point
  44. Forget the foil. Wrap them in cheesecloth and keep the cheesecloth damp with the liquid of your choice - I like a vinegar/water mix because it gives a nice 'tangy' base for my home made dry rub which I put on after the meat comes off the smoker. Vinegar, water and apple juice are a nice mix to use on pork, too and I used a vinegar, water and white cranberry juice mix the one time I smoked a whole turkey. Just leave the cheesecloth on the entire time - the smoke still gets to the meat but it doesn't dry out. You may feel like you are unwrapping a mummy when all is said and done but it works really, really well. You won't get as much of a 'bark' but you will get plenty of smoke and a nice color on the surface - and you will likely still get some 'bark'. Of course, I am talking about doing the ribs over very indirect heat (as in my offset smoker.) I don't think the cheesecloth would work out too well directly over a flame/heat. I'd like to have one of those rib racks for use on the grill but probably wouldn't ever use one on the smoker, myself (not that there is anything wrong with it.) I use the cheesecloth method for just about everything I smoke - at least when I remember to get cheesecloth. For ribs, roasts and so on just wrap a couple of layers around it and make sure it is entirely covered. For chicken breasts, I lay those directly on the cooking grid and then just cover them with a piece of cheesecloth. Just remember to keep the cheesecloth damp - although once it really gets started the juices from the meat will sometimes help dampen the cloth which makes it sort of 'self basting'.
    1 point
  45. That looks damn good!! You sell that by the pound?
    1 point
  46. I have to agree with you there. Ha. Well worth the shop hours figuring this thing out. They finally arrived
    1 point
  47. Here ya go after 8 hrs , I figured in this time of crappy news of shootings we could all use some good ole pictures of homemade BBQ pork .
    1 point
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