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Found this sweet girl starving and out of water near henning tn. She's housebroken,loves people and kids. Very friendly,free to a good home. I already have three but don't have room for another, she hasn't been abused, just neglected. Pm me for more info. Thanks!!6 points
4 points
On my 2nd deployment in my first command, HS-14, onboard the USS Ranger (CV-61) we had one of our helos, a SH-3H Sea King, land on the USS Missouri (BB-63) due to MGB chip lights. She steamed along side to hop our broken helo over back to the Ranger. And she put on a little show.3 points
Stage 2 complete. Lower together. Stage 3: Let the fun begin. I am anxious to get this one out and start tuning. Now on to what scope to put on it??????????????3 points
As the others said, be careful. the most dangerous thing on the roads are other people pulling out in front of you, not paying attention to you. The other things is a saying "dress for the slide, not the ride". Guy that wrecked near me when I went over the cliff didn't have sufficient gear, he ran into a ditch at 15mph, I slid over a 60 foot cliff. I am alive, he is not. Hope that can express how important proper safety gear is.3 points
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May I assume this is for any military pictures? Or vintage historic pictures? I did 20 years in the USN and have recently started scanning some pictures to share with some buds that I deployed with. Is it ok that I share them on this thread also?2 points
I already have an armored leather jacket. The issue is that I have lost a lot of weight in the last month. I wasn't a big guy to begin with, So yesterday I bought a new one. It is a mesh Harley-Davidson branded jacket with light armor. I have a full face helmet, even though Kentucky doesn't have a helmet law, I will still wear one. My heavy jacket is too big now, by a fair bit. The one I bought last night fits great. I don't think I have bought something in a medium size since I was about ten years old. So that was new. The big thing I run into is, is since we moved up here for work several years ago, with a company I don't work for anymore, we never really made friends. I have my acquaintances from DPSG that I talk to on occasion, and I have more acquaintances from Dauenhauer where I am now. I also have some acquaintances at Domino's where I deliver pizza once a month (and the half price employee discount makes it all worthwhile.) But I don't really have anyone out side of work. I know how cliche it is, but I bought a Harley for two reasons. I wanted a Sportster Iron because it looks awesome, and I wanted to be part of a 'family.' The local dealership hosts events nearly every Saturday. I bought my bike during a cookout with a live band. There are several local riding clubs as well that get together on a weekly basis and use the local dealership as there starting place. In addition several of my coworkers at both current jobs ride. And most of them ride H-D. So I know there is a lot of hate toward the H-D 'branded lifestyle,' which is the biggest reason I bought the jacket with the name on it. I have a couple of friends on my other board I have been on for almost two decades now that absolutely hate H-D. But it is my bike. Not theirs.2 points
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+1 on the armor gear. It ain't always comfortable but kind of like carrying concealed. It's not much use if you aren't wearing it... I spent a couple weeks changing my wife's bandages because it was too hot for the mesh jacket... she still regrets that day when she wears a short sleeve shirt. The flip side is I've been run off the road twice in 25yrs and I was bruised but just bought a new jacket! Wear it!2 points
It was just my turn to be the clueless latecomer. I think I'll stick to Funny Pics until I get a law license.2 points
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BigK, hit the nail on the head for me. I enjoy group rides with people I know. I ride off to Texas every year to meet up with some good folks to ride the Texas Hill Country. Another group I have been riding with meets up every June and I enjoy riding with them also. However I am very cautious about riding with people that I have no idea of their riding skill sets. I also make a lot of miles each day and that doesn't sit well with many folks which also prompts me to ride alone. As such I spend most of my saddle time alone and enjoy the heck out of it. My wife rides some as well, but alas parenthood has taken its toll. Our 9 y/o son gets our attention and our time. Sadly the bikes sit idle on the trickle charger for way too long.1 point
I am sure glad to hear that! I showed my wife and as usual her eyes lit up like mine. But with 4 already it's hard seeing any animal needing a loving home. Glad this one was fortunate!1 point
Marines killed this tiger in Vietnam after the tiger killed one of their recon team.1 point
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From 97 to 2000 I was a SERE instructor and on our off or down week ends we would work with and train Scouts, Sea Cadets, etc. That's me doing the game demo for Scout parents.1 point
On my 96 deployment onboard the same Frigate, the USS Crommelin (FFG-37) we got supplies via vert-rep from this goofy little helo. The Kamen K-Max. They were doing sea trials on it.1 point
I did two tours in the HSL, Helicopter Antisubmarine-Light, community. When we deployed we would take certain liberties painting.1 point
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Heres a few I have scanned recently. Iwo Jima from my view on a Frigate that I deployed on in 941 point
Welcome to TGO. I've adapted to retirement quite well. If you don't have a hobby then get one...something that peaks your interest and avoid the wife's honeydew list at all costs.1 point
So, as soon as Jerry Brown signed the law banning bullet button devices, the maker of the original Bullet Button released a new product. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!1 point
Harley's are unique and antiquated. I love to ride them but also have a foreign bike. I have found that around here in East Tennessee, nearly all bikers are decent and don't care what you ride. With that, bikes are like shoes, different bikes for different terrain. You've got a nice bike but if it doesn't fit what you want out of it don't limit yourself. I'm a fan of multiple bikes! Except for the insurance and registration rates. Ride safe and perhaps we are due for a TGO ride.1 point
Guess I'm in the minority here on the 43, I really like mine. I bought it to replace my Double Tap for pocket carry and it has filled that role perfectly, shoots well too.1 point
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One time I heard someone say "Ride like everyone else is drunk, and you are invisible." Every time I get on the bike I think about that. The one time I had a close call, it was because I wasn't paying attention. You have to be vigilant. Constantly scan the road and look at every car and ask yourself "what will I do if they do X,Y or Z, " Then move to the next car. Find a buddy that rides, and do some long day trips with them. You'll pick up tips as you ride with someone else. Most of all enjoy it.1 point
I keep waiting for total industries to cut off CA. Whether it's a car engine or an AR15, I wouldn't pour money into R&D just to keep up with their excessively restrictive laws.1 point
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The question is would any of the new requirements have stopped a shooting? Did any of the old laws stop a shooting?1 point
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It was frowned upon to take pics of the Sub inside or outside, so I did not get any.1 point
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My greatest, greatest regret in life (so far...) is that I didn't take one single photo of my time in. Between Northern Ireland, Bosnia & Germany, plus all the regular banter & mateship stuff it would've made a great album. I wasn't in for long, but I'm proud of my stint & wish I had some more mementos.1 point
1 point
I took down my Rebel flag (which you can’t buy on EBAY any more) and peeled the NRA sticker off my front window. I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-ass Neighborhood Watch. I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard. Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN buy on EBAY) and ran it up the flag pole. Now the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching my house 24/7. I’ve NEVER felt safer and I’m saving $69.95 a month that ADT used to charge me. Plus, I bought burkas for my wife and I to wear when we shop or travel. Everyone moves out of the way and security can’t pat us down. If they say I'm a male wearing a burka, I just say I'm feeling like a woman today. Hot Damn — Safe at last — Ain’t America great or what?1 point
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Also, check out its two predecessors, The Last Man on Earth (Vincent Price) and The Omega Man (Charlton Heston). All three based on the Matheson story. - OS1 point
Lest there be any confusion on the matter, jeremymcneece is the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now have a properly bled and properly functioning power trim unit.My hat's off to you!1 point
Kinda stupid really. I love, respect and support our Service Men & Women but what makes them any more suited than the next guy? Most don't carry/use handguns at all. Not trying to take away from them in any way but a Jet engine mechanic, a surgeon and a cook [all vital roles] aren't exactly Tom Clancy novel material. I guess what I'm saying, if they're doing it as a way of saying "Thank you for your service" then I am 100% all for it. If their reasoning is that they are somehow MORE qualified, I don't agree.1 point
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Caster certainly doesn't need me to speak to his intellectual ability, but there's no place for calling another member of this forum retarded. Check your rhetoric. The ice is getting really thin underneath you.1 point
Good gawd, Spartacus. Academy, Wal-Mart, Dick's, Gander, CTD etc are businesses -- you know, those entities who have to make a buck to continue to exist. Especially with the first three, firearms are far from their primary revenue sources. Indeed, Wally and Dick's run profitable stores with no firearms sales at all, CTD used to do the same, and I'm sure Gander and Academy could do likewise. These places can run their affairs any way they like subject to the profit prognostications of their owners and/or the ROI for their stockholders. If CTD wants to gouge prices during a panic, or if Dick's, Wally, and Academy want to hide or discontinue their scary black rifles, fine. Consumerism will validate or refute those decisions. But it's unrealistic to ascribe some 2A responsibility on their part, they run their affairs via spreadsheet, and I run mine much the same in microcosm. Just like my groceries or anything else, I'll generally buy most of what I want firearms related at the best overall value I can find. If those purchases happen to coincide with a shared ethos between me and the vendor, so much the better, but I don't absolutely require it let go of a buck. Point is, above all I believe in free trade and competition -- you and I are free to patronize them or not -- bottom line for me is that the more places that sell firearms and ammo under any circumstances at all, the better for all of us, and at least indirectly, in support of 2A also. - OS1 point
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