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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2016 in all areas

  1. Urban Camo Paracord. Hell, if it's tied to both gun and person, it's more secure than some pocket carry we've all seen!
    3 points
  2. Back in 2012 I also wanted a 9mm carbine and saw some potential in the MPA 971. Stock, its an unwieldy tank. just terrible. So I re-machined it taking off nearly 3 lbs of dead weight. Added a heat shield and AKM wood up front, AR hammer and centered the FAL lower under the Cobray upper. It uses stock Cobray M11 "semi" bolts. Great shooter with the HD mil spec sumoi 72 round drums.
    3 points
  3. I'll agree with you very nearly 100%... However as a father of 2 millenials I have learned that kids in public school are being socialized in a way that takes away personal responsibility and directs blame at things rather than people. As they have both gotten older and had to face reality in the workplace and life in general I hear them say more and more that I was/am right but it's still unfair... Much that I tried to teach them is lost or buried. Time will tell if they can grasp that there are winner's and loser's in life and the thing that usually makes the difference is personal responsibility. Life is not fair, bad people exist, bad things happen, etc. Things don't make people bad, guns, coal power plants, V8 engines, religion... the list is endless. Regardless it is easier for them to say guns are bad, than to say a bad person used a gun. This is a blind spot for many people and some simply will not open their minds... I applaud your efforts and agree that the conversation needs to change the trick is to get them to listen in the first place.
    3 points
  4. Most likely, I will regret posting this. Many will disagree. We'll have people say this will never work. Nonetheless, here is what I'm working on to protect us, which is to change the conversation. I will try hard not to engage. Every time I have to apologize for being a dickhead on TGO it is around some kind of political issue. Demographics are not working in our favor. The gun control argument works very well with the demographic the will soon out grow us. I posted the following in response to this article: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/overhauling-mental-health-care-silver-bullet-reducing-gun/story?id=40193010 Note my approach, which is trying to change the conversation. If the issue is gun violence, then let's talk about how to reduce it. This was not written for us TGO types. This was written for the folks up north, in Chicago and in California. I will polish this and once it is really good, I'll send it as a letter to the editor to newspapers in the areas just mentioned. I will say that I'm open to comments on unintended consequences. **************************************************************************************** The journalist that wrote this article infers that the problem isn't mental health, but rather guns. He/she was dishonest as the comments by the experts in this article don't support that. If you look at what is said by the experts, they make one point, that mental health issues are not strongly associated with gun violence. Further, they state that mental health issues are not associated with violence. I take issue with politicians claiming they want to stop gun violence when their actions show that they use this topic for political gain. They view this topic as a way to rally the Democrat faithful and put little to no effort into solving the problem. The Republicans do same thing on different topics. Politicians exhibit this behavior because we reinforce them when they do it. We need to stop buying it. Notice that the gun expert didn't refer to guns when he spoke about violence. He spoke about the real issue, which is violence. Here is an example to make my point. First, these mass shootings are absolutely terrible - no doubt about it. They are also statistically insignificant relative to gun violence in the US. Far and away, most gun violence in the US is in the inner city. A young inner city man was killed by gun violence in my city recently. The police and inner city activists made a really good point, which targeted the true issue, which is violence. The point they made was that action was needed to get into the inner city and help youth understand that the rap music they listen to is a form of art, not a form of how the real world is or should be. When is the last time you heard a politician talking about that? If the opposing sides on the issue of gun control would lay that aside and collaborate on how to reduce both gun deaths and violence, we may really be able to make a difference. Here are focus areas I would like to see: · Marketing and safety campaigns around homes with children on keeping guns out of reach of the young ones and out of the hands of teens when adult supervision is not available. · Additional focus on reduced bullying and awareness of troubled teens. Inner city campaigns and education around violence not being the answer as well as teaching conflict resolution, etc... · Lay aside the gun control fight and look for common ground between the two sides to collaborate on reducing accidents and violence connected to guns.
    2 points
  5. It won't. You will never hear from that bill again. Just my opinion.
    2 points
  6. I have shot up a 'Doc's" many times. Good guy and have talked to several that have taken classes with him. Seems to be well-thought of and I have met some very nice folks at his place. I would recommend him. You can also search his credentials at the TAC 2 web site.
    2 points
  7. And read the book. It is better than all of them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  8. Also, check out its two predecessors, The Last Man on Earth (Vincent Price) and The Omega Man (Charlton Heston). All three based on the Matheson story. - OS
    2 points
  9. The problem is, as soon as you redirect counter to their beliefs they shut you out. I don't know how they come to some of the conclusions they do but somehow it makes sense to them. Reality just needs to happen to them, personally, because as long as someone else is the victim then it's the gun's fault. Watch how quickly they want to learn to protect themselves when they become victims!
    2 points
  10. Lest there be any confusion on the matter, jeremymcneece is the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now have a properly bled and properly functioning power trim unit.My hat's off to you!
    2 points
  11. One pant leg up, the other down. She's not LEO, she's in a gang.
    2 points
  12. Kinda stupid really. I love, respect and support our Service Men & Women but what makes them any more suited than the next guy? Most don't carry/use handguns at all. Not trying to take away from them in any way but a Jet engine mechanic, a surgeon and a cook [all vital roles] aren't exactly Tom Clancy novel material. I guess what I'm saying, if they're doing it as a way of saying "Thank you for your service" then I am 100% all for it. If their reasoning is that they are somehow MORE qualified, I don't agree.
    2 points
  13. Will do. I'll shoot you a PM when I'm ready. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. I promise this is the last outfit I try on Barbie tonight...
    1 point
  15. I'm looking at this one. I've heard good things about it especially on the scorpion. Will be getting one in a couple weeks for my pistol. http://www.primaryarms.com/primary-arms-advanced-micro-dot-with-push-buttons-and-up-to-50khour-battery-life/p/md-ads/
    1 point
  16. That is pure badassery. Makes me want to grab a flag and yell "Murcia." I'd jump at the opportunity to shoot that bad boy. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. My point was that there are probably plenty of folks who don't know that. Especially regarding car, as that just changed less than two years ago. - OS
    1 point
  18. Unless you really know that any given check uses exactly the same databases used by both NICS and TICS, you'll still never know for sure until you do a 4473. - OS
    1 point
  19. LOL. Not gonna do that, but nice to know it's an option.
    1 point
  20. Probably should have just sir I wouldn't do that if I was you. You got too worked up over something that a few words could have fixed or a little hands on if it went south.
    1 point
  21. No holster is required. You can dangle it from a string iffen ya wanna. - OS
    1 point
  22. That's the problem I had with the LEM in my USP compared to all my striker fire guns. I'd want to short stroke the HK because the reset was just a hair longer when I got to shooting faster.
    1 point
  23. Have you considered an ASP Defender OC unit for her? and yourself as well? I've had one for about 15 years and have run through several of the inert trainers in various training exercises. They serve the Kuboton role readily, make a decent striking tool, and are a darn good OC unit imho. https://www.asp-usa.com/store/defenders-oc/category/61-street-defender https://www.midwayusa.com/product/789389/asp-street-defender-pepper-spray-13-gram-aerosol-aerospace-aluminum-body-includes-key-ring-10-pct-oc-black
    1 point
  24. I'd thought of getting/making a kubotan for my wife. After i posted that it occurred to me that it's legal to carry a Scottish Claymore but you need a certificate to carry a stick? Only in TN....
    1 point
  25. If she didn't have it expunged odds are good it is still on there.
    1 point
  26. I'd guess it covers both reasons...and I don't even buy it as legit under a "thanks for your service" area. Like you mentioned, just because they served doesn't mean they know anything about pistol shooting, or the laws with regards to carry and self-defense.
    1 point
  27. MCTS Indoors - EW is having a low light Defensive Pistol match this Wednesdsy at Everything Weapons. Weapon mounted flashlights with appropriate holster or handheld is allowed. We will have the light on for those not comfortable yet with a handheld.
    1 point
  28. After some thought. I'll add these comments. If possible remove any labels such as republican/democrat etc. The media and many experts are doing a good job of making this an "us against them" argument "gun owners against peaceful people" when speaking to non gun owners about this the problem is making the issue personal to them, yet most people never experience real violence in their lifetimes. The feeling of helplessness that is communicated in the press by anti gun writers works because no one wants to be a "victim" of gun violence. No one wants to be victimized by a thing called a gun. It's easy for uninformed people to be against a heartless "thing" rather than admit that they could become a victim of someone violently crazy. Its not about mental health, its about a world full of victims that are happy being placid and depending on others for protection thinking if only they can take away the thing that makes it easy for someone to be violent. They miss the point that the "thing" (gun) is fairly unimportant. Violence it the important issue and the way to prevent most violence is to be an unattractive target. I'm a big guy and I almost never feel intimidated/threatened by anyone. My wife has had many experiences of feeling unsafe around others. No one wants to take guns away from the sheep dogs (police), or the attack dogs (military). They only want to take them away from the people that are unknown to them. People fear the unknown, how do we get them to take responsibility for themselves? They fear those that are tougher and stronger, or even just willing to take responsibility and be the first line of personal defense for themselves. How do we get them to want to be their own sheepdog? Another important fact that is nearly always left out is that gun owners are as a rule more law abiding than average. This is a statistical fact that is easily proven, but it doesn't fit the narrative. I have a friend that when he learned that I am a gun owner/collector admitted he wasn't sure what to think. Luckily he was open minded enough to discuss it and in the end admitted that his perception of guns was the problem, not his perception of me. He had good experiences with me that were provable, and no bad experiences with guns, only a perception from the media... I like this thread because we ALL need to work to change public perceptions away from THINGS being bad, to sometimes people do bad things... In short gun violence is about violence, not guns... Sorry for the long post.
    1 point
  29. Sounds pretty good to me. I'd remove the references to political parties and only say politicians. Using the party names will immediately cause many to take sides without considering anything you've said. I'd also remove the word "rap". That's gonna cause many to jump on the racism bandwagon.
    1 point
  30. In my eyes not too much has changed. It says all trustees must do a background but we can add and take away trustees any time we want. Remove all trustees but yourself when you submit and add the trustees back when you get your item approved. They cannot dictate who are trustees or when they became trustees. It is still easier for your family to deal with items in a trust than dealing with items in your name. With a trust they just come and get the items. As an individual they must submit a Form 5 and go through the exact same background as you did. The time frame is still going to be long and because you have to do a background check either way why not make it easy on your heirs.
    1 point
  31. After having reviewed the stage descriptions, I have decided to shelve the Glock in lieu of something that will allow me to put more rounds down range. Fire superiority. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. I feel like this fits perfectly...
    1 point
  33. I watched a video on you tube it showed to fill it in the up position,lower it,then raise it back up, and repeat four to give times to get all the air out Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G530A using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. Too sad. UTK's numero uno class act in history of athletics. - OS
    1 point
  35. I have been trying to purchase a 6 month premium Benefactor membership for the last week. I have tried on both my mac pro, droid, iPhone, and desktop at work (dell i think). When I click add to cart it just gets stuck. The circle still rotates as if its trying to do something but never does. Not a tech guy so don't know how else to describe it lol.
    1 point
  36. Call me weird, but I really don't like running steel case if I can help it.
    1 point
  37. Glock 20. Can use for personal defense and hunt with it if SHTF.
    1 point
  38. I dunno... wearing a tightly cinched belt around sweat pants... in Walmart... sounds like he might fit right in
    1 point
  39. You could always suggest they lose a couple inches, see where that gets you.
    1 point
  40. Wow! My guess (after reading the whole story) is that he probably has a bad habbit of playing with it and forgot that he was in public. However, that's a terribly bad habbit that can get him or someone else hurt. I think you handled it well and did a good job staying alert. I'll keep an eye out for this guy while shopping in Cleveland.
    1 point
  41. Think what you will but this country needs to take over the health care industry and stop all this foolishness. Regardless of Obamacare, we are going to reach that point anyway. There is no way in hell the average citizen can afford health care at the rate costs are increasing and they have been increasing at this rate for years. Prove me wrong....and tell me why. "Death panels" and "free market economy" are not valid arguments.
    1 point
  42. Concur. Dishonest government activist in charge of secret list that has no recourse to clear your name would be their tool. Look at CA.
    1 point
  43. Like others, I got my letter from BCBS week or so ago. My insurance, just for little old (62) me is now over $500 per month. This is up from a little over $300 a year ago. Only health issue is cholesterol. Take 5mg of creator. and go to the DR twice a year. So i am paying over $6000 a year now, and by the way high deductible policy. If it goes up 36% i will be paying around $700 a month. .
    1 point
  44. Hawaii is already leading the way with a recently passed bill awaiting the Governor's signature. They want to put all of the state's gun owners into an FBI database. While not exactly the same as declaring everyone a terrorist, it's still Big Brother keeping track of every gun owner. http://www.kitv.com/story/32254891/proposed-federal-hawaii-gun-database-could-face-legal-battle
    1 point
  45. Yep, I guess you can say that voting has consequences.
    1 point
  46. I'm on my wife's BCBS thru her work, and its' $400/mo just to add me on to her policy. There was an increase but her employer picked up the increase. She wants to retire in December, so I dont know what we'll do then. Go broke paying for horrible insurance coverage.
    1 point
  47. My employer went back to BCBS a few months ago and it jacked my rates up. I was paying $108 a month for family coverage before with UHC now $260 a month. Keeps going it will be more expensive to be a working member of society than to just get the gubment handout.
    1 point
  48. I don't like it either. IMHO the Shield is a much better gun. This is the one time I choose a S&W over a Glock. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  49. When I get home, my Wicked Edge will be able to handle blades up to 1/4 Inch thick, the new jaws finally came out!
    1 point
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