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You could always suggest they lose a couple inches, see where that gets you.3 points
Got drawn for a bear hunt this coming winter and this is the result of me "needing" a new rifle for bear...more pics to follow as I wrap up the build. Ammo teaser to begin with .458 SOCOM vs .223 ammo2 points
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I'm anxious to see them. We ordered 72 of these so it was a fairly sizable order. Lots of fun!2 points
Used some old barn door wood to display a couple rifles that where handed down to me. Thought I would throw in my old pistol and spurs. Wife thinks its a lil over the top LOL.2 points
Lever action .30-30. Winchester or Marlin (Probably Marlin for the scope options) Can & will take anything I'd ever come across, regardless of leg-count. Happy to be loaded super light with round balls for tiny game or heavy for big game. Totally happy with black powder, in case that ever became important..... Short, light, ever so handy. It's almost like an AR, but for grown ups2 points
Done. That felt dirty clicking "Democrat". Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
XxthejuicexX Inspired me to post this this new topic based on the inspirational musings of Ron Swanson. Feel free to expand.1 point
Yep i saw some regular priced stuff there but seemed the "private sales" were way high1 point
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I also have the HP995TS and enjoy shooting it. It's a great improvement over the original "Planet of the Apes" gun. It does not like hollow points or Promag 15 round magazines though. Been toying with the idea of buying some Redball mags, which have a 20rd capacity, to see how they do.1 point
To muddy your waters, both Ruger and Marlin made 9mm carbines, they occasionally pop up. Taurus had / has one, based on their LE model. The review I read said this 600-800 gun took 10 round proprietary mags... I've got the flawless bottom rung, a HP995, other than the 10 round mag, it runs and is fun1 point
Why, you don't think they have it already? Give a fake email like everyone else.1 point
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It’s a trick question then; no one can get by with one gun.1 point
The Kel-Tec Sub2000 is a really good option. Very accurate, and with the mag options to likely match your carry pistol, it's a really good choice.1 point
Yeah. It's funny to watch the reaction of women customers particularly, when I explain that carrying a weapon is going to require wardrobe adjustments if they plan to carry on body. Whenever I explain that IWB is going to require them to buy the next size pant to make room for the gun, they sure get huffy. "I am not ABOUT to buy bigger clothes! Forget it!" lol1 point
5.45? I have both an AKM and a 74. While I like the idea of the 7.62 x 39 round, it just is not that much fun for me to shoot. Sure, it is big, reliable, proven, etc., and really slams those steel targets, but I also have to have a good cheek weld or a day of shooting may give me AK cheek. Even Rob Ski uses that big after market muzzle brake to make those 5000 round torture tests easier. OTOH, the 5.45 is simply easy to deal with. I notice very little recoil or muzzle jump whether the brake is on or not (took it off several times just to see). The other comparison of the calibers that no one talks about much is the weight of full mags. Several full 7.62 mags are just heavy, especially the bombproof metal surplus ones. Everyone talks about getting an AKM for when the SHTF. Well, a SHTF ammo load of 7.62 is going to be a real load. As I said, I have both and want to keep both. If I come across another AKM that I like, then I will have two of them. My point is just that for shooting enjoyment, I grab the 74 every time.1 point
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The 74 muzzle brake is quite effective for eliminating muzzle rise Bulgarian side folder:1 point
S&W M&P9C. Can't conceal carry a rifle or shotgun.1 point
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It sure will be mighty fearful times when the SHTF. Reading these two stories reminds me of one of the very few things my father told me about his service as an Officer in the Wehrmacht during WWII. During any type of discussion or confrontation, once a hand went to rest on a holstered gun, someone had to back down or it was game on. Wonder how many jokers will survive the transition form peace time la-la land to SHTF days. Not looking forward to it, but as they say, Its in Gods hands.1 point
Nail one of these to each side of every tree. Deer won't come near them. None of us will either1 point
I planted small fruit trees at my place, deer would eat the leaves leaving them bald. I placed 4' welded wire fencing around each tree with no room to jump in and not close enough to the tree for them to eat the leaves, about 2' away from the branches.1 point
Dude, I was just picking up some envelopes to mail some letters. Sorry you didn't like my attire. Just kidding. Might be someone on the forum though. Good job keeping your eyes open. I am glad there are people like you ready to take action to protect themselves and potentially others. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Wow! My guess (after reading the whole story) is that he probably has a bad habbit of playing with it and forgot that he was in public. However, that's a terribly bad habbit that can get him or someone else hurt. I think you handled it well and did a good job staying alert. I'll keep an eye out for this guy while shopping in Cleveland.1 point
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I can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted this... Well, I finally got my gamer gun. The was going to wait for the CZ Shadow 2 to come out, but I wound up buying an STI Tactical 5.0. I didn't realize 9mm STI mags were nonexistent right now, so it won't see a match until that changes. Kinda needs a fiber optic front sight and a little trigger work, too. Hopefully I can get out to shoot it tomorrow.1 point
Hell, I moved down here to GTFOOD! I'm w/ you guys, I'm sticking it out here. Just purchased 17 acre's at the end of a windy country road ... just hope I can get it improved and the house built before the schumer really hits the oscillator! - K1 point
I wanted to provide an update: The final approval to go to production with our order was given today so we are probably 8-10 days out before they ship to me, probably 4-5 days of transit time, and then I will be breaking out the individual purchases and getting them shipped out to all of you.1 point
I always wondered how much business the pawn shop really did anyway. I can't recall ever seeing anything in there for a reasonable price. Took my permit class there, it was alright. Nothing really noteworthy either way.1 point
My wife has used quite a bit of reclaimed wood in the house and she is the one that saved the old barn doors. We have beams from a building in Chattanooga from the 1840's in the new house. Thanks HGTV lol.1 point
The answer I put on why I didn't think there would be any meaningful legislation passed this year..... There is not time left in the year for Congress to fashion a bill that would protect both civil liberties and do anything useful to address the real problem. Simply banning certain types of guns is not a panacea and would have little effect on crime.....we did that in the 90s and it had little effect.... So now many - even Democrats- view that with a skeptical eye and feel that banning guns at a time when we are under attack by terrorists is a foolish feel good measure that will have no effect on safety.1 point
What a bunch of morons. The least they could do is sell the guns and give them to a good cause. I guess they aren't worried about anything other than publicity or they would have thought this through a little more. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
Wow, that's a bunch of ..... AR propaganda.[emoji6] AR's are like trophy wives. The best they look is when they aren't yours. Expensive to maintain. Require immediate and constant upgrades and accessories. Need constant attention (maintenance) or they get whiny. The older they get the worse they look. AK's are the girl next door. They get better looking with age, don't complain, and always get the job done. Here's my go to! Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk1 point
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I like their stuff. They're usually real proud of it.1 point
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Was in Everything Weapons this past week picking up a special order and saw the new 'urban grey' suppressor ready series that CZ has come out with. I held three of them and lo and behold a CZ 75 P-01 with the omega trigger jumped in my truck. Really like the trigger. Ran it through it's paces today in the woods shooting steel at about 20 yards. Ran and shot great. Was hitting very consistently both suppressed and straight up. Really sweet little gun. Love the color and how it fits my hand.1 point
I actually bought a truck today at Toyota of Murfreesboro. They worked with me to source the truck I wanted and I got a good deal. It was a cash deal, so it was quick and pretty painless. It's interesting when you talk to several dealerships in a short period of time. You can tell the ones that really want to sell a truck. You can also clearly tell the ones that just don't care. Oddly enough knowing exactly what you want seems to do more harm than good on the typical lot. You really have to find someone who realizes, that while they may not make quite as much money, they also don't really have to do any actual work,1 point
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Thanks for your comments folks, its very satisfying to take a neat old gun in sad shape and put the jump back in them. I'v never used any Aguila but if their Colibri 22 is primer fired, I want some! I only have about 200 rds of CCI left. Many years ago I used to have the RWS CB's with the egg corn head stamp. Taught my son how to shoot on those when he was little. As a matter of fact that was nearly 20 years ago as seen here... Once bonded, How many of you know this feeling?1 point
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