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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2016 in all areas

  1. I wanted to provide an update: The final approval to go to production with our order was given today so we are probably 8-10 days out before they ship to me, probably 4-5 days of transit time, and then I will be breaking out the individual purchases and getting them shipped out to all of you.
    5 points
  2. More business for someone else I know!
    3 points
  3. Nail one of these to each side of every tree. Deer won't come near them. None of us will either
    2 points
  4. Done. That felt dirty clicking "Democrat". Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. Well, it took me a week to find what I wanted, but she's home now
    2 points
  6. Okay, I've been following a guy on another forum about a 9mm suppressor he built on a form 1. Simple aluminum tube, 1-1/4 ID, aluminum K baffles with a stainless expansion chamber. I've been following him because I have a form 1 filed and was planning to use his prints for a 9mm carbine. Here's the rub. He says he has ZERO noise reduction. An 8 inch can with 6 K baffles, cross drilled and a nice expansion chamber. The whole can was align bored after assembly to .390 What could he POSSIBLY have done wrong? When I get approval, this will be the first can I have made from scratch and I'm not really interested in repeating someone else's mistakes. I know there's a "first round pop" some times as the oxygen is evacuated. BUT multiple rounds and no difference in noise? Something is seriously wrong.
    1 point
  7. Dude, I was just picking up some envelopes to mail some letters. Sorry you didn't like my attire. Just kidding. Might be someone on the forum though. Good job keeping your eyes open. I am glad there are people like you ready to take action to protect themselves and potentially others. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Wow! My guess (after reading the whole story) is that he probably has a bad habbit of playing with it and forgot that he was in public. However, that's a terribly bad habbit that can get him or someone else hurt. I think you handled it well and did a good job staying alert. I'll keep an eye out for this guy while shopping in Cleveland.
    1 point
  9. That is all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. I picked up this FEG Hi Power clone from the deal that Buds was running a couple of weeks ago. I've always liked the Hi Power design for it's historical significance, and when this came up for a reasonable price it felt like the right time to take the plunge. Plus, it fits all of my 1911 holsters! Gratuitous gun porn pic: One thing I've noticed is that the barrel is not like a typical Hi Power barrel, it doesn't have the cam typically found on them. Any Hi Power experts that could shed some light on this? Below is a picture of the barrel. Also, when I completely stripped it to remove all the cosmoline, I couldn't get the two small pins in the trigger group out. I really want to remove that obscenity-inducing magazine safety. Any tips? Or if anyone knows a good gunsmith in the Nashville area who is knowledgable about Hi Powers, that would be appreciated too. Thanks!
    1 point
  11. Think what you will but this country needs to take over the health care industry and stop all this foolishness. Regardless of Obamacare, we are going to reach that point anyway. There is no way in hell the average citizen can afford health care at the rate costs are increasing and they have been increasing at this rate for years. Prove me wrong....and tell me why. "Death panels" and "free market economy" are not valid arguments.
    1 point
  12. Sumner Gun & Supply 526 W Main St, Gallatin, TN 37066 · (615) 206-8685 Open 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    1 point
  13. I though Walmart dumped AR's over a year ago. They were slashing prices to ridiculously low levels.
    1 point
  14. Right. You absolutely can buy a gun and give it to someone (Christmas present, etc) as long as the recipient is not prohibited from being able to own the gun. This guy did not get turned down for being a journalist....he got turned down for for being a known douche bag wife beater with an alcohol problem.
    1 point
  15. If I read the story correctly, he never took possession of the weapon. And, if he purchased the gun with the intent to give to someone else, that is not a felony per se, only if the next party was a prohibited person and the buyer knew that, then that is a felony. Of course, you can't purchase a weapon for someone else if they are providing the money, say to get an employee discount or something like that, even if the final recipient is not a prohibited person. So to be safe, its best to give a gift certificate or gift card so they can fill out the 4473 themselves. Ain't weapon laws wonderfully easy to understand?
    1 point
  16. If he were arrested for transferring it back to the dealer, or turning it into the cops; then he would have a legitimate gripe they were doing it because he was a reporter.
    1 point
  17. I considered a PTR 91 or M1A for a long time or a Larue Predator in 7.62 but I decided to go big, so I saved and waited for 5 years and I just purchased a FN Scar 17S in FDE. I'm glad I did and couldn't be happier, I realize that it's not in everyone's budget, but if you have time to save and can wait I highly recommend them. But if you can't wait I'd recommend the Springfield M1A, just my .02. But if you like the AR style .308 then you might wanna go dpms, good rifle and on the lower end of the price spectrum of battle rifles.
    1 point
  18. Most think "bad things" may happen at home, or they are safe by simply avoiding bad areas. Actually just the opposite is true. 90% of attacks happen outside the home in the public arena. Likely to happen in daylight or well-lit area. One must develop and assume a carry life-style. You can't call time out to retrieve your gun.
    1 point
  19. CMP is offering some 308 Garand's.
    1 point
  20. That will make their head spin a good bit.
    1 point
  21. You might still be able to convince him to dump his husband....
    1 point
  22. Haha. I see how that case could be made. It's wrong, but makes a certain kind of sense to those who refuse to see Lincoln as the monster he was.
    1 point
  23. I was a journalist for years and purchased many guns without problem. So, I'm definitely not buying his "I was denied for being a journalist" argument. Of course, I produced fact-based content and wasn't out to ambush anyone with my work. This was definitely poetic justice on a karmic level.
    1 point
  24. I can't speak for all gay people any more than I can speak for all gun owners, but I got my permit two weeks after my 21st birthday and have carried since. I could probably count the number of times I was unarmed on one hand. My husband doesn't carry and has no interest in it, or guns in general. He can shoot and is familiar with all the firearms in our house, but that's about it. I said right after the Orlando shooting that this might be an opportunity for republicans to make some headway with the gay community. That doesn't look as likely anymore, but I think there's still an opening for gun owners to introduce some new people to firearms. A lot of gay people do keep an eye out for anti-gay hatred in most of society, but "gay" places have been a chance to let your guard down. Orlando drove the point home that there are no safe spaces...for anyone, gay or straight. Evil exists, and you are responsible for you own safety. I've spoken with a few people in the last couple of weeks that are interested in shooting, carrying, and looking out for themselves. I hate that it took a tragedy to get their attention, but nothing we can do about that. I know a lot of gays that have carried for a long time, but that's partially because birds of a feather flock together. No surprise that most of my friends are pro gun, gay or straight so I can't say "most gays carry" because my sample size is relatively small. This has definitely gotten more people interested though, and that's a good thing. Armed gays don't get bashed. [emoji106]
    1 point
  25. You've gotta learn to settle for what you can get and learn to love it...my wife loves it when I say that.
    1 point
  26. I didn't see anywhere to see the results. I am curious if they will even make them public. Of course if they think it helps them they will, but if it doesn't go their way, I don't think we will ever see the results.
    1 point
  27. Pretty sure they aren't gonna like my answers....just sayin'.
    1 point
  28. Getting an HCP is one thing. It's a start, but also an end for a lot of people. Carrying everyday, everywhere you can, and caring about gun rights like we do is another matter entirely.
    1 point
  29. Sounds like his wife is the one that needs to buy a gun...............jmho
    1 point
  30. Wish granted. Too bad it costs so much in blood for folk to wake up. http://www.denverpost.com/2016/06/21/concealed-carry-gun-applications-increase-colorado/ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/may/29/dc-concealed-carry-applications-soar-while-good-re/ http://www.krem.com/news/local/spokane-county/spokane-police-see-spike-in-concealed-weapons-applications_20160106092349555/11539801
    1 point
  31. Sharks w/ fricking laser beams, that's why!
    1 point
  32. I wish there were more all over the country.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Modern JHP .380 will get the job done. I'm sure our 938 owners will weigh in. Practice 9mm is cheaper than .380 which is the only reason I no longer have a .380 pistol.
    1 point
  35. DPMS is selling .308 rifles under $1000. My first choice would be an FAL, but might be hard to do at your price. Probably some CETMEs still out there. Mags and parts are cheap.
    1 point
  36. It's a mid-length. I bought mine direct from Alexander Arms for $195. I trust them since Bill Alexander helped design the round. It's double fluted and very light. While it's a plinker for me with steel ammo, because of its light weight I will probably hunt with it some this fall.
    1 point
  37. you don't want a Winchester 100. They had a firing pin recall back in the 80's and most of them never got the very few FP's that were made. On top of that the action bars get fatigued and become brittle and crack if they get shot a lot. They are great as M88 lever guns but the autos were way too weak a design. I have a SAR48 FAL and would never sell it. I tuned it for reloads and shot a fluke group once of 10 consecutive in 3/8ths hole at 100. The Saw butt went down the road because of the super low check weld. I bought a first year M1A back in 77 and it was a very reliable shooter but what killed it for me was the hot barrel wandering groups. NM bedding is not a easy fix so I sold it and went for the FAL & never looked back. Hot barrel wandering is nearly non existent compared to the M1A. I was drooling over this one just from condition alone! I wasn't the only one as you can see it top at nearly a grand and that is really not bad at all. http://www.gunbroker.com/item/563196578 There are basic kits running about 500 on GB and the boys over at FAL Files will walk you threw getting a receiver and what all. But you need FAL specific tools and good machine understanding to get the barrel timing right w/ headspacing a recoil shoulder fitment. If you are going after a group shooter build on the AR platform. They are the easiest to dial in for that but its tough to beat the machined quality (NON stamping reciever) of the battle tested FAL. You just cant go wrong with a FAL and its with in your price range.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. I forgot about the BM59 I shot one years ago. As I recall it was a solid weapon.
    1 point
  40. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. It not as fast to use as the old, too many clicks and picks required. I assume I’ll get it figured out; but haven’t yet.
    1 point
  42. Thank you to all who ordered! Ordering is now closed for the tumblers. This weekend I'll be tallying up totals and submitting them to the supplier for engraving!
    1 point
  43. If this is true, Academy must think they have more liberal customers than conservative ones.
    1 point
  44. I think the sore spot with all firearm warranties is the $55 no other option one way shipping fee. A few weeks to fix, I'm ok with that as long as it comes back fixed. You would think a brand name like Sig would send you a shipping label, at least for the first owner
    1 point
  45. Here's a pair you don't get to see everyday. The one on the left started off as a Henry H001, now I refer to it as the "Damascus Boy". It's had the large lever loop and fiber optic sight added, the marvel was cut to 16.25" and threaded, mag tube was all cut to work with the Huntertown Guardian suppressor, and cerakoted to match parkerizing with a Damascus pattern on the receiver. The one on the right is a Marlin 336 pre safety that's been cut down to 16.25" and threaded. It's had the irons removed, added a polymer stock set, large loop lever cerakoted in various "tactical" colors and it now wears a Leupold Mark AR. It's sporting a YHM Phantom direct thread can.
    1 point
  46. 5.56 AK and 7.62 AR? So, either of those can use whichever bathroom they want I guess? - OS
    1 point
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