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Used some old barn door wood to display a couple rifles that where handed down to me. Thought I would throw in my old pistol and spurs. Wife thinks its a lil over the top LOL.8 points
I can't speak for all gay people any more than I can speak for all gun owners, but I got my permit two weeks after my 21st birthday and have carried since. I could probably count the number of times I was unarmed on one hand. My husband doesn't carry and has no interest in it, or guns in general. He can shoot and is familiar with all the firearms in our house, but that's about it. I said right after the Orlando shooting that this might be an opportunity for republicans to make some headway with the gay community. That doesn't look as likely anymore, but I think there's still an opening for gun owners to introduce some new people to firearms. A lot of gay people do keep an eye out for anti-gay hatred in most of society, but "gay" places have been a chance to let your guard down. Orlando drove the point home that there are no safe spaces...for anyone, gay or straight. Evil exists, and you are responsible for you own safety. I've spoken with a few people in the last couple of weeks that are interested in shooting, carrying, and looking out for themselves. I hate that it took a tragedy to get their attention, but nothing we can do about that. I know a lot of gays that have carried for a long time, but that's partially because birds of a feather flock together. No surprise that most of my friends are pro gun, gay or straight so I can't say "most gays carry" because my sample size is relatively small. This has definitely gotten more people interested though, and that's a good thing. Armed gays don't get bashed. [emoji106]7 points
I'm betting the deal breaker is your unnatural love for Rugers. That's way gayer than two guys getting married6 points
For the most part, LGBT want the same as all people want. To be left the hell alone and to be safe. Being able to protect ones self is part of this.6 points
This is what I kinda don't understand. These people are Americans. I don't really care what their sexual preference is, they're Americans. I didn't fly the "gay pride" flag after the attack in Orlando, I flew the American flag. To me, it seems like we're playing right into the hands of those that would wish to divide us when we isolate people or ourselves, for that matter. I didn't think "wow, I bet there are some queers that are going to get themselves a gun now!", I thought "I bet there will be more Americans that exercise their rights". I wish I could articulate my feelings better, I just don't understand all the focus on the homosexual aspect. We lost Americans in that attack, not "gays". Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk6 points
Could be. I can't pretend to speak for that community. That said, I have several friends who are just like you and me - they don't expect anyone to come to their rescue. They see defending themselves and their families as their job. More gun owners is a good thing. If there are Americans, gay, straight or otherwise who are taking their protection more seriously, we're all the better for it.6 points
I find it pretty humorous that there is a portion of our population that has somehow convinced themselves that "the gays" are just now finding guns in the wake of The Pulse shooting, and that there aren't a substantial number who have been carrying as long or longer as it's been legal to do so. Guns really aren't a left or right issue. They're an American issue. And, like it or not the LGBT community is full of Americans.6 points
Hopefully they will be smart enough to destroy the 250k because everyone knows you use money to buy these instruments of death.4 points
I'm profoundly frustrated that the government had ample opportunity to prevent the Orlando shooter from getting guns, and failed. I'm profoundly frustrated that the police, the protectors of the people, took three hours to come to the rescue of the citizens. I'm profoundly frustrated that the Liberals in our government are ignoring the Radical Muslin Terrorist / mental health aspect of this event, and shifting the blame to guns & gun owners. Sounds to me like instead of gun law reform, we need government reform.4 points
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I have a lot of gay friends that are Democrats because they believe that Republicans hate them. Then I know others that are Republicans, and some that are libertarians. I know several that are shooters. For the most part, all normal folks. In a lot of cases, you wouldn't know they are gay. When it comes to adding to the shooting community, the more the merrier.3 points
I strongly suspect that they were silently reimbursed by someone with an anti-gun agenda.3 points
I never knew that semi automatic guns reload themselves with each pull of the trigger. Don't know about y'all, but mine runs out ammo pretty quick and I have to manually reload them. Mine must be defective.3 points
In case anyone was curious. I did some research and discovered that the striker assembly doesn't like too much lube (or any at all). So I took it apart, cleaned it and dried it out really well. Back at the range it didn't have any issues at all. 3 magazines rapid fire and no issues.3 points
In the NYT of all places! http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/06/22/opinion/the-lgbt-case-for-guns.html?hpw&rref=opinion&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=well-region®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=1&referer= "This is a call to L.G.B.T. people to take their own defense seriously, and to question the left-leaning institutions that tell them guns are bad, and should be left to the professionals. Become a professional. You’re allowed. That’s what the Second Amendment is for. We can fight back when our lives depend on it."2 points
Dang. A woman into guns and old ford trucks woulda been perfect for me. I was gonna ask if you wanted to dump the husband.2 points
I don't think anyone should tell them what they can or cannot do with their property. That doesn't mean I don't reserve the right to think that they are unbridled idiots.2 points
Not as much as you think. Just an example, a full crate (880 rounds) of 7.62x54r weighs roughly 60 lbs. At 13000 lbs. (6.5 tons) that's about 217 crates, or approximately 2 pallets. There are a lot of people who stockpile those amounts and more ...2 points
Since most non military "social purposes" fights in the US are LESS than 25 yards, the accuracy is more than you'll ever need (even a 4" at 100 yd gun is a 1" at 25 yard gun), the mag holds more than you'd likely ever shoot (most civilian use of rifle goes less than 4 rounds) , the sights are simple and are a notch and post like your pistol , the 7.62x39 HP, SP and plastic tipped hunting bullets (like CorBon,Winchester, Hornady, Federal, etc) are all accurate and perform well on people sized game, and the AK will still run when it is filthy if you are not very fastidious about cleaning your gun and an $89 ultimak allows you to mount an aimpoint micro without changing the balance of the gun if you feel the need for an optic.2 points
That's why we have wills. I don't have any immediate family members who would get my guns that would do this. Honestly, I will make sure mine go to a few people who will keep and appreciate them. I don't worry about them after that point.2 points
Getting an HCP is one thing. It's a start, but also an end for a lot of people. Carrying everyday, everywhere you can, and caring about gun rights like we do is another matter entirely.2 points
The watch lists are by definition "enemy lists" this is a very slippery slope. All totalitarian governmenta use such lists and everyone is encouraged to inform on each other. Frequently the reasons are "you are on a list, we are already warching you, but if you inform then you will be protected" This is a lie of course... Many of these lists get populated by looking at organizations such as the NRA too. It's not as far fetched an idea as some would think, and we've already had a senator say in public that the problem is "due process" it gets in the way of using the list for gun control... What really gets me is that the Dems hated the list under Bush for the same due process reasons. I agreed with them then! The agenda has changed for them, not for me.2 points
The "Average" gunowner is just that...average. Much like the "average lawn mower owner", "average car owner" or "average golfer". They know a little , think they know more than they do, don't really care to be better informed, and don't really give it much thought. They own guns like I own a hammer....just in case of emergency but I have no desire to build things and it wouldn't bother me if I never had to hammer a nail into anything ever again. Others own it like most people own golf clubs...to play once or twice a year with their buddies, complaining the whole time about how bad they play and the rest of the time the clubs sit in the closet and the average golfer neither cares about getting better at the sport and certainly does not want to invest the practice time to actually get better. Like most people the "average gun owners" cruise through life concerned more with "keeping up with the Joneses" and keeping ahead of their credit card bills each month than with how their rights are affected by political decisions in Nashville or Washington. They think the President "makes laws" , think "the government" is trying to "take their guns" and want to make sure that before "the government" does that they can make sure they get all the "bullets" , "clips", AR15s, whatever they will ever need "while they still can" , and at the same time thinks the NRA is just a nebulous group of telemarketers and mail marketers out to get more money or a boogeyman that supports terrorists, white supremacists and crack addicts having machine guns ...yet they don't understand how continually mindlessly voting for the same candidates who their union tells them to vote for actually brings them closer to that whole "government taking your guns away" actually happening.... and they cant understand why it is the party they keep voting for that keeps trying to pass the laws that will limit what guns and ammo they can buy..... They think a magazine is a "clip", a semi auto firearm is an "automatic", think "bullets" are what you call cartridges, think "Heads" is what you call bullets (or slugs...thank you TV cop shows), think "Smith and Western" is the brand name of the revolver they inherited from their grand father, think "bulk" is some buzz word that some how makes 1000 rounds of "bulk" ammo different than 1000 rounds of "regular" ammo (OK, but is it "bulk"?) , think "knock down power" is a real thing, think everything they see on TV cop shows with regards to firearms , firearm laws, use of force and gunhandling is correct, and think that because they "grew up around guns " they know all they will ever need to know. Well .....I grew up around electricity and I flip light switches on and off every day.....that does NOT make me an electrician by osmosis.... That is why nationwide about 4% of people have permits to carry , only about 1% carry on a regular basis and why only about 1/10 of that number take any additional training classes after their permit class. There are plenty of people who OWN guns that are not "Gun Nuts", or even "Gun people" and certainly not competent gun carriers....and frankly....most of them are OK with that....they just do not care. In fact SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Manufacturers Institute ) thinks that about 25% of firearms purchased are never even fired. So what we sometimes view as typical ...or "average" might be average within our particular peer group but it is in no way indicative of society (or gun owners) at large.2 points
Something about these little 100 plus year old wheel guns that is intriguing. With a working one in my hand, I often think it may well have been assembled by an old Civil War vet. Well anyway, I picked this up on GB about a year ago for about a hundred bucks. Last month I did a similar rebuild on a little 22 short called a Captain Jack. The Ranger is a good choice for a rebuild since it uses coil springs for the cylinder latch lever and cylinder locking lug. Also the hand is sprung very nicely with a strong spring arm pined into the hammer. Many of these early mouse guns used tiny leaf springs that would be a real pain to fab up since they are usually shot. As with a lot of these, I had to beat the cylinder pin out of the gun. The cylinder had about .016" end shake so the picture shows the building up of weld that will extend the length of the cylinder and I will turn the weld into a thicker bushing face. The original diameter over the cylinder pin was very thin allowing the hammer to beat the cylinder forward over the many firings. Heres the turned cylinder with a new pin made from oil hardened drill rod. Once the cylinder is fit into the frame with virtually no forward to back play, The barrel face is turned back and drilled out to .250". Then a new 22 sleeve is turned to fit and epoxied into the barrel. most any of these early guns will have the hammer and or the trigger sear wiped out as seen here. The fix is once again a build up of weld and recutting the hammer sear notches. Reshaped and the trigger spring was trimmed to lighten it up to a far more comfortable let off. After the trigger is re-timed with the action, I simply hardened it with Kasenite. The front sight was missing so I soldered in a new blade and trimmed it down to POA. The target is a 7 round cylinder string fired off hand at 6 feet. The only rounds that I would say is safe to fire in a well functioning BP mouse gun are CCI #0026 22 SHORT CB rounds. These round have no powder in them. only a primer charge. I'm always on the look out for those CCI #0026 rounds. I use them in an old Belgian Flobert type rolling block I have. You gotta love putting life back into these grand old guns! I sure do1 point
Anyone heard anything about this? http://therighttobear.com/21-in-this-state-buy-a-gun-and-carry-concealed-today/1 point
As a native Mountaineer its a fact for sure. My mother who just turned 63 is going to now start carrying a snub 38 to her job at the probation office. I've told her for years to get a permit and carry, but the whole class and inconvenience of permit process dissuaded her. "she knows how to shoot and doesn't need the state to prove it" I'm glad they passed it. Of course, if you want to travel out of state you still have to have a permit, which the state still offers if you choose.1 point
The article states the seller has the final say; based on the buyer's very public record of being dangerous (even though he DID come to Jesus) the seller was being prudent and could legitimately be concerned the buyer's record was not current in the system. As Nelson says so well, "ha ha"1 point
I've never been gay before but I might give it a shot. What say you 56, you ever been with a straight bear before?1 point
Haha. I see how that case could be made. It's wrong, but makes a certain kind of sense to those who refuse to see Lincoln as the monster he was.1 point
Devil's advocate here but; Who's the rightful owner? That would be them. Is a person NOT entitled to do with their property however they see fit so long as it's legal? They can shove them up their butt and cluck like a chicken if that makes them happy. I wouldn't do it, you wouldn't do but it IS their decision. How angry do we get when we are told what we can and cannot do with our own property? Ultimately, the destruction of their property only makes YOUR property more valuable. A fool and his money are soon parted. Let the fools piss away their money. Means NOTHING to me. I'm neither impressed or outraged but perfectly indifferent to all idiots and their decisions so long as it doesn't impact the rest of our lives.1 point
I think this is a bunch of bogus reporting myself, has anyone thought how much 6.5 tons of ammo is. I don't believe anyone in Kali had that many guns and that much ammo. Funny they are going to keep the 250K cash. If they would have sold the guns they would have donated the money to Hillary or Bernie anyway. Makes all of our guns more valuable the way I look at it. Morons!!!!! This is why even single people need a will, leave your stuff to someone that will enjoy like you do.1 point
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Could be. Still think they would have made more money selling the guns and ammo. Just imagine if the 6.5 tons was all 22. They'd be friggin billionaires. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
They will do anything to insert the word "automatic" into a gun conversation1 point
What a bunch of morons. The least they could do is sell the guns and give them to a good cause. I guess they aren't worried about anything other than publicity or they would have thought this through a little more. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
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I don't see an issue as long as they plan on having a frog bake, or boil, or whatever. If the meat is getting eaten, no harm done IMO. I'm sure worst case scenario there would be umpteen homeless shelters happy to get the meat. Hobo's dining on frog legs and goose liver, now there's an image.1 point
BCBS had offers WAY below CIGNA and the others ones in the ACA Marketplace. Not sure if they were hoping people just didn't use the services like they did, or the .gov teat would subsidize their losses, but the rate increase request being this big seems to be them admitting their strategy the first few years didn't work out. More discussion here: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/91913-obamacare-rate-increase/?page=41 point
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I know we need to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists. (Kind of a dumb azz question) But I’m not for gun control; I’m for terrorist control.1 point
Very glad to hear they stepped up quickly. Please let me know how quickly they remedy this, too?1 point
At such an appropriate time, too. I'm gonna piss off some liberals this week. Wrapped in crossed AR-15's, a deep dislike for liberals, and advanced asshole skills. Gonna be fun.1 point
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