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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2016 in all areas

  1. Have a Snickers
    4 points
  2. This is hilarious. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2016/06/21/liberal-reporter-attempts-to-buy-ar15-to-prove-how-easy-it-is-gets-rejected-n2181256
    2 points
  3. In case anyone was curious. I did some research and discovered that the striker assembly doesn't like too much lube (or any at all). So I took it apart, cleaned it and dried it out really well. Back at the range it didn't have any issues at all. 3 magazines rapid fire and no issues.
    2 points
  4. Sounds like his wife is the one that needs to buy a gun...............jmho
    2 points
  5. I looked at AK's but decided to go for a CZ vz 58 instead. Not because I'm a CZ fanboy (although I am), but after research and reading/seeing reviews, I'm just more intrigued by a vz 58 than an AK. (That's not to say there won't be an AK in my future though.)
    2 points
  6. Even if they did point it out it would not matter...TRUTH is not something they are at all interested in....
    2 points
  7. I like AKs because of the history behind them. All of mine are builds on original kits. The design is pure genius in its simplicity. Check out this Yugo M72 RPK It has a carving from their civil war that says "with faith in god, freedom or death"
    2 points
  8. How about this.... 1. Do you think people should be able to give away or sell their own personal property without asking the government for permission (if so you DON'T believe in universal background checks). 2. Do you believe that it is OK for the Govt to deny people their constitutional rights without due process? (If not then you DON'T believe in keeping people on the TSA no fly list from buying a gun) 3. Do you believe in the fundamental right of every man woman and child to defend themselves from unlawful violence? If you answered no you are an idiot. If you answered yes then go to 3B.... 3B. If so then do you believe that the old, infirm, physically weak should be able to efficiently and effectively defend themselves from younger bigger , stronger multiple attackers? If so then you are NOT anti gun becasue semi auto fire arms with standard capacity magazines is the best way for weaker victims to defend themselves from multiple attackers. 4. Do you believe only the govt and police should have firearms? If so you are NOT "anti gun"....you are anti freedom, and pro totalitarianism and an enabler of mass genocide. You believe that ordinary people INCLUDING YOURSELF do not have the common sense or ability to safely handle and use inanimate objects without accidentally (or maliciously) hurting others. As such only people who are employed by the state somehow are given special powers that other people do not have to somehow make them "safe" to possess these "evil" objects. The problem is historically that when only the government has them...the government ceases to be subservient to the people and you see genocide and ethnic cleansing like Cuba, Cambodia, USSR, Germany, the former Yugoslavia Etc......
    2 points
  9. I picked up a 2nd TGO set a year ago or so and wanted to build it different with a longer barrel. I built the lower not long after I bought them but the upper has been on the back burner due to wanting to sbr the other TGO set and buy an Omega suppressor. Since I've finished those two items off the "want/need" list I got started on this again. So before I continue with the build list, the first thing most of you should notice is the birdcage isn't timed. I'm puttin an Odin Works comp on this rifle until my Omega gets out of jail, so the A2 is just there to protect the threads and only had a used crush washer. Pains me to see it on this rifle but I had to do with what I had. CMT TGO receivers CMMG lower parts kit with trigger soon to be replaced with ALG ACT Magpul MOE+ grip and Moe stock Geissele Mk8 13" Mlok rail Seekins Precision bolt catch and mag release BCM bolt carrier group, Mod 3 charging handle, and buffer tube assembly Ballistic Advantage Hanson 18" barrel with pinned gas block (waiting on Odin comp) A.R.M.S. 30mm qd rings Optics ?? Thinking something along the lines of 4-12ish in probably Vortex? BUIS- Troy Battlesights will be my choice
    1 point
  10. TN Action Pistol will be hosting an IDPA match this Wednesday June 22th at Sumner Gun & Supply in Gallatin, TN. Setup at 5pm, new shooters meeting 5:50, shooters meeting / announcements at 6pm, rounds down range just after announcements. New, safe shooters welcome.
    1 point
  11. You joke, but we really do have snipe hunting here, and you can only shoot them in season. - OS
    1 point
  12. OH I know you put a few pennies into that rail.. but honestly if you love it, it's worth it. I'm the same way. I know that I could buy a knock off for 1/3 of the price.... but i'll never be satisfied with it unless I get what I want. This is also why I have a smaller collection and tons of "long term" projects.
    1 point
  13. I agree! Thanks NBS, I've never ran a Geiselle rail, but liked the other versions they had. When I started seeing reviews of the Mk8, I knew right then that I wanted it on this build. Definitely not on the cheap side but I'm not putting one on every AR I own either!
    1 point
  14. Sure is a good looking rifle for such an ugly man. gratz man, that's slick. I've always loved the look of that rail.
    1 point
  15. I have a neighbor that takes in feral cats. I can't believe that the neighborhood still has rabbits, but we do. There is a local shelter that does their spay/neuter at no cost. If you asked around locally, you might be able to find one. I understand not wanting to have them around, but if you don't want to SSS it is the humane solution. Or the ASPCA. As it is the legal version of SSS. Myself, I don't know that I could do it, as I am an animal lover, but it does burn me up when someone isn't responsible enough to maintain their own pet population. Speaking of, I have a kitten that needs to be gelded...
    1 point
  16. Wish granted. Too bad it costs so much in blood for folk to wake up. http://www.denverpost.com/2016/06/21/concealed-carry-gun-applications-increase-colorado/ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/may/29/dc-concealed-carry-applications-soar-while-good-re/ http://www.krem.com/news/local/spokane-county/spokane-police-see-spike-in-concealed-weapons-applications_20160106092349555/11539801
    1 point
  17. Thanks, looks better like that!
    1 point
  18. I have no idea why I did this... but I did it.
    1 point
  19. He's just preparing for Sharknado 4.
    1 point
  20. Keep in mind, however, that much of the 'newer' .380 self defense ammo was developed just in the last decade or so and was developed with the P3AT as the test platform. In other words, such ammo was designed in response to the .380 pocket gun surge that was created by the P3AT (heck, it was popular enough that Ruger copied it) and in some cases virtually built from the ground up to work in the smallest .380 semiauto out there. I think that was a unique case because .380 wasn't all that popular in this country, before, so there wasn't a whole lot of choice before ammo companies responded to the then new demand. In some ways, it caused ammo companies that wanted a portion of the profits from selling .380 ammo to reinvent the wheel where .380 self defense bullets and loads were concerned. Full disclosure, though, I must admit I still mostly carry Hydra Shok in mine - it doesn't expand as well as some others in testing but seems to give some expansion and really good penetration plus when I first started carrying the P3AT it was about all I could find so it has been thoroughly function tested in mine. The situation is different with 9mm, however. There are already plenty of choices for SD ammo in 9mm on the market. There are even some that are supposed to be good for 'short barreled' pistols. My guess would be, however, that when such ammo was developed 'short barrel' meant a pistol that wasn't quite as large as a duty pistol, not micro 9 pocket pistols. Therefore, again - just guessing - I would imagine that none of those loads and bullets have been developed 'from the ground up' specifically with a micro 9 as the test platform and really - unlike .380 before the pocket .380 craze - as there is no dearth of 9mm SD ammo to choose from I would be surprised if ammo manufacturers expend the R&D time and money to do so in any, big way. Does this mean that a pocket 9 wouldn't still be more powerful than a pocket .380? Probably not - but due to bullets and loads having been designed specifically for micro .380 pistols I do believe that the 'end user' performance gap is probably a lot more narrow than one might think. Another factor is power for size. Honestly, I still believe that .380 is kind of pushing the reliability envelope in such small, lightweight guns, not to mention shootability. Heck, there is a reason I usually prefer my S&W 642 over the P3AT for pocket carry. Personally, I just don't know that I could truly trust an itty-bitty 9mm or my ability to not 'limp wrist' the little beastie under the kind of stress that fighting for my life would generate.
    1 point
  21. The "Average" gunowner is just that...average. Much like the "average lawn mower owner", "average car owner" or "average golfer". They know a little , think they know more than they do, don't really care to be better informed, and don't really give it much thought. They own guns like I own a hammer....just in case of emergency but I have no desire to build things and it wouldn't bother me if I never had to hammer a nail into anything ever again. Others own it like most people own golf clubs...to play once or twice a year with their buddies, complaining the whole time about how bad they play and the rest of the time the clubs sit in the closet and the average golfer neither cares about getting better at the sport and certainly does not want to invest the practice time to actually get better. Like most people the "average gun owners" cruise through life concerned more with "keeping up with the Joneses" and keeping ahead of their credit card bills each month than with how their rights are affected by political decisions in Nashville or Washington. They think the President "makes laws" , think "the government" is trying to "take their guns" and want to make sure that before "the government" does that they can make sure they get all the "bullets" , "clips", AR15s, whatever they will ever need "while they still can" , and at the same time thinks the NRA is just a nebulous group of telemarketers and mail marketers out to get more money or a boogeyman that supports terrorists, white supremacists and crack addicts having machine guns ...yet they don't understand how continually mindlessly voting for the same candidates who their union tells them to vote for actually brings them closer to that whole "government taking your guns away" actually happening.... and they cant understand why it is the party they keep voting for that keeps trying to pass the laws that will limit what guns and ammo they can buy..... They think a magazine is a "clip", a semi auto firearm is an "automatic", think "bullets" are what you call cartridges, think "Heads" is what you call bullets (or slugs...thank you TV cop shows), think "Smith and Western" is the brand name of the revolver they inherited from their grand father, think "bulk" is some buzz word that some how makes 1000 rounds of "bulk" ammo different than 1000 rounds of "regular" ammo (OK, but is it "bulk"?) , think "knock down power" is a real thing, think everything they see on TV cop shows with regards to firearms , firearm laws, use of force and gunhandling is correct, and think that because they "grew up around guns " they know all they will ever need to know. Well .....I grew up around electricity and I flip light switches on and off every day.....that does NOT make me an electrician by osmosis.... That is why nationwide about 4% of people have permits to carry , only about 1% carry on a regular basis and why only about 1/10 of that number take any additional training classes after their permit class. There are plenty of people who OWN guns that are not "Gun Nuts", or even "Gun people" and certainly not competent gun carriers....and frankly....most of them are OK with that....they just do not care. In fact SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Manufacturers Institute ) thinks that about 25% of firearms purchased are never even fired. So what we sometimes view as typical ...or "average" might be average within our particular peer group but it is in no way indicative of society (or gun owners) at large.
    1 point
  22. He should issue an executive order that makes breaking the law illegal. That'll fix it for sure.
    1 point
  23. Look into low a cost spay/neuter service. Sometimes it can be a cheap as free. My mom used to volunteer for one in Soddy. If they're a nuisance, call animal control and they'll dispose of them.
    1 point
  24. I'm profoundly frustrated that people like him are allowed to waste precious oxygen.
    1 point
  25. Or better yet, do give in at all?
    1 point
  26. Poplar it a good wood for furniture building among other things. Maybe you know someone that is a carpenter that might want to take a look at it.
    1 point
  27. If you bought it new did it come from Davidson distributors? Many LGS use Davidson's and the have an exchange warranty on their guns regardless of the brand. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. I've been to several games and don't remember a posting. Website says no guns with or without a permit. Not sure how that flys legally. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. I have been to several games, but knew I was going to have a beer and left the carry piece at home. I didn't see a posting, and they don't have metal detectors. There is usually a guy at the entrance with a wand, but I haven't seen them check anyone.
    1 point
  30. We sold every one in the house. Not supporting condescending pricks. Doesn't matter if I like the product, never again.
    1 point
  31. Went last weekend, didn't see a posting and didn't get a pat down of any sort either. Made no difference as I didn't have one with me though. Had started day drinking with a plan of staying home until I got a last minute call from a buddy who drove us down there. It it is a nice park, don't remember who won the game though...
    1 point
  32. Which baffles me. If I were in Washington, I'd be making any background check bills tied into removing items from NFA laws, or getting rid of the $200 tax stamp, or other stuff.
    1 point
  33. We got 'em both... I wouldn't turn around for the difference between a 238, a 938, a j frame snubby 38, or an SP 101... Don't be fooled... Short barrels are short barrels, no matter what flavor they are... As others have wisely said; ballistic performance is calmed down in short barreled weapons of any flavor... If you can shoot; any of these choices will work... All that bein said; I like the "shootability", for lack of a better term; with the 238... Much easier to follow up with than the 938... If ya wear baggy britches; carry a j frame or an sp101... If ya wear dress clothes, shorts, jeans, or a tight skirt... Carry the 238 or the 938... If you want absolute firepower; carry a high capacity shotgun... That's how i see things from the bunker this mornin... leroy
    1 point
  34. Hits on target are what matters. A hit with a .22 is better than a miss with a 20mm. I carry my P3AT regularly this time of year. My wife has an LCP. We also have a Shield 9 and it's excellent, though too big to carry in my pockets. YMMV. There's plenty of test data out there to help you decide which ammo is best. http://www.luckygunner.com/labs/self-defense-ammo-ballistic-tests/
    1 point
  35. Modern JHP .380 will get the job done. I'm sure our 938 owners will weigh in. Practice 9mm is cheaper than .380 which is the only reason I no longer have a .380 pistol.
    1 point
  36. Come on now Smith! I loved the "ARs are like trophy wives" description, but really.....then you show us a photo of a Vegas showgirl. Nobody has a girl like that living next door!
    1 point
  37. The answer to your query is "quite willing". The left is not the friend to free speech that they have portrayed themselves to be. As they have gained control of the public sphere (starting with academia) they have increasingly sought to prohibit or outright criminalize contrary or unpopular speech by classifying it as "hate speech". It has been easy to miss if one hasn't paid attention to what has been happening on college campuses and their love affair with "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces" but it is about the control of what is considered allowable speech. The battle on campus has been all but won and the full court press is on to spread it outward into the rest of the public sphere. Freedom of of expression for all is vital when you are in the minority. It's dangerous when you've claimed the majority.
    1 point
  38. I don't know about anyone else, but I see background checks just like the GCA; gun control. So in my case it's not that I support background checks, it's that I tolerate them. But I am hard pressed to see any other way to keep guns away from criminals. The thing is, background checks, tax stamps, and CCW permits have become a way to put money into the system, otherwise why not make it free? Why a bg check for each purchase vs per person? Why a bg check when you have a CCW, Military, LEO, have a Security Clearance? Why can't you have prohibited weapons without a $200 tax? Does $200 make you less likely to commit heinous acts? No, it's all about control, nothing else.
    1 point
  39. Hey, just left the coast for TN. Welcome, i'm new here too!
    1 point
  40. Call 'em back. A different CS rep may have a totally different attitude. If not, ask to speak to a supervisor. If they're still unco-operative, raise 14 kinds of hell with them. They have to hear the wheel squeaking before they'll grease it.
    1 point
  41. Not if you live in a log house. I use walnut media for carpenter bees and wasp. Years ago had a friend, Walt Riggs, that was origionally from Maryville that used a spray from the co-op for them, I believe it was Diazon, but believe it has since been outlawed, think it contained Dioxin. Walt passed away from cancer last year and was returned and buried in Maryville, don't know if the bee spray had anything to do with his death or not but seem to remember "agentt orange" had Dioxin in it. Maybe my memory is getting fuzzy like my eye sight, getting old kind of does this to you.
    1 point
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